Read Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) Online

Authors: Brenda Trim,Tami Julka

Tags: #Romance, #science fiction romance, #Warrors, #Series

Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)
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“Och. I assume the risk is in them killing a real vampire and thus exposing the existence of the realm,” Kyran threw out as he tossed his cards on the table.

“Aye, that would be the concern. This situation must be handled carefully. I willna tolerate Elsie being harmed in anyway and we canna eliminate humans for being rash. They seek justice for a wrong done them. How many of us wouldna do the same thing? We need to learn who is involved and include their territories on our nightly patrols. I willna have more innocent humans killed on my watch.” Zander needed a reprieve from his ruminations about Elsie. He wasn’t thinking straight and developing a more effective plan at the moment seemed like an impossible task.

Thankfully, his sister began plotting for him. “Why don’t we erase their memories of their encounters with skirm? That would take care of it.”

“That isn’t going to work, Bre. We have no idea how widespread this group is. We can’t assume the group is restricted to this area. If this is global there would be no way to get to every member. It would be easier to put an ad in the paper,” Santiago replied sardonically.

Breslin’s face fell. “Oh, I hadna considered that. What can we do then?”

Kyran had been eyeing him intently. “I say we follow this group. They may have uncovered the skirm lair. Skirm canna sense humans like they do us, and won’t take as many precautions around them. I volunteer to follow Elsie,” his brother said with a sly smile.

Zander’s objection was immediate and vehement. “Nay, you willna follow her. I will be the one to do it.”

Kyran’s smile spread. “This is the female you got sprung for the other day, is it no’?”

Zander scowled. He fell into his brother’s trap. All he thought about was Kyran seducing her and introducing her to his dark desires. That thought made him so angry he reacted without pause. “I did not get sprung over her,” he gritted out.

, you did. Everyone in the restaurant heard you groan.”

Everyone laughed which did nothing to diminish Zander’s desire to punch his brother.

“Our Liege attracted to a human?” Orlando teased. “No wonder you wanted Santi and I to take her case. You wanted an excuse to see her again—” Orlando’s reply was cut off as he ducked out of the reach of Zander’s punch.

“Enough,” Zander barked. He wanted to deny their claims, but the words would be a lie and he refused to lie to his warriors. “The only information I was able to learn from Elsie is that she works with someone named Mack.” He had no idea if it was a male or female. He didn’t care for how much she seemed to rely on this Mack. “I will ask Killian to do his magic on the computer and see if he can discover who this Mack is as well as anyone else involved with SOVA. I suspect it may take some time. In the meantime, no one will follow Elsie without my direct order. Now, get some rest.”

He stalked from the room, ignoring their ribbing. He was more unnerved than they could ever make him by his undeniable desire for the female. The Vampire King should never consort with humans.


Elsie finished texting Mack and placed her cheap cell phone on the table. She hated canceling another patrol, but her sister was still visiting and there was no way Cailyn would understand or allow her to do something so dangerous. She loved her sister, but part of her was itching to be out there with Mack. Her phone chirped indicating she had a message. She picked it up expecting to see a reply from Mack and was shocked to see it was Orlando.

It had been a few days since they had taken her case and she had yet to calm down. It wasn’t Orlando or even his partner that had her on edge, but their friend Zander. She cursed and sent a reply.

“What it is?” Cailyn asked from where she stood gazing into the empty fridge.

“It was Orlando. He said they have some news and will be here in a couple minutes.” She wrung her hands as a thousand different things ran through her head at once. At the top was that there was no way they found the vampire responsible. They didn’t know they existed.

“I’m sure it’s good news,” her sister reassured.

“That would be nice. I have wanted the one responsible to pay for so long.”

The doorbell interrupted. She opened to emerald-green eyes full of mirth and Orlando’s two sidekicks. She wondered at her easy friendship with these men and was forced to acknowledge that some people clicked with you the moment you met. She definitely clicked with these men. Her heart kicked at the sight of Zander. He was even more gorgeous than she remembered.

She stepped back and invited them in. They each carried bags. She tilted her head curiously. “I thought you said you had news? Looks like you guys are going to a birthday party.”

They all laughed. “Good one, Chiquita,” Santiago murmured as he hugged her close. It was nice to be so readily accepted, but she had to wonder if they’d do so if they really knew her. If they knew she was a freak who had premonitions of death.

Zander pulling her into his arms stopped all coherent thought. He smelled utterly male and magnificent. “‘Tis wonderful to see you again, Elsie.” She flushed as he kissed her cheek. His formality struck her as old school. She imagined he was better suited for chain mail and knighthood. The intimate note to his kiss however, had her stepping back out of his reach. She was a married woman and no such intimacy was appropriate.

Orlando claimed her attention before she gained footing. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders holding out one of the bags in his hand. “Because we know you have no food, El, we brought some grub. We also brought tequila and chick-flicks. We’re going to have a girls’ night.” He air quoted the last, causing laughter to bubble up her throat. It may have still felt odd to be so chummy with them, but they knew how to put her at ease. “I may even let you paint my nails,” Orlando teased.

Zander shifted a sparkly, silver, gift bag to his other hand, catching her attention. She paused. What girl wasn’t tempted by a shiny gift bag? No, she was more curious about what they had to share. “Start with the news, please.” She braced her nerves with her hands on the back of a kitchen chair. Had they already discovered who or what had killed Dalton? That would be impossible she reminded herself.

She busied herself with emptying the contents of the bags Orlando and Santiago had brought in while she listened to them update her on the investigation. After reviewing all the evidence, they had found some blood on a pen they believed belonged to the perpetrator. It had useful DNA on it that they compared to a corpse they had found in a dumpster. She sat in stunned silence as she digested the information.

She hadn’t believed the kid they had found was responsible until they told her about his fake fangs and missing heart. She wondered if vampires didn’t turn to ash when their heart was removed and if the fangs were real. If that was the case, then she had a name for who destroyed her life. Jag. And she couldn’t take any of her anger out on him now. He was dead.

She grabbed plates and silverware from her kitchen cabinets and set them next to the food. She expected to feel better with the news, but she was left with the same pain and heartache as before. Nothing of her torment had changed. For all these long months she told herself that she would feel better and begin to heal when the culprit was identified and killed. It was devastating to learn that it made no difference and her suffering was never going to end. In fact, it was so much worse because she was now left without the ability to exact vengeance of her own.

Regardless, she was so thankful they had been assigned to the case. She gained not only answers, but what she suspected were lifelong friends. Life moved on no matter what, so she would too.

She glanced around and realized that no one was eating and the lighter mood was gone. She wanted it back. She was tired of being sad. “Eat you guys. Put in one of your movies, Orlando. You know, I never would have pegged you for a chick-flick-kinda-guy.” She smirked at the blonde haired hottie. “I’m going with the drink-‘til-you-drop plan, anyone with me?”

She turned from the table and headed back to the refrigerator where she pulled out the Limeade and other key ingredients for her passion-inspired margaritas. Her neck tingled with awareness. Someone was watching her. She cocked her head to the side and noticed not only her sister watching her intently, but Zander’s eyes had yet to leave her. She felt the censure in her sister’s glare and the erotic heat from his.

“Stop,” she hissed at Cailyn.

Cailyn placed her hands on her hips, “Then eat before you drink. You haven’t had much food since yesterday.”

“You know I try to eat, Cai. If you thought getting that information from Orlando and Santiago was going to magically make me eat, sleep, and be fucking merry, you were wrong,” she snapped. No one understood what she went through and she was tired of trying to make it okay for others.

“It’s been well over a year since he died. You don’t sleep and you’ve lost a ton of weight. You need closure, you can’t survive like this,” her sister replied as she rounded the counter and grabbed her shoulders.

“You know Cai, closure is a myth. The most insidious myth ever created. I haven’t forgotten about him, or stopped loving him. Nothing can make his murder any less traumatic or tragic. There is no magical cure to erase the memories or the blood. My emotions aren’t a dry-erase board that can be wiped clean. It wasn’t your husband and best friend that was ripped from your life, so get off your fucking high-horse!” she sobbed and fell into her sister’s arms.

A large, hot hand settled on her back. “Why doona you have a seat, I’ll make you a drink.” She lifted her head as the deep timber of Zander’s voice sent goose bumps coursing down her spine. When she met his gaze, the emotions she saw reflected there floored her.

“That would be great, thank you.” She walked over and settled into one of the chairs at her kitchen table. Cailyn helped Zander, giving her space to regain her composure. Still, no one was eating and the tension in the apartment could be cut with a knife. That didn’t work for her. Not tonight.

She took a deep breath and leaned back in her seat. She threw her hands up in exasperation. “For craps sake people, lighten up and eat.”

Orlando and Santiago chuckled and headed over. “You don’t have to tell me twice. I’m as hungry as Cailyn. Can I make you a plate?” Orlando asked.

An animalistic noise sounded in the apartment. Was Zander growling? As he approached her she lost her train of thought. It flew right off the track and the heat that she felt before was now a blazing inferno. She wasn’t ready for what she saw in his eyes, didn’t think she ever would be. Her devotion to Dalton produced guilt far too potent to ignore. Besides, she loved Dalton with all her heart, it didn’t matter how much Zander excited her.

He prowled up to her and set the shiny bag in her lap then propped his hands on the arms of her chair. His hair brushed her cheek when he leaned over to whisper in her ear. His breath was a lover’s caress against her cheek. She had to change her imagery. He wasn’t her lover, and never would be. “For you, my sweet, Lady E. I hope these bring a smile to those luscious lips of yours.”

She sat stunned as he kissed her cheek. He hovered, waiting for her to lift her head. Chicken that she was, she shook her head and kept it downcast. She had no room for a relationship and couldn’t give him what he was asking. He finally relented and straightened before picking up a plate. Only when he began piling it high with food did she lift her head. She wondered how her life had become so out of control.

She met her sister’s questioning gaze, not going there right now, and turned her attention back to the shiny bag. “Thank you. As much as I love presents, you shouldn’t have,” she murmured.

“Nonsense. ‘Tis nothing. The drinks are ready, but I agree with your
. I’d feel better if you had something in your stomach before you drink. Can I get you some food?”

Guilt, sorrow, anger, desire, and confusion all battled within. Too much, it was all too much for her. “Drink please. I promise to eat, but I need a drink,” she uttered hoarsely.

Feeling awkward with the bag sitting in her lap, she peeked into it and pulled green tissue paper out, revealing several small boxes. A musky, oak fragrance wafted from the bag. It was Zander’s masculine scent, and it drove her crazy. Her skin felt tight, as a zing ran through her body. Her head swam. Where was that drink?

She clutched the paper, fighting a warm rush. He was bold. And, if she wasn’t mistaken, he was quite interested in her. She glanced over at him and the lust was back in his eyes. It slammed into her and she blushed furiously. She was in uncharted territory. She and Dalton had been high-school sweethearts, and she was not familiar with how to handle the situation.

She picked up the first box and lifted the lid. They were all boxes of gourmet chocolates. Yum, she loved sweets. Before she indulged, she met Zander’s gaze and felt an odd constriction when his eyes revealed nothing. She stood on shaky legs and took the three steps to stop in front of him. She had to crane her neck to look up at him.

“Do you give all your friends expensive candy? If so, I’m glad we became friends. Thank you for the treats.” She stood on tiptoes and stretched her arms around his neck, hugging him. Every muscle in his body tensed and she worried she had offended him until he softened and clasped her back. Zing!

Her sister cleared her throat, rather loudly, behind her. It was surprisingly difficult for her to let go of Zander. Once she finally released him and tried to turn, she was unable to move. Zander still had hold of her. She looked into his eyes and murmured, “You have to let me go now.”

One corner of his mouth lifted along with one of his eyebrows. “Do I? I’m not accustomed to following orders. Typically, I’m the one giving them,” he laughed, winking at her as he loosened his hold.

He picked up the plate of food he had set down and she smacked his arm. “Well, aren’t you Mr. Bossy Pants?” she teased and smiled then turned to her sister and took the drink she was holding out to her. “Thanks, sis. And, I promise I will eat. In fact, I plan to start with these chocolates.”

She sipped her drink and retrieved a box. She popped one into her mouth. Delicious. Chocolate and tequila, her favorite combination.

Orlando stopped next to her and picked up her empty glass. “Would you like me to refresh that?” A man after her own heart and he didn’t even gripe at her about eating.

She beamed at him and replied, “Yes, thank you.” A pleasant buzz was humming in her system thanks to her empty stomach.

She grabbed her chocolates and went to the living room. A salted vanilla caramel was calling her name. “Mmmm,” she moaned. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the candy. They popped open when the cushion next to her dipped. Zander had joined her on the futon. A quick glance around told her Cailyn was talking to Santiago on the other side of the small room and Orlando was in her kitchen. All of a sudden her apartment felt even smaller.

Distracting herself from his presence, she picked up a honey saffron and lavender chocolate and took a bite. Not as good as the caramel. It was impossible to ignore his magnetism. She tucked her legs up under her, sitting cross-legged and turned toward Zander. “You mentioned giving orders. What do you do?”

He set his fork down and put his arm across the back of the futon. “I head up a large…corporation. We deal with safety and security. What aboot you? The other evening you only mentioned being a student. Do you work as well?”

She took a bite of a peppercorn chocolate. Ugh, she placed the uneaten portion back in the box. She didn’t want to be rude, but that tasted awful. Where was her beverage? “Orlando, where is that drink?” He was handing it to her as quickly as the question left her lips. She took a healthy swallow and washed out the flavor. Peppercorn and chocolate should never be paired together.

“I’m a waitress at Earl’s. It’s close to UW and the schedule works with my classes.” She picked up more candy.


Zander watched Elsie eat another caramel. The way she moaned her pleasure and closed her eyes was maddening. He clenched his fist and gulped his margarita. He needed to cool down. A bath in a tub of ice may do. “You like those,” he observed. He gave a mental headshake. This was a human he was flirting with. One who had no desire to betray her dead husband. He needed to stop pushing this. He didn’t need the problems that came along with a human.

BOOK: Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)
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