Read Faithfully Online

Authors: Izzy Cullen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Relationships, #Love & Romance

Faithfully (2 page)

BOOK: Faithfully
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I think I had a puzzled look on my face. I don’t really remember Charlie ever coming in to check on me or the students in the past. As long as the scores were good he let the principal handle the student and teacher management.

Charlie took a deep breath and shut the door. “I feel I need to apologize. When David died, I wasn’t very nice. If anything, my letters to push you back into the classroom were far from appropriate. I have been feeling guilty about it and needed to say it. I wasn’t thinking of your well-being or that of the girls, but of the school and getting you back into the classroom. You are a great teacher.”

I smiled at him. It was not necessary. Yes, he was a tad pushy getting me back into the classroom, but it actually helped me heal faster. I was kind of surprised at all of this and I wasn’t sure where to start.

“An apology isn’t necessary
. If anything I should thank you. Coming back to work has helped me, which in turn has helped the girls. Teaching is a type of therapy that few people truly understand.” At that I felt awful knowing he only taught a few years, realizing he needed to manage the teaching instead of directly participating, something that suited him more than me.

“Well, I’m glad everything is working out for you and that you came back to teaching.”

“There isn’t any place I’d rather be.” With that said the bell rang, and the students flooded into the classroom. Charlie motioned bye as he exited the classroom.



















Alex met me after school like clockwork. It was now our thing to run most days together after school. I sent the girls to my parents on the bus and we would go on a run. When I exited the school, I saw Alex leaning on his Jeep. Usually by the time I left, there weren’t many cars in the parking lot. Alex met me and grabbed my bag, placing it in the backseat of my car. I walked over to the car and started to stretch, using the back of the trunk to steady myself.

“Well, what did you do today?” I was always curious how Alex spent his day while we were at school. Every once in a while I would text him, asking where he was at that very moment. He was always a good sport, and occasionally I got a smart-ass answer, which I deserved.

“Well, my dear, I met your dad and Bruce for morning coffee. I did some laundry, both yours and mine, and I called the record label to send over some demo recordings.”

I dropped the leg I had been stretching. “I thought we talked about you cleaning or doing laundry at my house.”

“Abby, I’m bored. All I do is sit around. Doing a load of laundry speeds things up a bit. I even did something else, but it’s a surprise, and no, it has nothing to do with your house.” He brushed some hair away from the side of my face before he leaned in and kissed me. I immediately grabbed his running jacket and pulled him into me.

From a distance I heard a throat clear. We pulled away from each other and I looked over to see Charlie exiting the school. “Have a nice run,” he said as he waved.

“Night, Charlie, see you tomorrow.” I looked up at Alex. “Ready?” I didn’t wait for an answer, but took off at a jog out of the driveway.

“Wait up,” Alex said, but it didn’t take long for him to catch up to me.

“So what are you doing with the demos?” I asked, curious.

“I have the recording studio that I had built, and obviously nobody is using it, plus I’m kind of bored during the day.” I knew it wouldn’t take long for him to get sick of this small town and the life that accompanies it. I didn’t respond, but continued to run in silence. “I thought I would give a new artist a break and help them out. It’ll give me something to do during the day. I can set my hours around you and the girls, and instead of me missing you like crazy for seven hours out of the day I can work.”

I still didn’t say anything, but subconsciously I was worried that this was the beginning of the end. Even if he did manage to stay busy and record here, how long would that keep him happy? Could recording with a new artist be enough, or would he miss the old life and want to tour again? Without realizing it I had picked up the pace because I was completely lost in my own mind. I knew I heard my name, but it seemed like background noise to my own voice in my head. When I felt the gentle pull on my arm, my mind came back to what was happening around me and I heard Alex say my name again.

“What are you thinking about?” Alex and I stopped running, standing on the side of the road.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about school and—”

“Bullshit,” Alex cut me off before I could finish the sentence. “I call bullshit, so tell me the truth. What were you thinking?” Alex seemed to call bullshit a lot on me. He was starting to read me like Derek and Lexi, and I was beginning to hate it.

“Honestly, I was thinking I knew you would get sick of this place. It was just a matter of time.” I turned to start walking back to the school, but before I could put any ground between us Alex had my upper arm in his hand, stopping me from moving. “What?” I spat at him. It came out harsher than I had intended.

“When in my explanation did I say I was sick of this place? Because I’m pretty sure I didn’t.” Alex was staring me in the eyes, and I felt like one of my students when being called out in class on something.

“You implied it.” I shook my arm loose from his hand and started walking.

I heard Alex chuckle as he caught up to me. “If I didn’t know you so well I would think you were crazy, but since I do I know you aren’t.” He was laughing again.

I stopped walking and faced him. “What is so goddamn funny?”

“You. You seriously thought that I was ‘
’ I was sick of this place?” His use of air quotes pissed me off. “I love this place and I love you. I just need something to do during the day. If I could get you to quit your job and stay home with me, I know I would never get bored.” He reached his hands out, wrapped around my waist, and pulled me into him. I loved his touch, and melted whenever he touched me. Alex’s lips were on mine before I realized what was happening, but I didn’t care. My arms wrapped around his waist pulling him tighter into me, which was almost impossible since he already had a tight grip on me. “If you keep this up, I’ll take you here on the side of the road.”

“Let’s finish the run. If we hurry we can shower together before we go to my parents for dinner.”

Alex immediately released me and took off running back towards the school. “Race ya!” I heard him shout over his shoulder as he was running. I tried to keep up, but he was a lot faster than I was, and the distance between us continued to grow. By the time I made it to my car, Alex had already started it, and I saw his Jeep round the corner. I started to laugh. It had been some time since we were able to squeeze in sex because of the girls always being around.

I climbed in the car and headed home. When I got there, Alex’s Jeep was in the driveway. I grabbed my bag from the back of the car and trotted up the steps to the house. When I entered, I saw shoes and socks by the door. As I looked past the entryway, I saw running pants and Alex’s running jacket. I set the bag down, walked over, and started picking up his clothes as I headed for the stairs. On the steps I discovered his t-shirt, and when I reached the top, his boxer briefs were in the middle of the floor. When I reached down to pick them up, Alex came out of the twin’s room, scooped me up, and tossed me over his shoulder. His clothes fell to the floor as I screamed, then laughed as I swatted at his bare ass.

“I thought we were taking a shower?”

Alex tossed me down on my bed. “Sorry, but we haven’t had a time together where we aren’t rushed lately. I miss you and need to love all of you.” He started taking my running shoes off. I couldn’t argue. I had missed him and we hadn’t had any real time together to make love in a while.

While Alex removed my running shoes and socks, I was working on my running jacket and compression shirt. He slid his hands up my legs, against my running pants. When he got close to the top, he slipped his hands under my butt before going back to the waistline. He grabbed the edge of my pants and underwear and, in one fluid motion, they were moving down my legs and off. I had finally removed the constricting compression shirt, but needed to get the sports bra off. Before I could grab the elastic to yank it over my head, Alex had my hands and forced them down so I was pinned to the bed.

His mouth was on mine and his tongue was slipping into my mouth. I could feel his hunger along with my own.
I started to moan when I felt his erection brushing up against my leg. The moaning only made it grow harder against me. I tried to move my hands so I could grab it, but Alex’s grip only got stronger. I could feel myself getting wet and the ache growing more intense. I needed him. I started kissing back harder so he could sense what I wanted.

After a few minutes of hard, intense kissing, Alex loosened his grip on my hands and wrists. “Don’t move,” he whispered as he started trailing kisses down my neck.

His hands were running down my sides, only to yank up the band of my sports bra. He pushed it up over my head, but left it tangled around my arms. I went to pull it the rest of the way off when Alex gently bit my nipple.

“I said don’t move,” he whispered in a playful voice. I now had a full on ache for him. He was sucking and kissing my nipples, taking turns to make sure each one got equal attention. The more he caressed my breasts, the more I wanted him. I couldn’t help myself. I started to wiggle under him, hoping to make some sort of contact with my lower half.

When I did
this, Alex swiftly bit down again, while at the same time sticking two fingers inside of me. I let out a loud moan and gasp. His touch felt so good, but I was already close to a full orgasm with all the taunting and playing of my breasts and nipples. I could feel myself starting to let go when Alex removed his fingers. I let out a whimper. Alex placed his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean.

Watching him do this made me want to explode
. I was at the edge and needed little help to fall. I needed him so badly that I started moaning and practically begging him to fuck me. Alex didn’t let my begging get to him. Instead he trailed kisses down my torso, over my belly, and along my hipbone until he reached the folds of my lips. He started with a gentle and long lick before placing his hands on the inside of my thighs to push them apart. His fingers went to my lips to spread them open so he could access my clit easier. It did not take long before I was at a full climax. My orgasm was so intense that my body started to shake, my toes curled, and I had no control over the sounds coming out of me. I was so out of breath that I felt as if I had just finished running a race.

As I was catching my breath, Alex moved back up, kissing my neck. “God, you are going to kill me,” I managed to get out, but only barely.

“Oh, I’m not done with you yet. I think you have another one in there yet.” He continued kissing my neck and I could feel myself coming back around from the toe-curling orgasm. All I could think about was how much I wanted him in my mouth.

I grabbed Alex’s shoulders and pushed him over. I climbed on top of him, straddling him. I leaned down close to his mouth and whispered for him not to move. I then trailed kisses down his chest, rock hard abs, his hipbone, and then I moved over and took him into my mouth. I couldn’t help but let out a moan. I was aching for this part of him, and finally I had control over it.

I swirled my tongue around him while bobbing my mouth up and down his shaft, taking him in more and more each time I moved down while sucking on the way back up. Alex let out a deep breath and moaned, “Stop, you have to stop. I need you to cum one more time with me.”

I removed my mouth and crawled up his body, kissing him on the mouth. I grabbed his erection with my hand, guiding it into me, taking it all in one movement. We both let out breathy sounds with the action. I started moving up and down on him. Alex placed both hands on my ass cheeks, helping me set the speed. I could feel my insides starting to squeeze him. Both of our breathing becomes heavier as the rhythm becomes faster and harder. I could feel myself climaxing. Alex removed his hands from my ass and placed them on my breasts. He started to squeeze them in a massaging motion. After a few seconds of this, I was unhinged with another powerful orgasm. I could tell Alex climaxed at the same time because his breathing changed, and he was slowing down my movements with longer and deeper thrusts.

BOOK: Faithfully
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