Dipping Into Sin 2: Digging Deeper Into Sin (22 page)

BOOK: Dipping Into Sin 2: Digging Deeper Into Sin
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a sneak peek of Loving Her In The Shadows,




Loving Her In
The Shadows

Nicolai's story






“If we’re going to do this, there can’t be
any strings attached. I’m looking for one night only,” said Reign as she
confidently made her demand.

She was not looking for a relationship nor
was she searching for anything else outside of sex. This perfect stranger
seemed to be more than capable of fulfilling this task as he began loosening
his navy blue tie.

“Did you hear me?” asked Reign, as she put
her perfectly manicured hand on her hip. Still, his cool demeanor remained
un-phased as he began unbuttoning his shirt. Walking to the hotel room closet,
he opened the door and pulled out a hanger. After placing his shirt on the
hanger, he began unbuckling his belt, followed by unbuttoning his black slacks.

Reign’s throat tightened as he strolled
towards her like a predator cornering his prey. No man had ever made her feel
so small or vulnerable. Yet, this man’s mere silence weakened her. Standing
before her, his intense blue eyes bored into her as if he dared her to be

“Did you—” the rest of the words dissolved
against her lips. She suddenly lost all thought process when he pulled his
undershirt over his head. The only time she saw a man’s body this built and
toned was when she skimmed through her husband’s
Men’s Magazine.
body resembled a gladiator’s body on the show
Muscles bulged
out from all parts of his torso as each of his pectorals jumped slightly while
under her spectating eyes.
Do it again,
she almost said out loud.   

“Shut up and strip,” he said arrogantly, as
his eyes remained fixed on Reign’s flushed face.

“Excuse me?” Reign asked as she regretfully
looked back up at his face. He made her lose count of just how many abs he had.

            Instead of answering, he pulled her body close to
him before his lips came crashing onto hers. He made all sense of will power
collapse within her, as his potent lips and tongue hungrily feasted on her.

            She had the most delectable lips that he’d ever kissed,
and her taste was as spicy as her feistiness. He wanted her, but only on his
terms. There was no room for talking only moaning and following his directions.
Releasing her mouth, he looked down at this feisty woman, who now looked dazed
and delirious.

“Strip,” he commanded.



Chapter 1



“Are you coming home tonight or what?” Keith
asked impatiently.

“Babe, this is my sixth week here and I’m
still trying to get through the piles of cases that are on my desk. Please try
to understand,” Reign pleaded to her husband Keith of two years. Ever since she
became the District Attorney of New York City, their rocky marriage seemed to
dismantle quicker than she could blink her eyes.

Huffing loudly, Keith said, “I’m tired of
this shit. Do you understand that you have a husband at home who has needs too?”

“We spoke about how the first few weeks on
the job were going to be the busiest time for me. You said that you would be
more understanding,” she said as she felt a migraine forming. Her left eye
twitched, which was a subtle indication that she was near her breaking point.
The last thing that Reign wanted to do was fight her husband, but it seems that
this is where they’re heading.

“Fuck you Reign. You know that I’ve been
more than supportive of you,” he said before he ended the call. The disrespect
was becoming more apparent within the past few weeks, and Reign was fuming. Her
hand gripped the cell phone tightly as she counted to ten slowly.

Does he really think that he’s been so
supportive throughout our two years of marriage?
When they first met, she
was 21 years old and a second-year law student at Harvard Law School. She was
driving to the grocery store in downtown Cambridge, Massachusetts, when she was
reared ended by a car. Losing control of the wheel, she swerved and collided
into a pole. Immediately frazzled, she sat in place for what seemed like hours
until a friendly face talked her into unlocking her door. He rescued her and
even after being under hospital care, he checked on her constantly.   

Her family didn’t really care for him—mainly
because he didn’t come from money or stature. The Johnson family was all about
wealth, title, and image; none of which he had. In fact they did everything to
persuade Reign to leave him—even going as far as claiming that he impregnated
their maid. But all of their protests only encouraged Reign to remain with him.
Reign didn’t care about the superficial things such as titles, prestige, and
wealth. Out of all her three sisters, she decided to further her education as opposed
to getting married to the first eligible bachelor that Mommy and Daddy chose.
She didn’t allow her last name or wealth to define her. After graduating from
law school, Keith proposed to her in his studio apartment. She said yes, even
though her family would never approve.

Needless to say, Reign’s family was not
supportive and refused to acknowledge Keith as anything else, but the lowest of
low. With the belief that money can solve anything, Daddy attempted to bribe
Keith with a check for $100,000. He refused, and that reassured Reign that
their relationship was unbreakable. Being the aggressive international
businessman, Daddy decided to go a step further and make her trust fund and all
of her assets to be only accessible by Reign and her children. In the event
that Reign is deceased, her parents and the family attorney are the sole
guardians of distributing those funds to Reign’s children accordingly. The
total amount was a little over 80 million dollars. Disgusted, Reign never told
Keith what her father had done. Although Keith did not come from money, he
worked hard to finish his graduate degree in computer engineering. Together,
they were determined to beat the odds and have an everlasting marriage. But
something changed…

The once charismatic and soft-spoken man was
now a complete brute. A year into their marriage, he became obsessed over
He even became jealous that a job was lined up for me immediately
after relocating to New York City.
He was struggling to find work in the Big
Apple and that frustration pooled into their marriage. Still, that was not
enough of reason for Reign to end her marriage. She just remained levelheaded
and took care of all of their expenses, including his student loans. After all,
they took vows to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for
worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to
cherish, till death do they part.


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About the Author


Parker is a self-proclaimed romance novel enthusiast hailing from the big
apple, New York City. She enjoys reading and is a passionate romance writer.


has a dual degree: B.A. in Forensic Psychology. She is currently working on her
Master’s degree. When she is not reading or writing, DJ Parker enjoys spending
time with her wonderful and supportive husband, family, and friends. She also
enjoys traveling, trying different restaurants, going to the movies, and always
remembering to praise God at all times of the day.


She loves hearing
from readers, authors, and aspiring writers through:


[email protected]

Facebook: DJ Parker
Writes (friend request)

Author Page:




Jessica Watkins Presents is currently
accepting submissions for the following genres: African American Romance, Urban
Fiction, Women’s Fiction, and BWWM Romance. If you are interested in becoming
an author and have a complete manuscript, send a synopsis and the first three
chapters to [email protected].



BOOK: Dipping Into Sin 2: Digging Deeper Into Sin
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