Read Ember Learns (The Seeker) Online

Authors: Ditter Kellen

Tags: #Suspense, #Vampire, #Paranormal

Ember Learns (The Seeker) (6 page)

BOOK: Ember Learns (The Seeker)
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Unsure of how long she’d lingered in the bathroom, Ember stood and wandered back to her desk to grab her work paraphernalia. Between Angel and the Seeker dominating her every thought, she might as well leave for the day.

Once her office was locked up, she retrieved her cell and struck out toward the back entrance of the building. She called her boss to let him know she was ill and needed to leave, and sent a text to Laura.
Not feeling well. Heading home. Call you later.

Ember stopped in front of the elevator and sent a message to the deputy who should still be waiting outside.
On my way.

She half expected someone to jump out at her as the doors opened, but to her relief she’d be riding down alone.

Bright sunlight pierced her eyes as she emerged from the building. Pain sliced through her skull, relentless and unforgiving. Ember threw a hand up as a shield from the UV rays and squinted her way across the parking lot. A loud click sounded when she pressed the button on the keyless entry as she neared her vehicle.

Ted pulled up next to her as she opened her door.

“I’ll follow you.”

“Thanks. I have to stop by the store on the way home, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure thing.”

Ember set her belongings on the passenger seat and took one last look around before sliding behind the wheel. The blessed air-conditioning came on with the ignition, blowing her hair back from her face. She donned her sunglasses and pulled out of the parking lot with the deputy on her tail once again.

* * * *

It was just after two in the afternoon when Ember arrived home. Ted followed her up to do a check of her condo, leaving her to wait outside the front door. A minute later, he reappeared, relieved her of the bags she held, and carried them inside.

“It’s clear. I’ll be patrolling the area. Call me if you need me. I’ll make sure my relief gives you his number at shift change also. And lock this door.”

“I will. Thanks, Officer.”

“Please, call me Ted.”

Ember smiled as he breezed by her and descended the stairs. She stood there until he got in his car before closing and locking the door.

She put her few groceries away in a hurry, eager to check on Angel, but then she realized she didn’t have a key to get inside his condo. “Damn it.”

* * * *

The rest of Ember’s day passed in a blur. She alternated between reading the latest note she assumed was from the Seeker, and staring at the young woman’s picture. She dreaded to think what the girl must be going through at the hands of some psycho bent on torment. She couldn’t let an innocent person suffer, even one she didn’t know.
I’ll be there, Donna.

An idea struck her as she returned the photo and note to the envelope. The instructions said
“tomorrow night at midnight.”
If she could somehow sneak out to the old Miller place tonight, she might be able to catch the Seeker unaware or at the very least identify him.

Ember began stripping out of her clothes on her way to the bathroom. A hot shower was exactly what she needed to relieve some of the tension knotted in her shoulders. She turned on the faucet and stepped inside the fiberglass stall. Steam billowed out around her, inviting her to tilt her head back under the spray. A moan of pleasure escaped as the healing water sluiced down her body like the hands of a lover.

How was she going to get away from Angel long enough to slip out to the Miller place tonight?

Chapter Nine

Ember finished her shower and wandered off to the bedroom in search of something comfortable to wear. She shivered with the memory of Angel tearing her sleep shirt from her body the night before. No one had ever controlled her the way the big Bulgarian did. He took without apology and made her like it.

A pair of white cotton shorts with a matching tank top lay on a chair in the corner of her room. She snatched them up and dressed in record time while running through the different scenarios of what could happen tonight.

Angel wasn’t going to be easy to fool. She’d have to be careful to keep her feelings contained around him. He’d already proven to be very perceptive when it came to reading her emotions.

She brushed her hair and padded barefoot to the kitchen to get a drink. She’d been thirsty all day without reprieve, yet no amount of water seemed to quench her thirst.

Sweat beaded on her upper lip and heat rushed through her body, leaving her lightheaded. She leaned against the counter briefly before taking down a glass and pouring herself some wine. The smooth taste of the Chianti sliding down her throat wrung a moan from her. She had to force herself not to drink too much. She definitely needed a clear head for what she had planned.

* * * *

Angel fought his way up from the fog. His internal clock told him it wasn’t time to rise, but he needed to know Ember was safe. She’d left that morning against his orders, and he’d lain there trapped inside himself, unable to move. Frustration had quickly turned to anger as the day dragged on.

It took sheer determination to stretch his arm out to pluck his cell from the nightstand. He forced his eyes open enough to dial Ember’s number.
Pick up. Pick up. Pick up
. Relief washed through him when her voice came over the line.



“I’m locked out.”


“On my way.” The line went dead.

Angel dropped the phone and slowly swung his legs off the side of the bed. He stood in a daze and staggered over to unlock the glass door. Ember slid it open before he could take a step back. He hissed with the force of the setting sun hitting him square in the face.

“Oh my God. Angel.” Ember rushed inside, snatching the curtain closed behind her. She took hold of his hand and led him back to the bed. “What can I do? I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?”

It irked him to appear weak in front of her. He managed to lift his heavy arms to wrap them around her. “I’m fine.” Had it been earlier in the day, the sun would have left blisters on his skin.

“Lie down.” She gave him a gentle push.

He fell back on the bed, pulling her down with him. She ended up sprawled on top of his nude form, smiling down into his face like she was innocent of any wrongdoing. He found it hard to stay angry with her looking at him that way.

There was so much he should reprimand her for. “I missed you.”

She brushed her lips across his. “I missed you too.”

He could feel his strength returning with the evening’s approach. “Where were you?”

“I went to work for a few hours and then came home. I didn’t have a key to get in, so I’ve been waiting on you to wake up.”

He watched her closely. She was keeping something from him. “Did you see the detective?”

She dropped her gaze. “Laura and I gave our statements this morning.”

Jealousy tore through him. The thought of her being anywhere near Clay Harper pissed him off beyond words. The man wanted her. That much Angel was sure of. “Did he touch you?”

“Of course not. Apparently I’m not his favorite person at the moment.”

“Don’t bet on it.”

That won him a look. “Are you jealous?”

The growled words came out before he could stop them. “You’re mine.”

“I’m with you, aren’t I?”

He watched in a daze as she sat up and gripped the hem of her tank top, pulling it over her head. Her perfectly rounded breasts sprang free, begging for his touch. He lifted a hand.

“Not yet. It’s my turn to make love to you.” She crawled off him and stood.

He couldn’t look away from her creamy skin or the luscious pink nipples currently needing attention.

She stepped out of her shorts and climbed back on top of him, straddling his lap.

“You’re not wearing panties.” His dick jerked in reaction to that fact.

“I had you in mind when I dressed. Put your arms above your head.”

Angel did as she insisted. He couldn’t stop his smile or the anticipation of what she would do next. “You think to dominate me?”

“That’s the plan, so don’t move.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

His erection took on a life of its own. It began to throb in time with his heartbeat.

She reached up and twisted her hair into some kind of bulky knot. Her breasts rose along with her arms. In his long life, he’d never seen a sexier image.

Heat and moisture touched his skin where she rubbed her pussy against him. He wanted to lift her and thrust inside her so deeply she’d forget about every man but him. He realized his thoughts bordered on obsessive, but he couldn’t stop them anymore than he could step out into the sunlight.

“Your scent drives me insane, Angelo.” The use of his birth name turned him on even more.

She leaned forward until her lips touched his throat. “I’ve been thinking about your taste all day.”

Hell yes
. He turned his face to the side, giving her access to what he knew she wanted most.

Her hot tongue bathed his neck in long strokes. “So good.”

"Don’t tease.” His fangs extended, and if it was possible, his dick grew even harder.

He felt her teeth rake across the skin before they sank deep. It took everything he had not to grab on to her. She tortured him with her slick mound pressed against his stomach, her incredible mouth sucking on his neck, and those soft mewling sounds coming from her throat. If there was ever a heaven for someone like him, this was it.

She broke the suction on his neck and brought her head up. Her lips stained red with his blood had to be the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

Angel watched in amazement as Ember crawled up his body until her knees rested on his shoulders, her pussy just inches from his mouth. The scent of her desire drifted to his nose, sending a rush of blood to his cock.

He lifted his gaze to hers. Her pupils were dilated with vampiric desire, driving him insane. He couldn’t stop himself from gripping her ass and jerking her forward against his waiting mouth.

She gasped with the first swipe of his tongue. He swirled it through her slit over and over before wrapping his lips around her swollen clit and sucking. She grabbed the headboard and ground against his face.

. Angel came. The unexpected explosion rocked him beyond anything he’d ever experienced. It felt as if his seed were being wrenched from his body. His hips jerked with the force of it. Still, he feasted on her.

“Oh God. Angel.”

She fell forward against the headboard. If not for the hold he had on her ass, she would have bucked off his face. He slid one of his hands underneath her and pushed a finger inside her pussy.

Ember’s body began to shake. Her thighs tightened around his head. He lashed her clit with his tongue before sucking it deep once again. Her scream vibrated through him as she rode out her orgasm on his mouth. It was the sexiest thing he could imagine, and he wanted her to do it again.

Chapter Ten

Ember couldn’t catch her breath. She’d just experienced a mind-blowing orgasm in under a minute, and Angel apparently wasn’t done yet.

He lifted her slightly and looked up at her. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” And she did.

“Don’t close your eyes and don’t tense up. I’ve got you.”

She could only nod as she looked down into his gorgeous face.

He slowly brought her back to his mouth. He flattened his tongue against her clit and sank his fangs into her swollen pussy lips. Ember gasped in surprise, but not pain. Instant heat surrounded the area like a raging fever. He withdrew his incisors and began to suck. With every pull from his mouth, his tongue raked over her clit.

He’s branding me.

Their gazes locked. Ember couldn’t move. He alone held her weight up as she lost herself in him. The edge of her vision darkened, and the only thing clear was Angel staring up at her with glittering eyes.

Her ears began to buzz, goose bumps peppered her skin, and small electrical currents scattered through her body so fast she couldn’t tell where they originated from, only what they targeted. Her clit. And if Angel didn’t stop his onslaught, she was going up in flames.

Everything in the room completely faded away but Angel and his amazing mouth. She could hear her heart thundering out of control, or was that his? She wasn’t sure anymore. Her gums itched, her nipples ached, her pussy clenched, and fire consumed her entire body.

An orgasm slammed into her so hard she lost her hold on the headboard, and her eyes rolled back. His growl was the last thing she heard before the room went black.

* * * *

“Baby, talk to me.”

Ember’s eyes fluttered open, and she found Angel hovering above her, his lips nearly touching hers. Memory returned along with a throbbing need to have him inside her. She’d blacked out from pleasure overload.

“That was…” She had no words.

He covered her mouth with his and nudged her thighs apart with his knee before settling between them. His dick brushing against her opening prompted her to tilt her pelvis toward him. She wanted him in every possible way.

The head of his cock entered her with some resistance. He was a big man, no matter how wet she was.

He broke off the kiss. “Relax.”

Ember took a shaky breath and wrapped her legs around his ass. She loved the feel of him stretching her.

He pulled back some and eased into her deeper. They both moaned.

Angel held her face as he slowly rocked his hips against her. He wasn’t dominating, taking, or demanding. No, he was making love to her with such gentleness it brought tears to her eyes.

They had come together so many times throughout the evening Ember didn’t think she could come again. She was wrong. She flew off into the abyss once more.

A fine sheen of sweat covered their bodies as they broke apart and rolled to their backs. Neither spoke for quite some time.

Ember broke the silence. “Angel?”


She glanced over at him, but his arm lay across his eyes. “It’s never been like this before.”

A growl was his only response.

“Great. I’ve said something wrong.” She moved to get up.

He was on her before she’d finished her thought. “I don’t want to think about another man touching you.”

BOOK: Ember Learns (The Seeker)
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