Entangled: Sequel to Awakened (10 page)

BOOK: Entangled: Sequel to Awakened
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He brushed at her tears. “Have you ever been with a man?”

She closed her eyes, afraid he would want to take her back. No longer have any interest in her now he knew how inexperienced she was.

“Open your eyes, princess.”

Fresh tears welled in her eyes as she gazed at him.

“Have you ever been with a man, sweetheart?” Xavier knew what the answer would be but he needed to hear it from her.

Aline shook her head.

Xavier held her as close as he could without crushing her. “I’m so sorry. If I had known, I would have taken it slow. I would never have hurt you as much as I did.”

“It’s okay,” she whispered.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I told you I’ve never had a serious boyfriend or a relationship.”

“Shit. At the restaurant. Yes you did.” He lowered his forehead to hers. “I’m so, so sorry.”

“Are you going to fuck me or talk? Right now your cock feels damn good and I want more.” She felt full, stretched.

Xavier laughed and kissed the tip of her nose. “Your wish is my command, princess.” He eased his dick in and out of her deliciously tight channel. He was encased so tightly inside her, it was almost painful.

As he thrust into Aline, she pushed up to meet him. Her hands locked onto his ass and she hauled him in closer.

She felt the want flowing through her. She climbed toward orgasm. Her fingernails tore at his skin. She nipped at his shoulder and screamed out his name as wave after wave of pure ecstasy washed over her.

“Sweetheart, I can’t hold off any longer. Not this time.” Xavier exploded into her. Ribbon after ribbon of cum shot from him. He came harder than he’d ever come before. His head spun. Lights flashed before his eyes as he continued emptying into her. His arms shook with the effort of holding himself off her. When he was finally milked of all cum, he withdrew, disposed of the condom and collapsed back onto the bed next to her.

He lifted her hand to his lips. “You were fuckin’ magnificent. If you can fuck like that the first time and, with one leg in a cast, I have a lot to look forward to. I have never come so hard and for so long.” He rolled to the side, pushed himself onto one elbow and kissed her gently. “How do you feel?”

“Stuffed, buggered, wonderful, fantastic. It was amazing. Is it always so good?”

“Princess, you have no idea. That my darling, was only the beginning. There is much better to come.”

He cuddled her close and kissed her forehead. With the rock of the boat, and her head nestled on his chest, she drifted off.

I will never get enough of this beautiful, amazing woman. Whether she likes it or not, she is mine, for now and forever.

Xavier was looking to a future with this woman. Having only one woman in his life was something he had never considered before.

Chapter Ten

Aline was woken by a gentle shaking of her shoulder. Xavier’s lips closed over hers and she moaned in pleasure. Her eyes fluttered open to find him fully dressed and gazing down at her with passion filled eyes. Her core clenched and she winced with the soreness.

“Are you okay? Did I hurt you too much?” The concerned expression on his face touched her.

“A little sore is all. It was my first time and you are very well endowed. I suspect it won’t last long.”

“It’s time for you to get up and dressed. We’ll arrive at the island in twenty minutes.”

She groaned, not wanting to leave the comfort of the bed. When Xavier offered his hands to help her up, she reluctantly accepted them.  He lifted her onto her feet and, her body heated as she stood before him totally naked. Her head dropped with sudden shyness.

Xavier hooked two fingers under her chin and tilted her head up. Their eyes locked. “I would love nothing more than to take you to bed and stay there with you for the next four days. You are an exceptional beauty, a wonderful person and I’ll never be able to get enough of you. Thank you for finally consenting to be mine.”

Aline huffed indignantly. “When will you get it through your thick skull – I’m not yours or anyone else’s. I will admit I am liking you more with each passing day but I’m still not convinced that a relationship with you is the right thing for me, for us.”

“Trust me, sweetheart. It’s right.”

“We’ll see. Please give me time.” She drew his head down and kissed his lips tenderly. “Now, let me get ready or I’ll be going ashore naked.”

“The hell you will be.” He swept her into his arms and deposited her in the bathroom. When she assured him she would manage, he left her alone.  A few seconds later he called out. “Oh, and no bikini please, darling. I would like to get off the boat and show you our home for the next few days on the island.”

Xavier had her puzzled. She knew they were coming to the island and he had said that while it was inhabited, there were no hotels. Aline had been under the impression they would be staying onboard.

On the countertop he had left a large plastic bag and tape for her leg to be wrapped in so she could shower. She was touched by his thoughtfulness. It didn’t take her long to shower, she wasn’t one to fuss. She selected a pretty lemon sundress, white lacy underwear and a white sandal to wear. Once dressed, she pulled her hair up into a sleek ponytail, brushed on some lip gloss and a smear of mascara. As she dabbed on her perfume, Xavier returned from wherever he had been.

“You look beautiful, sweetheart.” He crossed the floor and pulled her into his arms for a toe curling kiss. She melted against him. His swollen cock poked at her hip as he ravaged her lips.

When he pulled away she felt the loss of both his warmth and his passion. His forehead touched against hers as he stood holding her around the waist. “We have to go, sweetheart. I took the liberty of re packing your bag.”

“If I had known we weren’t staying on the boat, I would not have unpacked.”

“Sorry. I should have made it clear. It didn’t take long to pack your bag with the few things you have with you. If I have my way, you won’t need much at all.” He winked and gave her a knee trembling smile.

A knock at the door had Xavier calling out for whoever it was to enter.

Wilson stepped in. “Sir. Your bags are ready?”

Xavier indicated where the bags had been placed on the floor. Aline was relieved to see her crutches were alongside them.

Aline was carried back the way they had come when they had boarded. The gangway was already in place and Xavier strode to the bottom.

They approached a car which was parked at the end of the wharf. When the driver greeted Xavier and opened the door, she was placed gently inside. Wilson put their bags and her crutches into the trunk. Xavier slid in alongside her and gathered her tiny hand into his. The driver sat behind the wheel, fired up the engine and headed away from the boat.

“Where are we going?” Aline asked, finding it hard to curtail her curiosity.

“You’ll see.”

She settled into the soft leather seat and watched as the landscape raced by. They headed for mountains which rose into low lying clouds. As they left the water and climbed higher, the air cooled. Where it had been scorchingly hot when they had stepped from the boat, now it was pleasantly warm.

The driver steered the car down a steep, narrow winding road before turning onto a dirt track.

The area was tropical. She could see birds winging their way from tree to tree, high up in the canopy. “This is beautiful.”

“The best is yet to come.” Xavier squeezed her hand.

The car rounded a bend and revealed a large tent on the banks of a glorious lake. The blue water sparkled in the sunlight. Deck chairs and a colorful umbrella sat on a stretch of white sandy beach.

The driver pulled the car to a stop at the tent and Xavier stepped out. While their bags were retrieved from the trunk, Aline was scooped into Xavier’s strong, powerful arms.

He effortlessly carried her into the tent before she had the chance to take in any more of the beauty around her.

The driver moved ahead of them and deposited their belongings to one side. Xavier confirmed the details for their return journey, shook the man’s hand and said goodbye.

Aline was placed on to her feet. Her back rested against Xavier’s chest and his arms wrapped around her.

“Oh, Xavier, this is perfect.” In front of her was a huge four posted bed with mosquito netting draped in place. The floors were polished wood and beautiful Turkish rugs were scattered throughout.

“Look up,” Xavier whispered in her ear.

“Oh, my.” Above them, yards and yards of fabric were gathered up high in the center. From it, a huge chandelier was suspended.

“The bathroom is through the closed door. There are twin sinks, a walk in shower with a rain head from the ceiling and a two person spa.”

Aline spun in his arms. “We have to come back as soon as this damn cast  is off.”

“I like the sound of that.” He lowered his head and captured her lips.

She pushed at his chest and he loosened his hold.

“Wait.” She glanced around. “Where’s the kitchen? How are we supposed to eat?”

Xavier loved that she had a healthy appetite unlike the skinny society woman who usually accompanied him to events. All they did was push food from one side of their plate to the other. “In the cabinet beneath the television are tea making facilities and a well-stocked fridge.”

“That’s all well and good but we can’t survive on tea, coffee and alcohol. I can’t anyway.”

He laughed. “This is one of four tents strategically placed so you never catch site of each other. Meals are provided for the couples who are staying.”

“Oh. That’s good. I was beginning to panic.”

“Do you like it?”

“I love it. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“It’s my pleasure.”



“Have you brought any of your other women here?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Never. This is my first time here although I own the resort.”

“You own it?”

“Yes, I do.”


“If you have finished asking questions, dinner is at six and, until then, I would like to fuck you senseless.”


He laughed and she felt the rumble deep in his chest as she leaned into him.

Aline knew she was falling for Xavier a little more every day. Her head screamed at her to take things slow while her heart and body shouted – go for it!

Xavier swept her off her feet and lay her in the center of the bed. She thought it must be what it was like to sleep among the clouds. Soft didn’t begin to describe it. His gaze burned into her.

“I can’t wait to fuck you when that cast comes off. There will be no need for physiotherapy. I will give it all the exercise it needs. I’m going to take your body in every way imaginable.” He had stripped and removed her sandal while he was speaking. Her pussy clenched at the sight of his engorged cock pointing skyward. He climbed onto the bed and crawled toward her.

The skirt of her dress was thrown up revealing her white, lacy, very see through panties. His growl of approval came from way down in his chest. He pushed aside the silk and his fingers followed the length of her folds. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”

She heated with embarrassment.

“I love how red you turn when you blush.”

“I don’t.”

Xavier slid her panties down her legs and threw them to the floor. He lifted the leg with the cast on and pushed the other until she was spread so wide it was almost uncomfortable. Her pussy was on full display and she watched his eyes smolder with lust as he drank in the sight.

Aline pushed at her dress in an attempt to cover herself.

Xavier’s hands covered hers. “Don’t you dare hide such a glorious sight. If you attempt to do so again, I’ll be forced to tie your hands to the headboard.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Her words were shaky as excitement steam rollered through her. Why on earth did the thought of being restrained cause wetness to flood her pussy and her nipples to peak?

“Don’t dare me, Aline. It’s a battle, I promise, you will not win. I would love nothing more than to have you completely at my mercy.”

Aline shuddered but not from fear. Excitement. Anticipation. Need. She had always wondered what it would be like to be tied up and spanked until she couldn’t sit down. She wondered if this was something she could approach Xavier about.

“You are wearing too many clothes.”

He lifted her body from the pillows and yanked the dress over her head. He expertly flipped the hooks on her bra and the garments joined her panties on the floor.

Aline’s natural sense of modesty caused her hands to fold over her breasts. She watched as Xavier’s eyebrows pinched together and his expression darkened.

When he climbed from the bed, she fought the urge to scream out in protest. She was dying to be fucked. Her body was alive with pent up lust.

He rummaged around in his bag and she relaxed, he had probably gone in search of a condom. Her eyes slid shut as she waited for his return.

When he took hold of hands and drew them away from her breasts, her eyes fluttered open. The smile died on her lips, her eyes widened and her body slipped into overdrive when she saw what he held in his hands.

“I warned you, princess. I always follow through on a threat.”

Within seconds her wrists were bound and secured to the headboard with a silk tie. Her first instinct was to struggle but when that only caused her bindings to tighten, she relaxed.

Xavier stepped back and examined her stretched out body. His cock pulsed with excitement as he slid on a condom before crawling back between her legs.

The kiss he initiated became a fierce tug of war for ascendancy. Aline sensed his desire, his passion. Like a fencing match, their tongues thrust and parried until they were forced to part for air.

“Fuck, you can kiss.” Xavier nipped the side of her neck, forcing her head to one side to gain better access. The slight pain turned to pleasure as it shot straight to her core. Her juices dripped onto the sheet.

As he laved, teased and tormented her aching nipples, she lifted her hips. She moaned with want, a desperate need overwhelmed her.

Xavier slid two then three fingers inside her and latched on to her oversensitive bundle of nerves. Soft sloshing sounds could be heard as he worked her toward orgasm.

Aline writhed. Her body felt like she was going to implode. She perspired with heat. Shivered with cold.

“Xavier, please. I can’t take any more. Do something, anything, please,” she begged.

He increased the rhythm, lowered his head to one aching nipple and bit down.

Aline screamed as her orgasm tore through her. Wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over her. Xavier’s fingers were relentless, refusing to stop or even slow until he had milked her of every exquisite drop.

He brought her down and her breathing slowed. When her quivering ceased, he withdrew his fingers and sucked them clean.

“So sweet. Honey like only an angel could make.”

Her eyes opened and she smiled up at him. She felt sleepy, spent. Her eyes slid shut.

“Open your eyes sweetheart. We’re far from done.” She managed to crack her lids enough to see his cock-eyed grin.

“You think you’re so fucking wonderful don’t you?”

“Princess, I don’t think. I
I am.”

How the hell was she to argue with that when he has just made her feel the way she did?

He hovered above her and she felt the head of his cock push against her folds.

“I can’t Xavier.”

“Yes, you can, sweetheart.”

He eased into her, conscious of her soreness from their previous joining.

As Aline felt him sliding inside her, her eyes snapped open, she waited for the pain. It didn’t come and the slight soreness she’d felt, ebbed from her body.

BOOK: Entangled: Sequel to Awakened
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