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Authors: Dana Lorraine

Dying to Love Her (9 page)

BOOK: Dying to Love Her
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“I agree. She’s perfect.” Rook stepped beside him and took
Melanie’s hand, guiding her into his arms. “I know this isn’t just about weight
for you. You want to be healthier. You’re going to have to do it the
old-fashioned way, though. Lots of heavy sweating will be involved.
Fortunately, Alec and I excel at sweat-inducing activities.”

“Which of course will require long, steamy showers
afterwards?” Alec added.

Melanie’s posture relaxed and she burrowed in closer to
Rook, looking at Alec as she spoke. “You’re not saying that I’m perfect because
you’re both stuck with me on account of my blood?”

“We’re not stuck with you.” Alec countered. “What, do you
think Rook and I would settle for any woman fate threw our way? Yes, you happen
to be a blood match but there have been others before you.”

Her eyes widened with his confession.

Twice before he and Rook had gotten the call that a suitable
match had been found for them but neither time had they felt the match suited

“None of them ever enticed us to give up the life we live
now, Melanie. That is, until you.” Alec took her hand and pressed it against
his chest. Her touch was like hot sparks lighting his flesh on fire. “You’re
the first woman to capture our hearts and you’ll be the last.”

A hint of tears glistened in the corner of her eyes. She
looked up at Rook and he kissed them away and with the nimbleness of men
desperately in love, they managed to steer her out of Alec’s brother’s home and
into the elevator without ever ending the steady fall of kisses.

Chapter Nine


Melanie ran her hand across the dashboard of Rook’s
blue-and-white Shelby Mustang, almost petting it. Between Alec’s sports car and
this vintage gem, it had been one cargasm after the other. Alec was so in
trouble for telling Rook to think twice before letting her drive. Rook? He was
in trouble for listening.

“Sooo, does this lifemate thing include a pre-nup?” She sat
back in the bucket seat that hugged her butt exquisitely and crossed her arms.
“FYI, just give me this car and we’ll call it even.”

Rook cut across traffic into the lower level of his
glass-encased Manhattan high-rise and backed into his personal car elevator.
“What’s mine is yours.” He leveled a quick no-nonsense look straight at her.
“Except this car.”

“Oh sure, promise me the moon and then the minute I agree to
be your lifemate snatch it back.” For fun she worked her best pout, sticking
out her bottom lip for all it was worth. She might be overselling it with the
fluttering eyelashes but went for it anyway. “Will you at least let me drive it

He shook his head, keeping his laugh to a deep, sexy rumble
in his chest. “I could be persuaded.” Rook undid his seatbelt as the elevator
began its ascent. He leaned over and attacked her neck with a constellation of
kisses that had her seeing stars. “You can start now by accommodating two of my
fantasies at once.”

“That sounds interesting.” His lips tickled in the most
tantalizing way. His breath on her neck heated her to the bone. Melanie wavered
between a giggle and a sigh. “Dare I ask?”

“Having sex with you in a car and elevator. It’ll be a
two-for-one.” He unfastened her seatbelt, ran his hands over the fitted cotton
of her shirt as he guided the belt off her body.

The metallic whirl of the elevator stopped. Through the
windshield she caught sight of Alec waiting by the entryway to Rook’s
apartment. Her pulse raced with the intensity of his hot-molten-lava look.

Rook slipped his hand underneath her shirt, creating a
shiver along her skin. Never hurried with his touch, he took the time to stroke
every sensitive inch of her flesh. She needed to wear body armor around these
two. Otherwise she’d be out of her clothes more often than she was in them.

“Why don’t we invite Alec to join us?” he purred.

An invitation wasn’t necessary. Alec prowled straight for
her door and pulled it open.

Dark. Carnal. She knew where his suggestion was leading,
knew why Alec had hastened to the car. Anticipation strummed every nerve and
she quaked.

“What do you think, Alec?” Rook nipped at her earlobe. “Can
we both have our way with Melanie here in the car?”

A lump formed in the back of her throat. What had she gotten
herself into? Couldn’t they ease her into a threesome on something typical like
a bed? The dueling blowjobs in the shower yesterday hadn’t prepared her for
what would be happening between the three of them soon.

Alec raised his brow and seemed to be mulling over the idea
as he visually inspected the inside of the car. He offered her his hand. “That
might prove challenging.”

She took Alec’s hand. At least one of these men
had some sense.

“But I think we could make very good use of the hood,” he
murmured sensually.

Melanie whisked back her hand. There went the pounding in
her chest. It thumped so hard she heard the rush of her blood in her ears.
Maybe it was safer to stay in the car with Rook and his grasping hands.

“Do I have to remind you both that I’ve never had sex with
two men at once?” Now there was a sentence she’d never thought to say in her

“That’s why we want it to be memorable.” The huskiness of
Rook’s voice almost had her giving in to the crazy suggestion. Almost.

The setting wouldn’t make the memory. Alec and Rook would do
that. She clamped her hand over Rook’s wandering fingers because once they
reached her sensitive nipples she’d be too weak to say no to anything they

“Sorry,” she said firmly. “But the hood of a car, as sweet
of a ride as it is, isn’t where I want to pop my ménage cherry.”

Rook’s booming laugh blended with Alec’s chuckle and their sexual
innuendo came to an abrupt halt.

“Did you actually just say that?” Alec asked.

“I like to get right to the point.” Melanie scooted out of
the car and shut the door. “You’ll learn that about me.”

“I look forward to it.” Alec didn’t rush the moment. He
wrapped his hand around the crook of her arm and gazed into her eyes, searching
their depths. “I can’t wait to learn everything about you.”

His touch opened the floodgates of her soul. She wanted to
tell him everything. There wasn’t a need to guard her emotions any longer. Her
heart clenched as she imagined long hours in bed with both of them, sharing all
their memories as they made new ones together.

Rook climbed out of the car, his long stride had him
reaching her side in very few steps. “Come on.” He picked her up and cradled
her against his broad chest. She didn’t argue. These men would never let her

His lip quirked in that sexy way it often did. “I’ve got a
surprise for you.”

He smelled of golden-leafed fall—wonderful, warm and sweet.
Melanie breathed him in, tempted to rub against him so she could carry the
scent of him on her forever.

Alec shut her door. He headed out in front of them and
walked through the apartment door at the end of the hall.

Rook kept them a few steps behind. He stopped before
following Alec inside. “It might be a little premature to carry you over the
threshold but I can’t help myself.” He leaned in. His breath caressed her lips
just before his mouth did. “Welcome home, Melanie.”

It didn’t matter where they were—here with him and Alec she
was home. She curled her arms tighter around his neck. Desire and longing made
a mess of her body and it felt like she was running a marathon without ever
taking a step.

The most fabulous sweet fragrance hit her when Rook stepped
inside. She breathed in deeply and widened her eyes. “What’s that smell?”

Rook lowered her to the ground. “Take a look. It’s one of
your surprises.”

Melanie turned and the grand view of the city from the
two-story-high living room windows took a backseat to the floral shop that had
taken up residence in his home. Flower arrangements in every size, color and
variety filled the modern home.

“Wow.” She smiled and held her hand against her chest. “Just
wow. They’re beautiful.” In a daze, Melanie traveled through the room, skimming
her fingers over the delicate blooms. Examining the roses, lilies, flowers she
didn’t recognize—the indulgence all for her—she began to choke up. “You’ve made
up for every disappointing Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had.”

Alec crossed his arms and shook his head in disbelief. “Are
you trying to make me look bad?”

“You make that sound like it takes any effort,” Rook

“I love them.” She suffocated on the words she really wanted
to say but the loving looks from both Alec and Rook allowed her to breathe. “I
love you, both of you. Isn’t that crazy? But I already do.”

Rook came to her first, swallowed her in his strong embrace
and kissed the top of her head. “I knew you would, baby.”

“Confident, were you?” Melanie squeezed him tighter.

“Hopeful.” His hold relaxed and he looked down into her
eyes, his own bright with unshed tears. “I had to be. The alternative was
something I didn’t think I could live with.”

An explosion of endorphins flooded her body with a
pleasurable numbness. Never had she felt so much love. How had she thought she
could ever resist them?

“Alec, get our present for Melanie. It’s on the table by the

Her stomach burned with excitement and a little bit of
nervousness. “The flowers are enough, trust me. I don’t need anything else.”

“This gift has been waiting decades for you. Don’t make us
wait any longer.” Alec stood next to them and held out a carved mahogany box.
“Open it,” he prodded.

Melanie’s breath quickened taking note of the expectation in
Alec’s eyes. She hesitated and then lifted the lid of the hinged box.
Oh my
A gold diamond-studded cuff bracelet shone against the dark purple lining. The
delicate metal was woven like a vine.

This was too much. Her hand hovered over the jewelry but she
didn’t touch.

Rook wrapped his arms around her from behind and took the
bracelet. He held it out in front of her like an offering on the palm of his
hand. “Traditionally vampires don’t pledge their love and commitment with a
ring, Melanie, but if you want a big diamond you can have that too.”

No, I think the bracelet that looks like it belongs in a
royal jewelry collection will do just fine.
She might need bodyguards to
walk around with her in the city just to be safe.

“Many years ago when Alec and I decided to share a lifemate,
we had this made. The pattern is special. Like a family crest, each vampire has
a design distinctive to their lineage.”

“So whose family does the design represent—yours or Alec’s?”

“It represents both our heritages.” Alec rested the box on a
nearby table and plucked the piece of jewelry from Rook’s hand. “Rook and I had
an artist blend our family’s patterns together to make a new one. This now
symbolizes the family we want to begin with you.”

“That is, if you’ll have us?” Rook whispered in her ear.

“Yes.” One word, one syllable, yet it held so much meaning.
It had been the easiest answer she’d ever given in her life. Giddiness had her
chanting the word over and over in her head.

Alec slipped the bracelet onto her left wrist and it hugged
her rushing pulse. His dark gaze pinned hers.

Behind his lips she could make out the tips of his fangs.
Arousal surged and every nerve tingled with anticipation.

“You’re sure?” Alec was adamant. “Because the next time my
lips touch your skin I’m not going to stop touching you until we’ve made you
our lifemate.”

His possessive words went straight to her core and a slow,
steady throb worked through her body. Her vocal chords wouldn’t cooperate. She

“There is one more thing.” Alec’s tongue darted out and
moistened his lips. “It’s something we’d like to give to you but it’s more of a
gift to us.”

“Anything. Just ask.” They were giving her so much—if she
could prove her love for them, whatever it was, she’d do it in a minute.

“One kiss, one drop of blood, from each of us, that’s all we


“You’re about to become part of our world, Melanie. Our
paths will cross with unmated vampires, many desperate to find a lifemate. You
might be a match for some of them too,” Alec said, his voice trailing off.

“But I’m a match for you. I don’t want anyone else.” Dear
God, two of them…that was enough.

“That doesn’t mean they won’t want you. How could they not?”
Rook pressed in close from behind. “Take our blood and our bond will be
complete. Others will smell our scent on you and know that you are ours.”

Alec pressed the tip of his fang into his bottom lip without
a flinch. A drop of blood welled to the surface.

Melanie arched her toes and pressed her palms against Alec’s
sturdy chest. She wanted to be theirs alone. Without a second thought she
pressed her mouth to his. The metallic tang of his blood didn’t take away from
the sweetness of the kiss. She slipped her tongue along his lips to ensure she
swallowed down every bit.

He wrapped his arms around her, taking the kiss deeper,
owning her mouth. Quick, demanding, his tongue thrust against hers. Arms tight,
Alec kept her close, groaning and laving kisses along her jaw. “Knowing a part
of me is inside of you forever—fuck, that’s everything, Melanie,” he whispered.
“Mine always.”

An avalanche of arousal spiraled, tightening the walls of
her pussy. Her panties clung to the moist heat of her swollen flesh.

“She’s yours, she’s mine, she’s ours.” Rook pressed in
closer and she clenched her thighs tight, giving her awakening clit some
much-needed friction. Knowing Rook was right behind—his blood-dotted mouth
waiting his turn and eager to make her his own—only made Melanie that more
needy. The moment never would be complete until she shared herself with them

With a dizzy spin she tore herself from Alec and fell into
Rook’s hold. His kiss came quick. The taste of his blood was identical to the
flavor of Alec’s still lingering on her tongue. Soft and full, his mouth
covered hers, pouring more heat into her body.

Touch. She needed the kind of touch she didn’t want the
whole world to see in those wide-open windows. She wrenched herself from Rook
and hurried to the flight of open stairs. Three steps up she turned to face
them and continued to climb with her hand slipping along the cool metal
banister for support.

Two sets of intent gazes tracked her every move.

Rook and Alec stood like statues, hard and steady, until
Rook leaned over and said something to Alec she couldn’t hear.

Secrets? Melanie didn’t take another step. Annoyance
tempered her lust. She needed to make it clear that it would never be okay to
keep her in the dark again. “If we want this to work there can’t be secrets
between us.”

“It’s not a secret, baby.” Rook smiled and it managed to be
dark, mischievous and sexy all at the same time. “I just told Alec I thought he
should go to you first and get that lovely ass of yours ready for an afternoon
of lovemaking.”

Thankfully she had a good hold on the railing or she might
have taken a nosedive down the steps.

Alec prowled toward her, a relentless predator. He pulled
his shirt out from his waistband. “And if you hadn’t interrupted I would have
told him what a damned good idea I thought it was.” He climbed the steps two at
a time, his light gray eyes dark with promise. “How do you like that for honesty?”

BOOK: Dying to Love Her
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