Read Edible Delectables Online

Authors: Amy Wiseman

Edible Delectables (9 page)

BOOK: Edible Delectables
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Jason leaned in hesitantly, unsure if the signals he was reading were correct.  First kisses were always torture.  His fears were waylaid as Kara met him half way, their lips brushing lightly at first, then with more pressure.  Jason's lips parted slightly, taking Kara's bottom lip between his own and sucking ever so slightly.  He slowly pulled back gently, only to return with slightly more fervor.  Bending his head to the right, his mouth met hers more assuredly.  Kara's hands slowly made their way up his chest, to cup his face, while his slipped from her neck to her back, bringing her in closer, and pressing his body against hers.  After a moment they broke apart, both breathing heavier from the weight of their attraction to each other.  Kara looked up into Jason’s eyes as if searching; seemingly satisfied with what she found, she stood on her tip toes and pulled him back for another searing kiss, which he returned fervently.  This time their lips parted, and his tongue slipped hesitantly along hers for a second; the tips grazing each other, tasting, testing.  The fire between them ignited and Kara slipped her right hand into his hair, holding him in place as her left caressed his cheek and neck.  All the while, his hands smoothed over her back, occasionally slipping to her sides, running up and down over her ribs, his thumbs whispering along the sides of her breasts, only to return around to her back to hold her securely in his arms.  Was it hours later they broke apart? Jason couldn’t tell.  They stood, still holding tightly to each other, breathing heavily.

"I want you to stay."  Kara looked surprised with herself at her bold declaration.

"I want to stay," he responded.  Jason held her gaze, his eyes on fire.  Slowly Kara detached herself from his grasp and trailed her hand along his arm, down to his hand, intertwining their fingers.  He looked down at her face and saw his own desire reflected in her eyes, and almost gasped.  She stepped past him, gently tugging on his hand for him to follow, which he did willingly.  Kara led him down the hall toward her bedroom, stopping at the threshold to push the door open, and paused. 

He glanced around the room, noticing how tidy and organized it seemed.  There was a bookshelf to the left of the bed stocked with books that he was suddenly eager to look through.  He craved anything that might help him know her better, help erase the years they’ve spent apart. Jason looked at her intently then walked ahead of her into the room pulling her gently behind him, now leading instead of following.  He squeezed her hand lightly then released it and crossed the room to the nightstand by her bed to switch on the lamp.  They stood apart from one another now, Kara still standing where Jason had left her.  Their eyes met, and finally making a move, Kara walked toward him while he slowly met her half way.

They stopped in front of each other, just inches apart.  Jason's six-foot frame seemed to tower over Kara five foot two.  He watched, heavy lidded, as she allowed her eyes to travel his body now, with a look uninhibited and eager.  She carefully placed her hands on his abdomen and slowly ran them up his chest and over his broad shoulders, causing him to shudder from the sensation.

As she looked up into his eyes he leaned in to reclaim her lips.  "I've never done this," she whispered.

Jason pulled back slightly and looked at her questioningly, using his eyes to drill into hers, willing her to elaborate.

"I mean, I've never had somebody stay with me after a first date.  It just feels different with you."

"I know what you mean," he said quietly.  "I've never done this either, but I want to.  I want this. 
."  With that said he closed the miniscule distance between them and captured her lips.

Their kissing intensified, as their need for each other grew.  Kara could feel Jason's hands everywhere.  From her hair to her shoulders, down her back to her hips, across her ass and back up her back, each pass, his grip getting firmer and more insistent while their tongues fought for dominance.  He pulled back, only to swoop down and begin kissing from her ear down her neck, licking and biting and kissing the entire way back to her ear.

"So beautiful," his voice was heavy with lust.  He took her earlobe between his teeth, nibbling it and sucking gently, breathing his hot breath into her ear slightly and down her neck. He felt her shiver in response letting out a breathy moan of pleasure.

He couldn't take it anymore, his hands drifted to the front of Kara's chest gently cupping her breasts and giving a tender squeeze, rubbing his thumbs across her hardening nipples.

"Oh, God..." Kara gasped.  Jason chuckled and moved his hands down to the hem of her sweater, pausing, silently asking permission.  Kara pulled her hands from his hair and raised her arms above her head, giving it to him willingly.  He lifted her sweater off in one quick motion, watching as her hair flowed back down in sexy disarray.

"Fuck, Kara," Jason whimpered as the sight of her in her black bra overwhelmed him.  She gave him a sexy grin in return, her hands moving back down his chest to the edge of his shirt as Jason duplicated her movements, his arms up in silent answer to every unasked question.  When his shirt was off his hands returned to her back, gently caressing, then, stalling at the clasp to her bra and deftly unlatching it.

"Talented fingers," Kara giggled, blushing.

"You haven't seen anything yet," he promised, smirking in return as her blush intensified and her obvious arousal increased.

As Jason inched the bra straps off Kara's shoulders, he leaned in and followed their paths with his lips, kissing both shoulders and trailing his nose across her collarbone, teasing with his tongue along the way.  As her bra dropped to the ground Jason took a tiny step back to gaze at her bare breasts, his face surely showing the awe he felt in her presence.  Swallowing hard, he reached out to touch her breasts, the feel of her skin under his hands warm and soft, igniting his need further.  He enjoyed the way she moaned as he plumped and gently massaged them, his thumb ghosting over her hard nipple before he leaned in and took it into his mouth.

"Ohhh..." It was as though she could barely make out words at this point, he was sure the feel of his hot wet mouth surrounding her, his tongue teasing, and his teeth nipping was a slow, delicious torture.  He traveled from one nipple to the other, her back arching as his arms held her securely. He heard her breath catch as he took her breath away, and held her tighter as her body seemed to slump slightly as if from weakened knees.  Jason’s hands went around her waist and he carefully lowered her onto her bed, settling himself between her legs. He rested his full weight against her body, covering hers completely with his own, while the magnitude of his arousal pressed against her heat. He returned his lips to hers in a scorching kiss, his hand running down the center of her chest, fingertips trailing, tickling their way down to her belly button where they circled as she laughed and grabbed his hand.

"Don't tease," she scolded him seductively.

"It's not teasing if I plan to follow through,” Jason returned, giving her a smoldering look. Kara's mouth dropped open at his intensity and her hand tightened its grip around his wrist.

He kissed her again, unable to get enough of her taste, and felt a slight push on his arm as she gently signaled for him to return moving his hand to its original destination.  When he got to the button of her jeans, he adeptly popped it open with one hand.  Tugging the zipper down, he slipped his warm hand through the opening, rubbing it across her lower abdomen, his forefinger dipping just inside her panty line. 




Kara was lost in the sensations, his kiss and touch causing her mind to cloud.  Her hands gripped his biceps, feeling the taut muscles underneath as his arms moved.  Slowly coming out of her haze she moved her hands to his jeans, unfastening them quickly, although not as adeptly as Jason had hers, and hastily pushed them back off his hips.  He pulled back, and stood, kicking his pants off, which were quickly followed by his boxer briefs.  She propped herself on her elbows and nearly stopped breathing at the sight in front of her.  His body was glorious, so hard and yet still, amazingly, so soft to her touch; so firm and lean.  She licked her lips, her eyes gazing at him, hooded and weighted with need for him.  Jason leaned over her and placed his hands on her hips, tugging slightly until she raised her bottom off the bed, allowing him to remove her pants and underwear, leaving them completely naked together.

Kara watched as he tossed the remainder of her clothes aside, and shivered slightly when he stopped moving to gaze at her, lying on the bed in front of him, her legs bent and slightly open.  Her heart was pounding; her breathing erratic.  Jason looked as though he were in the same state as he climbed back onto the bed and slid up beside her, lying on his side to face her.  Kara turned her body slightly to face him and they took a minute to just look at one another.  Giving into their need, the kiss that followed was frantic with desire.  Jason leaned up and rolled them over, hovering over her as Kara's legs came up on either side of him. Her feet caressed his calves as he kissed and suckled her neck, positioning himself.  They were so lost in the moment that they almost forgot they needed protection. 

"Kara," he ground out, "shit. I don't have any condoms."  He clenched his eyes with restraint and took a deep breath, obviously fighting the urge to just go with the moment and throw caution to the wind, as the realization they were not prepared, and had no condoms, crashed down upon them.

Kara looked at him blankly at first; the words he was saying were incomprehensible to her, until they made their way through the lust fog.  "Uh, I don't either," she said, shaking her head in frustration.  If she actually took a moment to think about it, she would have been appalled at the implications of what they were about to do without thinking of the consequences. 

They continued to hold each other in their precarious position, neither wanting to let go, but neither making the decision to continue either.

“I’m on the pill,” she blurted suddenly, hoping as a doctor he had practiced safe sex in the past and would maybe be willing to accept that form of birth control.  The rational side of her brain began to scream at her willingness to be so careless, the less rational side willing to risk just about anything to feel him inside of her.

Jason looked thoughtful for a minute, thinking over her declaration.  “I’m clean,” he acknowledged, “I mean, I’ve been tested and I haven’t really been all that promiscuous,” then admitted hesitantly, “at least not since early college.  I always wear a condom.” Then he laughed at the situation, resting his head on her shoulder and groaning.  “I’m sure that’s hard to believe considering our current situation.”  He peeked up at her, one eye squinted closed, as if afraid of what she was thinking and clearly pleased to instead find her smiling.  She gripped his shoulders tighter, pulling him back to her and kissed him slowly.

“I’m good, too.  I haven’t been with very many guys.  Four, actually, and we were always careful.”  Kara rambled slightly, divulging her history quickly. Jason gazed at her with a look of amazement, accepting her words with a nod before kissing her passionately.

Then a realization hit her like a ton of bricks, causing her to freeze.  She wasn’t on the pill; she’d let her prescription lapse!  Why hadn’t she made her gyno appointment?!

“Wait, Jason.”  Kara gently pushed on his chest as he kissed his way down her jaw, his entire being humming against hers with readiness to take the plunge.  He looked at her through a lust-filled haze and Kara wanted to cry; this was going to kill the mood.

“Um, I’m actually not on the pill,” Kara stammered out, squeezing her eyes shut in frustration.

“Huh?”  Kara could almost laugh at the look; he was not at his most eloquent. He shook his head like he was trying to clear his head and understand what she was saying.

“I didn’t make the appointment to get my refill, and then with the appendicitis and all of that, it just slipped my mind.  I’m
sorry.”  Her hands flew up to cover her face as she was close to tears at this point.

“Hey,” he said, touching her cheek softly to get her attention. When she refused to look at him he gently pried her fingers from her eyes, “Don’t get upset, I can run to the store.”  Then, as though not wanting to presume anything, he added, “If you want me to, that is.”

“The moment’s not ruined?” she asked quietly, embarrassed at the entire situation.

Jason chuckled, looking down at their tangled legs and naked bodies pressed together, “The moment’s definitely not ruined - just postponed.”  He gave her a quick chaste kiss on the lips before he hopped up from the bed and grabbed his clothes, hastily putting them back on as Kara watched from the bed.

“Don’t get dressed,” he commanded pointing at her, then, kneeled on the bed and kissed her again, this time more intensely.  “I mean it.”  Kara chuckled and smiled, ran her hand through her hair, and nodded in agreement.

When she heard the door close behind him, she couldn’t help the squeal that slipped out.  Here she was, currently lying naked in her bed, while the most gorgeous guy she had ever known went to the store to buy condoms.  Condoms that would be used to have sex.  Sex with her! She let out another squeal at the thought and buried her head in the pillow. 

It didn’t take Jason long, maybe ten minutes, to run to the corner store and back.  He announced his return as he opened the door, and Kara heard him turn the lock, securing it before coming back to her room. She had dutifully complied with his orders to remain naked in bed, covered only by a sheet.

He beamed at her when he realized she had done what he asked. He quickly stripped off his own clothes again, without hesitation or embarrassment, and climbed back in the bed beside her.  Kara reached her hand behind his head and pulled him to her for a kiss, as they picked up where they had left off.




They were going to do this.  This was big and Jason realized he was about to take her without having given her pleasure or even making sure she was truly ready for him.  He pulled away carefully, not wanting to give her the wrong impression of his desires.  He trailed his hand across her belly and dipped it lower, teasing her before plunging his long finger inside her sex.  He quickly followed with another and guided them in and out, increasing his speed as her breathing picked up while he pressed his palm firmly against her mound, applying pressure where she needed it. 

BOOK: Edible Delectables
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