Dexter (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

BOOK: Dexter (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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Copyright ©2012 Erica Chilson

First Edition:

Revised Edition: November 2012


Mistress & Master of Restraint
story of Restraint began with Katya Waters. We followed her journey of self-discovery as she merged the mysteries of her past with her twisted present. Join the characters of Restraint as they tell the story from their points of view. The following book delves into the mind of the Sadist-
Dexter, Master of Restraint.

Follow Dexter as he solves the mystery of who is feeding Restraint's nemesis, Adelaide Whittenhower
, information about the area's M
asters. The release of Adelaide's tell-all book, The Masters of Restraint, as well as all the media coverage has put Restraint's future in jeopardy. Can Dexter find the mole before it's too late?

License Notice:

No part of this may be reproduced, copied, scanned, or distributed in electronic or printed form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This
may not be resold or given away to other people. If you wish to share this
with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




Publisher Notice:

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





This is a work of erotic fiction. The author does not endorse nor condone any of the behavior enclosed within. The subject matter is not appropriate for minors. Please note this novel may contain explicit sexual situations that include but are not limited to, dubious consent, BDSM activities, bisexual acts, ménage, and multiple partners. If any of the above mentioned acts offend, please do not read. Readers, please play safely, responsibly, and consensually.







Titles by Erica Chilson


Mistress and Master of Restraint
series order






Queen Omnibus*






The Playroom

Good Girl


Coming soon:
Shattered (Atticus Fox)


Chrysalis (The Lilies
Coming early 2013





My parents for their support as my life shattered around me. They allowed me to the pick up the pieces and put myself back together again in the warmth of their unconditional love. No words could express the depths of my gratitude. Thank you both for allowing me to chase my dream of bringing my imagination into reality.
Thanks to my lovely sister for her contribution of the cover art.


My Wicked Readers, I want to thank you for enriching my daily life. You bring entertainment, joy, and a ton of laughs. I want to thank all of my betas! Kris, Amber, Sass, and Cassie, I couldn’t do this without all of your help. You keep me sane when the muse is in overdrive. Thanks for all the advice and a shoulder to
vent on!


I thank the readers for sending me encouraging emails and comments. Writing is my passion, but entertaining even one person with my imagination is a massive rush.

Please contact me via email:
[email protected]

Table of Contents:

Copyright Page

Titles by Erica Chilson


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four




About the Author          











Master of Restraint

Chapter One

Every night when I walk into Restraint it’s like a battle zone. Tonight’s no different.
“Can you feel that?” Aaron puts his hand on my shoulder. “It’s charging the air.
Any minute now.”

“If this goes on any longer they’ll shut us down,” I say in his direction but my eyes never leave the crowd. “I don’t mean the city. They love the revenue we’re bringing in. I mean the Lifestyle. We’re giving them a bad name.”
“If I ever lay eyes on that bitch again, I’ll kill her,” the young man hisses. Aaron may look like a burly bouncer, but Restraint’s manager is
a big teddy bear. That is until a member of the family is affected. In this case, it’s every damned one of us.

“No worries on that since she’ll never see the light of day. I felt sorry for her until she released that book. All we can do is
it up.”

“Hey! Hands off, Asshole,” a ballsy blonde screams at the skeevy bastard who just hit on her. I’m not worried about the blonde or the asshole. It’s the blonde’s boyfriend that’s going to be an issue, along with his buddies.

“Better call it in. It’s gonna escalate fast. I don’t want a mob mentality to fall upon the club,” I say in Aaron’s direction.
“Aye,” he grunts and presses his Bluetooth. “All hands on deck. Surround ‘em.”

Restraint has ten bouncers on duty tonight. We’re down a few because of the flu spreading like wildfire. Ten isn’t nearly enough. We need two outside the door, one inside the door, one to protect Kris at the bar, one at the entrance to the bathrooms, and a dozen spread out around the club. We used to have them posted in
the dungeon, but as the chaos ensued, we had to yank ‘em out.

Five men in black,
t-shirts surround the hissing blonde as she attacks the guy who had the audacity to hit on her. She isn’t dressed like Mary Freaking Sunshine. What’d she expect when she wore a bikini top to a BDSM nightclub? She has every right to say no. But she’s throwing a fit because he propositioned her. She didn’t say no, she went postal.

“You’re not worth shit, skank,” the boozed up frat boy hisses at the blonde.

I lunge forward the instant skank leaves his mouth with Aaron on my ass.

Blondie’s boyfriend and his four buddies are on him in a second and drag him to the ground. The frat boy is swarmed. Restraint’s security enters the fray, but the crowd swallows the five men as they drag the frat boy into the middle of the dance floor.

Shouts rise above the beat of the music with the added addition of fists
pounding into

I unleash my dominant nature- the caveman that dwells
me, who rules my actions. I grab the hissing blonde and
sense into her. I toss her ass to the nearest booth.
“You move and inch and your ass is arrested for inciting a riot.” I growl at her and dive into the fray.

“Aaron,” I yell above the music, “Get everyone out of the dungeon. We’re going to need assistance. Call the PD.”

I allow myself a second to assess the situation. The dance floor is a writhing mass of fists. The innocent and the no-so innocent scatter like rats and plug up the exits.

“Dexter,” a sharp scream pierces above the din of the music and
thumping of flesh against flesh.
I instantly go on alert. I’ve never heard my protégée sound so frantic.

“Syn,” I shout. I need her to give me her location. It’s a sick version of Marco-polo and instead of water it’s a sea of inebriated douchebags.

“Get off her,”
I hear her scream
I can’t see her but I run in the
direction her voice flows
. Another altercation is taking place near the bar.
Two men are on the ground tearing the dress off a tiny gal. Syn rides the back of one, but she can’t take both of them on. She barely reaches five feet in height.

“Oh, shit! Fate,” I hiss. A pair of twenty-somethings has the submissive on the ground. Syn’s punching
one of them in the back of the head, but they’
re either high or drunk and numb to her assault. With a backhand she flies several feet and her head cracks on the bar.

I fight my way through the crowd as they flow in the opposite direction. It slows my rescue attempts. I yank a lady to her feet that was seconds away from being trampled by sneakers and stilettos. I receive an elbow to the face for my efforts and a kick to the back of my knee as the swarm tries to swallow me to the floor.
I fight my way against the current. I can’t see anything but a mass of arms and legs and panicky eyes as several hundred people flee for the front of the club. I only know I’m on the right path because I’m pushing in the opposite direction of the herd.
I get spit out of the flow and hit the side of the bar. Fate is being assaulted a few feet from me. My vision turns red as I watch two men grope and prod Queen’s sweet submissive.

Crack! Crack!
My fist flies until I feel the cartilage give underneath my knuckles. His nose will never heal right and the fucker deserves nothing less. I turn to the other, but Queen’s already on him.
The six-foot tall
, beast of a female is beating the man to death. His face is a mass of red pulp.

“Syn,” I yank the Domme up and give her a shake. “Get Fate to her room and shower with her, comfort her. I have to get our girl off of that asshole before she commits homicide.”

Syn picks up the ninety pound gal and carries her away. She was lucky, but not lucky enough. She was a hair’s breadth away from raped.
“Regina,” I shout. She completely ignores me while she rearranges the guy’s internal organs. She hops off her prey and mounts the one
I took out.

“She was mine to protect. Where’s Kris? It’
d be my luck that
both my girls are hurt,” she moans but doesn’t let up on beating the fucker in the face.

“Shit,” I say underneath my breath. I look around until I spot Whitt protecting Kris and two other submissives as he pushes them through the crowd to the dungeon.

“Pretty boy’s got Kris, Heidi, and Kayla taken care of. Stop beating on him,” I coax her.
“No,” she growls at me and punches the fallen man in the nuts. He screams and she grins.
She’s complete
unhinged. She
allowed her dominant side to take over. Her submissive was abused and she could do nothing to stop it. I can image the feeling of powerlessness the sensation would elicit. It flipped a switch inside of her that she doesn’t want to turn off.

Regina, I can’t stop you. Go ahead and kill them, but our Master will kill you if you do.”  She pauses momentarily when I mention Marcus but doesn’t stop.

BOOK: Dexter (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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