Feral Instincts (The Feral Series) (36 page)

BOOK: Feral Instincts (The Feral Series)
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hadn’t seen his cousin since that day in the woods. It was probably better that
way. He wasn’t sure if he would have been able to stop himself from killing him
when he saw him again. He had almost been successful in destroying both him and
Ava. Teagan clenched his fists at his dark thoughts. How could he not have seen
how crazy Daniel had become. The soft skin of Ava’s hand smoothed over his own
and just like that he calmed. Wrapping one arm over the back of the seat he
settled her into his side.

looked out the window of the SUV as Teagan’s brother Ronan put the truck in
drive and pulled down the driveway. She was sad to be leaving Claymore but she
was ready to face the next chapter in her life. She knew that as long as Teagan
was by her side she could face anything, even her in-laws.




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Please enjoy an excerpt
from Erin Ashley’s second novel in the Feral Series: Feral Awakening-Now

  Want to know how
Ava’s best friend Kat ended up in that field and how is it that she is now a
female werewolf? 






 Restlessly Kat
fought against the dream that held her in its steely grasp. With a moan she
kicked her bare legs free of the blankets that seemed determined to tangle
around her like giant python wrapping her in its tight embrace. Fisting the
sheets beneath her she thrashed in the bed. Sweat dampened her brow and
trickled between her breasts. Her cheeks flushed as heat seemed to radiate from
her skin.

A strange new energy
seemed to shimmer just below her skin. An energy that filled her with
frustration and longing. Tears filled her eyes as she was overcome by the
strange emotions coursing through her system. Her body ached with need but for
what she did not know. The energy inside of her continued to build until she
could no longer stand to lie idly in the bed.

 Rising from the
confines of the old iron bed, she prowled through the dark house. Tall shadows
painted strange abstract artwork on her living room walls. Restlessly she
padded across the ancient wooden floor in bare feet. Wrapping her arms around
her waist she struggled to contain the energy buzzing like tiny hornets through
her body.

 With a low growl
of frustration she began to pace, running her fingers through her pillow
tangled mahogany curls. The old farm house that usually comforted her suddenly
seemed to be closing in from every side. The very air inside was becoming heavy
and too thick to breath.

 Bolting for the
door she worked frantically at the heavy lock, clawing at the knob she flung
the front door wide and stood in the doorway. Drawing in several deep breaths
she let the cool night air soothe her fevered skin. A gust of wind blew across
the front porch, sending a pair of fall leaves waltzing across the worn floor
boards. Her skin had cooled slightly but the energy inside of her continued to
build. Walking to the chalky old column of the porch, she gripped it tightly,
her nails digging into the old wood. In desperation she turned her gaze to the
calming presence of the forest that surrounded her little house.

 The cooling
comfort of the woods called to her and the strange energy inside of her
demanded she answer. No longer able to resist she gave into the urges in her
straining body and raced down the creaking old porch steps. Her bare feet
sinking into the damp grass, she raced across the yard, running into the
welcoming embrace of the dark woods.

 She had spent
many an afternoon walking this trail, her feet beating a worn path in the
underbrush, it welcomed her like an old friend. The wind blew her tangled locks
behind her shoulders and the fabric of her thin shift rippled across her
sensitive skin as she raced through the wilderness. Running between the
trailing arms of the trees, her bare feet skipped across the damp earth.

 The energy that
she had been struggling against, that had tried to consume her, now filled her
with power as she ran. Where once there had been pain, now there was pleasure.
The night called to her and she felt relief with every step she took. Inhaling
the scents around her she felt as though she had become a part of the
wilderness and the joy of the run sang through her veins. The peace of the
forest became a part of her and she a part of it. She was no longer just a
visitor but a welcome inhabitant of the world around her.

 Unaware of the
chill clinging to her skin or the damp air flowing through her lungs, she ran.
Joy and freedom sang through her veins. With s sinking heart she realized she neared
the end of the trail. Slowing to a walk she savored the last few feet of the
trail as all too soon her little farm house rose before her in the clearing.
With a sigh of regret she lingered in the shadows of the trees, unwilling to
leave the comfort of the woods.

 With a sigh she
emerged from the embrace of the forest, her toes once again sank into the
tender grass of her yard. In a blissful daze she walked across the yard and
once again found herself on the creaky front steps of her porch. With a graceful
stretch and a yawn she opened the front door, closing it firmly behind her,
once again turning the heavy deadbolt.

 Already half
asleep she wondered back to her bedroom and flopped limply onto her bed. With a
smile of contentment she stretched her spent muscles and curled up under her
old quilt with a sigh. Just as she drifted back to sleep she heard the howl of
a lone wolf pierce the silence of the night.

 From deep in the
woods his dark gaze focused on the tiny house before him. Just four thin walls
separated him from the little female. Taking in a deep breath he slashed his
razor sharp claws at the trees, throwing his head back he howled up at the
night sky. Her scent filled the night air all around him teasing his senses
with wildflowers and heated skin. With a snarl he turned his back on the little
house and returned to the shadows of the woods. She would be his, but not yet.
For now, he was still enjoying the hunt.















BOOK: Feral Instincts (The Feral Series)
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