Read Draeger Legacy 8 Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Draeger Legacy 8 (9 page)

BOOK: Draeger Legacy 8
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He fucked her with his tongue, sucked at the juices and tried not to come all over himself. The control was soon slipping. He knew that now.


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

There was no way in hell he was going to be able to hold out until her cycle, when she would be forced to come to him. Drake knew without a doubt that their time was coming soon. If he couldn’t just simply touch her without having to bury his face in her flesh, then he knew he was going to be inside her before that four days bullshit.

“Oh god, stop, oh shit!” He felt the climax around his tongue.

Keeping the motion going, he touched her clit and moved his finger as fast as he could over the nub. She screamed and closed her legs tightly around his head.

When he pulled his tongue out he gave her one more long swipe from ass to clit before moving upward on her body, kissing, and licking as he went. She breathed hard and fast. When he reached her breasts, he pushed the bra up, releasing the mounds.

Even with his jeans on, between her legs on the bed, he could feel the scorching heat of her pussy. It took a hell of a lot of will power to keep those jeans on, not free his cock, and just sink into her.

Drake closed his lips around one nipple and cupped her other breast in his hand. He sucked on her breast, nipped and pulled on the nipple until she squirmed under him again.

“Drake, stop please,” she begged breathlessly.

He popped her breast from his mouth and looked up at her. “I want you Natasha,” he spoke low. “I want to be so deep inside you that I’m hurting with the need.”

A single tear slipped free from her eye. He watched that tear fall all the way down her cheek onto the bed. That tear was the cold water he needed. All the desire, the need left his body, his cock went down, and the guilt over what he done finally hit him.

He reached behind her, released her wrists, and rolled from on top of her body.

“I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I’m so sorry.”

Drake stood up picked his shirt from the floor and walked out of the bedroom with the guilt eating at him.


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

Chapter Five

Natasha sat at the table, half listening to the conversation between Drake and James Laswell. Once she heard that her father might use her for a political mating she sort of shut down.

Sure, deep down she knew he was up to something, but to use her to stay on the cabinet and run things the way he wanted was wrong. Then her memory chose that moment to remind her also about what Drake did to her yet again. He said he would only do that thing again if she ran or hit him. Well she didn’t do either, so why did he break his promise?

Nelly fixed a large super. Roasted lamb, new potatoes, baby peas, homemade bread, and a pie. It was great, but Natasha couldn’t seem to eat much, not with the anger boiling inside. She wanted to scream, yell, and hit something or someone. Hell, she just wanted to vent over being used. Always used, that was her life.

“I think it’s time for me to call it a night,” James stated. Natasha glanced at him quickly, then back down to her plate. “Thanks for the dinner. Tell Nelly it was great.”

“Will do.” Drake nodded. “And let me know what else you find out.”

“No problem. Take care, Natasha.”

Natasha kept her head down. James left by the back door. She waited until she heard a car start before facing Drake.

“Okay, let me have it,” he sighed, slumping back in the chair.

Thunder boomed right then followed by a clash of bright lightening.

Natasha looked up at Drake slowly. When she looked at his face, her body reminded her of what he’d done once again—broke a promise.

“You promised me that you wouldn’t do that again unless I did something to you,” she said.

Drake looked at her. His dark eyes piecing it seemed right into her soul. “You did do something. You challenged me. And as much as you might try to sit there acting like I offended you, keep in mind that you did enjoy it.”

The dam blew!

Natasha lost it. Her temper got the better of her. She stood up and shoved the table right at Drake before running out the back door.

Thunder hit again followed by the lightening. She didn’t care if a storm was coming. Didn’t care about what would happen once he caught her.


Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

All she did care about was getting away from everything.

Her father was going to use her. He wasn’t willing to change the way things went at the Gathering. He didn’t want her to have any say in anything in her life. He wanted to use her for his own gain. Just like Drake seemed to want to do.

“Natasha!” he bellowed her name.

Her name seemed to carry on the wind that was quickly picking up.

Natasha ran for the woods, making it before she could hear him call for her again, this time much closer. She stopped and turned, waiting for Drake.

“Why you running?” he asked.

“You want to use me just like he does,” she huffed. “So why don’t you just do it and get it over with.”

“I never said I wanted to use you.”

Natasha went up to him and slapped him. Drake just stood there, his head turned from the blow. And she wasn’t finished. She started to pound on his chest, tears falling from her face, the frustration over the whole kidnapping and her life with her father came pouring out. She couldn’t stop herself from hitting him and crying at the same time.

Drake let her, He stood there letting her hit and beat on him as she cried. She broke. The years of holding herself together, being the perfect daughter for him collapsed, just as she did now, on the ground at Drake’s feet.

She hung her head, cried into her hands and the rain came down.

The cold water from the sky pounded on top of her head, mixed with the tears that fell from her eyes. Drake lowered himself to his knees in front of her. He pulled her into his arms. She fisted her hands into his shirt, buried her face against his chest, and cried.

“I could never use you,” he sighed. “All I want to do is love you Natasha. That first second I discovered you all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around you and protect you.” She raised her face up to him. “To take away all the pain I felt inside you.”

His hand moved to her face, holding her look. Slowly he lowered his own to her, lips touching lips so lightly, so gently she almost thought she didn’t feel them.

The gentleness of his touch surprised her. Since she’d been around Drake, he’d only been hard, taking and demanding from her. Now it seemed that something changed with him. A gentle side showed and she didn’t know how to handle it.

He kissed her fully on the lips. Pressing, teasing her with the tip of 54

Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

his tongue until she opened to him. Still he didn’t really demand from her. His tongue slipped inside her mouth, touched hers as his head slanted, deepening. Natasha got lost in the kiss. She didn’t even realize that she was being laid down on the ground until she felt it touch her back.

The rain beat down on them, but with Drake hovering over her she didn’t feel it. All she felt was his lips upon hers, a kiss so deep, so intense that she felt it deep within her soul. For the first time since she saw him, talked with him, Natasha didn’t mind his hand upon her body.

He backed away from her for only a second. Only long enough that she saw him raise up and pull his wet shirt form his body, tossing it to the side. Hands returned to her face, his lips took hers again, and tongue mating with her own, he stole her breath away. Natasha gripped him on his sides, held on as he devoured her with his mouth.

The thunder boomed, lightening followed, but she felt and heard only Drake. He kissed her with such skill that nothing else mattered around them. This kiss was so much different from the others. She could feel something in him change, but couldn’t put her finger on it.

His hands moved from her face, down her throat cupping her breasts through the wet shirt. She gasped into the kiss, arched into his hands, and didn’t fight the pleasure, the sensations that raced through her veins. She welcomed them this time.

Lower his hands went to the bottom of her shirt. He pushed it up and Natasha raised her arms up for him. Still he kept kissing her, only to stop when he pushed her shirt over her head, tossing it away.

Hands went back up to her face, lips moving from her own lips down her chin and throat. He pushed gently at her head, pushing he back enough to give him full and better access to her throat. Natasha gave it.

He kissed, licked his way down her throat to her chest where he touched the top swells of her breasts. The straps at her shoulders slid down, the clasp at the back was released, and the last bit of protection she had was gone.

Drake didn’t waste a second at closing his mouth over one nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth, teasing it with this tongue and teeth. All the while, he closed his hand over the other, squeezing, kneading the flesh. Rain still beat over her heated body, hit her face, but Natasha didn’t care. It took everything she had now to stay focused on what he was doing to her. How he was making her feel.

A harsh tug, one that had her gasping loudly before he released the breast and he moved his mouth to the other. He was driving her nuts with 55

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this detailed exploration of her body. The attention to her breasts made her clit throb. She could feel herself getting so wet she was sure her panties were soaked.

Once he was finished giving her breasts the same amount of attention, making the nipples so painfully hard and sensitive, Drake went lower. He kissed her belly, flicked his tongue around and in her belly button. A shiver raced down her spine at the feel of him working at her jeans.

Natasha closed her eyes when the snap came free, the zipper lowered and he tugged and pulled them down her legs. She couldn’t look at him while he took her jeans, shoes, panties off. She couldn’t face him naked.

However, she did open her eyes when he picked up one leg, draping it over his shoulder. Hot breath touched her wet pussy. Natasha looked down, meeting his dark, intense eyes right before he opened his mouth and licked between the swollen folds of her pussy.

Natasha moaned at the pleasure, arched into his sweet kisses. This time she didn’t fight it. She gave into it.

Drake licked her from the small entrance of her ass all the way to the throbbing clit. She moaned loudly again, when he flicked the nub, torturously teasing it with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth.

The moment he did that, two fingers slid deep inside her pussy.

He moved them in and out while he sucked hard on her clit. The pleasure raced through her blood, heightened nerve endings she didn’t know she had, and kept her on the edge of a climax. The rain on her body did nothing to cool the burn that he was creating.

Natasha opened herself up wider for him. She parted her legs, giving him free rein to do what he wanted, and still it wasn’t enough. He moved his fingers in and out fast, joined one more, stretched her, and still she wanted, needed more.

She sat up some, fisted her hand into the long locks of wet dark hair on top of his head, and pressed him harder into her pussy. Drake moaned and growled, giving her what she needed with a harder pull to her clit.

“Drake, please,” she begged, not sure what she was begging him for.

He seemed to know. A hard twist of his fingers to her pussy and one finger going right into her ass pushed Natasha over. She screamed into the night, into the rain while her release washed over her. It was powerful enough that she fell back down to the wet, cool ground, trying to breathe through the pleasure of it.

She felt him kiss his way back up her body, fingers still deep inside 56

Draeger's Legacy, Jaden Sinclair

her, pumping, drawing out the orgasm. He was naked, just like her, and Natasha couldn’t recall when he might’ve taken his own jeans off.

She felt the heat of his flesh, the slick, powerful muscles of his chest, legs, belly touching her. Natasha couldn’t help herself. She rubbed her legs up and down over his, up his hips and somewhat over his sides.

Hard, soft, power, that’s what she felt when she touched him. She even rubbed her hands up and down his bare chest and down his belly to a small patch of hair that formed there, going downward.

When she felt his cock touch her for the first time, she stiffened and Drake was there, kissing away her fears. She tasted herself on his lips, tasted his hunger as well. He lowered his body down to hers, trapped her hands for a second between their bodies before she pulled them out.

He kissed her so deep and moved his cock up and down along the slit of her pussy. It sent shivers of anticipation through her body. It seemed that every one of her nerve endings was on high alert, focused right between her legs, right where he was about to enter her.

The first nudge had her hunger surfacing quickly. Natasha returned his kisses, dug her nails into his shoulders, and waited for whatever it was to come. Drake only entered her a small bit before he took hold of her wrists, prying her hands from his shoulders. He pinned them up over her head, linking his own fingers, hands with hers.

The thrust came. It stole her breath, filled her with a burn, pain, stretching that she just didn’t think she could handle. She cried out into the kiss, dug her nails into his hands, and stiffened. He was huge. The burning pain hit her so unexpectedly, tears came to her eyes—tears that he quickly kissed away.

“Give it a few seconds,” he panted into her ear. “I promise you the pain will go away.”

Natasha shook her head. “I can’t do this. It hurts.”

Drake looked into her eyes. For the first time since she’d been with him, she saw tenderness in his dark eyes. “Yes you can.
will do this together.”

She gulped and nodded. Sure enough, the pain slipped away, but the full, stretched feeling didn’t. Slowly he withdrew and just as powerful as the first one, Drake thrust back into her. The burn was still there, the full feeling, but the pain was gone. She stared at him with wide eyes as he moved like that again, his eyes lock still on hers.

BOOK: Draeger Legacy 8
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