Fall into Her (Fall into Him Book Two) (9 page)

BOOK: Fall into Her (Fall into Him Book Two)
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“You came.”




Jennifer swallowed hard. She'd completely forgotten his command. In
her defense, it was difficult to think while trying to absorb a feather
tickling her clit and being finger-fucked into oblivion.


“I think that warrants a punishment, don't you?”


She knew it was a rhetorical question and kept her mouth shut.


Philip didn't wait for an answer as he ran his hand over her back
and down to her ass. Jennifer shivered, immediately knowing what was coming.
The first crack didn't really hurt, just a sting and then a spread of heat, but
as Philip continued to rain down slap after slap, they built on each other
until the sharp sting became something more. Jennifer's limbs reflexively
tugged at the scarves, straining as her ass began to burn. She bit down on her
lips, swallowing the pleas for him to stop. Unless she was willing to give him
their safe word, it wouldn't end and she didn't want to end the game just yet,
no matter how much her ass protested the abuse. Only when it was nearly too
much did he finally stop and Jennifer let out a half-sob of relief.


“You did so well,” he murmured as his fingertips ran over the hot,
tender skin. She flinched automatically, but didn't try to pull away. “You took
your punishment so well. I think you deserve a reward.”


Jennifer felt the bed shift beneath her as Philip moved.


“You can cum as much as you want.” His hands caressed her thighs.
“But you're not allowed to be quiet about it.”


She wasn't sure why that was important until he continued.


“The doors are open, and I want anyone who happens to be passing by
to know what we're doing, to know that you're enjoying yourself.”


Jennifer flushed but nodded. The moment his tongue touched her clit,
a shudder ran through her and a moan fell from her lips. Philip held her open
as he licked her, his tongue moving from circling her clit to darting into her
pussy. It moved inside her and Jennifer felt the beginnings of a climax
stirring. She raised her ass and Philip dug his fingers into her hips as he
held her where he wanted her.


“More,” she begged, the word muffled as she pressed her face against
the silk sheets.


“More what?” Philip lifted his head long enough to ask.


“More tongue.” She couldn't muster enough energy to be embarrassed.


When he complied, shoving his tongue further inside her than she was
expecting, she came. Even as her body buckled against its restraints, Philip
was moving again. She was already calling out his name when he buried himself
inside her with one smooth thrust. The word turned into a wail as Philip began
to thrust, hard and fast, each stroke taking him nearly to the end of her. His
hands were on either side of her waist, giving him leverage as he bounced her
off of the bed with the force of every snap of his hips.


“I can't hear you.” He grunted.


The next moment, his hand was in her hair, pulling her head off of
the bed. The pain in her scalp radiated down through her body, meeting and
mingling with the intensity of sensation in her pussy until they exploded and
Jennifer was moaning and releasing a high-pitched sound she'd never heard
herself make before. Her body went rigid, muscles tightening until Philip
swore. Still, he didn't stop, forcing his cock in and out of her spasming
channel as he tugged on her hair. Hours, days, years could have passed, but all
Jennifer knew was that his body was against her, in her, the lines of pain and
pleasure blurring until every cell in her body was hot and tingling.


She felt him pulse inside her, his body tensing as he came, but not
going soft as he continued to move inside her. Time and again, they climaxed
together, one rolling into the next, never ending, never stopping, never
pausing, only unrelenting friction and sensation until tears streamed down her
cheeks with the enormity of it all.


She didn't know when or how her hands came unbound, only that Philip
was pulling her back against him as he fucked up into her. He yanked her head
to one side, his breath burning against her ear.


“One more time.”


She knew what she wanted, but she didn't think her body could manage
it again. As it was, only Philip's arms and cock kept her from crumbling to the
mattress, but she couldn't tell him that. The only sounds she could make were
little whimpers that were forced out with the gasps of air she'd managed to get
between thrusts.


Philip wrapped one arm around her breasts, his hand palming her
right breast as his finger and thumb teased at her nipple. The other arm had
been around her waist, but that hand drifted lower now. Jennifer's eyelids
fluttered as his index finger slid between her folds to rub her swollen clit.
Her limbs twitched, muscles quivering, but she hovered at the edge, unable to
gather the energy needed to send her past that point once more.


“I love the way your body trembles around mine,” Philip whispered in
her ear, his words breathless. “The way you respond to every little touch. I
love knowing that each time you cum, I did that to you. I love being the one
who causes you so much pleasure.”


His rhythm stuttered, his breath catching and Jennifer knew he was


“I'm not going to cum until you do.” His voice had a rough, ragged
edge to it.


Jennifer made a small sound and closed her eyes, desperate to find
release for the pressure building inside her.


“Open your eyes.” Philip ordered.


She did and saw a mirror, whether on the wall or in mid-air, she
didn't know and didn't care. She was entranced by what she saw. Her body pulled
up tight, her ankles still bound, legs spread, knees parted, one of Philip's
hands moving between her legs. Her head lay back against his shoulder, her lips
parted, her chest heaving as she dragged air into her lungs. And then she saw
Philip's face, his eyes burning with a dark fire and the determination to bring
her to climax.


He scraped his teeth over the juncture where her neck met her
shoulder and she shuddered. “That's it. Let go. I've got you and I'm not going
anywhere.” At the same time his fingers tightened around her nipple, he sunk
his teeth into that spot on her throat and Jennifer came apart for the final
time. She heard him cry out her name, the sound nearly lost in the scream that
came up from deep inside her. As his cock emptied into her pussy, they
collapsed to the bed. He rolled her onto her side, tucking her against his
chest. They lay there, entwined, bodies still joined, and he murmured in her
ear. “Sleep. I've got you. I've always got you. I'm not going anywhere.”




Jennifer jolted upright, gasping for air, her heart racing. “Fuck,” she
breathed as she fell back against her pillows. It was then that she realized
that her sheets were damp with sweat, her pajama bottoms soaked with her
arousal. “Shit.” She sighed. “I need to take another shower.”




Philip wasn't being particularly loquacious, but there was something
different about his silences than there had been before. Now, there was an
almost shy quality, as if he was venturing into unknown territory with
Jennifer. His demeanor remained professional as they reviewed the payroll
spreadsheet she'd finished earlier that morning, but every so often, she'd
catch him looking at her with a very unprofessional expression on his face, one
that made her want to squirm in a good way.


“Another reason I always review the payroll for each hotel rather than
leave it up to the accountant is plausible deniability,” Philip explained.
After seeing Jennifer's puzzled look, he continued, “I hate that phrase being
put across as something positive. Basically, it's someone not wanting to take
responsibility for their actions. They say they didn't know, or weren't told,
so they shouldn't be held accountable. I think that's a cop out.” He gave her a
small smile. “You look surprised.” There was an amused note to his voice.


“I am,” Jennifer answered honestly. “You create a lot of extra work for
yourself by staying involved in areas that other CEO's would just let their
people handle.”


“You're probably right,” Philip nodded. “But I take my role as a leader
very seriously. All of my employees should be able to rely on me not to pass
the blame. As the CEO, I should accept responsibility for as much of what goes
on in my companies as possible, so I try to know as much as I can about every


Jennifer was impressed. Not many people – business or otherwise – were
willing to step up like that. It took a strong kind of man to accept that sort
of responsibility and she wasn't sure she knew anyone else who'd ever do the
same. This was a part of Philip's personality she hadn't realized he had, a
part that she found very, very attractive. She had the sudden desire to test
his commitment to keep things professional and kiss him.


“And speaking of knowing about business aspects,” Philip cleared his
throat. A hint of red stained his cheeks, as if he knew what Jennifer was
thinking. “Did you finish compiling that information on the Carlisle's
coordinating manager?”


“Yes,” Jennifer answered and proceeded to open the folder on her lap.


One of her first days on the job, she and Philip had met with the
appointed housekeeping representative of the Carlisle Hotel. It was there that
Jennifer had seen Philip show his stern, authoritative business side. James
Young had been the half-brother of the coordinating manager, Tom Evans, the man
who'd given him the job. Philip hadn't fired Mr. Young, but had effectively
scared him to the point where, Philip had explained, the young man wouldn't
ever cross him again. A few days ago, Philip told her that he'd hired a private
detective to look into Tom Evans and to do some extra digging that Human
Resources might have missed. The PI's investigation had ended, but Philip
wanted her to review the file and highlight the essentials.


“Anything interesting?”


“It looks like it.” Jennifer pulled one of the papers out. “The PI
found some information about Evans' family and it looks like a lot of the
companies he has hired for contracts have employed relatives of his, some
distant, but the connections are there.”


“What do you think we should do?”


“Me?” Jennifer couldn't disguise the surprise in her voice.


“Yes. You read through all of the detective's notes. Do you think Evans
is hiring family intentionally when other companies would be better suited for
the job, or is it just how he happens to hear about those particular
companies?” Philip leaned forward, his expression earnest, as if he truly cared
about what she was going to say.


Jennifer was flustered and tried not to show it. He wasn't just asking
for her to present the information or even for a general comment. He wanted her
to analyze the findings and come up with a solution. Her mind scrambled and,
for one frightening moment, she couldn't recall a single thing she'd just read.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and the information started to
become clear. She shuffled through the information, remembering what she'd been
thinking when she'd first read it. When she opened her eyes, Philip was
watching her intently, an unreadable expression in his eyes.


“I'd meet with him, ask him to present a list of the other companies
who'd bid on the positions filled by the ones he'd hired. I'd also ask to see
the resumes of the people who applied for jobs where he ultimately hired a
relative.” Jennifer was proud of herself for keeping her voice level. “Compare
the people and companies who got the jobs with those who didn't. If there's
clear favoritism, then I would either discipline Evans or fire him.”


“Which would you do?”


She considered the question. “I'm not sure. I think I'd have to see how
he reacted to the questioning.”


Philip nodded. “I agree on all counts. Make the call.”


“What?” Jennifer stared.


“Call the Carlisle, speak with Tom Evans and tell him to send the
documentation over. I want you to take charge of this.”


Jennifer was aware that her mouth was hanging open, but she didn't seem
able to close it. Had he seriously just said that he wanted her to be in charge
of investigating favoritism at The Carlisle Hotel? Mister Control was giving
her some of her own control?


Judging by the grin on Philip's face, he knew exactly what she was
thinking. “Yes, Jennifer. I want you to take point on getting this situation
resolved. Run any major decisions by me and feel free to ask any questions or
ask for assistance if you need it, but it's yours. You’re ready for this.”


Jennifer's heart skipped a beat as she saw the sincerity on Philip's
face. Unfortunately, the moment was lost when, as Philip was retrieving a file from
the corner of his desk, his hand bumped his coffee cup and it tipped, sending
the hot liquid spilling across Philip's desk and across the front of his white
dress shirt.

BOOK: Fall into Her (Fall into Him Book Two)
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