Read Erin's Alien Abductors Online

Authors: Becky Wilde

Erin's Alien Abductors (3 page)

BOOK: Erin's Alien Abductors
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Jord slid back out of his mates body until just the tip of his penis was resting in Erin's warm wet sheath. He slowly slid back in and gave a growl of pleasure as her body gripped his hard hot length. He moved and picked Erin up into his arms until she was sitting on his lap, impaled to the hilt on his massive engorged cock. Biel moved up behind Erin and ran his large penis over her tight puckered anus. He gave a groan of pleasure as he felt his natural lubrication pulse from beneath the head of his cock. The natural aphrodisiac was loosening his mate’s muscles and lubricating her body for easier penetration. He pushed the head of his cock into Erin's tight ass until the head was resting inside his mate’s body. He gave another growl of appreciation as her muscles clenched and released around his hard flesh. When her body finally settled down to accept him, he pushed forward until he was buried in her flesh, his large balls resting against her soft body.

Tiem moved around the one side of Erin, turned her head towards him as he knelt next to her and rubbed his hard rod across her lips. He gave a groan as his mate licked the head of his hard, warm flesh and then growled low in his throat as she sucked the head of his cock into her mouth.

Miga moved to Erin's other side, grasped one of her hands and wrapped her palm and fingers around his large cock. He covered her hand with his and showed her how to pleasure him as his natural lubricants pulsed out, easing the way for his flesh to slide through her hand.

Erin was so full and so feverish with desire she was afraid she was going to burn up from the inside out. Jord and Biel started to move in and out of her body alternately, slowly thrusting their cocks into her to the hilt, then withdrawing again.

Tiem was rocking his hips gently back and forth, sliding his delectable tasting cock in and out of her mouth. She had never tasted anything like it. She couldn't get enough of his boysenberry taste and was trying to devour him. Miga was sliding her and his hand up and down his slippery hard flesh keeping pace with all his brothers.

Erin began trying to fight them as she felt an internal pulling. She felt as if her insides were about to burst out of her.

She could feel her pussy beginning to coil tighter and tighter which scared her as she had never felt anything like it before. She tried to pull her hand away from Miga's hard cock, but he tightened his grasp and wouldn't let her. He leaned down and began to whisper in her ear.

“Don't fight us Erin, we are giving you pleasure. We would never hurt you little one. Let go, we will keep you safe.

You will only ever feel pleasure from us. Doesn't it feel good to have Jord and Biel buried in your body? Sliding in and out of your sweet flesh while you suck Tiem. We all want to have a taste of your sweet pussy. Jord loved the taste of you. I can't wait to slide my cock into your warm wet pussy, Erin. What does it feel like having four men pleasuring you at the same time?” Erin couldn't reply to any of Miga's questions of course, since her mouth was full of Tiem's cock, so she gave a whimper instead. She was suddenly on top of the universe, then she was falling through space as she felt as if she was floating. Her body was convulsing uncontrollably as her pussy and ass clamped down hard on the two cocks buried within her. She gave a cry as her four mates roared out their own release. She was looking down from above the bed as she watched herself spasm with her mates. She felt their joy, love and happiness to have finally found their mate. They were touching her soul and it scared the shit out of her. Then she was falling. She slammed back into her body and slid into slumber.

Chapter Three

Erin woke up in a different room. She was alone in the large bed of the bedroom where she had first used the cleansing unit. Erin gave a large yawn as she pushed her hair away from her face. She sat up and scooted from the middle of the bed and gave a hysterical giggle when her legs were dangling over the side of the bed without being able to touch her feet to the floor. She gave a push and landed on the floor with a small thud, then made her way into the cleansing unit. As the unit did its job of cleaning her body she contemplated what she had experienced with the four blue aliens the previous night.

Erin had always been a very shy and timid person, but when the four blue, hunky, aliens had been giving her pleasure, she had felt empowered for the first time as a sensual, sexual female. She had never felt so sexy or free before. Erin had always been treated like a child by the opposite sex, since she was so small and petite. She only measured at five one in height with a slender, subtly curved body. She had always felt as if she was being treated as a kid sister by the opposite sex. This was not the case with the four Xob brothers. They treated her like the fully grown adult female she was. Even though they towered over her making her look like a child in height, they didn't treat her as such.

Erin made her way back into the bedroom, picked up the skirt and top which was hung on a peg on the wall. She quickly dressed and then made for the galley. She was starving and she needed coffee. God she hoped they had coffee.

Erin walked into the galley to find Jord and Biel sitting at the table, eating and talking. She hesitated in the door as they both looked up and stared at their mate. They couldn't get over how sexy their little mate was. All they wanted to do was pick her up and take her back to bed, but they knew they needed to give Erin time to get used to them.

Jord stood and walked over to their mate; he grasped her hand and led her over to the table. He picked her up in his arms and sat down at the table with his mate on his lap. “How did you sleep, Red?”

“Good thanks. Do you guys have any coffee?” Erin asked around her hand as she smothered her yawn.

“You are lucky that Honey and Rhiannon arrived on Calt first, Erin. Rhiannon's mate High Chancellor Adarm has programmed the food simulators in our ship and our homes to make this coffee,” Biel stated with a gentle smile. He rose to his feet and made his way over to the food simulator and pushed a couple of buttons. He came back with a mug in his hand and placed the steaming mug in front of Erin.

“Mm, thanks. I couldn't survive without my morning pick me up,” Erin stated as she inhaled the dark rich brew. She picked up the cup and breathed the aroma in deeply, then took a sip.

“I don't know how you Earth females can drink this coffee.

I have tasted it and as Honey Potts would say, 'it tastes like shit,'” Jord stated.

Erin couldn't help her reaction; she spewed coffee across the table as she laughed. Then she was choking and coughing, as what was left of the liquid in her mouth, went down her esophagus. Jord pounded Erin gently on the back, until she could breathe again. She gave a last cough then filled her lungs with much needed air. “Yep that sounds like Honey alright. So tell me about this planet you're taking me to. Is it like Earth? How come you're blue? Are Honey and Rhiannon happy with their mates, or are they miserable? How long will it take to get to your planet?

What the hell am I going to do with four men, for goodness sakes?”

“Breathe, Red. Everything will be alright, I promise you,” Jord stated as he ran the palm of his hand up and down Erin's back in soothing motions. He used the tip of a large finger and tilted her chin up so she was looking at him. Jord saw the panic in his mate’s eyes and was determined to erase it from her face. He leaned down and gently placed his lips over hers, sipping at her lips repeatedly until she was groaning in the back of her throat.

He deepened the kiss as he slid his tongue along the seam of her mouth, then took advantage as she gasped for breath. He slid his tongue in between her lips and teeth, sliding his tongue along hers in an erotic play. He felt her shiver in his arms and slowly weaned his mouth from hers. He opened his eyes and gave a satisfied grunt to see Erin's passion glazed gaze.

“Honey and Rhiannon are very happy on our planet with their mates, Erin. We are blue because that is part of our genetic makeup as yours is pink skinned. It will take us approximately one to two weeks to arrive on Calt. You are lucky as it took Rhiannon and little Honey three to four weeks to travel to Calt.

We have had upgrades done to our ship which allows us to travel twice as fast as before. We will take things slowly with you little Erin, we would never hurt you. If you don't want to join with all of us at the same time then we will not. If you want to join with only one of us at a time, then so be it. If you want two or more then that is alright as well. We will be guided by you Erin. We will never force you to join with us if you do not want to,” Biel stated.

“You didn't give me a choice the first time!”

“We would have if it was possible Red. You were in the beginnings of the mating fever and we could not allow you to feel any more pain than you already were. It is also necessary for all of us to bond with you together the first time, so we can join our life's spirits with yours. This circumvents the effects of the mating fever,” Jord stated.

“Are you hungry little Erin?” Biel asked.


“I will get you some sustenance. Would you like more of your coffee?” Biel asked.

“Yes please.”

“I do not know how you can drink that shit. Your Honey Potts and Rhiannon Lyons are very partial to our Mur. They always end up in trouble from their mate's, when they have had an afternoon of drinking Mur,” Jord stated with a grin.

“Yeah, I can well imagine. I have missed those two so much,” Erin stated as tears filled her eyes.

“Ah, do not fret little one. You will be with your friends very soon,” Biel stated as he placed a plate of colorful food in front of Erin.

“Where are Tiem and Miga?” Erin asked.

“They are in the control room keeping an eye on our ship and course. After you have finished eating; would you like to watch the information on our planet, Erin?” Jord asked.

“Yeah, thanks. The more information I have the better,” Erin muttered to herself.

Erin was reserving her opinion on whether to believe Honey and Rhiannon were actually happy, living on the planet Calt with more than one partner. Even though her mate's had sounded sincere, she wasn't going to let her guard down totally, until she saw them for herself.

Biel and Jord led her to the rec room. Biel set up the vid screen and put the documentary of Calt on for Erin to watch. The flora and fauna fascinated her. The colors were out of this world, literally, unlike anything she had ever seen before. She was fascinated over the Quark, which was a feline like creature between the size of a lion and a domestic cat. She watched until her eyes began to get sore, gave a sigh and blinked to moisten her dry eyeballs. That was the last she knew for a while.

Jord and Biel moved away from their mate as she slept, over to the other sofa so they could talk quietly without waking their mate.

“She is still holding part of herself back from us Biel. I don't know what else we can do to make her feel comfortable to let go with us,” Jord stated with a sigh.

“Ah, this seems to be a human female trait. Remember Sven told us the struggle they had with their little Honey; and the High Chancellor's had an even harder time with their little Rhiannon. We need to give her time to get used to us, Jord. Don't push her too hard, too fast, or we will end up alienating our little Erin,” Biel stated wisely.

“Yes, I agree. But we don't want to give her too much leniency to pull away from us and have her life's spirit cut off from us the way Honey did with her mates. I think we will need to be firm but gentle with our little mate. I think we should take turns being with our mate in pairs, so we do not overwhelm her the way we did with the first joining. This way, she will not become too frightened, and we will still be able to join with her body and life's spirit,” Jord stated.

“Yes, I think this could work. I will go and speak to Tiem and Miga and let them know what we have decided,” Biel stated from over his shoulder as he made his way to the door. He left the room moments later.

Jord sat watching his beautiful mate sleeping. She looked so peaceful and innocent. One of her hands was tucked beneath her cheek and her legs were curled up, pulled up close to her body.

She looked so small and fragile to him and his brothers. She was anything but fragile. She had taken him and his three brothers in the first joining with no problems at all. Thank goodness Earth females were able to take their kind without any pain, thanks to their natural lubricants. They were so different to the few females on Calt. Thanks to the females on Earth, their planet now had a chance of survival and not dying out.

The scientists were still working on the problem of lack of females being born to their kind, but as yet had not come up with a solution. Now hopefully with a new species to breed with, they would be able to procreate and populate the planet with more females. More and more males on Calt were going into mating fever as their hope of ever finding a female mate waned. They needed to keep the few females they had under a close watch so they would not be harmed by the rogue males suffering the mating fever. Two males had already tried to kidnap Honey and Rhiannon. Jord knew he and his brothers were going to have to be very vigilant over their little Erin to keep her safe.

Erin woke with a start and felt the warmth emanating from the two male bodies on either side of her. She opened her eyes and looked to see Tiem and Miga sitting on the sofa next to her watching her.

“What?” Erin asked with a scowl as she sat up, pushing her hair back from her face.

“We did not mean to startle you little Erin, we just wanted to be here when you woke up, so you wouldn't be alone,” Tiem stated with a gentle smile.

“What the hell for?” Erin asked with peevishness.

“We did not want you to be lonely, Erin,” Miga stated in a firm voice, as he looked at his mate.

“Hm, who cares. I've been alone most of my life, why would now make a difference,” Erin stated, as she stood and gave a stretch, easing her cramped muscles. She made her way to the door and left without a backwards glance.

Tiem and Miga looked to each other, turned their heads and looked towards the door their mate had just left by.

BOOK: Erin's Alien Abductors
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