Read Fall into Him Online

Authors: Evelyn Harper

Fall into Him (4 page)

BOOK: Fall into Him
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Chapter 5


Between the time change and the rapid pace of the meetings, Jennifer
wasn't entirely sure what day it was when she found herself on the plane, on
her way back to New York. They'd been in the air for about an hour, both her
and Philip in their own worlds. He was going over the finalized details of the
trip's negotiations while she was reading through the notes she'd taken in the
notebook Philip had purchased for her after their first meeting. She'd caught
him watching her a few times as she was jotting down various tidbits of
information and she wondered what he thought of her attention to detail. Not
that he'd tell her. In some ways, she thought they were closer than when they'd
left New York – she was sure he smiled at her differently than he did other
women – but he hadn't even touched her since they'd left the city.

“Jennifer,” Philip's voice drew her from her reverie. “Will you join me
for a drink?”

She looked over her shoulder and saw him smiling at her from the
mini-bar. Her stomach did a flip-flop that had nothing to do with being on a
plane. Jennifer couldn’t help smiling to herself. As she made her way towards
him, he turned to the server and said something about privacy. Something heated
coiled in Jennifer's belly as the young man behind the bar excused himself. By
the time she reached Philip, they were alone in the cabin.


For a moment, she thought he was going to hand her a drink. Instead, he
wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, bending his head to
cover her mouth with his. She gave a little gasp of surprise and he took full
advantage of her lips parting to thrust his tongue between them. She pressed
her body against his and felt him hard and waiting. She'd been craving this
since they'd left things unfinished at the hotel eons ago. The embers that had
been smoldering since then burst into flame and she opened her mouth further,
deepening the kiss.


Philip's hands slid under her skirt and Jennifer moaned into his mouth,
her hands falling to his belt. She made short work of his buckle and zipper,
but the moment he pulled aside the now-soaked crotch of her panties and ran his
finger along her slit, her hands fell away.


“Please,” she heard herself begging but was too needy to be
embarrassed. She would beg on her knees if it would get her what she wanted.


“What do you want?” Philip's voice was rough as his other hand finished
what she'd started.


“You,” she looked up at him, her eyes wide.


“Be more specific,” he ordered. One finger teased at her entrance and
she whimpered.

“I want your...” she wasn't sure she could say the word. Brad had
always wanted her to talk dirty to him, but when she finally had – the memory
made her cringe.


“Say it,” Philip's voice snapped her back to the present. “What do you
want?” He pressed the heel of his hand against her clit and her knees trembled.


“I want your cock inside me,” Jennifer blurted out the words. She
couldn't hold back anymore. She needed him.

“Good girl,” he murmured as he pulled her leg up around his waist.


His hips snapped upward and Jennifer quivered. It was too much and she
wasn't ready. She was wet, but far too tight. And yet, Philip was buried inside
her, his full length sheathed inside her. He captured her mouth once more as he
began to thrust into her, swallowing every cry. Her hands clung to his
shoulders as he fucked her. There was no other word for what he was doing.
Every stroke lifted her off of the one foot that was still on the ground,
forcing its way deeper inside her until she wasn't sure where she ended and he
began. Their clothes rasped against each other's, the sound loud in the still
air. The edge of the bar was hard against her back and every time Philip
slammed into her, she hit it until she knew she'd have a bruise, but she didn't
care. The building lust that she'd been carrying inside her since that
interrupted encounter in the hotel room was at its peak. She nearly sobbed with
her need for release.


Then Philip's hips jerked and he hit something deep inside her that
sent sparks shooting through her and she was cumming, crying out into his mouth
as his hips flexed and he emptied himself, his cock pulsing against her
spasming walls. Jennifer's leg buckled and only Philip’s arms kept her from
falling. Their kiss broke and her head fell forward, eyes closing as everything
around her went gray, then white.


They stood together for several minutes, breath slowing, hearts
returning to their normal beats. Finally, Philip eased himself out of her and
Jennifer let out a quick exhale, her pussy throbbing. She leaned back against
the bar, still not quite able to move.

Philip smiled down at her, his eyes nearly glowing. “You're learning.”


Jennifer watched as he returned to his seat. Had he been referring to
the sex or the job? Nothing on his face gave her an answer. And yet, she
realized, it didn't matter. A smile played about her lips as she headed back to
her own seat.


She was still smiling as she followed Philip off the plane, her every
step light, as if she were walking on air. The moment she saw two limos
waiting, her smile fell, the joy inside her deflating. She knew what was coming
even as Philip turned towards her.


“You can go home,” he held out a phone, identical to his. “This is your
work phone. Keep it on at all times and I'll call you when I need you.”


Jennifer took the device with numb fingers. It was much nicer than the
one currently in her purse. That one barely had Internet capabilities. She
wasn't sure she could handle this one.


Again displaying his uncanny ability to know what she was thinking,
Philip added, “you'll get used to it.” He stretched out his hand with something
else in it. “Use this for the limo.”


She took the credit card without a word, desperately hoping her
expression didn't portray how confused she was by all of this. Philip wasn't
acting as if he was mad at her, but he also wasn't giving any indication of the
amazing sex they'd just had, as if it had never happened. It wasn't like she
was expecting him to treat her like a girlfriend, but was it too much to ask
for just a little bit of emotion?

“Get some rest,” Philip gave her a half-smile. “You're going to need


Jennifer grinned as she watched him climb into the limo. There it was,
that brief acknowledgement that told her he hadn't forgotten what they'd done,
that it was still on his mind. It was enough for now.

“Miss?” The limo driver opened the door for her.


“Thank you,” Jennifer said as she got into the vehicle. She was still
replaying every moment of her and Philip’s encounter when she arrived at her


As she walked up the stairs, she forced herself to focus. Rachel would
be waiting, eager for details.  Just as she'd suspected, the moment the
door opened, she saw her roommate sitting on the couch, an expectant expression
on her face. Rachel's dark hair was pulled back in a sloppy ponytail, and she
was wearing her flannel pajama pants. Any worry that Jennifer had that the
up-and-coming chef would need to rush away to work vanished. Rachel was ready
to stay in for the night, which meant she wouldn't rest until she'd extracted
every last detail of the trip and the events leading up to it from Jennifer.

“I'll tell you everything,” Jennifer said preemptively. “Just let me
take a quick shower first.”

,” Rachel nodded. She gave Jennifer a sweet smile.
“Don’t take too long! I'll be waiting.”


“I'm sure you will,” Jennifer sang back to her as she rushed to her



After taking her shower, Jennifer rummaged through her drawers, her wet
hair dripping onto her shoulders as she searched for her favorite pajamas. The
clock told her it was nearly nine o'clock, but her body disagreed. She knew she
was going to be up for a while answering questions and she wanted to be
comfortable doing it.


“There you are,” she grabbed onto the faded cotton pants. Once dressed,
she quickly fixed her hair into two braids. A glance in the mirror told her
that the pigtails and her honey bunny pajamas made her look like a child, but
she didn't care. She just wanted to curl up on the couch and talk to her best
friend. She didn't need to look like a grown-up while doing it.


“Jennifer!” Rachel called from the living room. “There's some guy here
to see you.”

A shiver of desire ran through her as Jennifer reached for the
doorknob. She hesitated, looking down at what she was wearing. Did she really
want Philip to see her this way? Then again, she thought, it wasn't like they
were at work. This was her home. He couldn't expect her to be anything but
herself here, could he?


Jennifer set her jaw. She was comfortable and if Philip didn't like it,
then maybe he should've told her that he was coming to her place and how he
wanted her to dress. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she opened the door
and headed for the living room, unable to stop the smile on her face.


“Phil-” she stopped, pleased expression turning to one of near-horror.


Golden hair and brown eyes. Tall, muscular, with a strong, masculine
face. The corners of his mouth lifted into a soft smile as he responded to her
presence, “Jennifer!”

Jennifer couldn't breathe. She could barely say his name. “B-Brad?”

Chapter 6


Jennifer Brooks stood in her living room, wearing her comfy 'hunny
bunny' pajamas, thick brown hair in two pigtails, still wet from the shower.
She couldn't seem to process what – or rather who – she was seeing. He hadn't
changed. The first memory hit her hard.


It was her first day of high school and she was petrified. Jennifer had
been happy as an eighth grader in her small town elementary / middle school.
She wasn't popular, but she had her two best friends and she was happy. Then,
just three weeks before school was supposed to start, Maggie and Lucy's family
moved. So now, Jennifer was starting her freshman year alone.


“Are you lost?” A male voice startled her from her reverie.


Jennifer looked up and stared. The most gorgeous boy she'd ever seen
was watching her. Thick golden blond hair and warm chocolate brown eyes. Then
she saw his letterman jacket and her heart skipped a beat. She knew who this
was. “You're Brad Miller.”


The grin that spread across Brad's handsome face was all that Jennifer
needed to know that she'd found her prince.


That same familiar smile was on the face in front of her now. Another
memory came forward, unbidden.


“So,” Brad slipped into the seat next to her, his easy smile making her
stomach clench. “We've been eating lunch together for three weeks now and
there's something I want to ask you.”


Later that night, Jennifer still hadn't completely accepted the fact
that she was going out on a date with sophomore track star Brad Miller. As a
freshman, he'd gone to state in three different events. This year, he was
expected to go all the way in at least five events. Every girl in school wanted
him, even the juniors and seniors.


Jennifer could barely believe her luck as she sat across from Brad at
the town's only true hangout – a tiny little ice cream parlor called The Polar
Cap. She'd thought they'd go to the city for dinner, not somewhere everyone
could see them together. Even as Brad asked her about her likes and dislikes,
she could feel everyone's eyes on her, wondering what made her so special that
Brad had chosen her. She couldn't have told them. She was still trying to
figure it out herself.


“You look good, Jen,” Brad took a step towards her and Jennifer
instinctively took a step backwards. He'd never hit her, but she wasn't sure
she wanted him to touch her.


Then she remembered what it had been like when he had touched her.
Scenes raced through her mind, one after the other.


Brad reached down and threaded his fingers through hers, as the two of
them walked into the school. They'd only been out once, but Jennifer knew what
the gesture meant. Guys like Brad didn't make public displays unless they were
laying a claim. Based on the way the other girls – and a couple of guys – were
looking at her with jealous eyes, they knew what it meant too.




They walked up the porch steps and stood for a moment, facing each
other. The porch light was already on even though it wasn't dark enough to need
it. Date number three had just been stopping for a soda on the walk home from
school, but Jennifer's parents had already explained the function of the light.
When it turned off, it was time to come inside. She watched it nervously now,
willing it to stay on.


“Jennifer,” Brad reached out and cupped her cheek.


She shivered, whether in anticipation or out of sheer nervousness, she
wasn't sure. If he was going to do what she thought he was going to do, it
would be her first kiss. He bent his head and her heart began galloping out of


It was everything a first kiss should be. His lips were soft, gentle as
they pressed against hers. Their mouths parted slightly, and she gathered
enough courage to place her hand on his chest. His heart thudded against her
palm and she knew that his feelings matched her own.


The porch light flickered.




Jennifer sat in the passenger's seat of Brad's car, her hands tightly
clenched on her lap. Brad was in the driver's seat, an expectant expression on
his handsome face. She knew what he wanted, but she wasn't sure she was ready
for that. Brad had taken things slowly over the past year and a half, but it
was his junior prom and she knew that several of his friends had gotten hotel
rooms with their girlfriends for tonight. Brad hadn't been that obvious, but
Jennifer wasn't naïve.


“If you don't want to, that's okay,” Brad spoke, his voice gentle
sounded somehow sad. “I just wanted tonight to be special, unlike my first
time. Krissy was all over me so we did it, but it wasn't like we were in love.”


The mention of his ex sent an alarm through Jennifer. Krissy was a
senior and a cheerleader, and she'd never hidden the fact that she still wanted
Brad. Jennifer knew that she had to do something or risk losing him.


“I don't think I'm ready for sex,” she said slowly, mustering her courage
as she scooted closer. “But, maybe there are other things I can do.”




Jennifer felt a brief stab of pain as he slid into her for the first
time, but she only pressed her lips more tightly together as he began to rock
against her. She was glad that they had waited until his senior year to have
sex. Brad was planning on leaving for college and this would keep them
emotionally tied to each other while they were apart. Brad had warned her that
if they didn’t have sex, she may decide that she wanted to do it while he was
away and she’d get angry at him for not being there. He said that she’d end up
giving her virginity to someone else. Now he knew how much she loved him. She'd
proven it.




“How can you be so selfish, Jen?” Brad wrapped his arms around her
waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.


She could hear the sadness in his voice, but was no longer sure she
trusted it.


Brad continued. “You know I have to work on Christmas Eve, so I can't
go back with you. Would you really leave me alone here, no friends, no family,
on Christmas?”


Jennifer sighed, squashing the desire to see her family. It had been so
long. “Of course not.”




Brad pinched a bit of material between his thumb and forefinger as he
looked over Jennifer's new dress with a critical eye. “Maybe you should lay off
the dessert tonight. Wouldn't want to need a bigger size after you just bought
this one.” He laughed charmingly and smiled at her.


Jennifer nervously adjusted her dress and nodded.




Brad cupped one firm breast in his hand, brushing his thumb over one
rosy nipple. “Just, you know, out of curiosity, have you ever considered
getting a boob job? I mean, that way, you'd always have something to fall back
on, you know? Even you can't fuck up taking off your clothes.”




Jennifer tried not to let Brad see the tears in her eyes as she lowered
her head to take his cock into her mouth.


“You’re so good at acting like a whore,” Brad tightened his fingers in
her hair. “That’s good. It's probably the only way you'll ever get a

BOOK: Fall into Him
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