Dirty Friends (Beautiful Friends #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Dirty Friends (Beautiful Friends #1)
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One comes up behind me and leans forward just as they are getting ready to leave. Coming close to my ear, he grins at me as he speaks, “If you’re going to stare for that long, you could at least ask if I’m free later.”

I’m taken back, thinking no one noticed. My face must be beet red. I think I’m starting to sweat and it isn’t because of the temperature outside. I have no idea what to say, and he doesn’t give me a chance to either, as he says goodbye to the guys and walks away.

“What the hell did he say to you?”

“Nothing really, Coop.”

I walk to the truck to plug in my phone to charge it. He is right on my heels and meets me face to face when I turn back around. “Really, it wasn’t a big deal?”

I roll my eyes at him. “He just saw me checking him out when I didn’t think he could see my eyes through my sunglasses.”

“The guys here are only after one thing. Stay away from them.”

“Don’t forget you’re one of those guys here.”

He starts walking away laughing. “Right.”

Ugh, what a dork!

After the second moto they come back and Cooper is limping, just a bit. With them finishing fourth and fifth, I know once again they rode hard. I rush go over to him. He says he was clipped in the first corner by a bike but managed to keep it upright. Mr. Evans grabs their bikes, putting them up on the stands. The boys first start with their helmets, taking them off, the gloves are thrown in the back of the truck, and then the chest protectors can be removed. Their boots are unbuckled, kicking them off immediately, following with the dropping of their pants to their feet. Walking over in just his boxer briefs, Cooper goes and grabs a bottle of water from the cooler. He turns the cap and pours it over his head. Shaking out his hair, the water flies everywhere.
Okay, I’ll admit, I noticed how hot that was. His body is very fit, how can I not notice, as the water slowly drips down?!
As they both pull on shorts, I notice Coop’s calf is bruised pretty badly and he has a good-sized scrape on it as well. We start loading everything back up, which only takes a short time, and then we are back on the road again.

“Hey guys, how’d you finish up?”

“Ryan took third overall and I took fifth. You rocked it off the start.”

“I hit the throttle hard as soon as the gate dropped and there was no looking back.” Ryan says as if he knows he killed it.

“Just a bit cocky, aren’t we?” I ask.

“There’s a difference between trying to be good and knowing that you are.” He leans over me to fist bump Cooper. They end it with a hand explosion.

“Oh my God, you didn’t just say that, did you?” I throw my head back laughing.


“I can’t believe I fit in the same car with both of your big heads in here.”

Cooper leans into me, close to my ear and whispers. “Glad you noticed how big my head is. Must have been when I dropped my pants to change.”

My jaw drops as I elbow him. What am I going to say to that, without drawing attention to us in the back seat? He starts chuckling out loud, and Ryan turns to see why he’s laughing. Cooper shrugs his shoulders back at him, acting like he doesn’t know what’s going on. Ryan knows the way Cooper thinks, so he burst out, too.

“You both suck, you know that?’

Mr. Evans even starts smiling. Like really, I can’t believe it! All men think alike, I swear. Cooper grabs a pillow from behind our seat in the truck, putting it in my lap. He flops his head down and puts his feet up on the door as he lays across the seat. My natural reaction is to hit him after his smart-ass comment, but instead I find myself running my fingers through his wet sweaty hair.

“Does it hurt?”

“What, my leg?”

“Yeah, what the hell else would I be talking about?”

“I don’t know.” He is looking up at me, smirking.

Then I do hit him; he deserves it. “Really, Coop? Focus, will ya?”

“It’s tender. But no biggie.”

“Well, you better shower then put some triple antibiotic on it.”

“Nope, not showering. Sorry!”

“Yeah, ‘cause you smell so good right now! You really are a brat, you know that?”

We spend the rest of the ride home listening to Ryan trying to sing songs from the radio, talking about how school’s going to start in the next week, and how they’re going to be racing just about every other weekend. It’s nice living where we do, so they could race pretty much throughout the whole year. The last week of summer flies by and soon we are walking into school as seniors.






WE ARE ALREADY A COUPLE of months into our senior year. There have been a bunch of senior activities we’ve had to attend. I’ve been noticing a few guys from the football team taking a liking to Ansley, and when it comes to the ladies, neither Ryan nor I are lacking in that department, either. We just make sure our dates are done during the week, after our workouts; while our weekends are spent at a track. I’m seeing a little blonde quite regularly, while Ryan’s still playing from girl to girl. Not sure what’s happening with this one, but I like spending time with her. Though the couple of times I took her to races she complained about how dirty everything was, so I’m not sure it is going to last much longer. Bikes are my life, so if she isn’t on board with them and that part of me, well, it isn’t going anywhere. But during the week, we have fun. Well, come to think of it, we spend most of our time making out and skipping around the bases. She’s a giver, and I will never turn that down. So, I guess I’m a taker. But I return the favor enough too, so I’m not such an asshole.

Our weekends are spent at different tracks. We’re either racing or practicing. We’re both winning more and more races. Ryan has a couple more wins under his belt than I do. He’s a smooth rider and when he goes in for a pass, he does it the clean way, never dirty. Being approached by an owner of a local parts store who wants to sponsor us was amazing. He’ll supply us with our parts. In turn, we will wear the business name on our bikes and on our jerseys. We jump at the offer. Right after that, our hometown bike shop asks us if we want to make a deal with him, as well. What he wants is for us to ride his bikes. This is huge. We’re honored to think that we’re good enough to be asked. So, we start riding his brand new bikes but we are keeping our other ones for backups or practice. He knows if we win races riding his bikes, then most likely sales in the shop will go up, too. And that is exactly what started happening. His first two sales came after the first race, where we took first and second in both motos. Mr. Evans is helping us make the right choices where our incoming offers are concerned. Let’s face it; my father could care less. He just thinks I am wasting my time and money doing any of this.

Before we know it, it’s Thanksgiving. At my house, I’m pretty sure we’ll be doing the usual. When I ask Mom, I’m right as she says ‘dinner as always’. She seems annoyed that I even ask. Since I’m an only child and both of my parents’ immediate families live a distance away, it doesn’t surprise me at all. Ryan will be having dinner with his parents but other relatives will be coming over. It’s always a big to do there. I’ll be lying if I say it doesn’t make me somewhat jealous. Then, Ansley will be going out to a restaurant with her mom. They are both special ladies. Her mom loves to cook, but for holidays they choose to go out. I’m happy it’s the one day they both can enjoy it together. Well, that’s only if her mom didn’t have to work. Working at a hospital makes it tough at times. But if she’s working then Ansley usually picks up something and heads there to eat with her mom during her break. Again, they’re close and I’m jealous. I don’t know what I would do if I had the love and support from my parents that they both have. Well, I guess I have their love, but not their attention or support.

A text comes in on my phone.


- Hey, dickhead, what are you doing?

- Nothing, waiting for dinner to be put on the table

- When you get done I need to talk to you and Ansley

- Why, what’s up?

- Not too much, but I need to let you both know something.

- You can’t text something like that and not tell me.

- Lol well, too bad. I want to talk to you both together.

- K, well I’m ready now then.

- Haha, I bet you are. But Peanut won’t be for another hour, so you’re going to have to wait. Let me know when you’re finished eating.

- Douche

- Lmao

- I’ll be ready as soon as she is, whether or not we’ve eaten, so let me know when you’ve heard from her.

- K


The next hour goes by slowly, I swear. Finally, the text comes in to go over to his house. It’s seven at night when we both walk up his front porch at the same time.

“You know what the hell this is about?”

“Nope, you?”

“No, the jackass wouldn’t tell me anything. He told me I had to wait ‘til you were done eating.”

“Did you eat yet?”

“Yeah, we were pretty much done. Mom and Dad were talking about work and charity stuff, like always. I don’t even think they noticed when I got up and said I was heading over here.”

She chuckles, but she knows I’m telling the truth. I knock but then walk right in. We pretty much have an open door policy when it comes to each other’s houses. Ryan’s sitting on the couch with his parents and a couple aunts and uncles are sitting there, also.

Looking right at him, I ask, “Everything ok here, Ryan?” I am concerned. They all look so serious.

Mr. Evans gets up and pats me on the back. “Everything’s fine, Cooper. You’re a great friend, you know that?” He says hello to Ansley and gives her a hug before heading out of the room.

Ok, now I’m really nervous. All the relatives get up and go into the kitchen. “What the hell is going on? Start talking…like now.” I start to sound pissed off but I don’t care. It seems like everyone knows whatever it is, and I’m getting irritated.

“Yeah Ry, come on.”

“Well, I wanted to tell you this after my dad had a chance to look over everything.”

“Tell us what?” Both Ansley and I speak at the same time.

He takes a deep breath and speaks quickly. Like he has to, to make sure he gets it all out before he loses his nerve. “I was approached by a pro Motocross team to go to their track and try out for their team. It’s for the Factory Suzuki team.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Geez, Coop, nice mouth.”

“I don’t care Ans…it’s amazing!”

“OH MY GOD, Ryan it really is incredible!” Ansley’s jumping and down in one spot. Then she flies over to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

“How long have you known, dickhead?”

“I guess, they saw us race last weekend when I swept first place. They approached my dad that day but he didn’t say anything. Then, he got a phone call on Tuesday asking if I’d come out to their track to ride with their team this Saturday. The thing is, I have to fly to California. They are going to give me a bike to test on, too.”

I immediately jump up when he tells me and he stands up. I walk over to him fist bump him. “That’s fucking amazing. Dude, I can’t believe it, this is so crazy.” I’m so happy for him. Once again, jealous too, but I won’t ever tell him that. I truly am happy for him.

“It really is great, Ry. So, when do you leave?”

“Tomorrow. I’ll get there late and head to their place first thing on Saturday morning. My dad’s going with me. I was nervous about telling you.” He’s looking in my direction, now.

“Why? I think it’s incredible. We were both hoping that one day this would all pay off.”

“I know, but we haven’t even raced the Loretta Lynn Championships, yet. You usually don’t even get looked at until you’ve done that.” He’s hiding his joy, which sucks.

“Well, they must have seen something in you. Plus, at the last two races there have been a couple expert riders there. You blew them away with your lap times. I’m sure that’s what they noticed.” The Loretta Lynn is for expert riders, to race together, to see how they stack up against each other. Usually, once you’ve done that circuit and win a bunch of those races, you really have a chance to get picked up by one of the pro teams.

“Yeah, I guess so, but you held your own against them, too.”

“Yep, but clearly, you winning against them and beating them by several minutes, showed them something.”

“How long will you be gone for?” Ansley looks sad immediately. It’s like it’s all just sinking in that he’ll be gone and possibly for good.

“I guess just the weekend. I told them I have class on Monday that I can’t miss. It’s my senior year and it’s important. The manager told my dad he respects me for that and understands.”

So, while Ryan goes off to California, I go on a date. My pretty blonde’s not keeping my attention on Saturday night like she normally does. My mind keeps wandering, wondering how Ryan’s riding and how Ansley is. She was going out with one of the guys from the football team. Finally, I decide to call it a night and take my date home. Clearly, she and I aren’t going to make it if I can’t get other things out of my mind to enjoy the night with her. She keeps saying things like…”
Who cares what he’s doing” or “Seriously Ansley’s a big girl, she can handle herself.”
I’m getting annoyed with her. After pulling into her driveway, I tell her I think we should see other people. I try to even give her the speech about it being me and not her. You know, the one that is supposed to make them feel better. Well clearly, it didn’t work because she’s tearing up while calling me an asshole, then she jumps out of the car, slamming the door. I think I even hear her say, “
Fuck you”
to me…Well, that’s done.

BOOK: Dirty Friends (Beautiful Friends #1)
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