Enchanted Submission - An erotic bdsm fantasy novella (6 page)

BOOK: Enchanted Submission - An erotic bdsm fantasy novella
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She found, for the first time, her face level with his.

‘I can’t,’ she murmured.

‘Of course you can.’ His lips twitched.

‘No, I ...’ His flattened hands were pressed into her seared skin of her butt, the coolness of his big palms bringing back to life both the pain and pleasure. With her legs spread, she could sense her anal opening shifting and the dense butt plug pressed harder against her inner walls intensifying the chock-full feeling. ‘How will I?’

The base of his concrete erection shoved against the thin strip of hair over her mound and his glans hit her above her navel. ‘You have to keep trusting me,’ he murmured into her lips. ‘It’s what you wanted, it’s what you asked for ... remember.’ He shifted her higher, sliding her shoulders up the mirror and moving his hands to the underside of her thighs. He tilted his hips so his cock was kissing the entrance of her vagina.

Her internal walls pulsed with desire, her clit seemed to jut forward, searching him out. She was so wet soon she’d drip. But still fear gripped her. ‘How will you fit?’ she gasped.

‘Never had complaints in the past,’ he huffed, squeezing his right hand through their bodies and fisting the base of his cock. ‘You ready?’

Rapunzel looked down through her heaving breasts and saw the hugeness of what was about to thrust into her. She whimpered and shut her eyes.

‘It’ll be good,’ he whispered capturing her mouth with his, ‘if you let yourself be mine.’

And then, pinning her body tight against the mirror, he pushed upwards sliding into her tense folds and stretching her like nothing she’d ever felt before. She gasped as her entrance struggled to cope with his invasion; the stinging impalement was heated, wicked, carnal. She expelled a long, drawn-out breath and tried to force herself to relax.

The flare of his wide smooth head wedged in further and she groaned as she felt the first thick solid inch of his shaft. She still didn’t know how she would take it all, but he kept on his upward journey, the cool piercing leaving a trail of sensation on her burning flesh.

His lips moved against her slack mouth, kissing her, delving his tongue deeper and deeper as he penetrated her pussy higher and higher, plundering on and on. She felt totally consumed. Dominated. Her senses reeled. Black, white and gold danced behind her eyelids. She didn’t know what to concentrate on. He was taking her so intimately, so completely. The feel of him stretching her to a point where the sharp bite of pain mixed with the whack of desire for more was frightening. She should stop it, but she couldn’t, she was out of control. The extent of his filling, the fullness that he was creating was turning her inside out. Hell, she could feel the butt plug and his dick lying alongside one another, the thin wall separating her two passages stretched thin and brought to life with white hot, electric fingers as he pushed in to her tightly contained body, relentlessly, determinedly.

‘Don’t fight ...’ he whispered into her mouth, stilling as his head finally hit her cervix. ‘Don’t fight me, it’s done ... I’m in.’

Flames of intense pleasure flared through her body at his words. She shouldn’t like having every vestige of control she’d ever possessed taken from her but she did, her insides were alive, buzzing, shoving aside any previous concepts she’d had of sex and passion. He’d shown her she could do it – she
take him and the plug. She was so full she was sure every single nerve ending she owned was being touched by him.

‘Breathe,’ he said catching her jaw in his hand. ‘Come on, breathe now.’

She dragged open her eyes. He was staring straight at her, his brow creased and his pupils wide, black holes. She sucked in a channel of air soaked with his breath, heat and passion. She hadn’t realised her breathing had stopped. ‘Oh, it’s so ...’ she gasped.

‘I know,’ his voice was deep and guttural as he pulled down and then shoved back in, harder and faster this time.

She cried out; she didn’t know pain and pleasure could ride so closely. His head lowered and he kissed her shoulder, nipped it with his teeth. His hips dropped down again and then back up and this time his pubis connected with her clit in a long, gliding movement.

It was wild, amazing, beautiful; the final piece of her puzzle. Suddenly she was shaking with her need to climax. Her internal muscles clamped around him and squeezed the plug until she could feel every last millimetre of it.

‘Oh, jeez,’ he groaned, flicking off a nipple clamp and taking her breast in his hot, urgent mouth. ‘You tryin’ to finish me off with all that squeezing shit?’

She couldn’t answer. The heat within her had reached fever pitch. Her hips banged down to meet his next hard thrust. Her back arched, her legs compressed his waist and her fingers grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled – hard.

He moaned deep in his throat, suckled in her nipple further and began to rotate his pelvis against her clit.

She heard a long, low cry echo around the room and realised it was her own. The explosion was growing so fast, like an express train charging towards her. She was no longer choosing her actions. He was buried so deep, she was so full, so overtaken by him.

Suddenly his deliciously perfect rhythm drew out her passion, it hovered, it flew and then it crashed around her wave after wave after wave. Fathomless emotions collided in her mind, she’d orgasmed thousands of time but this, this was different. She’d surrendered so totally, so absolutely, he’d overpowered her and given her so much in return.

She had no reserves left, her emotions were both in tatters and flying high and she was helpless to stop the tears as she pulsed out her climax, spasming around his cock and the butt plug and quaking in his arms. It was as if she was inside her body but at the same time out of it. Her breath splintered and she spiralled into black oblivion.

She collapsed, wrecked and weak, as he gave one almighty thrust then froze at the hilt. His head tilted back, his fingers clawed her flesh and his cock turned to steel, every throbbing vein in his shaft swelled to bursting point. Then he was pulsing, mixing his flood of warmth with her moisture. ‘Fuck ... yes ...’ he hissed, his lips snared back over his teeth and his jaw clamped so tight it looked as though it might crack. ‘Sweet ... fucking ...’

He gave another three thrusts and then stilled with his knees buckled to support them both against the mirror.

Rapunzel opened her tear-filled eyes and looked at him dragging in oxygen like a drowning man.

‘Hey,’ he said breathlessly as his gaze settled on her face. His brow furrowed. ‘What’s up?’

‘I ... I don’t know ... Nothing.’

‘So don’t cry then.’ He caught a tear with the wide pad of his thumb. ‘If there’s nothing wrong, don’t cry.’ He sucked the tear into his mouth.

‘It was just so ...’ She paused.

‘So ...’


A look of primitive male pride washed over his rugged features. ‘That was the plan,’ he said, reaching one hand behind his neck and, in a way that was a little too practised, clicked open the poppers on the handcuffs. ‘You did exceptionally well ... in the end.’ He lifted her upwards and withdrew his still hard penis from her body. The next thing Rapunzel knew she was cradled against his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around her. More tears began to fall, dribbling down her cheeks and mixing with the dampness of his chest hair.

‘Don’t cry,’ he soothed, stepping down from the platform and heading towards the four-poster bed. ‘You’ll make me think you didn’t like submitting to me, that I was no good for you.’

‘Oh no I did, you were.’ She looked up at him, her eyes wide with earnest. ‘It was just so much more than I’d expected.’

He laid her down onto the deep, black duvet and tipped her on to her side. ‘Keep still,’ he said softly. Rapunzel felt him delving between her butt cheeks and then jerked at the sensation of the plug being slid from her anus.

‘Shh, it’s OK. Lie still and I’ll wash you up,’ he said gently. She had little choice but to lie still, her bones had turned to jelly, her muscles to fudge. She didn’t think her brain had any connection with her nerve endings any more. She was stranded, beached on the impossibly soft bed.

Then he was back behind her and she felt a warm flannel wipe between her legs, gently stroking all her soft folds of flesh and taking the heat from her insides, cool cream was rubbed gently into her still smarting buttocks and her hair was unwound and laid out on the pillows.

She felt the mattress sag as he stretched out beside her and tipped her on to her back. With his thumb and index finger, he swizzled off the second nipple clamp before bending his head and tenderly taking the nipple deep into his mouth for a long, hot suck.

She sighed and placed her hand in his thick hair. His mouth was soothing on her areola. She closed her eyes and breathed in the lingering scent of their sex; zingy and sweaty, thick and heavy, the smell was an aphrodisiac all of its own. The tears had stopped and she felt a sneaky little tremble snake up her body, a tell-tale sign that she was still alive, he’d taken her to where she’d wanted to go and brought her back, safely, in one piece, even if she’d never be quite the same again.

‘Rapunzel,’ he murmured, leaning up and his lips practically touching hers. ‘That was pretty intense for me too.’

‘It was?’ She was surprised by his admission.

‘Yeah, not many princesses can take what I have to give, but you ... well you did. I’ve been looking for someone like you, someone not afraid to let me take control ... in every sense of the word.’

‘I didn’t have much choice.’ She smoothed her hand over his shoulders, marvelling at the power lurking just beneath the surface.

He huffed in amusement. ‘You did, that’s the point.’ His face turned serious. ‘You chose to give up control and trusted me to look after you even when you were unsure.’ He pulled back and looked into her eyes. ‘In return for your submission, in return for you letting me control your pleasure and your body, I’ll look after you, in every sense of the word, all day, every day, better than you could ever imagine.’

Rapunzel struggled with his words. Was he really suggesting they make a go of a Sub and Dom relationship in and out of the bedroom? Was this what he’d hoped Belle would give him when they’d married?

He grinned suddenly and it was the first time she’d ever seen his true smile. ‘I’m sorry, I can see it’s too much for you right now. We’ll take it slow.’ He flopped down on the bed next to her, scooped her onto his chest and wrapped his arms around her exhausted body. ‘A day at a time ... starting tomorrow.’


‘Yeah, after the wedding.’

‘What, tomorrow night?’

‘No, after the service I want you to make an excuse to hang around in the cathedral afterwards.’


‘Because when everyone else has left ...’

She felt a stir in her clit again. ‘When everyone has left ... what?’

‘When everyone else has left I’m going to fuck you over the pew, right at the front, near the altar and ...’

Rapunzel looked up at his face and saw his eyes darkening with desire. Beneath her palm, his heart rate picked up. ‘And ...’ Her heart rate picked up too.

‘And I’m going to put a gag in your pretty mouth so no one will hear that sexy little shout you do just before you come ... because that,’ he tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear, ‘is just for me.’

Part Five

THE DAY OF THE WEDDING dawned with a cloudless blue sky. Birds were singing, animals celebrating and the flowers abundant. A light breeze tickled the tree-tops carrying the chatter of guests as they filed into the Marble Cathedral in all their finery.

Rapunzel had been waiting in the front pew with Belle and Tinkerbell for five minutes but it felt like five hours. She was so fidgety with anticipation at seeing Beast again, knowing what he wanted to do.

‘You OK?’ Tinkerbell asked Belle for the hundredth time, hovering by her shoulder.

‘Yes, quit asking.’ Belle scowled.

Rapunzel looked at Belle’s fingers, they were wrinkled and pale, her hair was damp at the roots and she kept wiping at mascara which refused to stop running. ‘It was good then?’ Rapunzel whispered. ‘With the mermen?’

‘Too good,’ Belle groaned. ‘I couldn’t get out of the tank.’ She held out her hand and frowned at her puckered fingertips. ‘There was this one called Carled who could do this amazing thing with his tail and you should have seen the size of his fin,’ she paused and her eyes widened. ‘And he had the most amazing ...’

Suddenly the bridal march tune flew to the lofty ceilings, bounced against the ancient stone walls and filled the cathedral with echoes. All heads turned and the murmur of conversation halted.

Cinderella stood at the huge, sunlit doorway, arm in arm with her short, silver-haired father. Her dress was the colour of freshly fallen snow and her brunette curls dotted with diamonds. She held a huge bunch of wild flowers dripping with tendrils of ivy and lavender stems. As she began to glide down the aisle, two blue tits hovered before her and three tiny fawn deer tiptoed behind her. Coming up at the rear, puggy, red faces frowning through layers of garish makeup, walked Cinderella’s two sisters. Their outfits were gaudy and lewd, bodices too low, colours sickly and seams bursting. With sausage fingers, they flung fragrant pot pourri along the red carpet as though spreading muck, flicking it sharply from their fingers and muttering under their breath.

Rapunzel saw Prince Tate in the congregation. Next to him stood a pretty, raven-haired girl with white-as-paper skin and a red, hooded cape resting over her shoulders. Tate was looking straight at Cinderella with a self-satisfied look on his face and, as she drew level, he pulled in his lips as if remembering a flavour.

If Cinderella felt alarmed or embarrassed or in the slightest bit repentant about what she’d done with Tate on her hen night, Rapunzel couldn’t glimpse it in her eyes. She looked straight at him, her expression demure, innocent and calm and moved smoothly on, offering him only the barest of acknowledgements with her eyes.

Tate inclined his head and took hold of the hand belonging to the pretty girl at his side.

Rapunzel shifted her attention and spotted Beast lurking in the shadows right at the very back of the cathedral. He was staring at her, arms folded over his wide chest. Her breath tugged, her stomach danced and her knees became feeble beneath her satin gown. The memory of what he’d done to her just hours ago made her whole body pulse. He’d made her fly to another plane, another level of existence and she wanted more, she wanted to go there again. She swallowed down her impatience for the wedding service to be over. Would he really take her here in the cathedral? With a gag? Or was it just empty words? Something he couldn’t actually fulfil.

She tore her gaze away, swallowed hard and watched Cinderella stop shoulder to shoulder with Prince Charming. The blue tits lifted back her thin veil and let it float over her slim shoulders. The diamond necklace in the hollow of her throat caught a shard of sunlight streaming in from the enormous stained-glass window and bounced a delicate rainbow around the congregation.

Cinderella smiled up at Prince Charming, her mouth a soft shade of pink and her lashes long and fluttering. But, despite her sweeter than sugar appearance, there was a confidence in her eyes, a look of both desire and poise. It was as though she’d finally landed in her own skin, let her womanly needs surface and then taken them under control.

‘She seems different somehow ...’ Belle whispered. ‘I don’t know what you two got up to last night in The Basement, or with whom, but whatever it was, Cinders looks like a girl who’ll handle that sex pot of a prince she’s just about to get hitched to.’

‘Absolutely,’ Rapunzel whispered, glancing at Tinkerbell’s curious face. ‘But as you know, what happens in The Basement stays in The Basement.’

‘Oh, come on ...’ Tinkerbell started. ‘Not with us.’

‘Do you take ...’ the vicar began, silencing the three girls’ hushed whispers with his booming voice.

Rapunzel glanced over her shoulder again, risked a peak through the swell of people at Beast. He was still staring at her. Heat poured from his eyes; how everyone between them wasn’t getting scorched she had no idea.

The first song began and, as she fidgeted with her order of service, Rapunzel pulled a lace handkerchief from her bag. She let it tickle over her fingertips and then drop to the floor. Like a swan’s feather, it drifted down and then with a discreet flick of her heel she poked it beneath the pew. A quick glance at Tinkerbell and Belle told her they hadn’t seen her.

The service ran without incident and finally the vicar said, ‘You may kiss the bride!’

Prince Charming licked his lips, curled his hands around Cinderella’s waist and pulled her close. He kissed her long and deep, much to the crowd’s delight, and when he let her go and turned to the people of his kingdom, his cheeks were flushed and Cinderella’s chest heaved against her bridal gown.

The music and bells rang as they walked hand in hand down the aisle. The birds and deer danced around the ugly sisters as they followed and then the rest of the congregation began to file out behind them into the brilliant sunshine, all chatting excitedly about what the beautiful couple and the feast the King and Queen were laying on back at the castle.

‘What’s up?’ Tinkerbell asked Rapunzel when she stopped halfway down the aisle.

‘I think I must have dropped my handkerchief.’

‘Oh, don’t worry about that, I have a spare,’ Belle said with an impatient flick of her wrist.

‘No, it’s er ... sentimental, my mother gave me it,’ Rapunzel said. ‘You go ahead, I’ll catch you up.’

‘No, we’ll wait.’ Tinkerbell’s toes landed on the edge of a large stand supporting a waterfall of flowers.

‘No.’ Rapunzel gave a sudden grin. ‘Look Tom is waiting.’ She pointed at tiny Tom Thumb waving an envelope in the air and trotting towards them, risking life and limb as he dodged wedding guests’ feet.

‘Belle,’ he said breathlessly as he approached. ‘I’ve got this for you, it’s from Carled.’

‘Carled?’ Belle’s eyes widened and her mouth formed a perfect ‘o’.

‘Yeah, he says come to the fountain in the castle courtyard ... he’s says he’ll be waiting.’ He handed Belle up the letter which she took as though being given treasure.

‘Is this from him?’ she asked.

‘Yes, but he was worried the ink may have got wet and the wording smudged, so he asked me to tell you where to meet him, just in case you couldn’t read it ... but it’s supposed to be a secret, he’s not supposed to set up dates with clients.’

‘Oh, how clandestine,’ Belle giggled. ‘Come on, Tink, let’s get to the castle.’ She reached down and scooped Tom into her hand. ‘See you there in a minute, Rapunzel.’

Rapunzel watched them go for a brief second and then headed back to her pew. The hum of voices was growing distant as she reached her recently vacated seat and the cool silence of the cathedral was once again reclaiming the air. She bent double, butt high, and began to scrabble in the dust.

‘Stay just like that,’ a deep voice rumbled behind her. Two large hands spread around her hips. ‘That’s exactly how I want you.’

Her heart pounded and a deep pull yanked at her pelvis. Just Beast touching her hips through her clothes and the sound of his deep, authoritative voice could make her come, she was sure of it. She felt her clit pulse, swelling already with need.

With quick, deliberate movements he folded her over the pew in front so she was still tipped over with her arse high in the air. ‘Damn cartoon gown,’ he muttered, nudging her feet apart with his shoes.

The hard back of the seat pressed into her stomach, her hair landed at her side in a large, yellow coil and the skin on the back of her neck pricked with the thought that someone could walk back into the cathedral, someone who had genuinely forgotten something, and see them in this position.

‘Open up,’ he said, as the hardness of his big body pressed over hers and his erect penis shoved against her arse.

She did as he asked and opened her mouth, not wanting it but at the same time wanting to do as he told her so badly it was like being possessed. Immediately her mouth gave him an inch, she tasted the sweetness of rubber, felt blunt hardness against her teeth and the roll of an impossibly large ball on her tongue. She shook her head and went to stand upright, away from it. She didn’t like the gagging sensation it created. It made her feel trapped.

‘Breathe through your nose,’ he ordered securing a strap around her head and pinning her still with his concrete body. ‘You’ll soon get used to it.’

She shoved to the side again and moaned in her throat. ‘Rapunzel,’ he said sternly. ‘Trust me, like you did last night.’ He wrapped big arms around her body and put her back where he wanted her. Tipped over and gagged. There was nothing she could do about it. ‘Trust me and I’ll make it worth it, you know I will.’

She pulled in a long, cool breath of air through her nose, felt her pulse beat in her upturned temple and gripped the lip of the bench she was folded over.

‘Good girl,’ he said, reaching for the hem of her dress. He yanked the slippery, material upwards, impatience in his movements. As it slid over her thighs, butt and onto her back, the cool air hit her naked pussy. She could feel how wet she was as it breezed across her intimate folds; she hadn’t bothered with panties.

He muttered something approving and the whiz of a zipper tickled her ears. He gripped her hips with one hand and curled the other over her shoulder, holding her firm and steady with strong fingers. She felt like a doll, a plaything, bent over for his pleasure.

With deadly accurate aim, he found her needy hole and pushed in determinedly, once again stretching and widening her taut pussy with his engorged, greedy cock. There was no luxury of time for foreplay. He just rammed in. Her neck arched to the stained-glass window and her full mouth blocked a moan of part ecstasy, part pain. His piercing slid into her, she could sense the trail it left and couldn’t imagine not having it there. He was filling her so entirely, like he did last night. So absolutely. Filling her every desire, her every need.

He grunted, pulled out and then slammed in harder and faster with a sudden sense of urgency. His balls hit her vulva, his head rammed her cervix. As if something in him had snapped, he began to fuck her like an out-of-control jackhammer, like it was the only thing between life and death.

Her orgasm was almost there for the taking, within reach, but she needed more. He sensed this through his frenzy, wrapped a hand around her stomach, sent his fingers through the material of her gown and searched out her clit. The second he found it, she flew apart. Fireworks exploded. Her body flailed like an elastic band and her legs gave way. With the flat of her tongue pressed against the gag a muffled shout of ecstasy gurgled up from her chest and echoed around her head.

He grunted, low and primitive and then he too was spasming, pumping against her convulsing walls. Releasing his pleasure and riding into her like he just couldn’t get deep enough as he held her tight against his hips.

‘Ahh, you’re just so damn good,’ he said pulling quickly out.

Rapunzel missed him inside her instantly, her orgasm was still sending shivers up her spine, his had barely finished.

‘Let’s not push our luck,’ he said, lifting her sprawled, collapsed body from the pew. He tucked himself in, tugged down her dress and then reached for the strap securing the gag.

Rapunzel blinked up at him. His face was flushed, his chest heaved but his eyes had that soft look they’d taken on last night after their wild sex. They brimmed with affection, admiration and contentment. She liked that look, the blackness was like velvet, smooth and deep, it suited him.

He released the gag and dropped it into his jacket pocket. Cupped her chin in his hand and traced the outline of her tingling lips with his thumb. ‘Did you like that?’ he murmured.

‘What do you think?’ Rapunzel curled her hands around his waist and sank her body against his, needing his physical support to stay upright on her quivering legs.

He gave a small huff of amusement as he wrapped her in his arms. ‘I think when you said in The Turret Club you thought we might be compatible.’ He kissed her stiff mouth gently and lovingly. ‘You were absolutely right.’

Rapunzel melted into him and let his tender kiss take over her world. He was right; they were perfect for each other, in every sense of the word. And now they’d finally found one another, they too could enjoy their own version of living happily ever after.

BOOK: Enchanted Submission - An erotic bdsm fantasy novella
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