Read Everything He Promises Online

Authors: Thalia Frost

Everything He Promises (5 page)

BOOK: Everything He Promises
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Just what I said.” Rock leaned back, sighing as he looked at me lazily from under half closed eyelids. A strange looked passed over his features. “I'll confess that I was afraid of getting too close, of letting you see my feelings for you. This was never meant to be more than a business deal, after all. But it turned into much more than that, and I'm happy it did.” A small smile curved his lips.

3:25 a.m.

Oh.” I stalled for time. What to say? This didn't change anything about someone planning to kill him if we married. In fact, it only made things worse.

This is crazy.” I climbed out of the tub, wrapping a warm towel around me.

Hardly.” Rock smiled, running his fingers through the water like an indolent child used to having his way. “So, what's your answer?”

I laughed, shivering from the water on my skin. “You want an answer now—just like that?”

If you're ready to give it.” Rock rose from the heat of the tub in one deft movement. He grabbed his own towel, but not until he'd given me an eyeful.

Heat coursed through my body at the sight.

I could have this man in my bed, in my life. Mine. My husband.

Then the doubts crowded in. Even if there were no killer, how long would a man like Rock stay interested in a woman like me? There would be another bookkeeper, another woman to seduce...

Lacey.” Rock's voice was rough, his breath cool against my skin where he stood behind me.


Do you need more time?”

No. I'll marry you.” I fixed a smile to my face and yawned, turning to him.

A real wedding, a real marriage. I don't want the farce. The real thing will accomplish the effects as it is, and I can't imagine something like that not being real...not where you're concerned.” He brushed hair from my eyes.

I can't believe it.” I covered my mouth as if yawning again.

Me neither. It looks like you're bushed and that my plans for that smokin' hot body of yours will have to wait. But I will...till tomorrow anyway.” Rock winked, and desire and regret and a million other emotions sizzled through my veins.

I wanted to cry out, to tell him everything, but I couldn't. I knew Lucifer wasn't playing with me. The threat to Rock's life, not to mention the company, was very real. “I am bushed. Totally.” I took his hand in mine, leading him out of the bathroom.


* * * *

I curled up next to Rock in bed, a strange sensation for me—one that I wanted to revel in. The clean scent of him, the feel of his skin under my fingers nearly made me break down. But I couldn't. He needed me not to, even if he didn't know it.

I love you, Lacey,” Rock murmured, his voice full of sleep.

I love you, too,” I whispered, struggling to keep my voice even as tears rolled down my cheek.

His breathing grew even, and I tested my ability to scoot out from under his arm. He didn't move when I did. I gave it until 3:50 a.m. Then I pulled on my clothes, silent as a cat. I scribbled a note on the hotel pad of paper on the nightstand.


I'm so sorry, Rock. I just can't do this.



And walked out the door with my handbag, not looking back.

Pushing my feelings down, I darted toward the elevator, praying George wasn't nearby. I didn't see him, but that probably meant he was patrolling the hallway. The hotel room was quite secure, though, and I wasn't sure what Rock's instructions to him had been. I made it into the elevator, breathing hard as I pushed “lobby” and bit my lip, drawing blood.

Hurry up.” I whizzed through space to the bottom floor and ran out and into the lobby. No one was there but a couple of concierges. They didn't even look up when I flew outside the door of the hotel. Running to the street, I prayed that a cab would stop.

It did.

Airport, please.”

The driver nodded and sped off into the inky darkness of Venice. I let myself cry then, heavy, silent tears.

* * * *

I need to get on that plane now.” The early flight was taking off at 6:30 a.m. to London. From there, I could go to Atlanta and catch a cab to my cousin's house.

The woman nodded and smiled. “Two more seats left.” I sighed in relief and almost sobbed at the intensity of the feeling.

I love you, Rock. I wish I could wake up beside you later.

Even then, I prayed he wouldn't wake up for some time and that when he did, he wouldn't hate me—or come looking for me.


I nodded and took my ticket. I went through customs and the rest, thanking my lucky stars that I'd decided to carry my passport on me as so many tourists did. What a stroke of luck. Customs went smoothly, and soon I found myself waiting to board. I glanced down the hallway for signs of a handsome, rumpled CEO billionaire, my heart in my throat.

Boarding for Flight 1005 to London,” the crisp, accented voice called.

I stood, tears in my eyes as I made my way to the ticket man.

* * * *

My God, Lacey. Are you okay? You sound terrible.” My cousin Julie's voice dripped with concern.

I'm okay. Just really tired. Flew from Venice to London, and here I am in the Atlanta airport.” It was early morning there as I stood in the busy hub.

All right. I wish I could come get you...”

No worries. I'll catch a cab. You have Joey to take care of.” I smiled at the thought of the little boy.

Yes, I do, and he didn't sleep last night. Babies.” Julie sighed. “I'm so excited. I want to hear all about Venice when you get here.”

Sure thing. See you soon.”

I clicked end on my phone, my limbs heavy with sadness and lack of sleep.

Rock. Where are you now?

* * * *

Lacey, wow. You look...I don't know.” Julie said, after she'd hugged me.

Exhausted.” I cracked a smile that didn't reach my heart.

Sleep now. I'll ask questions later. You're staying for a while, right? Tom's working so much it would be amazing to have you here. He won't even be home until late tonight.” Julie's gaze raked over me, and I blushed.

This dress and these heels are hardly appropriate.

It was so rumpled, I must look homeless.

I think so. We'll see. Thanks, Julie, for taking me in like this.” I walked inside the house, her eyelids drooping at the thought of sleep.

Whatever. Go rest. Guest bedroom's upstairs, first on the right in case you don't remember.”

Thanks.” Once I was upstairs, I let the tears flow.

Sleep came quickly in spite of the feeling that my heart had broken into a million dull, jagged pieces that pierced my lungs with every breath.

Rock...” I whispered as I drifted off, burrowing my head into the lavender-scented pillow.

He came to me in a dream some time later.


His lips on mine were electric, and I fell into him. Soon, my breasts were on fire, nipples tingling as he stroked them. We lay together on a bed with silken sheets, so like we had in Venice. His hands were between my legs, driving me to ecstasy as I clenched his ass, panting for more.

Where are you?” Rock asked, his lips against my neck, teeth sharp and biting.

Tears stung my cheeks, and I sat up with a start.

It was only a dream.”

The bedroom was pitch black, full of dense shadows.

How long did I sleep?

The dull ache in my heart made me catch my breath.

Not long enough. I could sleep forever.

I noticed the small flat screen TV in a corner after I'd flipped on a lamp. Heart racing, I turned it on, scanning through stations.

A pretty reporter on CNN reported with wide eyes. offering a reward of $1,000,000 for the return of Lacey Pate, his fiancée. If you have any information, please contact this number in the U.S. Mr. Weldon. You will receive a reward for your efforts. The CEO billionaire of Regal Enterprises is on his way back to the U.S via his private jet. He says he will stop at nothing to find Lacey and believes there is foul play in the situation of her disappearance.”

I sat in stunned silence, licking my lips. For the first time, I wondered if Rock would actually find me and whether I had put my cousin and family in danger by staying with them.

No.” I jumped up from the bed.

Lacey, open up.” Julie banged on the door.

She knows. She saw the news

I closed my eyes, sighing.

I'm so not ready for this

Lacey, are you all right?” Her voice was softer now.

I'm fine. Hang on. Just woke up.” I turned the TV off and walked to the door, full of dread.

I opened the door for her. I hadn't remembered locking it.

Sorry. Didn't know it was locked.”

What in God's name is going on?” she whispered, hurrying to the bed and plopping down. She crossed her arms, staring at me.

It's a long story.”

So, you're engaged to Rock Weldon?” Disbelief dripped from her voice.

I was.” I knitted my fingers together.

Wow. I can't even imagine. How did you meet?”

At a party. He hired me as a bookkeeper. It was a freak thing, really.” I shrugged, trying to keep my tone nonchalant.

Amazing. So, is he a nice guy?” Julie asked, her eyes wide.

Yeah, he is. The best.” My throat was thick with tears, and I looked away from her.

I'm sorry. I hate to ask this, but...are we in danger? What the hell is really going on, because I know no woman in her right mind who was in love with a rich and wonderful guy like Rock Weldon would leave his side in Venice to come see me here in Georgia.” Julie snorted and reached out, squeezing my hand.

I don't think you are. I don't know.” I squeezed my eyes shut. “I'm so sorry. I'll leave in a few hours.” I stood abruptly, feeling horrible for not thinking things through more fully.

What if Lucifer comes here? What if...?

I shut off my hysterical stream of thought.

No. No way. We'll be fine.” She grabbed my arm and held me there gently. “Tom's home in bed. We have guns. I know how to use them.”

I smiled at her through the tears in my mind. “Are you sure? I'd never forgive myself if—”

Shh. Don't ask again. If any bastard comes in here with killing on his mind, he doesn't stand a chance. You don't mess with an armed Southerner.” Julie's mouth was set in a thin line.

I laughed in spite of the serious nature of the situation. “For some reason, that makes me feel better.”

Get some more rest. I won't bother you again, but I do want to hear all about Rock Weldon whenever you feel like it.” Julie winked.

I kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks so much. This means more to me than you'll ever know.”

I know you've got my back, too, cuz.”

She hugged me and left me to the silence.

* * * *

My cell phone rang an hour later as I was drifting into a fitful sleep.

Hello?” Too late I realized I should have just left it.

Lacey? What the hell are you doing? Where are you?”


I started to respond then bit my lip, tears springing to my eyes.

Lacey? I want to come to you. Has someone threatened you?” Rock's voice was hard yet tender, and I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't.

I won't have him die on my account

I hung up the phone, sobbing. It rang again, and I turned it off.

Please don't find me. I want you to live, company or no company. At least you'll be alive if I don't stay in the picture.

I got up then, unable to sleep anymore. Parting the curtains, I gazed out the window. A shadowy figure stood there, under a streetlight. I imagined I saw a mask.

Lucifer.” Icy hands gripped my heart, and I was frozen in fear for a moment. 

BOOK: Everything He Promises
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