Read Extra Taboo - a Collection of Taboo Adult Erotic Stories for Women: Erotica for Women, by Women Online

Authors: Meredith McClain

Tags: #Anthology, #Erotic Fiction, #Novellas, #Romance

Extra Taboo - a Collection of Taboo Adult Erotic Stories for Women: Erotica for Women, by Women (2 page)

BOOK: Extra Taboo - a Collection of Taboo Adult Erotic Stories for Women: Erotica for Women, by Women
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'I didn't realise you were on the market after the scene downstairs,' said Jason shrewdly.


'Call it a lapse in judgement.'


'I'm sure Gary would love to hear that.'


'I doubt he'd understand the meaning.'


'Wow if that's how you talk about the guys going down on you, I'd love to hear how you talk to the guys that actually get to fuck you.'


'Fuck me and you might find out,' she challenged.


'No I don't think so. Lapses in judgement aren't particularly favoured in my profession.'


She'd left herself open to that. Jason may spend his time enlightening her as to what a bitch she could be but he was a master of putting her down. Kirsty wasn't sure how much of a battering her once high self-esteem could endure in one day. Not only had she given Jason the opportunity to bring her down, she'd been far too open with her obvious attraction to him. He had all the tools he needed now to wound her.


'Let's finish the letter,' said Kirsty stonily.


Deliberate or not, Jason seemed hell bent on keeping her in the office for as long as he could. There were endless amendments and rewordings of the letter. When he was finally satisfied he asked her to email it out and print out copies to go in the following days post.


'8.23pm,' said Kirsty, 'Don't expect to see me in till 12.23pm tomorrow.'


'11.38am,' murmured Jason.


'What?' asked Kirsty.


'I said 11.38am. You didn't take off the forty-five minutes you were late this morning.'


'You really don't miss a trick do you Mr McManus?'


'Not with you behaving like a magician doing your disappearing act as and when it suits you, which seems to be quite regularly.'


'Guess I deserved that one.'


He smiled at her and for the first time in a long time; she saw the smile reached his eyes.


'I was going to remark that I'd be amazed if you even bothered showing up tomorrow.'


'You won't know until tomorrow whether you should have said it or not,' quipped Kirsty.


'I could always whisk you home with me tonight to ensure you were in work bright and early tomorrow morning,' he suggested.


Kirsty scanned his face to see if he was actually flirting with her or setting her up for another humiliation to conclude this less than perfect Monday. His green eyes gave nothing away. Holding her breath, Kirsty threw her arms around Jason's neck and kissed him.


He devoured her, with his lips matching her unabated hunger. Grabbing her wrists he pushed her onto her desk.


'Your office,' she panted.


'No out here,' he insisted.


With his vice-like grip on her, he had her sitting on her desk. The keyboard was digging into her bottom but she tried to block the discomfort from impinging on a moment she'd been longing for since she'd started working over a year ago.


His hand went between her thighs and her breathing became raspy. She audibly responded to his fingers tugging her panties aside. He firmly pushed his thumb onto her clit and exerted pressure. Kirsty arched her back and eagerly tried to rub against it. He let it slide down to collect her juices and then returned to the protruding pink nub where he had enough lube to massage her with his thumb. As he worked her expertly, she tried to drag him back into a kiss but he refused her; preferring to watch her face as he lavished her clit with his attention.


As she was getting close, he changed tactic and roughly forced two fingers inside her pussy. She gasped loudly as he squeezed in a third. He moved his hand in and out, feeling her stretch to accommodate him. He included a fourth finger and she begged for mercy. Refusing her request he continued finger fucking her. The sensation was new to her; both exquisite and trying simultaneously. He twisted his hand sharply left and then right, brushing internal nerve endings she'd never had caressed before.


'Spread your legs wide, Kirsty,' he ordered.


She did so and as his right hand ploughed deeper and deeper into her, making her squirm in delight, his other hand had the opportunity to return to her clit at the same time. As he felt her muscles start to contract on his hand he withdrew it.


Playfully he put his hand to her mouth and she sucked each finger separately, savouring her own sweet taste.


'I don't think father would be overly impressed if he knew what services you actually performed while you were here,' teased Jason.


'I've yet to perform any services Mr McManus. At the moment I've been in receipt of yours.'


Kirsty's hands went to the belt of his trousers.


'Not tonight Kirsty.'


'Excuse me?'


'I said not tonight. We can finish this some other time.'


'Jason, are you joking?'


He shook his head.


'Is this about Gary,' she may have been on the receiving end of Jason's desire for her, but the atmosphere had cooled dramatically and she felt a tinge of rejection from the perfectly sculpted solicitor.


'Of course not. It's about timing. You go, I'll lock up after you.'


She fought back her instinctive reaction which was to remind him who owned the building. She knew she was probably being over-sensitive. In truth she didn't have a set of keys to the building or any of the security codes; naturally having them in his possession Jason would offer to lock up. He was far more responsible than she would ever be.


'Sure, that's fine. Do you want me to hang around?'


'And risk an even later entrance to work tomorrow?'


'Well if you took me home you wouldn't have to stay up all night worry about my punctuality.'


'True, but I think you'd have me up all night any way. Another time Kirsty,' he kissed her cheek and literally escorted her off the premises.


Back at her immaculate new build flat in the heart of London's West End she found it was Jason McManus who was keeping her up all night. She was flummoxed by his attitude. His mood swings were so extreme she couldn't make heads nor tail of the man. This morning his behaviour had been hateful, but spending time alone together that evening without the pressure of the office, he'd warmed considerably towards her. She wondered if he'd regretted his treatment of her earlier that morning.


The most annoying component of the day had been her not achieving her orgasm. Gary she wasn't bothered by. Given what Jason's interruption had eventually led to she had no complaints about her hasty exit from the post-room. It was Jason refusing to let her climax that irritated her. Objectively she understood her behaviour around him was shameless, but it was the fact that he wouldn't come running at the click of her fingers that had her more determined than ever to land the man in bed. For tonight though she was resigned to satisfying herself. Jason might be able to physically prevent her from having him, but he could never control her thoughts or fantasies. She spent time conjuring up some depraved, filthy scenarios in her mind to help her on her journey towards an orgasm before falling asleep.




Kirsty was thoroughly happy to enter the office on Tuesday morning at 9.15am. Her appearance had most mouths gaping, even if she was still fifteen minutes late.


'Sorry I'm late Mark. I had to stay back late last night and couldn't find the papers I'd been working on at home.'


The last part had been a complete lie but she was reasonably confident he wouldn't report this to Jason. She was determined to project a professional and efficient exterior. If being a career driven, sensible, responsible employee was what it took to land Jason McManus, then that's what she'd do until she got her own way. He was fun for the chase but her past conquests had been left soon after she'd got what she wanted from them – Jason would be no different. Doubtless Mark would attribute the change in her to Jason's written warning, rather than her insatiable sexual appetite for Mr McManus, but for now him thinking and discussing it with Jason might help her current cause.


Progressively through the week her start times became earlier, her management skills improved and she was churning out quality and timely work for the department she supported. The only real fly in the ointment had proved to be Jason who barely acknowledged her presence in the office, let alone her efforts. She mentally congratulated him for playing the game well, but hoped he'd come to his senses and realise they could both be winners.


By the time Friday came round, Kirsty was ready to execute her battle plan to have have Jason eating from her, literally, that night.


The office tended to provide the staff with a glass of wine on Friday afternoons, but that particular Friday the office was closing an hour early to celebrate the retirement of a director who'd dedicated thirty plus years of his life to Kirsty's father's company.


'Boy did that guy work hard for you to look as good as you do,' commented a deep, rich voice in her ear.


She didn't need to turn to know it was Jason. The nature of the jibe wasn't unexpected, but she was glad he'd noticed her stunning appearance. It had meant a very early start at the salon and picking an entirely inappropriate dress for the office but as she lent back and felt his erection she knew the curve-clinging, cleavage plunging, dangerously short, black dress had been a clever choice.


For all his disdain he clearly wanted her.


'He certainly did. It's a shame he won't be the man reaping the benefits of his hard work,' she replied.


'Gary's in for a good night then?'


'Why would that be, Mr McManus?'


'There's eyes everywhere in this office. I hear you like visiting the post-room when the fancy takes you.'


'True, but the fancy won't take me there tonight. If there's any lapses of judgement to be made I can't see them taking place with boys in the basement.'


'I kind of remember telling you it's not professionally safe for me to have lapses of judgement,' mused Jason, pulling her hips allowing her to feel the degree of stiffness his cock had for her.


She stepped forward, continuing to watch her father as he delivered a lively and amusing farewell speech to his loyal colleague.


'Not while Daddy's watching,' taunted the voice from behind.


'Maybe not ever.'


'You've left it a little late to start playing hard to get at this stage of the game.'


'You forget yourself Jason,' she said, turning to face him. 'You've clocked off now. You might be in the office but this is your free time and you're choosing to spend it harassing me. You may be lethal in legal situations but let's see how this plays out when you're out of your comfort zone.'


He smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth, and watched her walk off. Jason was bemused by her behaviour. She had linked arms with her father and was being quite the hostess. Everyone in the office knew her anyway, but she did have an appeal to men. Most men liked her flighty, independent, childish ways, but he suspected if they knew the cunning of the woman underneath they mightn't be as generous with their affections. Kirsty appeared a trophy girlfriend.


She was stunning with her bold, black hair and stormy blue eyes and impeccably turned out. When people got past her surname and the fact she was the boss's daughter she was actually very likeable; bitchy and sharp but there was a softness and warmth to her. She made people laugh and that would always win the popular vote. Trouble was she wanted an easy life and was far too self involved to consider exactly whose toes were being trod on in the process.


If she wanted to play games he was up for hide and seek, but he'd leave it to Kirsty to do the seeking.


BOOK: Extra Taboo - a Collection of Taboo Adult Erotic Stories for Women: Erotica for Women, by Women
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