Read Faithful in Pleasure Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

Faithful in Pleasure (15 page)

BOOK: Faithful in Pleasure
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“And you took a chance, gave us a chance.”

“How could I not?” she asked with a moan as he began to thrust a little faster.

Houston moved away from her neck, and she heard the rasp of his zipper. There was no more conversation, just the sound of labored breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh. Moans and groans were the only utterances they managed as Cruz quickly worked her into another orgasm and then came with a low growl of pleasure.

She was still in the throes of her release when Cruz and Houston switched places. Houston had her quickly back up in the cataclysm, and then forced her higher. Her body was a tingling mass of nothing but torturous pleasure. It was so good it bordered on painful.

“That’s it,” he whispered as she reached up with her hands and gripped his shirt, using it to support herself as she lifted up and rocked into every thrust. “Take what you want. Take what you need.”

She jerked herself higher, so she was sitting up on his cock. He grasped her around the waist and quickly spun them, so he was leaning back on the desk with her over the top of him. She braced her knees on the desktop and rode him hard and fast, until she felt her body clenching down with pleasure.

“Houston!” His name was a low moan as she stilled over him, her body pulsing and shaking as her orgasm consumed her.

Houston grabbed her hips and pumped up into her, until he came with her name spilling from his lips.

Cruz and Darius stepped closer, their hands soothing and caressing as she shook from the power of her release. They crooned and stroked, helping her remain upright as Houston panted beneath her.

She gazed at Houston, then slid her eyes to Darius, and finally Cruz. She wouldn’t hold back anymore. She couldn’t. They’d been asking her for the last few months to move in with them, to marry one of them, saying it didn’t matter which one as she’d belong to all of them just as they’d belong to her. Whatever had been holding her back was gone.

“Yes,” she whispered. She cleared her throat and said it louder when they just looked at her. “Yes.”

“I love hearing you say yes,” Houston said. “But can you be more specific.”

“Yes, I’ll move in with you guys. Or have you move in with me. We’ll discuss it.”

They all tensed, and Houston sat up so fast had it not been for Darius and Cruz she might have tumbled from his lap.

“You said yes twice. Does that mean the answer to our other question is yes?” Darius demanded. “You guys heard two yeses, didn’t you?”

Cruz and Houston nodded in agreement.

“That was definitely two,” Cruz said, his eyes glued to her face.

She smiled. “Before I answer the second question for you, I need to say something.”

Her heart surged with fear and love, but it was the love she focused on. It was always going to be scary to put herself out there, to take risks and expose herself emotionally. But some risks were worth it.

“I love you. All of you. I’m not sure what made me sit down and write the first letter, but I thank God every day. I can’t imagine my life without you three in it. I don’t want to. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of our lives loving you.”

“Does that mean…” Houston let the question dangle unfinished as she began nodding.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you, all of you. And no matter who the paper says is my husband, we’ll all have the same last name, and all of you will be mine. Forever.”

She had to laugh as they swarmed her. Houston was still inside her, and she wore nothing but her shoes, while the three of them were still dressed, except for the disarray of their jeans and boxer briefs. What a moment she’d picked to tell them, but the questions had been in her mind non-stop since the first time they asked her.

As they touched and made promises to always love her, to keep her safe and happy, and satisfied, she sighed with contentment. She’d come to grips with the necessity for change, for stepping away from the safety of the known and taking a leap of faith. She believed their words.

They would be faithful to her in all ways. Faithful to her love. Faithful to her happiness. And faithful in pleasure never-ending.

About the Author

Lacey Thorn spends her days in small town Indiana the proud mother of three. When she is not busy with one of them, she can be found typing away on her computer keyboard or burying her nose in a good book. Like every woman, she knows just how chaotic life can be and how appealing that great escape can look.

So, toss aside the stress and tension of the never-ending to-do list. For now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride with Lacey. It’s your world…unlaced.

Lacey loves to talk to her readers and can be found at
Join Lacey on Facebook at:!/authorlaceythorn
Or on Twitter at @laceythorn1
And feel free to email the author at [email protected].

Also Available from
Resplendence Publishing

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BOOK: Faithful in Pleasure
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