Read Fat Chances Online

Authors: J.S. Wilsoncroft

Fat Chances (9 page)

BOOK: Fat Chances
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Every nerve in my body
jolted awake as I walked toward him. I wanted him ... now. With all my weight, I slammed my body against his, pushing him onto the bed. I felt like a whole other person, finally breaking out of her shell. I never imagined myself seducing a man, but here I was throwing myself at him like I had done this a million times. I wanted to rip his clothes off and eat him alive. I slowly reached my hand down to pull his sweat pants off. I needed to see him ... all of him.

Our lips never parted as I rolled onto my side so he could yank his sweatpants from his ankles. My breath caught in my throat when I saw how huge and hard he was. His dark brown eyes looked black as he gently tugged at my t-shirt. At first, I was hesitant. Was I ready for him to see me, all of me? All my rolls and extra spare tires? Then he sensed my hesitation

“Annie ...
if you’re not ready we can wait,” he said in the sweetest voice I’d ever heard.
I’m ready, so ready. I just didn’t want him to see my fat body.

“What’s wrong?” He breathed gently against my skin.

I glanced down at his maleness and gulped. Just seeing him made me hot.
God, I was ready. Annie, get over yourself! He wants you and you want him.

“Can we turn off the light?” I whispered.

“Sure,” he chuckled and in one fluid move, he got up from the bed, flicked off the light, and crawled back into bed beside me. I felt relieved as I undressed in the dark.

“Here let me help you,” he breathed into my neck. I jumped when his hot hands touched my bare thigh. I moaned as his hands slowly glided up my thighs before grabbing my underwear. He lightly grazed his lips down my body as he slipped my underwear down to my ankles, leaving a hot trail on my skin from his warm breath. Then he pressed his hardness against my leg as he leaned against me.

I moaned softly when his hands cupped my breasts. And I don’t know what came over me when I slowly glided my hand down his chest and across his stomach, tracing my fingers along the contours of his hard stomach. Then I found myself moving down, until I came to the tip of his penis. He shuddered at my touch. Then I carefully wrapped my hand around his shaft and squeezed as he moaned in ecstasy. We kissed as I continued to squeeze him. Suddenly, I felt his hand trace along my stomach, gliding over my rolls until he came to the hot center between my thighs.

I grew hot as he rested his hand between
my legs. Cory kissed me hungrily as he slowly touched me. I gasped when his fingers glided between my folds, stroking and rubbing. My breathing came quickly as he continued to work magic with his fingers stroking me faster and faster when suddenly he stopped to look at me.

Please don’t stop,” I begged, then grabbed his hand and placed it back where I was moist, hot and tender. We both moaned in ecstasy as he continued to stroke faster and harder. Every nerve in my body was on fire, ready to explode. I grabbed a fistful of his hair, forcing his face closer to mine as he continued to stroke me.

Suddenly, white lights exploded all around me as my body spasmed. We both moaned as my body twitched in ecstasy. I lifted his head from my breast so I could look into his beautiful eyes. They were glistening.

“I’m sorry,” he breathed onto my skin and kissed the corner of my mouth. I scrunched my eyebrows together, confused.
I had just had my first orgasm and he was apologizing?

“Sorry, for what?” I asked.

He sat up, rubbing his hand through his dark tousled hair. “For making a mess on you,” he replied, glancing down at my leg. That’s when I felt something warm and wet. I looked down and saw the milky white substance dripping from my leg.

Was all I could say as a huge smile spread across my face. Cory stood up and quickly walked across the hall to the bathroom. Within seconds, he came back with a wad of tissues. His face was flushed red as he gently wiped my leg.

“Cory, please don’t be embarrassed,” I gently cooed. “It makes me feel good that I can excite you.” Then I gently rubbed my fingers along his arm, hoping to seduce him again.

“Excite you? Annie, you do more than excite me,” Cory gently replied, lying on the bed beside me. “You make me think crazy things and I want to do crazy things. I just hope that I’m man enough for you.” I swallowed hard when he turned to throw the tissue in the garbage, baring his perfect, hard ass. I knew then that I wasn’t done with him. Not now, not ever.

For the
first time, I was grateful there was an ice storm going on outside. Because tonight was the night that things were going to get crazy ... starting with me biting his perfect ass.

Chapter 8

The shrill ring of Cory’s cell phone woke us both up from a deep sleep. When I sat up in the bed, panic shot through me. For a moment, I had forgotten where I was and the very fact that I was completely naked.

“Hello,” Cory’s voice was rough with sleep. With two hands, I quickly pulled the comforter up to my chin, covering every square inch of my fat, naked body. Cory turned to look at me with a huge grin on his perfect face, then his expression changed quickly as he focused on the phone conversation.

“Oh yes, she’s still here ... ummm ... we were watching a movie and lost track of the time,” Cory stammered. His dark eyes grew wide as he turned his legs around to sit on the edge of the bed, exposing his bare back. I leaned over the other side of the bed to look at the alarm clock on the night stand.
OH, MY GOD! It’s going on midnight. My parents are going to kill me!
I quickly jumped out of bed and gathered up my clothes. My cheeks grew hot as I quickly struggled to pull on my underwear then my sweatpants.
Now was not the time to forget which leg went into which hole! I nearly fell over a couple of times trying to pull them on. I could only imagine if they had been jeans, I would probably be lying flat on my face by now.

“Yes, Mrs. Powers. It
getting nasty outside. Ummm ... yeah, the power flickered here a couple of times, too,” I gave him a peculiar glance. How would he know that the lights flickered? We were in his dark bedroom making love most of the night. “Sure, sure, I think that would be a wise decision, too.” I scrunched my eyes close together as I watched him squirm while talking to my mother. The suspense was killing me. What were he and my mother talking about? What would be a wise decision?

“Yes, I’ll tell her. And yes, I promise I’ll have her home first thing in the morning,” he replied then chuckled as soon as he closed his cell phone. My heart raced, waiting for him to
tell me what was going on, especially when I heard him say that I was going to be spending the entire night here.

“That was your mother,” he said, laughing and shaking his head as he stood up from the bed. I nearly choked when I saw that he was still naked, in all his glory. He had the most perfect physique I’d ever seen. Not that I had seen many naked men, but I’ve read enough romance novels to envision them, and Cory was by far the sexiest that I’d ever imagined.

The sound of Cory clearing his throat broke my reverie. My face grew hot from embarrassment when I realized that he caught me staring at his manhood longer than I should have and his light laughter didn’t make me feel any better. I quickly turned around and sat down in the rocking chair that was sitting in the corner of his bedroom.
My socks didn’t seem to want to cooperate either as I struggled to put them back on.

“What are you doing?” he asked then walked across the room to stand before me with his manhood dangling inches from my face. I gulped and turned my head toward the wall. “Getting dressed,” I replied, swallowing another hard lump in my throat.

“Why? We have all night,” he said. When I turned around, a huge smile was painted across his face. His dimples were exposed, too. My heart sputtered.
What is wrong with me? How could something as simple as dimples cause havoc to someone’s heart? I’ve seen many dimples on guy’s faces, but only Cory’s dimples had any real effect on me.

“Do you really think that me staying overnight is a good idea?” I asked, then
I closed my eyes and tilted my head down so he couldn’t see the confused expression prevalent upon my face. A thousand different emotions scrambled inside me, emotions that I still wasn’t sure how to handle or what they meant. Part of me wanted to get undress again and feel his warm body against me, but the other part of me was scared and yes, still self-conscious. I know he didn’t seem to care or mind my extra rolls or maybe he was too horny to care, but either way, I still hated my body and that was the bottom line. I knew earlier that I was too caught up in the heated moment to care about what my body looked like. But now I was brought back to reality, and the reality was that whatever was going on between us wasn’t going to work.

“Yes! Yes, I do,” he said, kneeling down so that he face was lower th
an mine, then looked up at me. Cory grabbed my hands and held them tightly on my lap. The glow of moonlight pouring into the room from the window lit up his face like an angel. And his dark eyes glistened as he waited for me to say something, but when I opened my mouth all that came out was a jagged sigh.

“Why are you so scared?” He demanded as his eyes searched mine.
What was I supposed to tell him? That I hated my body and I hated him seeing it? That sometimes I wished I could take a butcher knife and start cutting away the fat, just like a hunter does with his buck.
Tears starting flowing down my cheeks as I sat in silence.

“Annie, please tell me what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Did I do something to upset you? Please tell me ... I’m dying here
,” he begged then stood on his knees not caring that he was naked and begged me to tell him.

I blew out another jagged sigh. “Cory, it’s not you, it’s me,” I quietly replied, knowing how cliché it sounded.

“What? What? Tell me,” he pleaded, then stood and backed up, making me blush again at the sight of his manhood. I snapped my head around to stare at the bed while he quickly gathered his sweatpants and pulled them on gracefully.

“If you don’t tell me then I’m going to have to tickle you,” h
e threatened with a huge grin on his face. The thought of him grabbing my chub and tickling me horrified me.

“I’m fat!
Okay? There I said it ... I’m fat,” I sobbed. I started for the door when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me around to face him.

“Annie, we’ve been through this before. Why can’t you understand that I don’t care that you have a little extra weight.” A little extra weight? Is he blind as a bat? I sighed heavily, pulling my wrist from his firm grip. I could see the desperation in his dark eyes as he stared at me. I wanted to take my fist and pound it hard against my head.
Why am I being so stupid? This gorgeous guy standing before me ... wants me ... all of me. He just gave me my first orgasm and I want to run away with my tail between my legs
What the hell is wrong with me?

“I know,
” I continued to sob. “I just don’t understand why you would want me when there are lots of beautiful skinny girls out there.”

Then he gently placed his hands on my cheeks,
and pulled me closer to him. The smell of his sweet breath and cologne sent tingles down my spine. “Oh, Annie, if you only knew what you do to me. I knew the moment I saw you at my Zumba class that I wanted to get to know you. And besides, I love a woman with a little meat on her bones,” he chuckled, still holding my face in his hands. “But may I ask you something?”

I looked at him, confused, but nodded my head still between his hands. “Are you on a diet?” He asked. The smile on his face disappeared into a more serious look.

I scrunched my eyebrows, even more confused. “No! Why?”

“Hmpf! Well, how can I say this?” He hesitated a moment before taking his hands off my face. “I mean this as a compliment, but you look like you dropped a load in your sweatpants,” he replied, chuckling nervously.

My eyes grew wide. “What?” I yelled, touching the back of my pants and sighed in relief when there was nothing there, then laughed.

“I kn
ow that didn’t come out right, but what I’m trying to say is that your sweatpants look baggy, like you dropped a load. That’s why I asked if you had lost weight? Your face looks slimmer, too,” he explained, then turned on the light and pointed toward the mirror on the dresser. I took two small steps and looked in the mirror. He was right. My face
look slimmer.

“Do you have a scale?” I asked with a hint of excitement in my voice. Then Cory pointed to the bathroom across the hall, smiling, as I hurried to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I didn’t want him looking over my shoulder while I stepped onto the scale. Like always, I stripped down to just my undies and stepped onto the silver electronic scale. The
number moved up and down a bit then finally stopped.

I held my hands to my mouth and gasped, realizing I had lost weight! Eighteen pounds! But how? I stepped off the scale and looked into the vanity mirror above
the sink. A smile slowly spread across my face as I stared at myself. I gasped again when I saw a small dimple form on the right side of my cheek.
I have a dimple!

I swung open the bathroom doors with such excited force that it banged against the wall. I squealed when I saw Cory standing in
the doorway of his bedroom. “I lost eighteen pounds!” I squealed again. Cory picked me up in his strong arms, giving me a bear hug. I couldn’t believe it. I had never lost this much weight before. And what amazed me even more was that I wasn’t even trying.

“That’s great, love! You lost it and I gained it,” he replied, laughing, as our lips met and we kissed passionately. Before I knew it, we were peeling off our clothes and crawling back into bed. We kissed and caressed one another, this time more freely and with no hesitation on my part.

“Oh, my gosh! What about Annie? We’ve been up here all night and left poor Annie downstairs all alone,” I replied, suddenly remembering that I still hadn’t got to meet the puppy that was named after me.

“Oh, she’s okay. I just checked on her a little while ago, while you were still sleeping. The vet has her on pain medicine, so she’s kind of out of it right now,” he reassured
me while twirling his fingers in my hair.

“Oh,” I sighed with relief, staring into his beautifu
l eyes, then planted my mouth on his, taking in every scent and feel of his rock hard body. Cory rolled over, pressing his hard body on top of me. A soft moan escaped my lips as he traced his tongue down my neck and across my collar bone until he found my breast. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to feel him inside me. Every nerve in my body was screaming his name. I shifted my legs so that I could wrap them around his waist and pulled his hips close to mine. The heat between our thighs was intense. As if we were two people ready to spontaneous combust if we didn’t do something soon.

“Are you sure?” he asked, lifting his head
up, breathing hard. I answered with a hungry kiss as his shaft entered me. We both moaned as we moved back and forth in one fluid motion. It was like we were a perfect match, molded perfectly together. At first Cory was slow and gentle, but as our breathing came harder, so did his thrusts. The headboard banged against the wall as he pushed hard and fast inside me. Every nerve of my body was sizzling, ready to explode like a firecracker. Then we both moaned at the same time as we climaxed together. After a few moments, Cory rolled over onto his side. We both lay there for a moment, panting.

“Whooo,”  Cory breathed, twirling his finger into my hair again. “That was amazing.”

“Yes ... yes it was,” I giggled, running my fingertips up and down his side and across his ripped stomach.

top! That tickles,” he said, laughing, then grabbed my hand and placed my fingers on his lips, kissing them one at a time. After a few minutes of finally getting our breathing back to normal, I was hot and ready for more. Just touching him made me moist. Not only was
falling in love with Cory, so was my body. I knew that after tonight I was never going to get enough of him. I’d want to make love with him all the time.


A soft glow poured from the window, waking me out of the most peaceful sleep I’d ever had. “Good morning sunshine,” the sweetest voice spoke into my ear. I giggled and rolled over to see the most beautiful eyes in the world staring at me. “Good morning, Buck-O,” I teased.

Cory leaned back against his pillow, laughing. “I love that name, ‘Buck-O.’ That can be my pet name.” He continued to laugh as I reached over and caressed the small patch of hair in the center of his chest.

“Well, then, what’s
my pet name?” I asked, curious, propping myself up on one elbow. 

“Hmmmm ...
let me think about that for a moment,” he replied, smiling. Then with one arm behind his head and the other hand tickling my back, he closed his eyes to think.

“Don’t call me something stupid,” I warned. He laughed and shook his head, no.

“How about Buttercup?” He opened his eyes to look at me. I glared at him.

No food. I don’t want to be named after a food,” I replied, returning his smile.

He laughed and shook his head in disbelief. “Okay.” Then he closed his eyes and leaned against the pillow again. I laid my head on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart as it
beat. I could lay here forever. “How about Sparky?” he asked, opening his eyes again.

“Sparky? Where did that come from?” I wondered, confused. It was such an odd nickname. I was thinking more along the lines of snookums or love bug, but Sparky? He laughed at the expression on my face.

“Well, when I see you it feels like sparks are shooting off inside me. You make me feel all tingly inside,” he reasoned. Suddenly, a huge smile grew across my cheeks. I liked it. I also liked that I made him feel that way.

BOOK: Fat Chances
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