Read Dual Threat Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Dual Threat (2 page)

BOOK: Dual Threat
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With both of them in tow, she dragged them to the dressing room hallway and then stopped. The glitter on her cheeks shone under the light, and the blue in her eyes deepened. Evan loved seeing her in the thick stage makeup, and fresh-faced even more. Who was he kidding? He loved her, plain and simple.

“So.” She let go of their hands and then fluttered her fingers. “I broke things off with Dade.”

Her words hung thick in the air with the cigarette smoke. Lights from the disco ball flashed on the deep purple walls and highlighted her wide eyes. Evan swore he heard her talk. He knew the meaning of the words she’d used, but damn it, nothing made sense. He’d longed for her to say she’d split from Dade. Did he hear her right, or was this another figment of his imagination?

“Ian? Evan?” Her shoulders drooped, and she stuck out her bottom lip. “I thought you’d be excited.”

Ian spoke first. “As long as you’re happy, sweetheart, we’re happy.”

“He stole my credit cards and tried to use them at the gas station. Then when I called him on what he’d done, he tried to slap me, but I ducked. Sonya went with me to file the restraining order this morning.”

“Great news.” Evan threw his arms around her. At least now he could touch her without fear her lousy ex would harm her. His tiger perked up and paced. A new scent mingled in the air around them. The scent of his mate, a sweet, flowery smell, like rolling in a spring meadow.

Unlike their feral counterparts, tiger-shifters didn’t hiss or growl to capture their mate. Evan petted her hair. He’d work like hell to gain her trust. Shifters walked alongside the humans and lived together in peace, but unlike the humans, shifter sex wasn’t talked about. Humans tended to shy away from thinking they could mate with shifters. He didn’t care. She belonged to him, and if they were lucky, she’d accept both of them. He could only hope.

Evan hazarded a glance at his brother. Ian leaned on the wall, and his eyes flickered between green and yellow. His tiger knew too.

“I’m not getting involved with anyone for a while. No way. I’ve even got an apartment here in Belden over by the bank building.” Kaia remained in Evan’s arms. “But I’m glad I’ve got you two on my side. You’re the best friends a girl could have.”

Best friends. But for how long?

Chapter 2

Two months later…

“Looks like it’s a full house of shifters tonight. Must be the warm weather making guys come out in droves.” Sonya pulled her curtain closed and then turned to Kaia. “You’ve got one more turn, then you’re done. Are you letting Ian and Evan give you a ride home? It’s been two months since your split from Dade. You deserve a hot night, and I know those two are willing. Tell me you will.”

Kaia reached beneath her fringed tank top and adjusted the cups on her bra. Dancing in the ring of windows wasn’t her idea of a good time, but the money paid her bills and kept the pawing hands of the public off her. Ian and Evan also tended to visit the circle too. Sonya claimed they’d be there to give her a ride. Did they really want more? Her phone buzzed with a text message, ripping her from her thoughts.

Need to C U

Kaia gritted her teeth.
Her ex, the asshole. She never wanted to see him. Ever. With Dade, the word
go ahead
, and
I’ll kick you in the balls if you don’t stop
translated to
I want you to fuck me
. She stifled a shudder and deleted the message. One day he’d get the hint she didn’t belong to him any longer. God knew, the restraining order meant shit to him.

Another message popped up.

Don’t hide from me. I will find you.

She shivered. Of course he’d find her. The man wouldn’t leave her alone. Breaking up with him meant nothing. The restraining order? He ignored that too. She rubbed her chilled arms and willed her stomach to settle.

“You okay?” Sonya covered the phone with her hand. She tossed the device onto the makeup table. “Ignore him and think about Evan and Ian. They’ll treat you right. You need a night or two to cut loose.”

“They still want to—cut loose with me?” Kaia stared at her reflection in the mirror, finger combed her hair, and then pursed her lips. “I mean, they know what I would do with the both of them—fuck like crazy, but are they still interested? Some guys won’t share, even with their own brother. Besides, this isn’t just a ride home to make sure I get there without incident. I’m tired of the friendship being … platonic, even though I’m the one who insisted things should stay that way.”

“Duh.” Sonya applied another swipe of lipstick over Kaia’s mouth. “The big tigers don’t want you hurt, and yeah, I think they are more than a little interested.”

Kaia sighed. “Would be nice to date a guy who wasn’t a controlling asshole or freaked out by what I did for a living. Talk to you when my set is done?”

“You got it.” Sonya adjusted Kaia’s straps. “The boys want you. Focus on their energy and how much you want them too. You’ll get through this.”

Thank God for her best friends—all of them. Kaia strode up the steps and into the small circle. Seven windows surrounded her. She turned the chair around and then hooked one leg over the curved back. Head down, she waited for the spotlight to center on her and the music to blast.

“Time to be sexy.” Kaia flipped her hair over her shoulder and kicked her leg up high to the music, giving the clients a generous view of her thong panties. By one thirty in the morning, most of the clients just wanted to see boobs and bare ass. They didn’t give a shit if the music repeated or the light got stuck. If she showed skin, they paid up.

She rolled her hips and swayed. Instead of thinking about the people watching her, she wondered about Ian and Evan Davis and what Sonya had told her. A sizzle started low in her belly. Twin tiger shifters, both filled out with tons of muscle. She imagined Ian sitting in one of the booths, running his hand through his wheat colored hair, a tiny smile playing on his lips. He’d be sitting back in his chair, one ankle resting on his other leg. Would he be turned on by her? Would he turn her away if she ran her hands over his chest and learned the peaks and valleys of him?

Or would Evan watch her? A quarter of an inch shorter than Ian, Evan laughed more. He made conversation easier and always kissed her on the cheek. Would he be touching himself? Or would he break the glass to get to her? The heat in her body kicked up another notch. The vision of Evan in the circle with her, rubbing his cock over her ass and cupping her breasts as they danced, came to mind. She twisted and removed her tank top and then trailed her fingers down her throat.

Another wild fantasy popped into her head. Ian and Evan
in the circle with her. Her pussy creamed. She yearned to be the center of an Ian and Evan sandwich, tucked between them as both men touched every part of her being. She rubbed her thighs together. She’d never been with two men before, but the very thought of sharing her bed with both of them made her nipples ache. The bra straps slipped off her shoulders, so she cupped her breasts and popped the snap. The garment opened and she dropped it onto the mirrored floor. She pinched her pierced nipples and then moved her hands.

Someone clapped and another client whistled. She gyrated to the music, giving equal attention to the clients behind each window. Kaia hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and tugged. The flimsy piece of material fell away from her body, with only the c-string covering the last bit of her modesty. When she glanced at the windows, two went dark. The spotlight doused, leaving her in the pale light of the rope lights around the bottom of the stage. She grabbed her clothing from the floor and hurried down the steps.

She picked up her phone to call her ride. Instead another message from Dade flashed on the screen.

I won’t be ignored

“Yes, you will,” she muttered and deleted the text. She logged into her account and blocked his new number. He’d bothered her for long enough. No more. Kaia slipped the phone into her bag. No more living in the past and letting Dade run her life. If Ian and Evan wanted to give her a ride home, then she’d make it worth their while. Maybe she’d even find what her heart desired—both of them.


“You think this is the night?” Evan picked at the upholstery on the door of the truck. “I’m tired of waiting. My tiger is tired of waiting. She’s the one.”

“She’s ready.” Ian pulled to a stop behind the Glass Martini. “But if we move too fast, we’ll freak her the hell out.” He turned off the engine, rolled the windows down, and then settled in his seat. A warm April breeze curled through the cab of the truck.

Evan didn’t need the command to know what Ian wanted him to do. He nodded once to his twin and then climbed out of the truck. His tiger paced and growled. “I know,” Evan murmured. He wanted her too. Part of him wished Kaia didn’t have to work at the Glass Martini. Sure, the place was the least disgusting gentlemen’s club in Belden Valley—compared to the other clubs—but he’d rather have her home for their use. Just the mere thought of her sent his senses reeling. He’d fallen in love with her the moment he met her, but bided his time.

Kaia Martin. The bad girl of his dreams. He palmed his cock before he made his way into the foyer of the club. If he showed up with a hard-on, she’d either freak or laugh—unless she wanted him as much as he guessed. He sniffed the air. Her aroma wafted on the stale breeze of cigarette smoke and the tropical perfume used in the fog machines. His tiger perked up. She was ready.

“Hey, big brother.” Sonya threw her arms around Evan. “Kaia’s showering off. Seems she got a tad worked up during her last dance.”

Evan grinned at his baby sister. “Don’t shit me, Sonya. I’m on a hair-trigger, and the tiger’s ready to pounce. Tommy’s still here, right?”

“Yes. He’s become extra-protective since we became exclusive. It’s nice. But we’re talking about Kaia.” She swatted his arm. “Be careful. Dade fucked her up, and he’s been leaving her messages tonight. I don’t know how he got her number this time, but she’s scared. She wants love and protection. Show her you both respect her, and then let the tigers take over. She’s got a massive crush on the both of you. Just don’t blow it because the tigers want their mate.”

The tips of his ears burned, but Evan knew exactly what his sister meant. He’d met Tommy and Dade over the summer. He had liked Tommy, but not Dade. The moment he laid eyes on the beefcake blond, heavy on muscle and light on brains, he knew damn well what Dade would do. The man screamed jealousy and mistrust. Evan could only guess what Kaia saw in him at the time. His tiger growled again and then sniffed.

Kaia appeared from behind the curtain, a duffle bag slung over her shoulder and her massive purse dangling from the crook of her arm. She’d pulled her hair back in an elastic band. Glitter still shone on her skin, and despite washing most of her makeup off, she still knocked him for a loop.

“Sorry.” A blush swept over her cheeks. “Had to grab a few things and shower off.” She opened her free arm and hugged Sonya. “Thanks, hon.” Then she turned to Evan. “Ready when you are. I assume Ian’s in the car?”

“You assume right.” Evan lifted the duffle bag from her shoulder. “A gentleman never lets a lady carry the heavy stuff.” He gripped the bag tight in his hand and then wrapped his free arm around Kaia. “Now we can go. It’s nice and warm for mid-April. Good weather to leave the windows open at night.”

Her perfume, something flowery, danced around him. His cock thickened behind his zipper, and he shifted his hips. He groaned and his tiger growled again. Soon.

“Ready, babe?”

“Yeah,” she murmured. Although she hesitated for a moment, she softened to him once they reached the door.

Tommy pushed the curtain aside and dipped his head once. “Hey, man.”

“Have a good night!!” Sonya snuggled up to Tommy and waved.

Kaia didn’t say anything until they stepped out into the night. “What all are you planning tonight?” She kept her head low. “Sonya mentioned something about a date. Oh, wow.” She stopped before she reached the sleek, black truck and whistled. “She never said anything about riding in the truck.”

“We like to treat our ladies with care.” Evan opened the truck door. “And you’re our lady.” He placed her bag under the hard cover over the bed of the truck and then waved his hand. “Slide in.” His tiger paced again and rumbled. The animal didn’t want to wait or finesse—it wanted its mate. Now.

Kaia glanced up at him from under her lashes and then climbed into the truck. Goddess, he’d never seen a more beautiful woman. Her dark hair spilled over her shoulders, and her brown eyes sparkled. She complained about the fullness of her hips, but he didn’t care. He loved healthy women—women who wouldn’t break in the heat of sex. A woman who begged to be claimed in every way. Evan closed his eyes for a moment and begged his tiger to calm. If they pushed her, she’d run. Besides, she held all the cards. Just because the tiger wanted her didn’t mean she’d agree to be their mate.

“Get in here,” Kaia called.

“Coming.” Evan slid in beside her. “Ready.” Now he could only hope she was too.

Chapter 3

“Are we picking up someone else?” Kaia shifted her gaze between Evan and Ian. “I’m assuming one of you has someone they’re dating. We’ll be doubling?” In her heart she hoped to be wrong. Then again, she didn’t want to be the third wheel, either. “Guys?”

“We’re going home,” Ian said in a low voice. He didn’t look in her direction, but he flexed his hands on the steering wheel. Home sounded good to her. She turned over in her mind whether or not to question him further.

“Kaia.” Evan curled his arm around her shoulders. “Consider this a night of pampering and whatever you want.” He touched her cheek with his free hand, tipping her gaze to his. “We’re focused on you.”

Heat surged in her veins. Focused on her? We? “I see,” she murmured and licked her bottom lip. “Like a day at the spa kind of pampering, or something else?” She stared into the depths of his eyes. Despite the dim light, flecks of gold and brown shimmered in the blue. Damn, did this night have to end?

BOOK: Dual Threat
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