Read Fall Into Darkness Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Fall Into Darkness (6 page)

BOOK: Fall Into Darkness
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e’d taken leave
of his senses. It was the only excuse Eli could come up with for why he currently stood in a shower with Ashley. He tried not to notice how her wet bra clung to the shape of her breasts. Or how each nipple stood erect and beckoned his lips to wrap around them. The Seven thought he had no humanity left, but they didn’t know shit about him. As he stared into her green eyes, he decided he couldn’t do it. He’d rather spend eternity in Hell than seduce this woman. And no way would he do like so many of his brethren and leave his daughter without her father.

The Seven could kiss his ass.

He had to deflate the erection that pressed against his wet underwear. “I suggest you wash your hair. I won’t let you fall.” He moved his hands to her waist and suppressed a groan.

She nodded, tipped her head back under the water spray, and reached for the shampoo. He tried to focus on her eyes and not other things. Need filled him as she ran her fingers through her long blonde hair then rinsed. Next, she grabbed a bath sponge and squirted coconut-scented gel into it, lathered her skin and swiped down her arms then across her chest.

He wanted to release her breasts from the confines of her bra and rub the soap across them with his own hands.
He sucked in a breath. He had to get his shit together and fast or he’d have her pinned against the wall.

“Um, would you mind?”

“What?” He shook off the fog of lust surrounding him and noticed she held out the sponge.

“Can you help me with my back? I don’t think I can do it.” Her green eyes pleaded.

“Fine.” He turned her around. “Place your palms on the wall and keep your weight on your good leg.” She did as instructed, which pushed her ass out toward him. He kept one arm around her waist and ran the sponge across her back with the other. So much for his deflated erection. Junior had risen back up in hopes of sinking into her warm depths.

Not going to happen, bud.
If he survived this encounter, it would be the last time he’d scrub her back. She could go dirty and all the better for him, anyway. It might help curb his lust. Besides, as soon as the storm passed he was out of here.

He dipped the sponge to her lower back and wondered if this was a test of his resolve. It was then he noticed a crest of color that peeked past the elastic of her panties.
So she has a tattoo on her hip?
He fought the urge to pull her underwear down and have a look. The thought of the ink on such an intimate part of her body jacked up his desire. He should have taken the waitress at the bar the other night.

“Time to rinse. I’m going to turn you around again.”


He couldn’t help notice her shaky voice. He turned her and looked into her eyes. “You doing okay?”

She nodded. “I’m grateful for your help. I would have never been able to do this on my own.”

With a grunt, he turned off the water, pushed open the door, and reached for a towel. He wrapped it around her then grabbed one for himself, placing it around his waist. He pulled his wet underwear off and let them hit the shower floor. “Your turn.”

Without a word, she reached under the towel and pulled the black panties off while he made sure she stayed balanced. The thought of her naked had his cock thickening once again. He was getting really tired of his dick feeling like a fucking yo-yo.

“I can’t get the bra with you watching.”

“Do you think I’ve never seen breasts before? I’ve seen plenty,” he retorted and was immediately sorry. Apparently, his arousal was getting the better of him.

She pursed her lips and a spark lit her emerald eyes. “Well, you’ll not be seeing mine, so turn around.”

He liked the spunky side of her. “Christ. Hold onto me for balance then.” He turned his back to her.

ven through her pain
, desired burned. Ashley had to admit the entire situation was beyond twisted. A stranger rescues her, showers with her, rubs soap along her skin, and now she finds herself physically attracted. She hadn’t had any kind of relationship in over a year and this guy had stepped off the cover of GQ magazine. A little rough around the edges, but damn he looked good. Her body couldn’t help but respond every time he touched her. It was a no brainer.

Add the fact she could actually look into his eyes—beautiful ones, at that. A small part of her wondered what it would be like to make love to a man and gaze into his eyes at the same time.

She shook the thought free.
Geez, I must be insane to even think it.
She looked up and noticed the scars on his back. Long, thick, red scars formed a vertical line along the inside of his shoulder blade, one on each side. Odd, they appeared identical. She reached out and fingered the one on the right.

He jumped forward and spun around. “What the hell?”

With the unexpected lack of support, she put her weight on the injured leg. Her knee buckled and she lost her balance. Tumbling forward, she braced herself for impact with the hard tile below. Instead, she landed against a chest of corded muscles. Strong arms encircled her and pulled her close.

She squealed in pain. Her ribs had taken the brunt of the hit. Tears welled and streamed down her cheeks as she tried to push herself free.

“Ah, damn it. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He tipped her chin up and she noted the sincerity on his face.

“I-it’s.” Her chest burned and she gasped for air.


His mouth brushed hers. Gentle kisses peppered her lips.

Open for me.

She heard a voice in her head. How the hell had he done that? The pain must be causing her to hallucinate.

Let me help you, now part your lips.

This time she had no fight left and did as he commanded. His tongue slipped past and slid across hers. He savored every inch of her and she him. He tasted of vanilla and she wanted to devour him. Her pain eased to the background, but her breathing increased from arousal.

He broke off the kiss and they stared at each other for several seconds before he picked her up and carried her back to bed. He laid her down then took several steps backwards.

“What the hell just happened?” she whispered.

Both brows shot up. “You really need me to explain it?”

She maneuvered into a sitting position, careful that her towel didn’t open and reveal anything when she confronted him. “You were talking in my head and you kissed me. Why?”

He crossed his arms over his naked chest. “Most women would ask for more not ask me why.”

Oh the guy had an ego the size of Texas. “Look, I appreciate everything you’ve done, but I need some answers. Who are you, really?”

He glanced out the window as if contemplating his escape. The snow came down so heavy he wouldn’t be able to see one foot in front of the other. There was no place for him to go. “Fine. You startled me when you touched the scars. By kissing you, I absorbed your pain.”

She tipped her head and thought about what he said. The pain did decrease significantly, but he was still not telling her everything. “Perhaps I should be asking, not who you are, but what?” Her gut said he was something other. But what?

“I’m an archangel. To be exact, I’m a bounty hunter for the Tribunal.”

She let her jaw drop before snapping it shut and narrowed her gaze. She really wanted to believe him, but her faith had been lost long ago. Still… “Angel, huh? Let me see your wings.” She sat back and waited for the impressive show and tell.

“The scars on my back are where they used to be. They were taken from me.”

Could he really have had wings at one time? They were pretty massive marks on his back and anguish settled in her gut. How painful would it have been? She couldn’t let up just yet. “Who took them from you and why are you here?”

Eli moved back to the bed and sat on the edge. His body rigid, she sensed he was uncomfortable. “I hunt fallen angels and bring them back for judgment. The last few I killed instead, but that wasn’t the icing on the cake. I am here because I left a human alone to suffer. The Seven condemned me to earth to find my humanity.”

The story got stranger by the minute but for some reason, she felt he told the truth. “So what happens if you don’t? Find your humanity, that is.”

He gave her a hard stare. “Then I’m condemned to Hell for eternity.”

She chewed her lip. The thought of him burning in the fiery pits displeased her. “And you’re going to find it here? In Alaska?”

“I’m not sure. They dropped me here in the middle of the night and I heard your scream. When I came running, I saw a Hellhound over you. I killed him and… well, you know the rest.”

She searched for the mental image of the beast that had attacked her and shivered. Overly large, grey-scaled body, red eyes, and an enormous head. She’d never seen anything like it in her life and her first thought had been it came from the depths of Hell. “I knew it wasn’t normal when I saw it.”

He stood and walked over to where his jeans lay, pulled them on under the towel, and then tossed the terry in the hamper. “Look, here’s the deal. I’m pretty certain the Seven want me to have sex with you. It’s the only logical explanation I have for them sticking me here.”

Ashley coughed. “Excuse me?”

He faced her, his hands shoved into his pockets. “When an angel has sex with a human, we produce only female babies. Our daughters are marked as an angel’s mate. If they are later chosen by an angel, they become an eternal mate and will only bear male heirs. Another generation of archangels.”

“Wait. So you mean to tell me they want you to have sex with me and leave me pregnant?” She curled her hands into fists. She wanted to punch something, starting with him.

“You needn’t worry. I have no intention of sleeping with you.” He reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head.

She relaxed her hands. “Damn right you won’t be.” Then why would the prospect that he didn’t want her suddenly hurt? Was she not pretty enough? She sighed. “I need to get dressed. If you would be so kind as to leave the room and close the door behind you.”

He gave her a leveled look. “And what do you intend to do? Fall on your ass?” He marched to her dresser and started opening drawers.

“What are you doing?”

“Finding you something to wear.” He pulled out a pair of red panties and matching bra and held them up. “Will these do?”

Her cheeks warmed. “Yes.”

He tossed them on the bed then continued his search until he’d found a shirt and a pair of sweat pants, which he brought over and handed to her. “Better to have something soft against your skin.” He took three steps away and turned his back. “Change, cuz I’m not leaving the room.”

“Fine, but no peeking.”

“Like I would,” he retorted.

“Did you ever stop to think maybe the Seven tossed you out because you’re an ass?” She could hear him chuckle as she slipped off the towel and wet bra. Relieved to be rid of it, she pulled on the underwear then struggled to get the fresh bra hooked. Deciding not to bother, she discarded it and donned the fleece top. She pulled the sweats up her legs then leaned back to get them over her hips.

“Okay, I’m finished.”

He turned back around and strode to the bed. “I’m sure the Seven would concur with your judgment of my character.” He held out his hand. “Care to try and walk to the other room?”

Grateful he didn’t insist on carrying her again, she grabbed his arm and stood. “Tell me something. Would you really rather spend eternity in Hell as opposed to sleeping with me?”


ow the fuck
was he supposed to answer that question?
“Yes, I’d rather burn in Hell than have sex with you.”

The hurt in her eyes burned deep into his soul, but he couldn’t tell her he wanted her more than any woman he’d ever encountered. These desires, brought on by the Seven and their plans for him to procreate, weren’t real. Granted, he could sleep with her and not will her impregnated, but he didn’t trust himself. And he damn sure didn’t trust the Seven. Who really knew what kind of power they held over him and his free will? It was better for both of them if she thought he had no interest in her.

She tipped her chin up. “Good, glad we have that straight. As soon as this storm lets up, you can go. Until then, we’ll simply have to make do.”

He escorted her to the living room and helped her to the couch in front of the fire. “You must be hungry by now. Rest here and I’ll find us something to eat.”

“I can help.”

“You’d better rest. This storm is supposed to last at least the next twenty-four hours. After that I’ll be gone so you will have to fend for yourself.” He headed for the kitchen. “You can help by telling me what you’d like.”

“There’s sandwich fixings in the fridge and some soup in the cupboard.” She fidgeted. “Thanks.”

He heated up a can of tomato soup and grilled two cheese and ham sandwiches. Neither of them spoke, and the silence was deafening. When he’d finished, he placed everything on the kitchen table and went back to give Ashley a hand.

“All ready. Let me help you.”

She accepted. “This is getting old. I mean, if you’re really an angel, why can’t you simply heal me?” She hobbled over to the table and took a seat in the chair he’d pulled out for her.

“I’m a hunter, not a healer,” he replied, taking the chair across from her.

“Really? So how many different types of angels are there?” She lifted her spoon and took a sip of soup. “I would have thought you were all the same.”

“The guardians are healers and watch over the new souls and help them acclimate. The warriors form our armies and fight evil. The reapers escort the damned to Hell and the elite take command over us.” He wrinkled his nose. “Then the Tribunal consists of seven females of the highest ranking who bring judgment down on those like myself.”

“You seem to have a dislike for the Tribunal. Is it because they are women?”

“No. All guardians and members of the Tribunal are mated females.” He picked up his sandwich. “I just question their judgment at times. They’re not out here in the world, and I don’t believe they always see everything that goes on. Besides, these are the same women who think I should leave you pregnant.”

She set down her spoon. “Are you sure? Maybe you were just supposed to rescue me from the hound.”

He thought about it for a moment. “I doubt it could be that easy. The Tribunal says I have no humanity because I see what humans do to themselves and don’t figure they deserve saving.”

She wiped a napkin across her plump lips, and the memory of kissing her flashed through his mind. She tasted like honey, and he needed to sample her again while running his fingers through her hair.

“Why do I find that hard to believe?”

“Explain.” He found he enjoyed their conversation and hearing her silky voice. For some strange reason, it soothed him. Everything about her felt right. Touching her had brought him a calm he’d never known, but it had also spiked a desire so fierce he had to question everything he felt. He trusted nothing and no one.

“If you really believed the human race shouldn’t be saved then you would have let me die.” She leaned forward. “My instinct tells me there is more to this.” She let her gaze fall to the food in front of her. “More to why you’re here. You’ve saved me in more ways than you know.”

“Look at me.” He needed to see her green eyes like he needed to take his next breath.

She obeyed.

“Tell me what you mean and don’t look away from me.” His gut said he wouldn’t like her reply.

She pulled in a deep breath. “I had planned to take my own life last night. That’s why I was outside.”

His insides felt as if a knife had been shoved through him. “Why?”

Tears welled at the corner of her eyes. “I’m tired of being a freak. Of being alone.” She blinked, and the wetness streaked down her cheek.

He moved to the chair beside her and took her hand in his. “Why do you think you’re a freak?” He hated to see her cry, but when it came to a woman’s tears, he usually ran the other way and let someone else deal with it. However, this time he had no choice.

“I moved out here to be alone because I can’t be around people any more,” she sobbed.

He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

“I look into peoples eyes, and I see their death. It started when I was seven and only happened a few times. Mostly with family, but as I got older, it became more frequent. Now it’s all the time.” She sniffed. “You’re the first person that I’ve been able to look at and actually appreciate the color of your eyes. Now, I know why.”

“You truly see their death? I mean, do you know when it will happen?”

She wiped her napkin across her tear stained cheek. “I don’t know their age, but I see them at the time so I have a good idea. It’s like watching a movie, and I just can’t take it anymore.” Her gaze pleaded with him. “Do you know why I’m a freak of nature?”

He had no idea how to make her feel better. This was way outside his comfort zone. “I don’t know what to tell you. I…”

The power flickered off and the only light came from the fire blazing in the other room. This wasn’t good. Being alone with her already created havoc with his desires. Add a raging storm with no power, and it spelled disaster.

shley stood using
the table for support. It was time to make it on her own. He’d be leaving soon and just as well. She took a step toward the living room. Faltered. He moved beside her in a flash and helped steady her. His hands at her waist made her want to crawl into his arms and stay there. At least now, she understood why. Hadn’t she read stories about how humans could become attracted to angels? Their pureness hard to resist?

“I need to do this on my own. If I had a cane, it would help. We’re going to need some more firewood to keep warm.”

Before she could pull together a thought on how to get outside, she found herself pressed against his hard body. Strong arms wrapped around her and soft hot lips came into contact with hers.

She opened for him, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth and wondered if he was trying to take away her pain again. However, this kiss tasted of passion and desperation.
How do I know that?

Their tongues dueled and her pulse pounded. She swore he wanted to consume her and then noticed his erection pressing into her belly. All her reservations about him and their situation melted into a desire so deep it hurt. This moment felt right in so many ways. Sure, her and Ben had sex when they were dating and it had been good, but never had her need made her feel as though she’d actually die if it weren't sated. Every fiber of her being, straight down to her soul. Told her this was her fate. He was her salvation and she his.

As quickly as she heated up, he broke away.

“I’m sorry. Shit,” his voice full of regret.

It was the second time he’d kissed her, but now she could taste his desire, and it made her brazen. “I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m not sorry.” She wanted him to kiss her again. He awakened something inside her she thought long dead, so she placed her palms on his chest and enjoyed the firmness of his rigid muscles underneath. “Eli? Is it possible to sleep with me and not get me pregnant? Can we have sex just for the pleasure of it?” She watched his pupils dilate in the dim light and was surprised at herself for asking the question.

“Ashley, this isn’t a good idea.” He tried to back away but she held fast.

“Why? You want me no matter what you say, and I sure as hell want you. Besides, you’ll leave soon and I won’t ask for anything more.” Her intuition told her if they did this, somehow they’d be connected forever. How? She had no idea. “Do angels have sex only for pleasure?”

“Yes, we do. But, how do you know I’m not feeding you a line of bullshit? I have nothing to prove I am who I say.”

The thought had crossed her mind several times, but her gut kept telling her something different. “I don’t really, but as you said earlier, if you wished to hurt me you would have done so. Instead, you’ve taken care of me.” She ran her hands down his chest. “Even if you’re delusional about who you are, in the end you’ll still be leaving. Give me this one night to look into a man’s eyes while he makes love to me.”

ad he just heard right
? She wanted him to have sex with her? His dick stood to attention and yelled, “Hell yes!” His mind, however, was a jumbled mess of reasons why this shouldn’t happen. Unable to think with her nibbling on his jaw, he said, “Sweetheart, I’m not sure you really want to do this.”

She stopped mid-bite and met his gaze. “How can you know what I want?”

“I’m bad news.”

“You see things different than others,” she reasoned.

“Exactly, and that’s part of the problem. Besides, you’re still hurting.” He dug for any excuse he could because his reserve was dwindling fast.

“I won’t break.” She moistened her lips. “I need this.”

Her eyes held passion like he’d never seen before.
Son of a bitch!
How could he say no? He scooped her into his arms and headed for the bedroom. He would have to remind himself to hold back, be gentle, and give her what she needed.

He laid her on the bed, leaned over, and brushed kisses across her collarbone and up her neck. A gasp escaped her lips. He nipped her ear then suckled the lobe. He unzipped the fleece and pulled it open to expose her beautiful breasts. Pulling the garment free, he circled his tongue around her nipple.

She moaned, “Eli.”

His name rolled off her lips and her musky scent filled his nostrils. He’d never wanted to please a woman more than he did Ashley. He could hardly wait to see her body writhe beneath him and hear her screams of pleasure.

He grabbed the waistband of her panties and sweat pants, and pulled them down her thighs, careful of her wound. “Tell me if I hurt you. Promise?”

She made eye contact, her pupils dilated with desire. “Yes.”

He tossed the clothing to the side then straightened and began to disrobe. She gazed at him and pulled her bottom lip through her teeth as he pushed his jeans to the floor and let his erection spring free.

“You are perfect,” she whispered.

His lips twitched. “I can say the same for you.” Perfect from her golden hair to her creamy skin and full rounded hips that a man could latch onto while thrusting into her.

He joined her on the bed and laved his tongue across her breast. Sucking the nipple into his mouth, he gave it a gentle nip before releasing it. He kissed his way across her flat stomach and down her abdomen until he reached the sweet spot. His fingers swept through golden curls.

She was moist, ready for him, and arched her hips up begging for more.

He positioned himself between her parted legs and kissed the inside of her thigh. His tongue ran along her silky skin until it reached the edge of her sex. He moved to the other leg and gave the same attention to detail, ending with kisses around the edge of her apex.

“God, you are such a tease.”

He peered up over her belly. “You want me to taste you, sweetheart?”

“Yes. Please.”

Oh, he liked her begging and would be sure she did more of it. He parted her folds and swiped his tongue along her sex.

She quivered.

He continued his tongue dance until she ground against his mouth. Her breathing came in short gasps. He wanted to pull away, tease her to her first orgasm, but he couldn’t get enough of her honey taste.

Her fingers dug into his scalp as she screamed her release.

BOOK: Fall Into Darkness
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