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Authors: Marie Higgins

Dreaming Of You (22 page)

BOOK: Dreaming Of You
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“I’m sorry I didn’t call before coming,” Shane said.

It was all she could do not to fling herself into his arms, and at the same time wrap his adorable children in her embrace. “That’s all right. You’re welcome here any time.”

He glanced around at the Christmas decorations still scattered on her couch, not yet put on the tree. “Are you busy?”

“Not really. I’m never too busy to visit with my friends.” She smiled. If she didn’t relax her face soon, she was sure it would crack since she hadn’t done this for a few weeks, either.

“Well, I thought we’d come over to give you some good news.” Cori and Casey wandered over to her Christmas tree.

She blinked with wide eyes at Shane. “Is this about
you know who
and Mags?”


“Oh, tell me!” She stepped closer to him, still fighting the urge to wrap her arms around him and cuddle next to him.

“The restraining order went through. After the judge talked to Cori and Casey he realized
you know who
was brainwashing them. And so he has ordered she get counseling, and she can’t see the kids until she does.”

Katelyn clapped her hands once. “That’s wonderful news.”

“And Mags…she’s behind bars. I have proof that she was stealing from me, and so just last night, she was thrown in the slammer.”

“Oh, Shane. I’m so happy for you.”

“Katelyn,” Cori moved away from the tree and came to Katelyn’s side, tugging on her arm. “We want you to come with us to see Christmas lights.”

Blinking, Katelyn held back tears of joy. “Christmas…lights? You want
to go with you?”

Casey clasped his hand with hers. “Yes. Daddy told us how you used to go with your mommy and daddy to see Christmas lights, and we wanted to do that with you.”

She glanced up at Shane. He smiled and nodded. Within seconds his face blurred from the tears filling her eyes. “You…remembered?” she asked softly.

Tenderness softened his expression as he closed the space between them and stood right in front of her. “I have had a lot of time to think, Katelyn, and everything I’ve thought about turns back to you. When you entered my life, you changed a lot of things. I’ve made a lot of
changes, I might add.” He caressed her cheek and wiped away tears with his thumb. “My children love you, and...I can’t live without you.”

He cupped her face with his hands. “Katelyn, I want to make memories with you. I want you in my life, teaching me how to let God in also.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers. “I love you, Katelyn, and I never want to be apart again.”

Never in her life had she heard such beautiful words. She’d never even
such a heart-melting sentiment.

“Oh, Shane!” She released the twins’ hands and threw her arms around Shane’s neck, kissing him back. Their kiss wasn’t passionate, but very tender and emotional. With every brush of his lips against hers, she could feel the love pouring from him, and she hoped to relay the same message with her mouth.

When she broke the kiss, she didn’t pull away, but stared into his mesmerizing eyes. “I love you, too. More than I ever thought possible.”

“Marry me?” he asked.

She nodded so fast she thought her head would fall off her neck. “Definitely! Tomorrow if I could.”

He laughed. “Well, since tomorrow is Christmas, perhaps we can postpone it a while longer.”

She shrugged. “Well, if I have to.”

The kids cheered and hugged her. She knelt to their level and wrapped them in her arms.

“Can we call you Mommy?” Cori asked.

“I would love that.” Katelyn patted the little girl’s cheek.

The twins cheered again, each giving her a kiss.

When she was able to stand again, Shane swept her in his arms for another earth-rattling kiss. When he let her go, he swatted her butt. “Now go get your coat. We want to go see the Christmas lights at that beautiful white church.”

She smiled, peace settling in her chest. “All right, but only if we can come back here and have hot chocolate with marshmallows.”

He chuckled. “That sounds like a great memory…and a great tradition to start with our family.” He took her hands in his and gently squeezed. “Thank you for everything. Being with you makes me feel ten feet tall. I want to be the man of your dreams,” he whispered.

She smiled, her heart bursting with love and happiness. “You already are.”






     Since Marie Higgins was a little girl playing Barbies with her sister, Stacey, she has loved the adventure of making up romantic stories. Marie was only eighteen years old when she wrote her first skit, which won an award for Funniest Skit. A little later in life, after she’d married and had children, Marie wrote Church roadshows that were judged as Funniest and Best Written. From there, she branched out to write full-length novels based on her dreams. (Yes, she says, her dreams really are that silly)

     Marie has been married for twenty-six years to a wonderful man. Together, they have three loving daughters and several beautiful grandchildren. Marie works full time for the state of Utah, where she has lived her entire life. Marie plans to keep writing, because the characters in her head won’t shut up. But her husband smiles and pretends this is normal.

     Marie Higgins is a multi-published author of romance; from refined bad-boy heroes who makes your heart melt to the feisty heroines who somehow manage to love them regardless of their faults. Visit her website / blog to discover more about her –


Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


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BOOK: Dreaming Of You
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