Read Epiphany Online

Authors: Ashley Suzanne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

Epiphany (2 page)

BOOK: Epiphany
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“I’m never gonna stop. You get me and
forever. You already agreed,” Skylar keeps his pace, angling his digits to hit the
most sensitive spot inside me, giving me everything that I need until I’m ready to
fly over the edge. I’m going to break a nail trying to grip onto the hard floor.
What I wouldn’t give for a sheet to wrap my hands in and hold on for dear life as
the most wonderful sensation starts low in my belly, threatening to shatter me apart.

My orgasm crashes over me like a tidal wave, stealing the breath right from my lungs.
Without my knowledge, the sneaky ninja that is Skylar kneels above me, naked as the
day he was born. As he palms his cock, priming himself, I lick my lips in anticipation.

Playing my sated body against me yet again, he slowly pushes inside me. My thighs
try to lock around his waist, but after such an intense orgasm, my legs refuse to
cooperate, lying like jelly on each side of his hips.

Raking my nails lightly over his muscular arms and shoulders, I dare a peek into the
eyes of my forever and I see … everything—our past, present and future. It’s a glorious
sight, both breathtaking and intimidating.

“I’d agree a thousand times over. You’re my always.”

Slow, deep thrusts have me on the brink yet again. Finally regaining some control
of my lower extremities, I wrap myself around him, digging my heels into his backside,
begging him to get deeper and faster. He doesn’t comply.

Keeping his current pace, every stroke sending both of us higher each time, his crystal
blues never break from my emerald greens, intensifying the experience. It’s cliché
to say that he’s showing me his love through sex, but that’s exactly what’s happening.
He’s sealing the deal, making promises and giving himself to me.

“Forever, Sweets.

Lifting my hips, putting more pressure on my upper back and neck, I’m ready to complain
when Skylar’s thrust hits places in me I didn’t know possible. At this angle, there’s
not much of him I don’t feel. The depths he’s reaching and being stretched to the
max, I can feel each time I clench around him. I need to remember this moment if
the sex ever becomes monotonous—new positions make such a difference.

Skylar let’s my hips fall to the floor, then grabs only one leg, hoisting it over
his shoulder. I grab hold of his back, anchoring myself and meeting him thrust for
thrust, each time his pelvis rubs feverishly against my clit. We both fall over the
edge of the cliff at the same time. Panting and growling my name, he rests his forehead
against mine, trying to catch his breath.

“I can really get used to this,” he chuckles. Skylar lets my leg down easily, careful
of my overly used muscles, but stays inside me as his erection starts to reduce in
size. The vulnerability in this exact moment is what I crave most. Nothing between
us, completely open with one another and staring into each other’s sated eyes.

“Me, too.
Now, you should be a good fiancé and make me a sandwich.” Yeah, I just role reversed
his ass.

Laughing, he pulls out of me and I rush to the bathroom as quickly as my legs that
seem to be locked at the knees will allow. Cleaning up, I spare a glance at my disheveled
appearance, and strangely, I feel like I look different.
Like I’m finally a whole person, finding the other half of my soul.

Yeah, I can get used to this, too.

Once my business is handled, I contemplate putting a tee shirt or something on, but
I know how much Skylar likes it when I sleep naked.
Something about having access to me at any point in the night.
It rarely happens, but I think he just likes to know that if he wants it, he can
get it without any extra effort.

Climbing under the covers, the sex coma starts as a small yawn. I shouldn’t lie down,
but the sheets and blanket are fresh from the laundry, the lavender scent from the
fabric softener still lingers, and it’s been an emotional day. I take the chance,
resting my head on the pillow that feels like heaven and close my eyes, just to rest
them, not to sleep.

I should have known better.
Should have known that with all this extra comfort plus a sated body, I wouldn’t last
that much longer.
The thought of a sandwich only keeps me awake for an extra few minutes, but not
enough to lure me from the pull of an excellent night’s sleep.



She has the strangest habits—usually a grilled cheese and a glass of milk after sex.
It’s better than the alternative—a woman who’s embarrassed to eat in front of a man.
So, if it’s a sandwich that will make her happy, who am I to deny my girl?

My girl.

Still to this day, I have a hard time comprehending those simple words …
my girl
. After five years, Mira’s mine. And now, it’s official … almost, anyway. I still
have to get her down the aisle, but that’s just a formality. I really am the lucky
one, though. Mira claimed my heart when I first saw her without even knowing it,
and finally, after everything—college, the accident, and all the craziness that lead
us to this exact point—hers belongs to me as well. It’s a damn good feeling.

Walking back to the bedroom, her after sex snack and drink in tow, I softly laugh
as to not disturb the most beautiful sight before me. There’s only one thing she
loves more than food and me … sleep. If left to her own devices, she would go to
bed early, sleep late and take as many naps as possible.

Mira’s lying on the bed, my side albeit, legs all spread onto her side. I couldn’t
have been gone more than ten minutes, enough to make a grilled cheese and
my girl’s
sprawled all over, down for the count. If she was actually hungry, there’s nothing
that could keep her away from a grilled cheese.

Setting the sandwich on top of the dresser, I hit the lights and start my attempt
of getting into bed. I start on the left side—my side—but quickly realize there’s
no way I’m getting any kind of room to sleep comfortably. Next, I move to the right.
It’s a shot in the dark, but I think I can make it work.

After using a few maneuvers that have worked in the past—yes, Mira and I have an issue
with personal space and what side of the bed belongs to who—I’m met with a growl,
cute and non-threatening, but a growl nonetheless. I can only imagine … had we dated
in college and had to sleep on her small full size bed, we would have been in serious
trouble. Not even this California King is enough room for her, let alone me.

Laughing lightly, I weigh the only two options I have—sleeping on the couch alone
or on the small sliver of bed that
my girl’s
affording me. I choose the latter. Anything to be close to her and eventually Mira
will roll over and I’ll have space to breathe … hopefully.


As expected, I wake early the next morning with more mattress than I fell asleep with.
Don’t get me wrong, I actually have a pillow under my head and some room, but it’s
not much. There happens to be a five foot nothing, raven haired beauty sleeping on
top of me, making sweet little sounds (don’t ever tell a woman she snores) and nuzzling
into my neck.

No complaints here. Not one. The kink in my back and neck will go away at some point.
The memory of her naked, using me as her final resting point … yeah, I’m good with

Brushing the dark chocolate locks away from her face, I press a light kiss to her
forehead. Either I’m having one hell of a case of morning wood or even Mira’s forehead
is sexy enough to inspire an erection that’s on the verge of being painful. Maybe
it’s a little bit of both.

As Mira stirs, I attempt to hide the arousal that’s only getting harder every second
I spend looking at her.

I’m almost positive she’s possessed, the way she’s yawning and stretching. Her perfect-in-every-way
body, arching and twisting and pressing against me, is driving me utterly insane.
Seeing my ring on the hand that’s draped across my stomach brings out the animalistic,
primal tendencies you only hear about on Animal Planet.
The need to be on her … around her … inside her.

“Well, good morning to you, too,” Mira giggles, nudging my dick with her thigh.

Mira adjusts her body so she’s straddling me, ass above my cock, making all those
freaky fantasies play like a slideshow in my brain. I should be getting up to make
coffee, but I can’t seem to stop thinking about Mira reverse cowgirl—her ass bouncing
in my face, giving me the magnificent view of sliding in and out of her.

“Ahem,” I clear my throat, trying to distract myself from the illicit
Made for Skylar
movie playing behind my eyelids.

Mira glances down at her left hand, smiles and presses her lips to mine.

“I almost forgot. I have some calls to make,” she excuses herself, jumping out of
bed. “Babe, you made me food. How sweet,” she coos, rummaging through the drawer
for a tee shirt, taking a bite of the sandwich and over exaggerating a moan.
So, you don’t really have to wait until you’re technically married for the cock teasing
to begin?

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re gonna be a while. I’ll hop in the shower. You get the coffee?”

Mira walks out of the room, wearing the Hooliganz shirt with my name on the chest
… and nothing else. Not a bra, no panties … not even a pair of skimpy shorts. She’s
really not helping these impure thoughts.

I take a longer than usual shower since the erotic scene of Reverse Cowgirl Mira won’t
stop playing on repeat. Palming myself, my strokes are long and even until I get
to the climax of the show—pun totally intended. My rhythm quickens as Mira leans
forward, showing herself to me, bouncing on my dick as her pussy pulses around me,
squeezing the life out of my cock until I finish on the bottom of the shower. A tinge
of dissatisfaction hits me as the movie ends and I’m alone in the shower. Whoever
said a nut is just a nut never had anything as sweet is Mira.

Getting dressed quickly, I walk out of the bedroom, heading straight for the couch
where Mira’s sitting. I’m curious as to what everyone thinks of our engagement.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care what they thought—I really hope that our family
and friends are as happy as we are.

What I don’t expect is to be met with a scowling Mira. Changing directions, in case
it’s something I’ve done to piss her off, I walk into the kitchen—out of range if
she feels the need to throw things. It wouldn’t be the first time a humidifier’s
gone flying across an open space, aimed at a man who pissed his significant other

“What’s wrong, Sweets?” I grab a mug from the cupboard, place it in the coffee maker
and push the brew button on the single serve machine, waiting for a response.

“I was all excited to tell Kylee and the bitch didn’t answer. So, I called Danny
and he sounded like he didn’t care. My mom answered, but said she was busy and would
call me back later.” Mira sulks into the couch, looking sad and depressed, pulling
at every heart string I have. There really is nothing worse than the person you love
being upset and you not having any control to make it better.

“Oh, Mi,” I say softly, trying to bring her emotions down to normal levels, “calm
down for a second. It’s still early.
and your mom will call you back in a little while. As for Danny,” I pause, trying
to think of something to not make her feel guilty, “he probably just woke up. You
know how he is in the morning.”

Fact of the matter is,
I didn’t expect Danny to be overjoyed. Having been engaged to her a while back,
I’d be surprised if he was going to shout his excitement from the mountain tops.
Even through all of that, it would be nice if my best friend could show a little happiness
for us. I put aside my personal feelings and supported him the way I should have.
Why can’t he?

I just hope that’s
it is and we don’t have any unresolved issues between the three of us. The past
is the past. All we can do is move forward.

“What did you want to do for New Year’s?” I ask, changing the subject as quickly as

“I don’t know. I’m not really in the mood to go out this year, unless you want to
go to the clubhouse. I’m sure they’re throwing a party or something, right?”

“Clubhouse isn’t really a good idea. All the members and their girls are gonna be
there. I’m talking max capacity,” I fumble with my words, not wanting to tell her
that I don’t want her there. Most of the guys are good ones, would do just about
anything for a brother, but then there’s the small minority.
The not so good guys that would have no problem getting into some shit, regardless
of who’s in the building.
And the girls, not all are wives even though more than half of the members are married,
if you get what I’m saying. I just don’t want that kind of image in her head.

“Well, we can stay in and do something? Or see if Kylee, Jacoby, Danny and Melissa
want to get together. Like old times.” A glimmer of hope and happiness creeps back
into her eyes. If that’s what will make her smile, then by all means I’m going to
do everything in my power to make it happen.

“I’ll try to set it up. What do you want for breakfast?”

Gonna try Kylee again in a little bit, hopefully she’ll answer. If I’m gonna be
Mrs. Skylar McBride I’ll need my Maid of Honor ready to start planning.”

“Okay, first, bacon? That’s it?” I ask.

“Whatever else you’re making, too, I guess. I just really want some damn bacon.
Doesn’t that sound good?”

bacon sound good?” I respond, pulling the whole package out and dropping it into
a pan that’s already hot.

BOOK: Epiphany
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