Read Don't Tell Daddy Online

Authors: Jai Amor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #African American, #United States, #Romance

Don't Tell Daddy (16 page)

BOOK: Don't Tell Daddy
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He gently grazed her clit with his teeth, her back arching as she willed him to continue, her hands cupping her soft breasts. Bryan held her waist, pulling her nearer to him as he licked all around and inside of her. “Bryan, please don’t stop,” she moaned softly.

Bryan kissed Pamela’s stomach, making a trail back to her soft, luscious mouth. He held her to his taut body, and she put her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest. For a moment, it was just the two of them, in their private moment. He lifted her up and pushed her back against the wall, her legs around his waist as he gently entered her. She closed her eyes as the water cascaded over them.

When they got out of the shower, Bryan was hungry, and so Pamela made a quick meal of bacon cheeseburgers and fries. As she was cleaning up, his phone rang. Heather’s name and picture popped up. “Hello?” he answered. She began to snap on him in Spanish, asking his whereabouts. Her plane had landed an hour ago. “You were supposed to be here, tomorrow, Heather! That’s not my fault!”

Pamela didn’t say a word, listening to Bryan argue with his wife with a frown on her face. She completely understood his frustration, but she felt for Heather, having just spent a month caring for her mother on her deathbed.

Bryan got up, and she could tell he was pissed now. She went to him and placed a soft, reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, Bryan,” she told him gently. “She just lost her madre. Have patience.”

He nodded. She leaned up and kissed him, massaging his chest. She didn’t want to send him back out into the world angry. “You have to show some compassion for your wife,” she said softly, kissing him again; and he left feeling much less aggravated.

Pamela cleaned up before she got ready to go to her parents’ house for the holiday.







All I See is Fireworks

Bryan went to the airport, looking for Heather. She came up behind him, poking him in his back. “Boo!”

He turned around, about to snap that she was in the airport trying to play games after she had just cursed him out in three different fucking dialects of Spanish! But when he turned and saw his wife…

Heather had toned up, tanned, and started dressing younger. She spun around, smiling. “How do I look?” she asked.

“Thirty,” he admitted, his eyes still roaming over every inch of her body.

He touched her dyed hair, unable to believe this was even the same woman that left a month ago. “Where is Heather, and what have you done with her?”

“I went and found her.” She grinned, leaning up to kiss her husband, her arms around his neck. “You told me to be younger. I did it.”

“I like it, baby.”

He leaned down and kissed her again in the center of the airport. They stood there like a couple of love struck kids. Bryan hadn’t seen this side of his wife in so long.

“We’re going to Jonta’s and Carmella’s.”

“For what?” she asked, puzzled.

“Today is Independence Day.”

Independence Day didn’t mean much to Heather. Most holidays didn’t.

She just pulled her husband along to his car, and when they got in, she leaned over across the seat, kissing his neck, massaging him through his jeans. He was immediately hard. “Why don’t we go home and have a nice reunion,” she suggested. Bryan was all for this idea. He couldn’t wait to see what the improved version of this body felt like.

They’d been away from one another, but never so long. They went home, and Heather pulled Bryan to their master bathroom and into their shower stall. She’d been doing Kegel exercises as well. She was excited to have her first time in a long time. She was sure it would be better this time.

In Ecuador, when she was working out and caring for her dying mother, she had also reconnected with a girlfriend who informed her that after doing just a few reps of Kegels a day, she was tighter and her orgasms were off the charts! So she started trying it, and when she was masturbating, she definitely felt the difference. She was sure Bryan would too.

Bryan kissed his wife, pushing her against the wall, his lips dominating hers as he tentatively circled her folds with his finger. He pushed her lips open, and her pussy sucked his finger in!

Heather moaned in his mouth as he kissed her neck, moving down to kiss her newly toned stomach, and he looked at her pussy, practically salivating. He hadn’t gone down on his own wife in years, but now, he wanted to eat her like the Last Supper.

He started with a simple peck to her soft lips, his eyes watching hers as his tongue slid from between his lips and into hers. He slowly caressed her walls with his silver tongue, closing his eyes and savoring her taste.

Heather moaned, holding her husband’s head. This was more pleasant than she remembered. Heather liked head before, but she never sweated for it. She usually preferred the more intimate penetration. But this was so good, she felt she must have been stupid.

Bryan sucked on her clit, feeling her juices trickle past his lips. She was even sweeter than he remembered.

He stood up and kissed her, lifting her legs around his waist. Heather, catching her breath, welcomed her husband’s hot kiss, holding onto his shoulders as their tongues mingled. She could feel his length poking her in the stomach and she reached a hand down to massage it. “I missed you, esposo,” she told him softly, speeding her strokes as her husband groaned.

“I missed you too, baby.” Bryan moved Heather’s hand and guided himself into her before he began pummeling her mercilessly.

She should have done this a long time ago! Shit, this was good.              

Heather vocalized her pleasure, biting her lip, closing her eyes. Every stroke in and out of her was so astonishing that she couldn’t suppress the sounds of ecstasy. This was the Bryan who made her fall in love. That first deep stroke was all it had taken and she was forever his.


Pamela danced with Lila to The Business by Yung Berg. She didn’t care how old the song got. It was still her shit.

Jada showed up with a few of her friends, but one stood out in particular: Jordan. He spotted Pamela and smiled. Her knees went weak. Got damn that man was fine!

“Girl, don’t wet ya panties just yet. He’s coming over this way,” Lila said, starting to leave, seeing the look on her friend’s face.

“Li, how you gon leave me?”

“Girl, I see a cheeseburger with my name on it.”

Pamela glared after Lila. She was going to kick her ass. But before she could plan her violence too deeply, she was approached.

“So, Miss Pamela,” Jordan said, his deep voice making her tremble. She turned slowly to him, and immediately she regretted it. His smile was making her melt inside. His smile was going to make her say yes to anything he might want from her.

“Jordan,” she said, relieved she sounded cooler than she felt.

“I get the feeling you don’t want to talk to me. Why is that?”

His piercing blue eyes looked down at hers, twinkling, his sexy lips fixed in a smirk. She knew that he knew he was making her nervous as fuck. He was enjoying that he made her nervous.

“I’m… I’m with someone,” she managed, swallowing hard.

“Is that a fact?” he asked, his voice holding a hint of tease in it.

“I mean… Kinda.”

“Where is he now, then?”

That was a good question. Bryan said he would be at the barbecue around four or five. It was nearing seven. She shrugged. “I don’t know,” she admitted.

“Well, then, Pamela. He’s clearly not good enough for you, now is he?” he asked. She looked up at his eyes, feeling defensive.

“He has things to do.”

“Like a wife?”

Her stomach dropped. She was sure he couldn’t possibly know about her affair. “What are you talking about?” she asked him. He leaned to her ear.

“Why are you fucking Mr. Valdez, Pamela? He can never really be yours. Me, though, I’m available.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Jordan raised his hands in surrender. “No disrespect, but the last time I checked, personal assistants didn’t share hotel rooms with their bosses.”

“He’s my godfather, and it was a suite. As in multiple rooms. My father didn’t want me in a room alone. He didn’t trust me with foreign boys,” she said truthfully, her heart pounding its way out of her chest. “Don’t jump to conclusions like that. Besides, why were you even there?”

“Then who is he?” Jordan asked, ignoring the question he knew Pamela desperately wanted an answer to.

“Not you,” she snapped.

Just then, Jonta came over. He greeted Jordan warmly. “I see you’ve met my little girl Pamela,” he noticed, putting his arm over Pamela’s shoulder, shaking Jordan’s hand.

“Oh yes, sir. She’s very beautiful. I’d like to take her out some time. Unfortunately, she’s dating someone.”

Jonta looked down at Pamela with his brows furrowed, his forehead wrinkling, and a frown. “I thought you said you and Elijah broke up.”

Pamela glared at Jordan. He knew what he was doing by mentioning dating to her father. He was far too slick for her likes. “We did,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Well why don‘t you go out with Jordan,” he suggested. “Nice kid.”

Pamela was sure her father was right. She was also sure that she didn’t want to date Jordan, so he was going to have to let it go.

“Jonta, watch the grill!” Carmella called, heading into the house, Jonta left the two there, and Jordan smiled down at Pamela with pearly whites. Despite her irritation, a part of her swooned over him.

“What do you have to lose, Pamela? If you’re not sleeping with your boss—”

“Don’t go there.”

“And you’re not dating anyone—”

“But I am.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

She rolled her eyes thinking that she was going to kill that damned Lila! Just wait until she got her alone. She imagined wrapping her hands around that girl’s throat for leaving her.

Jordan watched Pamela watching him with mixed emotions. “What’s one little date going to hurt?”

“Fine,” she said, annoyed, but a little giddy inside.

“Dance with me.”

Just then, Bryan and Heather showed up, and Pamela looked her godmother over. That woman got hot! She had undeniably become a MILF in just a month. She was fit, and she got tanned. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans. Skinny. Fucking. Jeans. With a corset top. Who the fuck told this bitch to go and get fit? Now Pamela actually had to compete with her. Shit.

Bryan didn’t look like he was going to let go of his wife anytime soon. They seemed more affectionate now than ever. 
He loves you too
, her subconscious whispered while her conscience could only hope so.

“Why should I dance with you?” she asked Jordan, not wanting Bryan to see her with him.

Jordan took her hand. “Because your father likes me, and that’s a good look, Pammy.”

“Don’t do that.”

He smiled, dancing with her anyway. She gave in half-heartedly. Finally, she couldn’t resist. She went to hug Heather, and the woman’s body felt so much tighter, it had Pamela reeling in envy. She knew this was good for Heather and was commendable. She just couldn’t be truly happy for her because it made her competition.

“Hola, Madrina,” she greeted sweetly when inside she was planning her death. She had become so fake.

“Hey, Mela. You look so nice.”

“You too,” she said in painful honesty.

She glanced over at Bryan, saying nothing at all to him while he watched her with his arms wound around his wife as if he believed Pamela was going to snatch her away.

“Thank you. It wasn’t easy, but I did it.”

“You look really good.”

Heather smiled, pleased with her progress. She was glad that she’d asked Pamela about her routine before going away.

“Hey, I’m taking Jada out tomorrow. Why don’t you come?”

“Oh, sorry. I have plans, Madrina. Maybe some other time.”


Heather kissed Pamela’s cheek and walked away, pulling her husband along. Pamela watched after Bryan with longing.

Jordan came over. “So what happened with that dance?”

Pamela rolled her eyes. She had to give the man his due props; he would not give up. It was as if he’d taken her sarcasm as little more than a challenge.

“Are you this annoyingly persistent with every girl?”

“Only the really pretty ones,” he said, winking.

She rolled her eyes. “Go away, Jordan.”

“Just dance with me one time, beautiful.”

With a deep sigh, Pamela allowed Jordan to dance a salsa with her, trying to keep Bryan out of her mind. He didn’t even seem to notice her with Jordan as a small crowd gathered round, watching them dance to a Spanish song that was playing.

“You’re a good partner,” Jordan complimented Pamela, his eyes never leaving hers.

BOOK: Don't Tell Daddy
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