Read Experimenting With Ed Online

Authors: Katie Allen

Experimenting With Ed (10 page)

BOOK: Experimenting With Ed
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She almost cried. Opening her mouth to protest, Claire gasped instead as he slipped his hands around her body to stroke across her belly. Ed pulled her back against him, so his cock burned against her spine. Leaning back, she closed her eyes as he smoothed slick hands up her sides, bracketing her breasts without touching, and ran his fingers down her arms.

Squirming back against him, she reached behind to seize Ed’s hip and pull him even harder against her. His hands finally slid over her breasts, his fingers tweaking her nipples sharply before sliding down to the apex of her thighs.

Her disappointment at the cursory attention her breasts had received dissolved as his fingers slipped between her thighs. Mimicking his earlier move, Claire widened her stance. Slick fingers traced her folds and she gasped, wrapping her hands around his arms to help hold herself up as her knees threatened to collapse yet again.

“Bed.” His voice was so rough as to be unrecognizable. Claire nodded mutely and he moved them both beneath the spray, rinsing off any remaining bubbles. Shoving the curtain open, he grabbed a towel and started drying her off.

Claire stepped out of the shower and shivered, from inner heat or cool air, she didn’t know. It made Ed frown, though, and he rubbed her more briskly.

“Okay, okay!” Holding her hands up, she had to laugh. “I sort of need that skin, thanks.”

“Sorry.” He pulled the towel away, looking almost stricken.

“Don’t worry about it. No harm done.” Grabbing a fresh towel, she smiled at him as she dried his chest. “Now it’s my turn to cop a feel.”

Catching the back of her head, he yanked her in for a hard kiss. When he finally let her go, she was gasping and little tadpoles of light swam in her vision. Tugging the towel from her loosened grasp, Ed dried himself roughly.

A trickle of water down her back brought Claire back to reality and she wrapped her hair in a towel. Her stomach growled.

Ed paused and looked at her. “Hungry?”


“Should’ve told me,” he rebuked.

“I was a little distracted,” she teased. The heat in his eyes flared to life again.

“Another protein bar okay?” Ed asked gruffly, already through the bathroom door.

Although she made a face, Claire forced out a cheery, “Sure.” Wrapping his abandoned towel around her, she followed him into the room.

He dug into his pack and pulled out two bars. “We’ll get real food tomorrow,” he promised, holding out one of the protein bars to her. “Should get to D’s in five hours.”

“D? That’s your friend?” As she unwrapped the bar, Claire swore mentally she’d never eat another protein bar after all this was over. She forced herself to take a bite.

“Yeah. Darwin.”

Swallowing the food in her mouth, she asked, “First or last name?”

“Only.” Ed’s bar was already gone. He’d eaten the thing in two bites and was now reaching for a water bottle.

“Huh.” She bit off another chunk, saying around it, “Like Cher.”

He choked a little on his drink of water. “Right.”

“Or Fabio.”

Ed laughed and Claire stopped in midchew to stare at him. He sobered quickly, shooting her an uneasy look.

“What?” he asked defensively.

She shrugged and popped the last bit of protein bar in her mouth. “You’re just really pretty when you laugh.”

“Pretty?” His look of disgust made her grin.

“In the most manly way, of course,” she teased as she took the water bottle from him. “Is beautiful better?”


She laughed again. “Gorgeous?”

His arched eyebrow answered this time.

“No?” Claire pretended to think as she capped the water bottle and put it on the desk. “Super fine?”

With a growl, Ed lunged for her and she shrieked, darting away. He missed her but managed to snag her towel, pulling it off her as she dashed for the bathroom. His second grab caught her around her waist and he hauled her against him. His cock, as hot and hard as ever, was nestled in the small of her back and she made sure to rub against it as she pretended to struggle against his hold.

Containing her easily with one arm, he pulled the towel from her hair with his free hand, so the damp strands fell over her bare shoulders.

“Bad girl,” he rasped in her ear and then nipped her lobe. The words and tiny bite melted her and she gave up all pretense of struggling. He didn’t release her as she relaxed against him but instead kept his arm banded across her middle like an iron bar. Claire didn’t mind—she liked being caught against him.

His mouth explored her neck as he cupped her breast, his hand gentle until he caught her nipple in a quick, tight pinch. She couldn’t hold back a mewling sound as she writhed against him. That touch of roughness drove her wild. When he tugged at the tip, moisture from her pussy slicked her inner thighs.

Claire felt his chest rise at the same time she heard his harsh inhale. “Smell so good,” he groaned and she flushed, a little embarrassed and a lot turned-on by the fact that he knew exactly how excited he made her. Turning her head sideways, she tried to hide her face against his chest.

He gave a huff of laughter at her motion. His arm fell away from its grip around her waist and he scooped her up. Ed carried her to the bed, holding her with one arm as he yanked back the covers. Although she knew he could easily support her weight, Claire still locked her arms around his neck to help hold herself up.

As he lowered her to the bed, she clung, attempting to pull him down on top of her. Instead, he untangled her arms and stood up.

“I’m going to start working out,” Claire told him with a mock pout as she turned onto her side, facing him. “Start tossing
around for a change.”

His eyebrow thought that was amusing. Ed headed back to the pack and pulled something out.

“Another protein bar?” Claire guessed teasingly. “Are you still hungry?”

“Yeah,” he shot back over his shoulder but the heat in his eyes told her exactly what kind of hunger he meant even before he held up the wrapped condom.

Another tingling rush of arousal spread through her body and she turned onto her stomach so she could press her nipples against the sheet. It wasn’t enough for her desperate body and she moaned.

“Fuck, you’re hot,” he rasped. Claire turned her head to see him standing right next to the bed again.

“And you’re stealthy,” she told him with a sultry smile. “And quick,” she added, noticing he’d already put on the condom.

“Not always quick,” he said, kneeling on the bed. “I hope.”

She gave a breathless laugh. “Another joke! What’s that make—three? Four?”

When his hands touched her, stroking down her back, all thoughts of teasing flew out of Claire’s head, replaced by sheer pleasure. He shifted to straddle her calves and kneaded the cheeks of her ass. With a blissful murmur, she pushed back into his touch.

He tugged at her hips and she obediently tucked her knees beneath her, raising her ass in the air. With a low, hungry sound, Ed nudged her knees farther apart, until her inner thighs began to burn from the stretch. The sensation just added to her arousal and she arched her back, pushing her ass even higher.

His hands massaged her thighs as his lips touched her ass cheek, drawing a shiver from her. Ed used his tongue next, slick and soft, followed by the hard edge of his teeth closing in a gentle bite. She moaned, pressing her face into a pillow as she lifted her chest just enough to drag the sensitive tips of her breasts against the sheet.

Her breathing quickened as his mouth neared her pussy and she spread her knees another impossible inch, opening for him. When he moved to her other ass cheek instead, she whimpered, the sound muffled in her pillow. The kissing and licking and nipping were repeated on this side until she was squirming with desperate need.

“Please,” she begged. “Ed, please?”

He paused close enough that his breath touched her wet folds and then he licked her, dragging his tongue the length of her pussy.

With a cry, Claire jolted under the touch she so badly needed. His tongue speared into her pussy and then withdrew so he could suck gently on her clit. She couldn’t stay still under the assault but had to arch and writhe, shoving her hips back toward that tormenting, wonderful mouth.

Holding her still with his hands on her thighs, Ed fluttered his tongue across her clit before diving back into her pussy. He thrust and withdrew before retreating to lick the moisture spread over her inner thighs.

“Ed,” she whimpered, almost delirious with need. “Please!”

“What do you want?” he asked, his words brushing her damp skin.

She shuddered at the sensation. “You.”

His mouth left her inner thigh and his hands clamped on to her hips, his grip purposeful enough to make Claire shiver with pleasure again. Anticipation swamped her as the head of his cock nudged into her pussy, but then he pulled back.

With a protesting moan, she thrust her hips toward Ed. Shifting his hands to her waist, he turned her over onto her back and hovered over her, his weight braced on his hands.

“Want to see you,” he explained roughly before leaning in to kiss her. With a needy whimper, Claire wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down, deepening the kiss as she bracketed his hips with her knees.

The head of his cock nudged the entrance of her pussy and she made a hungry sound against his mouth. When he didn’t enter her but waited, the tip of his erection grazing her labia, Claire couldn’t stand it anymore—she closed her teeth on Ed’s bottom lip.

With a snarl, he slammed into her, driving his cock deep inside. She cried out at the sudden entry but the stinging stretch of her pussy quickly warmed to pleasure. Ed went still, watching her face closely, so she gave him a tiny smile and contracted her muscles, catching his cock in a tight squeeze.

It was Claire’s turn to watch, to see his face transform with desire. His jaw tight and his eyes narrow and hot, Ed eased almost completely out and then plunged deep, filling her again. She gasped and arched, attempting to follow him with her hips as he withdrew from her body.

His next thrust was harder, rougher. She moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair. The strands were slick with moisture and hard to grasp, so she clung to his neck and wrapped her legs around his hips to anchor herself.

Over and over, Ed drove his cock into her. She hung on, loving the wildness, the relentless hammering that sent her higher and higher, until Claire’s orgasm was ripped out of her. Her body convulsed around his, her arms and legs tightening until she lifted herself off the bed and flattened her body against his, her face buried in the slick, humid curve of his neck.

She cried out against his skin as she came. The pleasure crashed over her, wave after wave, and she heard Ed’s groan as her muscles tightened around him. As her climax ebbed, her arms and legs relaxed their grip, her body lowering until her back returned to the bed.

Ed followed her down, his cock still throbbing huge and hungry inside her. An echo of pleasure shivered through her and her muscles gave his cock a final rippling squeeze. With a feral sound, he pounded into her lax body, his strokes short and fast and hard. A second orgasm took her by surprise, shuddering through her body without warning.

The final clutch of her pussy drove him over the edge as well. Claire watched his face as he came, his expression as blind and ferocious as a wild creature under attack. Every muscle was tight, his tendons taut and raised, making them appear as if they were going to explode from his skin.

She stroked his neck and shoulders as he climaxed, buried deep within her. Her body gripped him tightly as his hips jerked against hers. An uncivilized part of her wished he could be naked inside her, that she could feel him filling her with cum.

With a final shuddering groan, he collapsed, turning onto his side before he crushed her. His cock slipped free of her in the process and Claire couldn’t hold back a disappointed murmur.

As he rolled onto his back, Ed snaked an arm around her and pulled her against him. “Okay?”

She smiled at the rusty sound of his voice and settled her cheek on his shoulder. “Very well, thank you.”

He grunted—or laughed, she wasn’t sure which. Giving her a glancing kiss on her temple, Ed eased her off his shoulder and got out of bed. She watched as he tossed the used condom in the trash. As he walked back to the bed, she gave a small smile. He looked good both coming and going.

BOOK: Experimenting With Ed
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