Read Entwined - SF5 Online

Authors: Susan X Meagher

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

Entwined - SF5 (7 page)

BOOK: Entwined - SF5
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Unable to resist a challenge–even when it was self-imposed, she pondered the situation for a moment. Hitting upon an idea, she reached down and lightly tickled Ryan’s exposed left side. The dark woman uttered a sound that was close to, but not quite, a word, and swatted weakly at the hand. Another tickle–another ineffectual swat. Finally, on the third try, Ryan turned onto her left side, stopping the tickle, and presenting her right breast to her partner.
Come to mama!
she crowed, dipping her head to lave the lazy nipple into action. It didn’t take long before the right vied with the left for rigidity, but before she was truly finished Ryan flopped onto her back once again. Surprisingly, her arms lifted over her head, her hands lightly touching near the headboard, presenting her breasts to Jamie’s gaze in a most attractive fashion.
That’s odd
, Jamie mused,
I’ve never seen her sleep that way before

She didn’t spend too much time on her musings, since Ryan’s grandeur was so beautifully displayed by her posture. Jamie bent her head once again, helping the left nipple to regain supremacy over the right when she noticed the slightest of hip movements from her sleeping partner.
Hip thrusts? In her sleep?
she mused.
Hmmm…I don’t think so
. Pulling away just a few inches, Jamie detected clear signs of Ryan’s wakefulness. Her chest wasn’t rising and falling with the same slow cadence as before. Rather, it was moving quickly, although it looked as though Ryan was consciously trying to smooth her breathing out to resemble the previous pattern. Both breasts were firm, both nipples equally taut.
I think someone’s playing possum
, she thought.
And I think I like it
, she added with a mental smirk.
I knew she’d like this–I guess I just didn’t know she’d like it enough to continue with it when she was actually awake. Ah well, I like to please my baby, so I’ll play as long as she wants to

Running her hand down the center of Ryan’s body, she smiled to herself as she detected the beginnings of goose bumps chasing down her torso.
, she stifled a giggle.
Somebody’s wide awake but doesn’t want me to know it. Your wish is my command, Sweetheart
, she silently promised.

Slowly, steadily, she unbuttoned the fly on Ryan’s khaki’s, sneaking her hand inside when she had it fully open.
Where are your boxers, Buffy?
she wondered, used to being greeted by the material that normally came just below the waistband of her slacks. A thorough inspection revealed nothing but smooth, warm flesh as her hand dipped lower and lower.
Going commando, Sweetie?
But, just as she became certain Ryan had omitted underwear that day, her hand touched a bit of lace. Her very interested fingertips traced the outline, determining that Ryan wore some very, very low cut lace panties.
Oooh, this is better than I’d hoped for
, she moaned, unable to stop the sound from springing from her lips. Her happy fingers found
that the panties rode very low over her mound, but came up a bit on the sides to reach the tops of her hipbones.
Very, very nice, Buffy
, she mused.
Why haven’t I seen these before? You know I’m a sucker for sexy undies.
With a shake of her head, Jamie reminded herself that Ryan couldn’t hear her thoughts.
This is so weird
, she mused,
I know she’s awake, and she probably knows that I know–but it still feels kinda kinky to do this
. Another smirk settled on her face as she acknowledged,
That’s definitely why Ryan wants to do it, and if I’m honest I have to admit that it feels hot because it is just a tiny bit of a taboo.

Her hand slipped completely into Ryan’s pants, her fingers inching along the length of her partner’s belly, settling on her warm mound. As her hand slid down just another inch or two she shot a quick glance up to Ryan’s face and nearly barked out a laugh when she saw her partner pull her lower lip in and bite down firmly.
Oooh, I’m torturing the poor thing
. A mental chuckle accompanied her thought, and she harkened back to Mia’s observation that she was a dom in disguise.
God, I do really enjoy this
, she thought.
I would never want to cause her pain…well, maybe a good kinda pain
, she amended with a sly smile, catching another glimpse of her partner’s tension-filled face,
but teasing her like this is absolutely delicious

Focusing on the warmth that enveloped her hand, Jamie snuggled it deeper inside the loose-fitting slacks.
Thank you for not wearing your jeans today, Love, or this would be mission impossible.
Adding an extra bit of pressure with her middle finger, she trailed her hand slowly up and down the center of Ryan’s warmth, a shiver chasing down her spine when her hand touched the moist fabric between the providentially spread legs.
Those legs weren’t spread that far apart a minute ago
, she noted. Focusing on Ryan’s feet, she saw her heels inching across the mattress, trying to provide a bigger target for the questing fingers.

The khakis Ryan had on were very well-worn, and the fabric had grown thin through repeated washings. Since Jamie had conquered as much territory as possible within the confines of the slacks, she withdrew her hand, smiling as Ryan gave her a tiny hip thrust as she pulled out. Placing her hand between the spread legs, she focused on Ryan’s placid face while raking her fingernails right down the center seam of the slacks. As expected, the prone woman had a terribly difficult time keeping her composure, but Jamie had to acknowledge that Ryan did a much better job of it than she would have in her position.

Trying a slightly different tactic, she moved the seam aside a few inches, and lightly scratched up and down the soft, thin fabric with her short nails, ignoring the strangled gasp that sprang from her lover’s chest. She could easily feel the slight protuberance of her sex under her fingers, her mouth going dry as she flicked her fingers lightly against the cloth-covered tender flesh.

Ryan was unable to stop the shiver that started at the top of her head and raced down her body to slam to a halt right between her legs. Never had she been so turned on–and yet so unable to voice her need. There was something absolutely maddening about this self-inflicted torture, but she loved the fact that Jamie was willing to play like this. Inventiveness was what would keep their sex life fresh for many years to come–and it was obvious that her partner was very inventive, indeed.

Jamie’s fingers played and teased the aching flesh, using a bit more pressure than normal because of the fabric barriers. She could see the pulse in Ryan’s neck throbbing, could hear her respiration increase and grow shallow, could discern a fine sheen of perspiration across her full, luscious breasts. It was clear that her partner was nearly ready to climax, but Jamie didn’t want to bring her off while she was still clothed. She thought that Ryan would have a more intense orgasm with direct stimulation, but she was slightly uncertain that she could get her pants off of her while keeping up the game. Deciding to give it a try, she grasped the material near her ass and gave it a good tug, again, nearly laughing when Ryan’s hips rose a couple of inches to allow the slacks to slide down easily. Jamie pulled on the hems and tossed them aside carelessly, already focused on the next barrier.

The deliciously sexy white lace panties had become nearly transparent where they rested against Ryan’s pulsing need. They were obviously soaked with the evidence of her arousal, and Jamie’s heart raced when she detected the heady, humid scent of her desire. Her mouth watered and the throbbing between her own legs became so intense that she had to slip her hand between her thighs and stroke herself for a few moments, just to take the edge off. Her sadistic streak returned when she pulled her hand away and slowly wafted her wet fingers over Ryan’s twitching nose…only to gasp aloud as a dark head shot forward and sucked two fingers deeply into a warm mouth.

"Ryan!" she cried, unable to hold in her laugh. "Have you been awake the whole time?"

The bright blue eyes were still closed, but a smile played at the corners of her mouth as she slowly shook her head, continuing to suck on Jamie’s fingers.

"Give me back my hand, Buffy," Jamie intoned solemnly as she tried to break the suction. "I’m not done playing with you."

Ryan’s lids popped open, revealing a pair of glittering deep blue eyes. She opened her mouth to release Jamie’s fingers, simultaneously tossing the smaller woman onto her back. "That’s what you think, Hot Stuff," she growled. "Playtime’s over! It’s time to get down to business." She climbed onto her partner’s body, intent on claiming what she needed.

To Ryan’s complete and utter surprise, Jamie entwined her legs with those of her taller and stronger partner, shifted her hips abruptly, and tossed the astonished woman onto her back once more. She climbed aboard Ryan’s body, moving up until they were nose to nose. Adopting a fiercely determined look she growled, "My game. My rules."

Ryan blinked slowly, almost unable to comprehend exactly what her partner meant. She was so slow on the uptake that Jamie finally asked softly, "Has no one ever taught you patience, Tiger?"

Ryan shook her head slowly, unsure of what she was even responding to, but sensing that she was supposed to answer.

"Then now’s as good a time as any for your first lesson." With that, the small, determined blonde grasped Ryan’s hands and placed them on a plane with her head, making her look a bit like she was being robbed. "Lie still and nobody gets hurt," she commanded, smiling up at her partner with twinkling green eyes.

It took just a few moments for Ryan’s arousal to be ratcheted back to its previous level, and a few moments longer for it to be cranked higher still. Jamie started at her breasts, a perennial favorite. Her enjoyment of the firm, supple flesh was so contagious that Ryan’s arousal came as much from watching the pleasure on her partner’s face as it did from the sensation itself. Jamie attacked the mounds with gusto, leaving Ryan breathless after just a few minutes of her ravenous feeding.

Even though they had not even been lovers for a full month, they had made love dozens of times already, but Ryan had never seen her partner so fiercely determined to consume her as she was tonight. It was a very odd feeling for her to have Jamie take command so forcefully, and a part of Ryan wanted to reassert her normal control. But another part of her wanted nothing more than to surrender to her fiery partner’s desires, no matter where they led. As Jamie licked and sucked her way down the center of Ryan’s body, her mind was so cluttered with competing wishes that she finally just decided to shirk her normal responsibilities and let Jamie do with her as she wished.

Jamie seemed to sense the shift in Ryan’s attitude, and she slowed down a bit, now not as worried that Ryan would take charge. She was hovering over the white panties, trying to decide her next move, when Ryan’s hands slid down and started to remove them.

"Did I ask for your help?" she queried. "I distinctly remember instructing you to keep your hands flat on the bed."

Ryan gave her a bemused smirk and relaxed again, docilely placing her hands back where Jamie had originally indicated. "A thousand pardons, mistress," she murmured, averting her eyes acquiescently

Jamie couldn’t resist a playful pinch to her exposed ribs. "I’ll mistress you, Buffy," she growled. "Now just behave, or you’re going solo."

Ryan’s mouth closed immediately, but she had to get in a playful dig by dramatically zipping her lips closed.

Jamie crawled up to Ryan’s level and lay down so they were face to face. "Is this really okay with you, Love?" she asked in a tentative tone.

Ryan smiled and teasingly asked for clarification. "Umm…can I move my hands for a minute?"

"Yes, Ryan, you may move your hands." A smirk involuntarily appeared on Jamie’s face while she waited for her partner to answer her question.

"C’mere," Ryan instructed, holding her arm out in invitation. Jamie cuddled up to her warm body, instantly reassured by the safety of her partner’s embrace. "I’ve been with lots of women, Love," she said softly, "but I’ve only allowed one or two others to run the show."

"I don’t have to…" Jamie began, but Ryan silenced her with a gentle kiss.

"I didn’t allow other women to top me because I didn’t trust them, Baby. I didn’t like to let other women make me feel vulnerable…or needy. But that’s not a concern with you, Sweetheart. You know how much I need you, and you know how much I trust you. I’m really, really happy that you feel confident enough to play like this."

"So it’s really okay?" Jamie asked, her voice betraying her lingering concern. "I mean just because I like something doesn’t mean that…"

Ryan faced her fully, a devastatingly sexy smile affixed to her handsome face. "I’m throbbing so much I’m starting to cramp," she revealed. "My body likes this very, very much. And my mind has generously agreed to stay on the sidelines and let my body have its way." She stretched out fully on the bed, her arms flat in the manner Jamie had requested, her legs slightly spread. "Little Ryan thinks this is one of the best ideas you’ve ever had." Her hips thrust in Jamie’s direction a few times, making Little Ryan’s presence known.

The luminescent smile that lit Jamie’s entire face made Ryan’s heart swell with pleasure. "Have I told you how much I love you?" she asked softly, leaning down to plant soft, sweet kisses all over Ryan’s face. "Have I told you how much I love making love with you?"

BOOK: Entwined - SF5
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