Read Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) (18 page)

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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“Jesus Christ, you guys. I’m so sorry. After all this time, this is how he comes back into your lives? What about your brother?”

“He has a different father. Our mother cheated on him.”

“When does he need an answer by?”

“A week, maybe two at the latest.”

“What did Vincent say?”

“He doesn’t know yet. He’s in court.”

“Well, we have some time to decide what to do, right?”

They both agree and Alexa says, “Why don’t you guys go enjoy your lunch. Bridge, don’t let this ruin your day.”

She nods her head and says, “I’m gonna run in and use the restroom real quick.”

I kiss her softly and watch her walk off. She’s so cute in her short, black skirt with a white top and matching heels.

“Troy, don’t let her beat herself up about this, okay?”

“What am I supposed to do?”

“Keep her mind focused on the painlessness of the test, then we decide. She’s so upset about this because she took him leaving really hard. Even though she was so young, she used to cry for him and wait for him to come home from work every day – and of course he never did. I know she remembers it. I think that’s why she was so attached to our mother.”

“Then why get tested?” I ask. “If he did that to your family, why help him?”

“Because he’s a human being and it’s what’s right. I watched cancer kill our grandfather and I’ll be damned if it hurts another person, especially if I have a chance at stopping it. Troy, I’m tired of living with regrets. I did that with our mom and now it’s too late. Don’t let Bridge make that same mistake. I know you want to protect her and you will. Make sure she keeps her head up and be the man she needs right now.”

I nod my head looking at Alexa. God, she’s a strong woman. I never really realized until now what these girls have gone through. Bridgette emerges from the building and I notice her the moment she hits the sun. She’s bright and beautiful, just like it is. She takes tiny steps to keep her balance in her ridiculous heels.

“I won’t let you down,” I say to Alexa as we get up to meet Bridgette.

The girls hug and Alexa heads back inside. I look down at my fragile Bridge. She’s so scared and unsure. It kills me to see her like this. Taking both of my hands, I place them on her face and look deep into her eyes. I’m searching as far in as I can. Looking into her soul to let her know how serious I am right now. “
are going to get through this, okay?”

Her lips quiver and I crush them against mine. Keeping my eyes shut tight, I want to kiss away her fears. She’s hesitant at first and then I growl a little, letting out a low noise to let her know what I want and she gives in to me. She melts in my arms and I have to remove my hands from her face to brace her body against mine.

Being the greedy man that I am, I slide my tongue into her mouth and caress hers. I don’t know what makes me think I can kiss away her fears, but I’m going to try. I will not let something like this bring her down. Not right before her birthday and when we are starting something so new.

She moans a little and I know I have her. I pull away and say, “You hear me, baby? We’re going to get through this. I’m going to be right by your side. As long as we have each other, we can get through anything.” I scoop her up into my arms, and walk away from her office. She smiles, wrapping her arms around my neck. My strides are long and purposeful, and as I set her in my Jeep, I have déjà vu, remembering not so long ago how it felt to dream of being in this place with her.

I lean over her clicking her seatbelt into place, and she kisses my cheek. Swiftly I kiss her lips back, then walk around and hop in the driver’s seat, starting the vehicle. “Where do you want to eat?” I ask.

“I’m not that hungry.”

“Bullshit,” I quip and drive off to her favorite place. As I pull into the lot of Drain Café and park, it’s busy, but it’s the lunch hour so that’s to be expected. Most people get their food here to-go and leave, like we normally do. Not today. As much as I want her mouth around my cock, I want to talk about this clusterfuck of a situation and calm her mind.

Like a good girl, Bridge waits for me to walk around the vehicle and open her door. We walk in the eatery hand in hand. “I’m really not hungry, Troy,” she says.

“Bridge, please. Just order something. For me. Anything.”

Giving me a small smile, she nods her head and we get in line looking at the large menu that hangs over the back of the food line. As she stands in front of me, I wrap my arms around her, resting my chin on top of her soft hair. “What are you going to get?” I ask.

“Probably the summer salad. What about you?”

“Come on, do you even have to ask?”

“Right, I forgot how you feel about the chipotle chicken here.”

“God, it’s so good,” I say and lean down to whisper into her ear. “It’s almost as good as your tight pussy.”

The smile that follows from those words is instantaneous. I leave my lips by her ear and continue to say filthy nonsense to her. My words change her mood and that’s what I want. As we wait, I can feel someone staring at us. I look over to the check-out line and see a guy watching our every move. I feel like I know him, but I just can’t pinpoint it. As Bridgette pulls away from me to order her lunch, she grabs my hand. The moment our fingers intertwine, he tenses.

My minds flashes a million miles a minute, then the pieces of the puzzle come crashing together. They all click into place when she turns and kisses me. “I ordered for you.”

“Thank you,” I say kissing her back. Then I plunge my tongue down her throat and grab her snug ass. While I kiss her, I look over at him. The cashier keeps repeating himself, trying to get the guy’s attention. Then Bridgette pulls away from me breathlessly.

I’m speechless holding her as I watch David flip me off and walk out of the restaurant. The cashier looks stunned and I can’t help but feel good that he saw us.
Yeah, fucker, see that? She’s mine.
“Are you all right?” she asks as I am still possessively holding her body.

“Yeah, baby. I’m great. Sometimes I can’t help myself. Talking dirty to you like that sets me off. I want your cunt.”

She shakes her head, as we are next up to pay. Thankfully we get a different cashier than the tool bag had. I hand the girl my card and we decide to eat outside. “Are you sure you don’t want to eat in the car?” she asks.

“I’m sure. I think that’s a bad idea right now. You don’t have much longer before you have to be back. Plus, we need to talk about this situation with your dad.”

“Don’t call him that,” she snaps. “His name is Robert.”

“Okay, then we need to discuss the Robert situation.”

“I don’t know what to say about it, Troy.”

“Just hear me out. I get that he’s a shitty…Robert and what not.” I stop myself from calling him her dad. “Trust me, I know all about that. I have one of those at home, remember?”

“I know, but my situation is way different. You know your dad.”

“I know, baby, and I’m sorry you don’t know yours. I’m not asking you to do anything more than, a) not stress, and b) take the test. We’ll go from there.”


I cut her off. “But what? You’re just going to overanalyze the situation. Nothing has changed, babe. Okay? You have to remember that. Focus on what’s important; work, us, your birthday. Don’t forget we’re flying to Vegas to get married.”

She busts out laughing and starts to eat her salad. I was teasing her the other night about flying to Vegas and getting married, when we were discussing her birthday. I hope my comical distraction can keep her content for a while. Especially while I figure out what in the world to do about seeing David. Should I tell her? We promised each other to always be honest. Right now, I just can’t. If she got this upset and worried about a tiny test regarding Robert, I could only imagine how she would take knowing David saw us together. Not to mention he saw me maul her in public.

Dropping Bridgette off after lunch today was hard. Not being able to be at home with her tonight is becoming absolutely unbearable. As I stare at the screen of my laptop, I’m awake and it’s so late. I’m in the kitchen of the station and can’t sleep. She texted me about an hour ago and said she was going to bed. Since then, I have been searching the internet for places to visit for her birthday.

I was texting Alexa and she agrees it might not be a bad idea if we skip out of town. I see an advertisement on the side of my screen for Vegas as I search hotels and I click on it. I wonder what she would do if I took her there.

I click through the site and the probability of going seems so real. We would have a crazy time for her special day. Abel walks in the kitchen half asleep and startles me. “What’s up, man?” he says with a yawn.

“Not much. I can’t sleep.”

“That shit with Bridge got you wound up?”

“Yeah, and lately I hate being away from her. I’m so worried that she’s stressing out.”

“Go see her.”

“What? No way. What if we get a call?”

“Then I’ll handle it. We’re training Scott so we’re technically a man up.”


“Yeah, really. Take my key,” he says removing it from his ring on the counter. “I’ve been where you are myself. I know how you feel.”

“Thanks, I owe you one. I’ll be back early, I promise.”

With the key to Bridgette’s place in hand, I can’t seem to get to her quick enough. There’s no traffic and I definitely push the speed limit. In record time, I’m entering the code to her community and driving through the gate. As I park in her driveway, I hop out, jog to the door, very quietly slide the key into the lock, and enter the dark house.

I lock the door behind me and make my way into her room. The bathroom light is on, splaying a small amount of light across her bed. There she is, fast asleep. Her hair is fanned out around her and I can’t keep myself from kneeling next to the bed. I’m a sucker for watching her sleep. I do it often, but normally there are no lights on. With the small amount of light shining in I can finally see her – really see her – at peace.

Miniscule breaths move through her and I don’t last long. I stand and remove my clothes, stripping down to nothing. In this moment, I need to be as close to her as possible. I slide in facing her and she doesn’t wake until my hands pull our bodies as close together as they can get.

She blinks a few times like she doesn’t believe I’m real. “Baby?” she questions.

“I’m here.”

“Is everything okay?”

“It is now. I needed you, Bridge.”

She holds me as close as she can and exhales. I know she needs me just as much. She begins to leave tiny kisses on my bare chest. Her touch sparks something inside of me. It awakens my body, like it’s been asleep for a century. Roaming my hands all over her, she surprises me by clenching my shaft. I look down at her and her eyes are closed. She strokes me for a few moments and then disappears underneath the covers.

She huddles between my legs and takes my hard organ into her mouth. Sucking from top to bottom and back over again. The feeling of her mouth clenched so tightly around my sensitive skin, followed by her hand moving along my length, is almost too much to handle. She’s persistent and continues to bob up and down. I don’t want to let go, not yet anyways. I want to come inside of her, filling her with all of me.

The moment she lets up, I guide her back to me. She straddles me and I direct the tip of my dick towards her opening. When our skin touches, it’s exhilarating. I gasp out in pleasure keeping her near me as she moves that skilled body, working me just how I like. Finally she pulls away from me and sits up, looking down at me. My hands are around her hips and she pulls the soft cotton t-shirt she is wearing above her head. I’m grateful she didn’t have underwear or pants on, because had I been forced to remove anything, I would have shredded all of it like a savage animal. Her tits are so fucking plump as she sits atop of me and wiggles her hips. She has my cock engulfed so deep inside of her, I’m afraid her movements will make me come.

“Stop,” I rasp.

She looks down at me smiling. I’m not sure what pushed me so close, so fast. Was it those simple movements coupled with the fact that she has her hands above her head and intertwined in her hair? Or maybe it’s just her. Fuck if I know, I’m just glad she’s not moving. I need a minute to compose myself. My dick craves her in a different way. I want her like nothing else; then once I finally have her, I can’t last. She can unman me like no one else ever has.

Leaning forward, she rests her hands on my chest and starts to move again. Each movement causes her to whimper. Her head is tucked down and I move her hair so I can see her face. I want to watch her and see her expressions change – she looks so beautiful while fucking me.

She looks at me as I have a fistful of her hair and bites her bottom lip, moving with determination. I can tell by her breathing that she’s close, that and the urgency in her hips. Aggressively, I grip my hand onto her hip and buck upwards, thrusting myself inside of her.

She begins to orgasm and when she clamps down, tightening her pussy around me, I let go, coming along with her. She keeps her eyes closed; however, I cannot close mine. They are fixated on her as she trembles above me. I release her hair and she collapses, falling against my chest.

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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