Read Eagle's Refuge Online

Authors: Regina Carlysle

Tags: #Romance

Eagle's Refuge (8 page)

BOOK: Eagle's Refuge
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Sheriff Coleman was a brawny middle-aged man. He sat on her couch making notes on a pad. “Do you have a picture of Doug Hill?”

“Yes. Hang on and I’ll get it.” Callie pulled out a photo album and searched through it until she found one of his more recent photos. She handed it over to the sheriff. “This is about seven years old but he hasn’t changed much.”

Mac who had remained standing through the interview looked at the picture when Sheriff Coleman handed it over. His eyes widened incrementally. “Hell, he was in Hell’s Bells a few nights ago. I actually poured him a beer.”

When the sheriff got up to leave, he shook hands with her and then Mac. “I’ll keep an eye out and have my deputy patrol this area, Callie. We’ll find him. I promise you.”

He turned to Mac. “It’s a good thing that you’re taking her out to the ranch. She’ll be safer there. Every soul out there knows the land and how to use a gun. Hoping it doesn’t come to that. Let me know if anything else happens.”

Chapter Six

“I love this big tub, Mac.” Callie sat in the warm tub, leaning against him, and sighed. Mac knew he could stay like this with her until his skin shriveled and the water went cold. She was warm, sweet and wet, lying against him. Something about her felt so damn right. He wouldn’t have wished for the circumstances that had brought them together this way, sharing the same space but at the moment, he wasn’t going to second-guess things. His big oval tub sat along one wall in his master bathroom. Above them a shell-shaped sconce sent muted lights over them both.

Sex was one thing but intimacy? That was new for Mac, a man who’d been careful to keep sex and intimacy two separate things. But Callie, in just a short time, had managed to squirm under his skin and into his heart.

Mac settled his mouth against her wet hair, breathed in the scent of her and sent his gaze down the front of her body. Drops of water dappled her chest and sparkled like diamonds against her taut, pink nipples. Capturing one with the tip of his finger, he finally gave in and cupped both full breasts in the palm of his hand. Mac bent to Callie’s ear. “I’m a big guy, darlin’. When I built the house, I didn’t plan on something like this but Leah insisted.” He shrugged. “She said life is short and I reckon she’s right about that. I suddenly found myself owning part of this land and all that comes with it so I went all out and built something with an eye toward the future.”

Callie rolled her head back and looked at him, her expression soft and dreamy as she relaxed in the water. “The future?”

“Yeah. I thought for a long time that I was a solitary man, someone who didn’t need a lot of people in his life. Figure I was wrong about that.”

“You are pretty close to your family, aren’t you?”

Mac laughed a little. “Getting there. Coming to grips with having sibs made me take a long hard look at myself and the way I was living. I’m tired of feeling like I’m all alone in the world, on the outside looking in. Like I was when I was a kid.” He slid his hands lower until his fingers were splayed over her belly. Callie sucked in a breath and went still in his arms. “I’m tired of running from what I want.”

“We have that in common, I think,” she said. Callie settled her hand over his, entwining her fingers, and then turned her head to press an open-mouthed kiss on his chest. Her tongue swept out to taste his skin. “No more running for me either. How about we take a stand together. You and me?”

Mac placed his finger beneath her chin and lifted her face. She didn’t wear a drop of makeup but she didn’t need it. Her skin was peaches and cream beautiful, her lashes thick and spiky from the water. Tracing the gentle arch of one brow with his thumb, he watched her eyes go all dreamy and soft and felt his heart thump hard in his chest.

Tenderness rocked him. Kissing her, tasting the damp sweetness of her lips, he took the kiss deeper, sending his tongue on a searching quest into the warmth of her mouth.

Callie sighed and Mac quickly drank it down, absorbed it into his pores.

Callie turned in his arms and while he was lost in the simple act of kissing her, she straddled him, reached for him. Her breasts flattened against his chest, sending hunger to claw through his belly. She sent her fingers into his hair, over his neck and shoulders.

Mac groaned, broke the wild kiss and set his teeth against the column of her throat, licking drops of water, sucking tender flesh. And then her hands were on his cock, stroking from base to tip, squeezing gently and then with a firmer touch.

“Closer,” he whispered. “Come closer.”

Mac gripped her ass and slid her forward a tiny increment. Only an inch more and her silken pussy pressed against his tightly drawn balls. She wriggled against him and Mac swore as the breath plumb left his body. Savage sensation rocked him, prompting him to set his teeth against her shoulder and flex his fingers over the firm mounds of her ass. His fingers dipped into the shadowy crease, opening her to his touch. Sweeping

his finger over the bud of her anus, Mac felt her go still. “I want to take you here. Fuck you here.”

“Never done that,” she gasped. “Could with you though.”

Unable to resist, he slid the tip of his finger into her ass to the first joint. Callie’s breath expelled in a rush. Mac played there, loving the responsiveness of her, her openness to try new things. Knowing she wasn’t nearly prepared for that kind of game, he removed his finger and, with his other hand, transferred his touch to her pussy, sending his fingers into her, fucking her that way as her hands slid along his hard cock.

Every nerve ending in his body sat up and howled for release. Skating over that very fine edge, Mac bent his head to one nipple and sucked hard. When Callie writhed against him, squeezing vaginal muscles against his fingers, he gave up. He couldn’t wait. He released her nipple, licked it, then spoke against her breast. “Reach behind me.

I put a rubber out there earlier.” At the rate they’d been going at it, Mac figured it was best to play things safe, so he’d set a condom next to the stack of towels on the ledge just in case.

Callie leaned against him and reached out. “I love a prepared man.”

“Hand it over.”

She shook her head. “No, let me.”

Callie’s fingers trembled. Her breath came out in soft little pants as she ripped the package open with her teeth and reached between their bodies to cover him. Savage need gripping him, Mac lifted her until her creamy pussy hovered over the head of his cock. “Fuck me, darlin’.”

Sinking down on his erection with a soft sound, Callie gripped his shoulders, digging her fingers into his skin. Mac groaned too as her heat surrounded him. Once she was settled and he was lodged to the hilt, he began to move. Water from the tub sloshed in a gentle motion that gradually grew more violent as she rose over him repeatedly, taking him deep into her body. Mac thrust upward, gripping her ass to hold her closer, knowing in that instant he’d never get enough of her.

Callie’s body was so wide open to him Mac felt the hard, swollen knot of her clit press against his pubic bone on each downstroke. Her thick cream coated him only to be washed away from the warm water in the tub. Wound tighter than a spring, Mac thrust upward, absorbing each nuanced sensation, feeling his balls tighten painfully.

Heat swept his skin in a wave.


“Yeah, that’s it, honey. Fuck me. Take it all. Deep and hard. Damn, woman, you’re killin’ me.”

Callie went stiff, her back arching against the shelter of his arm. Mac latched on to one tightly pearled nipple and sucked it as she flew apart. The hard spasms brought his own climax crashing over him, through him. He released her nipple and growled against it, his teeth gritting as pleasure tore through him.

When Callie finally relaxed, he pulled her against his chest and held her, knowing damn well he could hold her like this forever.


The next morning Callie and Mac sat around the kitchen table at the ranch house.

She’d only seen the place in the distance but up close it was even more impressive than she’d imagined. Leah, Mac’s sister, sat across the table from her looking worried. She was a beautiful brunette, very striking and so welcoming that Callie liked her instantly.

Her husband Shane, a tall, lean glass of water, leaned against the counter nursing a cup of coffee. Carmen Whitefeather, Dash’s fiancée, sat at the big table too. She was a pretty Native American woman and Callie realized instantly upon meeting her that she was nearly blind. A big dog sat near her chair and Carmen had the habit of resting her fingers on its head. Dash, a big, dark man with a shaved head, stood behind her. She knew that Dash had been a Chicago cop once upon a time and had been badly burned in the course of his duties. Wicked-looking scars covered one half of his otherwise handsome face.

“I don’t think you should go back to work, Callie,” Leah said, determination heavy in her voice. “Just stay here so we can all keep an eye on you.”

Callie shook her head and looked at the occupants of the room. “I can’t, guys.

Really. I just opened the store and I’m not about to let Doug keep me from my business.

He’s already taken too much from me and I won’t stand for it.”

“We’re taking a stand,” Mac said. His dark eyes were fierce, shining with determination. “Callie and I talked about this late into the night. I don’t want her alone so I’ll be driving her to and from work. No problem. And the asshole won’t be trying anything in the heart of downtown Morgan’s Creek. He may be crazy but he’s not stupid.”

Dash shifted and moved to the coffeepot to refill his mug before turning to give her a look. She and Mac had fully explained the situation and from that moment she’d seen Dash turn cop right before her eyes. He was an impressive man and all business when it came to stuff like this. “You’ll be staying with Mac. That’s good. I know he’s armed and he’ll be ready for anything your ex might throw at you.”

“Damn straight,” Mac said as he reached for her hand. His touch was warm and reassuring and Callie wanted at that moment to just crawl up into his lap and feel his arms around her and know damn good and well she was safe. Callie mustered a smile for him. “She’ll be okay during the daytime. Sheriff Coleman knows what’s up and this is a small town, after all. It’s my hope we can all be spared the worry and Doug will be rounded up and arrested for the break-in at Callie’s place.”

Shane nodded. “Yeah, that would be the ideal thing but we need to be prepared. He could come here and force a confrontation. The shithead is just itchin’ for a fight if you ask me.”

“He is,” Leah agreed. “So how are we going to handle things if he sneaks onto the ranch?”

“Easy,” Dash said. He looked at Mac. “You’ve got me on speed dial, right, Mac?”

Mac nodded. “Yeah.”

“If there’s trouble, call me and immediately hang up. That’ll be the signal for trouble.”

“Sounds good.”

Leah looked around the room then at Dash, frowning. “What about Shane and me?”

“As I’m heading to Mac’s, I’ll call you. We’ll meet up with our weapons ready.”

Callie sat back and watched the plans for her protection fall into place and wondered why Mac had so long resisted being a part of this place and these people.

They were willing to go to the mat for a total stranger but Callie was no fool, they were doing it for Mac too. He was family. He was their brother.

Squeezing Mac’s hand, surprised at the hot burn of tears in her eyes, she looked at the assembled group. Callie cleared her throat. “You guys don’t even know me. I can’t thank you enough for what you are doing.”

Leah smiled suddenly and reached out to pat her hand. “Oh honey, no thanks needed here. When friends or family needs help you just have to do the right thing.”

“That’s right. Who can you count on if not for friends and family? In the end, we all need each other. It sustains us,” Carmen added softly. Dash came up behind her and settled his lips against her shiny black hair.

With the plan set into motion and feeling a little more safe and secure knowing everyone had her back, Callie headed with Mac into town. Ashley had opened The Gilded Lily and was tidying up the place as the two of them walked through the front door. Immediately Ashley stopped what she was doing and rushed up to hug her tight.

“Hell, honey! I’ve been so damn worried about you.”

Callie shook her head. “I’m okay. My house is a mess but other than that, no real damage done.” She glanced up at Mac. “The big guy here is taking good care of me.”

He put his arm around her, his dark eyes intense. “I’ll keep right on doing it too.

I’m heading out to talk to the sheriff but I’m only a phone call away. All right?”

“Okay.” She went up on tiptoes, planning to give him a quick kiss, but Mac made it clear quick wasn’t what he had in mind. His kiss was wild and hot, melting her bones like butter. Sinking against him, Callie forgot about Ashley, the shop, Doug.


She’d take what she could get. Every moment of it.

“I’ll see you later,” he whispered against her lips. “Soon.”


A wicked, sexy grin flashed. “Soonest.”

Callie stood at the sliding kitchen door overlooking Mac’s backyard studying the shadows that dipped and played over the surface of the pool. That she loved being here was unquestionable. Mac seemed more at home in his new house every day and they’d developed a pattern for living together that was seamless and without worry. In quiet moments she wondered how long it could last. It had been the path of her life that good things didn’t continue forever and one day she’d just wake up to the fear and terror and know it was time to move on. Again.


Wasn’t happening this time.

Deep in her heart she hoped that Doug had finally given up on all this crazy shit, this weird, beyond-strange obsession, but knew it wasn’t so. He was there. Waiting, watching and Callie knew she couldn’t let down her guard until he was permanently gone from her life. Now, in the deep of the night, she knew it wasn’t just Doug’s threat that had her all restless. It was Mac.

She was falling in love with him.

BOOK: Eagle's Refuge
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