Dragon Me to Your Lair: A dragon shifter story (Dragons of Emberside Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Dragon Me to Your Lair: A dragon shifter story (Dragons of Emberside Book 1)
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Maybe taking such a long walk without knowing where the hell I'm going wasn't such a good idea.

She picked up her pace, eying the sky as the clouds swirled overhead and the wind picked up. She didn't think she was going to beat the rain. After twenty minutes of looking for landmarks and passing the same tree twice—of which there were few anyway--Skye stopped.

“Damn it. I'm lost. Not smart.” Raindrops pelted her face as she spoke. The thunder grumbled closer now.

I need to find a safe place to wait this out.

Worry filled her at the thought of being lost at dark. The afternoon was waning, and the storm only made her situation worse. She stood near a rocky crag, thinking and shivering.


* * * *

Niall saw her as he rounded a corner. Skye MacLeod held onto a rocky crag, her clothing soaked.

It's as if she came right to me, but what the hell is she doing out here in the storm? It's not safe—well, not for her in her unshifted state.

Dragons could deal with lightning just fine.

He wanted to bolt over to her and take her into his arms and drag her into the cave.

Idiot. She won't like that very much. Well, she might, but she doesn't know it yet.

Niall grinned and walked over, trying to slow his breathing. He could hardly get near the woman without becoming aroused, and shifting was the last thing he wanted to do now. “Are you lost?” He spoke softly.

Skye jumped, her back to him. When she turned, he could see her nipples poking through the wet t-shirt she was wearing. Its fabric hugged the sweet curves of her body, and he fought the stirring in his jeans.

“What does it look like? I'm just out here, enjoying getting soaked to the bone?” Skye glared at him.

“Maybe.” He bit his lip. “Do you want help, or should I just leave you here to enjoy getting soaked?”

She balled her fists. “Yes, please. I do need help.”

It was so difficult for her to ask. She was lonely and had a wall up ten feet high, daring anyone to scale it.

“Let's go. I know a place close by where we can wait out the storm.” Niall smiled, and she came alongside him.

“Fine.” She sighed. “I mean, thank you. I hope it's not far.” Her hair hung in soggy hanks around her head. She was still gorgeous. He could just imagine those wet ringlets slipping through his fingers.

“No, it's less than a quarter of a mile up ahead, I'd say.” His skin tightened in excitement. She would see his lair, after he called out the special warning to his fellow dragons, of course—to hide, for now anyway.

“Thank God.” She trudged along, frowning.

“Or me.” He grinned.

“You are just too damned happy for this terrible weather.” Skye shook her head, rain spattering into her eyes.

“I'm just used to it. I do repairs in all weather. I live my life outdoors as much as possible.” Gloom gathered around them as night fell swiftly.

And it's not always possible, being a dragon shifter.

“Here we are.” He made a flourish with his arms, as if inviting his lady into a castle. In essence, he was. The cave of the Emberside Dragons was his castle—the only one Niall had ever known.

Skye stopped beside him, a puzzled look on her face. “In here? You're joking. Right? It's not safe. There's a sign.” She pointed as if he were blind. He had especially good night vision, he could guarantee that.

He waved away her concerns and smiled. “It's fine. I've been here dozens of times.”

More like thousands, since I was born here one snowy night twenty plus years ago now.

Niall whistled low and loud. Skye jumped.

“What was that for?” She hesitantly followed him into the mouth of the cave.

“Just scaring baddies away—unless you want bats and other nasty creatures coming right at you. Just follow me.”


* * * *

Unease slithered like a worm up the back of Skye's neck. Following a man she hardly knew into a cave that was marked off limits for the public seemed a bad idea.

It's just the sort of stupid thing one of my heroines would do before she got hit over the head by the villain.

She stopped. “I...I appreciate your offer and concern, but I think I'll head back out. It's just rain.” Skye eased toward the entrance. She could still see a slit of light back the way they had come in.

Just then, a huge bolt of lightning shot down and filled the cave with brightness. A roll of booming thunder followed.

“You sure about that? I promise I won't hurt you. This is just a nice place to wait the storm out.” Niall smiled in the gloom.

Skye sighed. “Maybe this is stupid, but okay.”

But she didn't think it was. His voice just then had been...so kind. It was something she had never experienced from a man—kindness. Not in any solid way, beyond someone opening a door or smiling politely. Her own father had walked out when she was very young, and her mother's succession of boyfriends had been sleaze balls—not one of them kind.

“It's not. Let's explore. It's a great cave, actually.” Niall offered his hand. “Take it. I'm not just being chivalrous. It's easy to stumble here. The light isn't great, and there are lumps and bumps in the rock underfoot. I have a pen light, though.” He took it out of his pocket and shined it on the ground in front of him, raising one eyebrow in her direction.

Skye took a deep breath and walked the few steps forward to take his stretched out hand.

Here's hoping I don't end up on the news in a few weeks in some lurid headline like, Body of American Woman Discovered in Off Limits Scottish Cave.


* * * *


Niall felt the jolt of electricity run up his arm when Skye took his hand. He squeezed it gently, hoping it wouldn't give her the wrong idea. He loved being with her, touching her. He wanted so much more from her, and he wanted to give her so much more.

This is all a dream.

He scowled at the inner voice, reminding him of Morighan and the complications of his situation. When he had given the low whistling signal, that sent all dragons into hiding. It was a sign from any clan member that an outsider was entering—someone who didn't know about dragon shifters or that they inhabited this place as a home. At least he didn't have to worry about running into Morighan, though she might see Skye with him, and she wouldn't like that one bit.

He groaned.

“What's wrong?” Skye's voice held a note of fear.

“Nothing. Just thinking about something I forgot to do in Emberside proper today. It will wait until tomorrow.” He stopped, still holding her warm hand. “So, what do you think about this place?”

“It's...magical, somehow. I feel like I've been here before.” Skye shrugged, gazing at the rocks around her and the high top of the central part of the cave, brown and damp from rain and moisture seeping in. “But I've only been to one cave as a child. I don't remember much about it at all.” She smiled.

“Oh, that's a shame. Well, plenty of caves here to enjoy this summer, and maybe beyond, if you stay, lass.” Niall smiled at her as he saw the question in her gaze. He wanted to pull her close and kiss her.

“Excuse me!”

He jumped a step back at the voice, releasing Skye's hand. It was Morighan.
Blast that dragon woman!

“Did you see the sign? You know this cave is closed to the public.” She shot daggers through both of them with her icy blue stare as she came into view, pulled up to full height, golden blonde hair trailing down her back, her nostrils flaring.

“I'm sorry. I'm not from here.” Skye sounded distressed.

That pissed Niall off even more than Morighan's interference had. “As you know, I am. The weather's terrible out there. We needed shelter before we were struck by lightning and killed.” He heard the razor sharp tone in his voice. Niall didn't care.

“Well, you need to be leaving soon. I'm doing a survey of the cave—for the government.” She cleared her throat.

Sure you are, you lying fire breather.

He gave her a sardonic smile. “We'll clear out soon.”

“Thank you.” Morighan turned on her heel and disappeared into the black center of the cave.

Niall wanted to punch the wall, but that wouldn't be a good idea with Skye here. He would give Morighan a talking to later. How dare she?

But she did dare. She was his betrothed and had every right to breathe fire when she saw him holding a human woman's hand. He had no rights in the matter. All he could do is tell her it was over, and damn the consequences.

“I think it's slacked up a bit. Are you ready to go?” Skye cleared her throat. She tapped her foot impatiently.

The spell between them was broken, and he led the way to her cottage in sad silence.


* * * *

“Well, here we are. Thank you again. I'm glad I didn't brave that for hours trying to find my way back.” Skye laughed as she opened her front door.

Niall followed her inside, desperate to be with her. The last thing he wanted right now was to return to the cave and to what was waiting to be done.

“Any time. I'll be 'round tomorrow to do some weed trimming and the like. It won't be too early, though, and I'll try to keep the noise down so you can write.” He studied her flushed cheeks and full lips.

By Zeus! She's pretty.

“That would be great. Hey...” she trailed off and bit her lip as if thinking. Niall waited, not wanting to push her. She was like a skittish yearling dragon, unsteady and not trusting of anyone—at her core.

“Would you like a cup of tea and a scone or two? It's the least I can offer. I noticed my cabinets were stocked for me when I arrived.” Skye shrugged and inclined her head.

“Of course. Thank you.” Niall eased himself into one of the kitchen chairs. “Can I help with anything?”

“No. I just have to find everything.” Skye shrugged. “New place and all. I'm still opening the wrong cabinet just to find a cup.”

“Right. So...what kind of novel are you writing? I'm sorry to ask when I'm sure you get the same question all the time.” He stared at her shapely form as she reached high to get to the tea bags.

“Oh, it's a romantic suspense novel.” Her cheeks grew pink.

“Does that embarrass you?” He gazed into her eyes as she took the tea bags down.

“No. Why should it?” Her tone was curt.

“You blushed.” He grinned, enjoying putting her on the spot.

“No, I didn't.” Skye went to the sink and then slammed the teapot down on the burner.

“Yes, you did. But maybe it's just because you're shy.” He wriggled his brows.

“I'm not. I didn't blush. I'm like most writers—neurotic about my work and worried the next novel won't be any good. The first was a bestseller.” Skye dug for something else in the pantry. “I know there are scones in here somewhere. I saw them earlier.”

“Wow. A bestseller. That's great. Congratulations.” He watched her rummage for a moment. “Hey, I know where they are.” Before she could protest, Niall walked up behind her, a hair's breath from her body. He leaned over her and put his hands right on the package—just not the package he really wanted to touch.

Damn. He wanted to whirl her around and kiss her—hard.

She bumped into him as she backed up, obviously flustered. “Thanks.”

He touched her back, and she stopped and slowly turned around.

“If you'll just move, I can finish putting together our tea.” Skye's smile was tight lipped, her pulse beating in her throat like a little dragon's wings.

“Sorry.” Niall put his hands up.
I can't win with her.
“So, tell me more about writing romantic suspense.” He chuckled.

“What's funny about it?” She dumped some scones onto a plate with an angry thud.

“Nothing. I just pictured you writing something...more serious—like historical novels.” He shrugged. It was true.

“Well, you pictured wrong. I happen to adore the romance genre and cut my teeth on my Gran's old Scottish highland romances.” Skye's cheeks pinked again.

“There you go again.”


“You're blushing.”

“Dammit!” Skye stamped her foot as the tea kettle whistled. “If I am, it's not because I feel...embarrassed, or—or uncomfortable around you or anything.” The words dropped like bricks between them.

Niall let the silence roll out. He wanted her to hear what she had said.
Oh, but you do. You're so afraid of me. I think you like me, my sweet dragon girl.

“Let's eat.” Skye sat down with the plate of scones, a scowl on her face.

“Yes, ma'am.” Niall grinned.

I'm going to find out if you are a dragon shifter, sweet Skye, and I'm going to do it tomorrow, so help me gods. My time is ticking fast with Morighan and the clan breathing down my neck.


* * * *

Niall managed to avoid Morighan that evening and the next morning until he left Emberside Cave, as his clan called their dwelling place. He feigned illness and stayed in his room. He knew he could only buy a couple more days. She would come to him, demanding sex and to know if he was in love with someone else.

BOOK: Dragon Me to Your Lair: A dragon shifter story (Dragons of Emberside Book 1)
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