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Authors: Mari Carr

Do Over (6 page)

BOOK: Do Over
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She shivered at his admission, and then struggled to respond. “Troy—”

“Not now. Later. I want to buy you a butt plug and we’d need lubrication, lots of it, which I don’t have here. I just want you to think about it. Decide if you think that’s something you’d like to explore too. For now—” As his words drifted away, he pushed a single digit inside her tight hole. He moved forward slowly, retreating several times to gather more moisture from her pussy to ease his way. After several moments, he had it fully lodged and Faith squeezed her eyes shut, savoring the dark, compelling sensation.

He thrust shallowly until she began moving back to meet his finger. Troy seemed to take her participation as her acquiescence and he started thrusting harder, deeper. She gasped for breath, amazed by how good he was making her feel with just a single finger in a place she would have considered off-limits. She cried out when two more of Troy’s fingers entered the dance, moving inside her pussy. She was being doubly fucked and the feeling was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Reaching around her hip with his other hand, Troy began rubbing her clit and she disintegrated. Her body flew apart and she felt as if she’d turned into a multitude of shooting stars, each nerve-ending flashing into brilliant white light and heat and scattering around the room.

It wasn’t until she felt Troy’s cock prodding at the entrance to her pussy that she realized once again, her husband had thrown her into a sort of orgasm oblivion. He’d fucked her unaware and she sincerely hoped he’d drive her there again. It was an awesome place.

Troy shoved his erection deeply in one hard thrust and she trembled under the impact. Somewhere along the line her arms had given out as she now rested on her elbows, her cheek lying against the soft quilt, her ass the only part of her still up and ready for action. Troy lost no time in claiming it.

“God, you’re sexy, Faith. You have no idea how fucking hot you look right now. All tousled and flushed. I wish—” His grip tightened on her hips and she knew he was struggling to hold back his own climax, trying to drag out their play.

“Fuck me,” she said, lifting her head to look over her shoulder at her handsome husband. Their eyes met and she was overwhelmed by the passion etched in the lines on his face. “Take me,” she whispered. “Take me hard.”

His jaw tightened for only a second and then his eyes drifted closed as his body took over, took her at her word. He used his large hands to pull her hips toward his as he thrust forward. It was intense, glorious, amazing. She felt herself coming again and this time, Troy came with her, calling out her name.

Turning to his side, Troy lay down, careful to stay inside her, spooning her as they both tried to catch their breath.

“My knees are killing me,” he said after a few minutes.

She laughed. “Every muscle in my body is screaming.”

Troy collapsed onto his back and she turned to face him, her arm wrapped loosely around his waist. “You think we’re getting too old for this?”

Troy looked at her, shock written on his face. “Hell no. We’re just out of practice. But now that the kids are away at college and we have the house all to ourselves again, I intend to make sure that oversight is corrected. We just have to build up our stamina. It’s like training for a marathon. You can’t go out and run twenty-six miles the very first day. You have to work up to it.”

“Are you planning to work up to having sex twenty-six times a day? Because if so I can tell you right now, some of those miles will be done solo.”

Troy broke into loud laughter at her jest. “I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe we could just try for a half marathon.”

“I’m thinking more along the lines of a 3K. You’re going to be forty-four on your next birthday. Wouldn’t want you to have a heart attack or something. How would I explain it to the kids?”

The twinkle in Troy’s eyes told her he was enjoying their conversation too much. “Jackson would probably be damned impressed with his old man if I kicked the bucket while fucking the hell out of his mom. I mean my reputation with my son could be made.”

Faith sat up, shaking her head. “More likely you’d put him in therapy for the rest of his life. Find another way to impress him. Besides I’m determined to drag you in to a ripe old age with me here in the land of the living. There will be no fucking anyone to death.”

“Spoilsport.” Troy reached up, tickling her ribs as he spoke and she swatted his hands away.

“So what’s next?”

Troy glanced at his watch. “Well, we need to clean up all this stuff and then I thought we’d head back to the hotel and grab showers before the next stop in the anniversary tour.”

Faith was feeling twinges in muscles she didn’t know she had and the thought of a long, hot shower sounded like paradise. “Sounds perfect.”

They got dressed, before putting the picnic leftovers in the basket Faith’s mom had left behind for them. Faith folded up the blanket and they loaded everything into the truck. Troy locked up the house and they stood in the front yard, looking at the place they’d called home for a decade.

“Are you sorry we left Carlysle?” Troy asked.

Faith looked up at her husband, surprised by this question. “You had a good job with the construction company. The transfer was a promotion and raise we couldn’t turn down.”

“That’s not what I asked. I could have found another job, Faith.”

“We took the right path. It may have been hard at the time, but looking back, I know deep in my heart, we were right to leave.”

Troy’s face cleared and suddenly she realized her husband had carried around the weight of the move for a long time.

“Why didn’t you ever talk to me about these things, Troy?”

His brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, it seems like you’ve been carrying around a hell of a lot of baggage these past twenty-five years.”


“The engagement ring, taking my virginity, the move. Troy, our life together has been nothing short of perfect. I’ve always thought that and I thought you felt the same way.”

Troy reached out to pull her close. He rubbed his nose against hers, his typical gesture of affection, and he grinned at her. “If you wanna know the truth, I never worried too much about any of that stuff until I started planning this anniversary weekend. You know me, Faith. I’m a man of few words. I don’t always find it easy to say what I’m thinking, let alone what I’m feeling. The letters were the easiest way for me to gather my thoughts, tell you some things I thought you should know. Thing is I started writing those letters and I started remembering things I’d forgotten. After awhile, I realized I was the luckiest bastard on the planet and I was sort of amazed you stuck with me this long.”

She laughed at his admission. “Thank God. I was starting to worry you’d been living with all these guilt issues for years.”

Troy pulled back and gave her an amused look. “Oh, hell no. You’re still hitched to the same caveman you’ve always been stuck with.”

“You’re no caveman and you don’t appear to have been oblivious to anything these past twenty-five years. Heck, I’m starting to think you’re more observant than me.”

Troy laughed, but after listening to her husband’s concerns, she felt as if she needed to make a few amends, as well. “Troy, I think I sort of lost my way these past few months. Let myself wallow in my depression over Jenna leaving without taking your feelings into account. I’m sorry about that.”

“No apology necessary.”

She smiled. “You know. Home has never been a physical place for me. It’s never been a specific dot on the map. Home is anywhere you are.” She looked back at the first home she’d secretly been heartbroken to leave and she realized the truth behind those words. It hadn’t been as hard to leave Carlysle as she’d thought because she was with Troy and the kids.

He sighed contentedly as he took her hand and led her to the car. “Ready to move on?”

She nodded. She already had.

As they pulled out of the driveway, Troy gestured to the photo album. “Time for the next page.”


The hardest thing I’d ever had to do was tell you that the construction company was expanding and we would have to move to Parksville. Asking you to uproot from your hometown, to leave your parents and to start from scratch in a city full of strangers felt like way more than I had the right to request. You’d already given me two healthy, beautiful children and you’d worked hard to make our house on Anders Street into a home.

After our wedding, we’d chosen to live in Carlysle because we knew it was a safe place and that we would always be surrounded by our families. We said Carlysle was where we wanted our kids to grow up. I worried for days before I could actually bring myself to say the words aloud to you.

And, in your typical fashion (you would think I would have known better after twelve years of marriage), you smiled and said let’s go. You treated it as an adventure and I think it was your enthusiasm that made it so easy for the kids to accept. Hell, it made it easier for me to accept. All of us were nervous, afraid of what the future would bring and yet, you made certain our adjustment to a new city and our new lives was painless, easy.

Once again, with your quiet confidence, you gave me the courage to make a fresh start somewhere else. You helped the kids adjust to their new schools, you made our new house warm almost from the first week we moved in, and you never made me feel like you were anything other than completely happy with our changed circumstances.

You’re my home, Faith. You always have been and God-willing, you always will be.


Chapter Six

When they entered the hotel, Faith dropped down on the bed and closed her eyes. “What a weekend.”

Troy claimed the chair by the bed, his legs sprawled out in front of him. “Tired?”

Faith shook her head, and then reconsidered. “I’m not physically tired, no.”

“Emotionally drained.” Troy spoke the words, his assessment a statement, rather than a question.

“I guess that’s one way to describe it. When you suggested that we come to Carlysle this weekend, I jumped at the chance because I thought it would help me snap out of my depression. Give me a chance to figure out what I’m supposed to do with the rest of my life.”

“And have you? Figured it out, I mean?”

She pushed her upper body up, rested her weight on her elbows, so she could look at him as she spoke. “Actually, I think by coming here and spending this weekend with you, I realized there was never anything to figure out. Jackson and Jenna leaving didn’t mark the end our lives together. It’s freed us. Given us more time to explore all the options that got put on the back burner while we were raising them. You were the answer to the question twenty-five years ago and you’re still the answer. You’re my future. I’m not sure how I could have missed that.”

“I like the sound of that. Like being your past, present and future.” He rose and stretched. “I think I’m going to hit the shower.”

Faith sat up. “Alone?”

He looked at her and grinned. “You got a better offer?”

“I sort of like the idea of scrubbing your back.”

Troy grasped her hand and pulled her up. “Yep. That’s a better offer. Come on.”

They took turns undressing each other, the process made longer by the fact they kept stopping for long, wet, incredibly thorough kisses. Troy turned the hot water on high, the small room quickly filling with steam. Faith groaned out loud as the strong jets hit her sore muscles, and Troy chuckled.

“Been getting quite a workout this weekend.”

“I’m discovering muscles I never knew I had.” She bent down, reaching for the soap as Troy gave her a wicked grin, and then turned, offering her an up-close view of his tanned, muscular back.

“Damn,” he said as she rubbed the lather into his skin. “When’s the last time we took a shower together?”

Faith tried to remember, but couldn’t think of a single instance since the kids were little. “Years.”

“You know, I’m thinking in an effort to support the Go Green movement, we should consider teaming up on our showers more often. Save water.”

“Something tells me one hot shower
would last longer and waste more water than both of us going solo. Even so…” She pushed him until he turned, wrapping her arms around him to rinse the soap off his back. Dragging her tongue along his chest, she stopped when she hit the tight brown pucker of his nipple. “I do like the idea of showering together.”

“Screw the environment, eh?”

She chuckled. “Yeah, something like that.”

Troy held her head in place against his chest for a moment as she covered his slick skin with kisses. Finally, he gently tugged her hair, pulling her head back. “Swap places with me,” he said, turning to push her under the jets. “I want to wash your hair.”

Faith closed her eyes as the soothing motions of Troy’s hands working the shampoo into her hair turned her body to pure jelly. “That feels so good. So relaxing.”

He rinsed her hair, and then repeated the process with the conditioner. Trading sides once more, he stood beneath the jets and Faith picked the soap back up. “Time for the front.” She ran her soapy hands down along his chest and arms until she reached his cock. Semi-erect when she started, after two quick swipes from root to head, she had it standing at full attention.

Troy covered her hand with his, increasing the pressure and speed of her strokes. “Have to admit I’m glad to know the old boy is still capable of this kind of workout.”

She giggled. “Worried about that, were you?”

“Well, I am pushing middle age. Sort of nice to know my cock can go for more than one good kick a day.”

He turned slightly so Faith could rinse off the suds before facing her once again, and she tightened her grip around his erection. “I’d say he’s kicking pretty good.”

Before he could reply, she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth.

“Jesus,” Troy muttered as she engulfed his flesh, moving forward until the head of his cock brushed the back of her throat. She rubbed his cock, using her hand and her mouth to drive him to the brink, but he surprised her by taking her face in his grip and pulling her away.

“Not this time. Stand up.”

Troy gave her a determined, sexy look she immediately responded to. But before she could ask him his plans, he turned, pushing her under the showerhead, facing the wall. The powerful, hot jets of water sluiced down her back as Troy guided her into the position he wanted—pushing her shoulders lower, pulling her ass toward him.

“What do you say to a quickie?”

She looked over her shoulder and grinned. “Go for it.”

Troy pushed into her oh-so ready and willing pussy, slamming to the hilt in one thrust. With a firm grip on her hips, he pulled her toward him as he shoved forward. She used her hands on the wall to brace herself against his intense, but incredible assault. After less than a dozen strokes, she felt her climax begin. Troy joined her, both of them crying out their release as he filled her with his come.

They remained motionless under the water for a few moments, both of them struggling to regain enough strength to move. Finally, Troy pulled out and used a washcloth to wipe away his seed from between her legs.

“Amazing,” she whispered and he grinned.


Turning off the water, they retreated from the shower, taking turns drying each other and then Faith followed Troy, both of them wrapped in the soft white towels provided by the hotel.

“Nap time?” she asked, glancing at the very welcoming bed.

He shook his head. “Wish we could, sweetheart. No time.”

She thought she should feel exhausted after their heated interlude, but he’d spoiled her with surprises and she couldn’t wait to see what he had planned next.

Walking to the closet, Troy pulled out two garment bags she hadn’t noticed hanging there the previous night.

“What are those?”

“Our clothes for the evening.”

She smiled when he laid them across the bed. Unzipping the first one, he grabbed the hanger and lifted out a tuxedo.

“Oh my,” she said, dying to see her casual, never-out-of-jeans husband in the fancy suit.

“Hello, James Bond.”

He acknowledged her joke with a grin, and then laid the tuxedo aside, opening the second bag. “And for you.” He revealed a beautiful white dress and for a moment, Faith thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

“My wedding dress, but it, I mean—?”

“I smuggled it out from under our bed about a month ago.”

Faith was touched by her husband’s thoughtfulness, but in this instance, his plan had a serious flaw. “Troy. I hate to say this, but there’s no way that dress is going to fit me anymore. I mean that was two kids and at least four dress sizes ago.” While she liked to think she wasn’t exactly fat, she also wasn’t the size eight her husband had married all those years ago either.

“Your mother altered it.”

His answer caught her unaware. “She did?”

He grinned like the cat that ate the canary and she could tell he was very pleased with this particular surprise. “Yep. I also stole that pretty blue dress you wore to the company Christmas party last December and she used that to help her size it correctly.”

“I’m a little concerned with this new thievery tendency of yours.” Her joke was a weak attempt at stalling as her gaze drifted to the gown again and she chewed on her lower lip.

“It’ll fit just fine, Faith.”

She twisted her lips in a rueful grin. “I’m sure it will. I’m just sort of sorry my mom had to resize it. Guess it brings home the fact I’ve let myself go over the years.”

Troy narrowed his eyes. “You are not allowed to launch into any bullshit about gaining weight. You’re gorgeous. Prettier now than you were when I married you and a hell of a lot sexier. Now drop that towel and put on the dress. I can’t wait to see you in it again.”

She laughed, loving his laying-down-the-law voice. He thought she was gorgeous…and sexy. She certainly wasn’t going to argue with that. Taking the towel off, she reached for the dress, her pulse racing at the thought of trying it on. There was a small part of her that was dying to put it on again after all these years, just to see how it looked.

She’d lovingly had it preserved and then stored it under their bed, waiting for the day Jenna decided to marry. Who knew if her daughter would want to wear it? Given the old-fashioned style, she doubted it, but regardless of that, she looked forward to the day Jenna would say yes to some young man and she would let her daughter try it on to decide.

Putting the silky material over her head, she turned so that Troy could fasten up the row of buttons along the back. She smiled to herself recalling him unfastening these same buttons the night of their honeymoon. His fingers, so deft now, had trembled slightly the first night they’d spent together as a married couple.

She turned as he finished, blushing at his wholly male, fully appreciative stare. “Faith,” he said, his voice husky and filled with emotion. Her stomach flip-flopped when she realized he was speechless…just looking at her. She’d expected to feel fatter, older as she put on the dress, but instead, his gaze made her feel like the most beautiful woman on earth.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He looked up at her face and shook his head. “Why don’t you take the bathroom to finish getting ready? I’ll throw on this suit out here. If we don’t get a little distance between us right
now, we’re never going to make it to tonight’s grand feature surprise. I want you, Faith. So much.”

His face proved the validity of his words and she could see he was working hard to restrain himself.

“I won’t be a minute,” she said, giving him the space to pull himself together. She’d messed up his schedule last night in regards to the church social, and while she didn’t regret that, she also didn’t want to ruin any more of his lovely plans.

“How are we doing on time?” she asked as she headed to the bathroom.

“We have enough. Do what you need to do.”

Taking him at his word, she took her time fixing her hair and applying makeup. She suddenly wanted to be worthy of his appreciative glances.

Walking back into the bedroom, she sucked in an amazed breath when she caught sight of Troy in his tuxedo.

“Wow,” she said on a sigh.

He raised his eyebrows and flexed his muscles. “Still know how to fill out the old monkey suit.”

She laughed. “You look totally hot. Like I want to rip-off-that-suit-and-ride-you-all-night-long hot.”

Troy groaned, his eyes darkening with desire. “Damn, baby. I just managed to pull myself together after seeing you in that dress. Hold that thought because I’m going to take you up on it later.”

The image of him in his tuxedo sent her straight to Stupidville and all she could think about was stripping the sexy suit off him, one piece at a time. “Why later?”

He glanced at his watch. “Because we’re late.”

His words quickly reminded her he had plans. “For what?” She hoped he’d slip up and answer.

He grinned, not fooled by her attempt to ferret out the secret. Placing his hand on her back, he steered her toward the door. “For your next surprise and your next letter.”


My memories of our wedding day are sort of spotty after all this time. I find that rather than recalling every moment, the day comes back to me in scenes. When I think of that day, there are three things in particular, that stand out in my mind.

First, I remember how I felt before the ceremony. I was a nervous wreck. My mouth was completely bone dry. I ended up getting to the church, fully dressed in my tuxedo way too early. The damn suit didn’t have any pockets in it and I didn’t have my wallet. I had to borrow a dollar from my mother so I could walk across the street in my monkey suit to buy a soda. I remember thinking here I am getting married and my mother’s rifling through her purse like she did whenever I needed lunch money for school. I felt very much like a little boy playing dress-up and for a minute I wondered what the hell I was doing there.

That feeling of fear and uncertainty disappeared the moment you appeared at the end of the aisle in the pretty white dress your mother made for you. You were standing on your father’s arm and you looked so peaceful, so serene. All my nerves left me and I was overcome by a feeling of rightness. I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be.

Finally, I remember our first dance. We’d selected Billy Joel’s “You’re My Home” as our song and I think the lyrics describe our life together perfectly. I’ve always been a shitty dancer—
I’m sure prom proved that to you—and of all the things I worried about in regards to that day, dancing in front of all our friends and family was the thing I dreaded the most. I felt self-conscious and ridiculous walking out in front of everyone. When the deejay started playing our song, you walked toward me and smiled. You knew I was uncomfortable. You stood on tiptoe and kissed me. Just a quick, soft kiss and you whispered, “Just you and me.”

And with those few words, you made the rest of the world disappear. Since that moment, it’s always been just you and me. And, Faith, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Love you,

BOOK: Do Over
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