Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (10 page)

BOOK: Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Trent sat at the bar inside Marilyn’s, sipping a beer as Jacob served other patrons. He stared at the clock above the bar as the minutes slowly ticked by and peeled off the label on the bottle, waiting for his friend to take a break so that they could chat. After almost thirty minutes, Jacob strolled over.

“Let’s sit in the corner booth.” Jacob tilted his head toward the corner and Trent abandoned his beer on the bar, following the man.

Once they were seated in a corner booth, Trent started feeling a little uneasy. He wanted his friend’s advice, but in order for that to happen, he needed to tell Jacob everything. So far, it seemed that nobody knew about what had happened between him and Easton.

After a few moments of silence, Jacob asked, “What’s on your mind?”

“Easton.” Even as he said the young man’s name, his heart ached. He hadn’t said one word to anyone about his relationship with Easton, but he trusted Jacob. The two had been friends for years, long before moving to Colorado.

“Really?” Jacob asked curiously. “Any particular reason why?”

“He spent a week working on my ranch while the foreman and the other hands were gone.”

“Yeah, I heard.” Jacob was looking at him as if he’d lost his mind.

“We got close and I totally fucked it up.”

Jacob sat up a little straighter and asked, “Beyond repair?”

“I hope not, but honestly?” He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“What happened between the two of you?”

“When I met him…” Trent couldn’t help but smile. He could still remember the first time he’d met Easton. The blond cowboy was incredibly beautiful and Trent had wanted to throw the man over his shoulder and carry him home. “There was an instant attraction. At first, I kept my distance. I thought he was too soft, but when he showed up at the ranch, we started talking and things evolved.”

“And you started falling in love?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure when it happened, but I’m in love with him. I didn’t figure it out until he left though. When the week was over, I knew he was going to want to have a serious talk, but before he could say anything, I told him I didn’t want a relationship.”

“You need to tell him how you feel before it’s too late.”

“I went to the ranch today to talk to him, but he wasn’t there.”

“Oh yeah, Jared told me he was going back to Oklahoma to visit his grandma. I’m not sure how long he’ll be gone, but you should definitely talk to him when he gets back.”

“What? He left?” Trent asked, completely shocked.

Why didn’t Jackson or Wyatt tell him? Why the hell did they lie to his face and pretend that Easton was still in town?

“After the accident, he seemed depressed, so he went to see his grandma.”

“What?” Trent couldn’t sit inside the booth any longer. His heart kicked into overdrive just thinking of Easton and all the possibilities. Jumping up, he paced back and forth in front of the booth, his mind a mess. “What accident? What the hell happened?”

“From what Jared told me, Easton was driving back to the ranch from your place. He lost control of the truck and hit a tree. His face hit the steering wheel and he broke his nose and right arm. Doctor Perry kept him in the hospital overnight just in case he showed signs of a concussion, but he’s fine now.”

Trent stopped and stared at Jacob. His mouth dropped open as he tried to process Jacob’s words. Easton was hurt on his way home from his ranch? Easton hit a tree? He’d gone to the hospital. He broke bones. Why didn’t anybody think it’s important to say anything to him?
Oh my God, I could’ve lost him.

“Wyatt and Jackson didn’t say a word to me.” He paused for a moment as a light bulb went on inside his mind. “The brothers aren’t allowed to leave the ranch for a year. They didn’t tell me that Easton left because I’m the executor.”

Turning on his heel, Trent marched toward the entrance. He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out his keys. He was going back to the ranch.

“Trent!” Jacob yelled, but Trent refused to stop.

They lied to him. Jackson and Wyatt told him Easton was out running errands when in reality his cowboy was back in Oklahoma. His baby was in an accident and nobody thought it was important enough to share that piece of information. Did anyone take care of Easton or did they just send him off to his grandma?

“Hey! Trent, damn in, stop!” He kept moving until Jacob stepped in front of him, blocking him from getting inside his truck. “You can’t go to the ranch pissed off.”

“The hell I can’t.” Trent tried to shove Jacob out of his way.

“Think about Easton. If you go to the ranch right now, you’re going to say something you don’t mean. You’re going to start a battle with the man’s family. You don’t want to do that.” Jacob shook his head. “Nobody knows anything about you and Easton. If I had known that he meant something to you, I would’ve called you from the hospital. Easton has been depressed lately, but now I realize that he’s just been heartbroken like you.” Trent swallowed hard and gave a reluctant nodded. “If you want my advice, you should take the night to think things over. It’s always better to respond calmly to a situation instead of overreacting.”

“I just wanted to see Easton. I wasn’t even thinking about the will.”

“I know that, but the other guys didn’t. Trust me. If anyone knew you had feelings for the young man, they would’ve told you he went to the hospital,” Jacob said sincerely, and Trent knew his friend was telling the truth.



Trent took Jacob’s advice. He went home instead of making another visit to the Belt Buckle Ranch. He picked up a silver frame containing a picture of him standing with his twin brother, before dropping down onto the couch. Staring at his brother’s smiling face, Trent shook his head. He could’ve lost Easton the same way he lost Todd without ever getting the chance to tell the man how he felt. Tears prickled at the back of his eyes, but Trent refused to let them fall.

“What am I going to do?”

He sat in silence, thinking about Easton. With each minute that passed, Trent knew he wouldn’t be able to relax or calm down until he heard the young man’s sweet voice and told him exactly how he felt. Lifting his hips, Trent fished the cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Wyatt’s number. He put the phone to his ear, listening to it ring.

“This is Wyatt.”

“Hi, Wyatt. This is Trent.”

“What can I do for you, neighbor?”

“I want Easton’s cell phone number.”

“Uh…” Wyatt started, but Trent cut him off.

“Don’t bullshit me. I know he’s in Oklahoma.”

Wyatt sighed into the phone. “I put him on a plane to visit his grandmother. Since the accident, he’s been depressed and we were all concerned. We didn’t tell you because the will specifically states…”

“I know what the will states.” Trent growled, placing the picture back on the coffee table. He was afraid he might throw it across the room with his frustration level building. “I’m the executor, but did you even consider why I wanted to see Easton in the first place? He’s been coming to my place for a week and we got close. I care about him.”

“We all care about him,” Wyatt insisted.

“He’s mine!”

“Uh…Oh…okay.” Wyatt stumbled over his words, and Trent couldn’t believe he’d erupted the way he had. “I get it.”

“He was in an accident leaving
ranch and nobody thought to contact me.” The guilt was eating him alive, knowing that he hadn’t been by Easton’s side when the young man had been hurt would forever break his heart.

“I was there when he crashed, Trent. I saw the whole damn thing and so did Oliver. Our concern was for Easton and his well-being, not alerting you of an accident. I didn’t even know the two of you were close. Easton didn’t say a word to anyone. What the hell happened anyway? Why was he driving like a bat out of hell to get away from you?”

Trent swallowed the bile rising in his throat.
Shit, it’s my fault. Easton left upset because of me, because I was too afraid to admit to my feelings.

“We…I, uh…I need to speak with Easton. Can I have his number, please?”

“Fine.” Wyatt paused for a moment before rattling off Easton’s digits. “Whatever happened between the two of you, fix it,” he ordered before disconnecting the call.

Trent groaned just thinking about how fucked up the whole situation had become. He hadn’t meant to hurt Easton in any way. Could things between the two of them be repaired? Would Easton consider giving him a second chance? Staring at his phone, Trent slowly dialed the number. He waited a moment, trying to build up his courage before finally hitting the

“Hello?” An older woman answered the phone and he froze for a second, unprepared. “Hello? This is Easton’s phone.”

“Hi. Good evening, ma’am. My name is Trent Weston. I’m trying to get ahold of Easton.”

“Hmmm, is this the same young man that hurt my boy?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered, unable to deny the claim.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” she asked, and Trent knew it was a challenge.

“I was scared to accept Easton into my heart. Since losing my parents and my brother, it’s been really hard for me to get close to other people. Easton is such a sweet man and I didn’t realize that I was in love with him until he was gone. And now, I’m hoping that I can fix things between us.”

“Sometimes love can bite us in the rear end when we least expect it,” she said, and Trent could practically see the smile on her face. “I’m going to give you some advice.” When she paused, Trent turned the volume up on his phone. He didn’t want to miss a single word. After all, she knew Easton better than any other living soul.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Easton has always been sweet and gentle. A dream child, if there ever was one. He didn’t want to go to Colorado, afraid to leave me alone at the farm. But I knew he was meant for bigger and better things. I wanted him to find love and I want him to get
.” She emphasized “married,” and Trent knew she was telling him what she expected. “I had to kick him out and send him on his way.”

When she stopped speaking, Trent’s brows furrowed in confusion, unsure what she was telling him.
What’s her advice?
“I’m not sure I understand, ma’am.”

“Okay, I’ll spell it out for you.” She sounded frustrated and Trent held back a chuckle. “Easton will be flying back to Colorado at the end of the week. You pick him up at the airport and take him to your house. Move him into your life and make him your partner in all things.”

“Are you suggesting I move his things into my house before I even ask him?”
Trent couldn’t believe what the woman was saying. Unless he was completely misunderstanding, which was a huge possibility.

“Are you serious about him? You want a future with him, right? This isn’t just about sexual gratification.” Trent’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head just hearing the woman’s question.

“Of course I want a future,” he confirmed without hesitation.

“Good. And I expect a wedding, young man.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Trent grinned.

A picture popped inside his head, of him standing at an alter holding Easton’s hands and telling the man how much he was loved in front of their family and friends. Forever. He wanted Easton by his side forever and this was his chance to prove it.

“Well, then, you have some work to do before I send my baby to Colorado.”

“I’ll get started right now,” he promised.

“Good. Now, I’d better let you go. I think Easton is done with his shower.” She hung up the phone before Trent could say a single word.

Staring at his phone, Trent chuckled, feeling a whole hell of a lot better. He jumped up from the couch and went to his office. Shuffling through some paperwork, he found the deed to Twin Acres Ranch. He stared at the papers containing only his name. Instead of fear creeping in, he felt elated. He was going to win Easton over and share the rest of his life with the young man. He felt it in his bones. The two of them were meant to be together.

Trent sat down in the large black office chair and dialed his attorney on the man’s private line. He couldn’t wait until morning. He needed to get everything started right now.

“Paula Nicholson,” his attorney answered on the first ring.

“Good evening, Paula. This is Trent Weston. How are you doing?”

“I’m good. I was just closing shop for the night. What can I do for you, sir?”

“I want to add Easton Baker’s name to the ranch deed. I want to make him part owner.”

“It must be serious,” she stated simply before continuing. “As your attorney, I have to say that this may be a bad idea. What you are doing, in effect, is taking your most valuable asset, Twin Acres Ranch, and giving half of it away…forever. I know that most couples in a committed relationship do this, but it can end badly for you. Are you sure that this is what you really want?”

Trent let her advice run through is mind. Was this what he really wanted? Yes. He didn’t have any doubts about Easton.

BOOK: Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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