Ferris Braden [Beyond the Marius Brothers 6] (5 page)

BOOK: Ferris Braden [Beyond the Marius Brothers 6]
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“Keep the portal clear,” I shouted to the few of us that were on this side. “Cover fire as they come through.”
“I can do better than that,” Onah growled and shot flames out of his hands. Oh, I wanted to see that trick later. Unfortunately, there was more than just his shooting fire to be distracted with. There was blood everywhere and I saw an arm I didn’t want to think about. I would when the bad guys were dead. Until then, I had to keep my head in the game.
Another dozen warriors came through, along with the Queen, and jumped right into the fray. We fought our way out of the study and into the hallway. There were demons
. I’d never seen an attack of this scale, this organized.
“Die, mother fuckers!” Rylan bellowed as he opened fire on a side hallway that had more demons. I was impressed how good of a shot my little mate was and that he had such a warrior’s heart. When we cleared it we saw a small shifter who was clutching his neck. Rylan darted over to him and dove to his knees. “Where are the others, Ringo?”
The man coughed up blood trying to speak. Oh shit.
“We need help here!” I shouted down the hall. The Queen raced over and touched the man’s throat for a moment before jumping right back into the fray.
“Ballroom, Prince Rylan. They were going to barricade themselves in the ballroom.”
I grabbed one of the warriors as he went to run by. “Get this man through the portal so he’s safe.” He nodded and picked the man up, racing back towards the study.
“Lead the way,” Onah said to Rylan as we grouped back together. He nodded and took off, making sure to run slowly enough that we could keep up. I knew we were all pushing ourselves as hard as we could. Every second counted.
When we got to the ballroom, whatever barricade they had put up hadn’t held. We walked through the busted double doors and saw shifters darting around the room, faster than I could even keep up with. They had that advantage, but it was very obvious they had no weapons training when they went in for the attack.
We jumped right in and I lost sight of Rylan and Onah as I kept shooting demon after demon. I ducked one attack when I had to reload my automatic rifle. When I went back to taking aim, I couldn’t get over how many there were. They were like cockroaches… Kill one and another sprang up. How could we have had this many vampires turn evil? I didn’t understand it.
Granted, there were millions of vampires across the world, many more than anyone would ever have believed, but still! There had to be another explanation. Maybe they’d found a way to turn humans?
Another twenty minutes of fighting and the dust settled. I scanned the room to make sure we got them all and saw Rylan sobbing over a couple of people. Fuck.
“I’m sorry, Rylan,” the Queen said gently as she knelt next to them. “She was too far gone for me to save and your father was already departed.”
“I know,” he whispered, wiping his eyes. “Thank you for trying and sending in your warriors. At least we saved some.” He leaned over and kissed each of his parents’ foreheads. “I’m so sorry. I will miss you both always.” I was shocked when he got to his feet.
“Baby, just take a moment,” I said gently as I pulled him into my arms.
“I can’t.” Rylan looked up into my eyes and shook his head. “My mother said that my brother’s in the panic room in father’s study. I have to go get him.”
“Okay, sweetie.” I walked back that way with him, wrapping my arm around his sagging shoulders. I met Onah’s questioning gaze at the doorway to the ballroom and shook my head, letting him know Rylan’s parents didn’t make it.
“Where are we going?” he asked as he fell in step with us.
“Rylan’s mother told him that she put his younger brother in the panic room before she died,” I answered quietly.
“Not just younger brother,” Rylan sniffled, shaking his head. “
brother as in he’s not even a year old. He’ll never get to know his parents now.”
“I’m so sorry, Ry,” Onah said gently. Once we heard there was a baby in the panic room, we picked up the pace a bit. I mean, not to say we weren’t worried about a kid, I was more worried about my mate still moving after his parents died. A kid could wait a bit in a secured room. A baby? Not so much.
I let him go when we got to the study, watching as our kitty punched in the code in a hidden keypad. A door I wouldn’t have been able to even tell was there at first glance popped open to reveal a baby lying quietly in his bassinet, staring up at us with the same bright orange eyes Rylan had.
“Hey, Paolo,” Rylan whispered sadly as he pulled his brother into his arms. “We’re going to go somewhere safe and get someone to watch over you while I take care of some things, okay? I want you to be a good boy like you always are and don’t be scared.”
“He must be the world’s best baby to not even have cried during this,” Onah cooed as he ran his finger down Paolo’s cheek.
“He is,” Rylan agreed. “That doesn’t mean I have any clue how to raise a child, be King, figure out how to save the rest of my people, and keep us safe, all while just having met my mates and not even had the chance to complete our claiming of each other. There’s no way one person could handle all that and the death of my parents. There’s arrangements to be made and I don’t want to stay in this house now.”
Oh fuck. He was about to lose it.

Chapter 5

I started to hyperventilate as I listed off everything that had to be handled immediately. Paolo stared at me and his lower lip quivered. “Take Paolo. He’s feeling my distress and I’m not sure I won’t pass out right now.” Onah took my little brother and instead of taking a second to breathe, I kept moving. If I kept moving, it wouldn’t overwhelm me.

First thing, we needed to get everyone out of this palace in case more demons came.
I raced back to the ballroom, not even waiting for my mates. All eyes were on me, every single one filled with sadness and/or tears.
“Everyone pack a bag. We need to leave.”
“What? You would abandon the palace?” Benjio asked me with angry eyes. He was one of the men who agreed with my father. But he thought I was an idealistic twerp or so he said at the last formal dinner a few months ago. “You should not be King.”
“But I am!” I bellowed as I stormed over to him. “I
the King now because we weren’t prepared. This didn’t have to happen! And I’ve lost my family because of it. My father called me to warn me to stay away, but no, I brought help to save your asses. He said he had faith in me even if he didn’t agree with me always. We’re not safe here. How do you know there won’t be more demons coming?”
“There can’t be more than all the ones we saw,” he argued, his voice losing some of its conviction though.
“And what are you going to do if there are? You couldn’t buy your way out of
!” I gestured around the room to the destruction and chaos. “You want to stay, fine. I can’t make you leave.” I turned to everyone else. “As your King I am
you to pack only what you need for the next few days and be ready to leave immediately. I won’t lose any more of our people.”
“Yes, your highness,” a friend of mine, Bevin, said firmly. “All hail King Rylan!” The chorus rang out and it brought tears to my eyes.
“Thank you. I appreciate the support but I can’t handle it yet,” I whispered as I shook my head. “I’m still processing. Right now, we need to get to safety.”
“Where will we go?” another friend of mine, Cynthia, asked.
“I don’t know yet, but I will make arrangements. Will you please also take my mate to Paolo’s room so he can pack some things for my brother?”
“Of course, your highness. I am very sorry for your loss. They will be missed.”
“Thank you.” I reached out and squeezed her hand tightly and led her over to my mates. “Cynthia, these are my mates, Onah and Ferris. You’ll be safe with them. Pack what you and Paolo need, okay? I’ll find somewhere for us to stay.”
“Your highness, how many do you have that need sanctuary?” Queen Magdalena asked.
“I have no idea. There were over a hundred who lived in the palace.” I glanced around and saw about half that number and it was like a knife to my chest. “Fifty to sixty maybe?”
“I suggest you call Elena Marius. She’s on the High Council with my grandson. She would be able to figure out where you can stay for the night.”
“Thank you, Queen Magdalena. The fae are lucky to have you as their ruler.” She gave me a nod, letting me know she understood what I was doing. I’d just labeled her as royalty so my people treated her accordingly.
“You seek help from another species?” Benjio practically spat. “Your father would be—” He didn’t get to finish. I turned and punched him in the face. He went flying, sprawled on the floor.
“Don’t you
speak of my father to support your insults,” I growled as I stood over him. “He shouldn’t be dead. A true supporter of his would have formed a barricade around the royal family to protect them. But I bet you cowered behind him, didn’t you?” He didn’t answer, but his eyes said it all. I wanted to hear the words. “
Didn’t you
“Yes, he was our best fighter.”
“He was your
! You should have been willing to lay down your life for him. Instead I’ve lost my parents and we’ve all lost probably the best King our people have seen. And yet, you’re still alive and you provide
of value. Go pack and get out of my sight before I shoot you where you stand. You’re lucky I’m not bringing you up on charges of treason for not protecting your King.”
“Your highness, I have a quick question,” Bevin said gently as he placed his hand on my arm. I nodded, knowing full well what he was doing. I walked across the ballroom with him, giving Cynthia a nod to go ahead. Once she left to pack, the others started as well.
“Everyone pair up with one of the margays and make sure they stay safe while they get what they need,” Onah ordered. They all nodded and broke up for the task.
“Benjio is a sniveling weasel and I can’t say I wouldn’t agree with your assessment of how the fight went down. He would throw his own mother in front of him to stay safe.” Bevin winced and then wiped his eyes. “He didn’t but she actually didn’t survive so that was crass.”
“No it’s not,” I whispered as I hugged him. “We’re reeling and haven’t found our footing. Just give yourself a moment to breathe.”
“Thank you. I just wanted to let you know that there were many who threw themselves in the line of fire for your parents.” He pointed to the bodies of our dead that were near where my parents lay. “I tried, Rylan. I really did. But it was my fault. He shoved me out of the way and they got him. I failed you.”
“No, we failed ourselves as a people. We should have been smarter than this. I would never blame you, Bevin. You’re a good man and a loyal friend. We both know how stubborn Father was and for all his faults he would have died a thousand times over to protect his people.”
“That he would,” he chuckled. “Thank god he didn’t pass that stubbornness down to you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m such a pain in the assets.” I knew I was one of the most stubborn men on the planet. That didn’t mean I wasn’t willing to meet someone halfway. As long as what they were saying made sense, I was flexible. But I wouldn’t bend on my values for anyone.
“Your highness, more warriors have showed up,” one of the fae informed Queen Magdalena.
“Would they be willing to help us seal up the palace temporarily?” I asked her as I pulled away from Bevin. “I think it safest to get everything locked up as best as we can and get out of here. I know it’s not the best thing since we have many dead, but I won’t risk the rest of my people.”
“Don’t hit me but I think we can make time to make sure their bodies are preserved before we go,” Bevin said quietly.
“Yes, um, can you, well, yeah, I can’t,” I stuttered as I stared at my friend with tears in my eyes.
“I’ll handle it, Ry. You get us to safety and I’ll take care of this until we can have a service for them.”
“Thank you.” I turned back to the Queen.
“My warriors are yours to command as you need tonight, King Rylan,” she said gently. “But if someone escorts me to all the entrances, I can fortify the palace with magic so it’s safe for now.”
“Thank you.” I gave her a half bow, letting everyone see how much her help meant to me and my people.
“Bevin, this is Queen Magdalena. Give her whatever she needs and then go pack.”
“Yes, my King.” He gave a full bow to the Queen of the fae and extended his arm to her like the charmer he was. I headed back to the portal to see how many more we had coming through to the palace.
“I’m proud of you,” Ferris said quietly as he fell into step with me.
“Why?” I asked, staring at him as if he’d grown another head.
“You were fierce in battle, saw the task that needed to be done, and kept your head. I’ve seen warriors who have been trained not be that good in a fight. And now? The way you immediately thought of your brother and your people first and getting them to safety before anything else is amazing, Ry. You will make a wonderful King and I know your parents will be proud.”
“Thank you,” I whispered. I turned and hugged him, not caring who was around or that we were dealing with the aftermath of the shit hitting the fan.
“Ferris, are there any wounded? Riley’s on the other side of the portal in case he could help but I wouldn’t let him come over,” a vampire warrior asked when we broke apart.
“No, there were only a few but Queen Magdalena helped the ones that were able to be saved,” he answered quietly.
“How many more are here?” I asked, running fingers through my hair as I tried to figure out what to do next. Then I looked back to Ferris. “Who was I supposed to talk to about sanctuary again?” Then I glanced back to the warrior. “I’m so sorry. I’m Prince—” I froze and started to shake. “I mean, King Rylan. My father was killed in the battle.”
“I’m very sorry for your loss, your highness,” the man said gently as he bowed.
“Thank you. You can call me Rylan when it’s just us. I’m not into the whole formal thing unless I’m there representing my people like I was tonight.” I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Which you weren’t at. Sorry, I’m kind of all over the place and trying not to have a nervous breakdown.”
“Elena Marius is who the Queen suggested,” Ferris reminded me. “This is one of her sons, Micah. Riley is his mate.”
“Mother’s on the other side of the portal with Riley. She’s trying to keep him back and my father is trying to keep her back. She might not be a warrior but she is badass all on her own and wicked strong.”
“Well, there’s no need to fight now anyways,” I whispered as I glanced around the room, making sure not to take in my parents lying there. “It’s over so it should be safe for them. But I’ll go back through the portal to speak with them.”
I headed in that direction, not waiting to see if they followed. I just had to keep moving. If I kept moving, nothing would overwhelm me. I repeated that mantra in my head, knowing full well I didn’t even believe it.
Once in my father’s study, I stepped back through the portal, ignoring the intense squeezing feeling on my whole body. And then the nausea as I stepped back into Bas’s house. It was his face I saw first.
“Are they—?” he started to ask, his eyes filling with tears when I shook my head.
“My parents didn’t make it. Half of the people in the palace were killed,” I answered, swallowing loudly. “Your grandmother is sealing it with magic but I feel we still should find sanctuary. It’s not safe. Once the demons find out that they didn’t get what they wanted, they’ll be back.”
“What did they want?” a gorgeous woman with kelly-green eyes asked and I saw they were the same as Micah’s. This had to be his mother.
“Us,” I whispered. “They killed those who fought back but I’m sure the goal was to take as many of us alive as they could.”
“But why?”
I glanced around and saw all the people standing there. “I will tell you, but not in a group.” She nodded her understanding but there were so many questions in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Ry. Whatever you need, okay?” Bas said quietly as he hugged me. I bit back a sob and took the comfort. My people needed this kind of support and I made a quick decision.
“We need sanctuary and as King of the margays, I’m officially requesting permission to join your coven. We’ll find land and rebuild but no more thinking we can handle this threat on our own. Your doctor can proceed as we discussed and we will be an asset to your people.”
“I’ll convene the High Council first thing in the morning but as the head of it, I grant you sanctuary,” Bas replied formally. Then he winced. “But it can’t be in my house. I’m at full capacity.”
“We have dozens of rooms open in our guest wing and your people are more than welcome to them.” Elena gave me kind eyes, just as my mother’s. I wasn’t even thinking when I walked right over to her and hugged her, which she returned. “You’ll be alright. We’ll help you find your way, son.”
Bas cleared his throat, getting both our attention. “Councilwoman Marius, this is King Rylan of the margays.”
“A pleasure, Councilwoman,” I chuckled, still holding on to her. It was strange but almost as if I was soaking up her strength.
“Likewise, your highness.” I moved out of her arms and she gave me a sad smile. “I heard you’re mated to Ferris. He’s a good man.”
“Thank you, Elena,” my mate said with a bright smile. “I’m sure you heard that from everyone who was at the vineyard. We met our other mate, a wonderful fae warrior named Onah, when Rylan and I went back to Darcy’s house to talk.”
“That seems like ages ago,” I mumbled, shocked at how much could happen in one day. “We didn’t even get to finish claiming each other. And now I’m basically a father. What do I know about kids? How am I going to keep everyone safe? I haven’t even taken my oath as—”
“Breathe, baby,” Ferris whispered and suddenly I was in his arms, being held tightly as I shook. “You can do this. My strong kitty can do anything, okay? I saw how good you are at all of this today. Onah and I will be here for you every step of the way. You’re not alone.”
“But they’re gone.” I was fighting so hard to keep the sobs in. I couldn’t break yet.
“I know and I’m so sorry. We’ll help you grieve tonight and we have lots of friends who know tons about babies. Paolo will be just fine.” I nodded and let him go, turning back to Elena, smiling when she was ordering a bunch of men with the same eyes as hers about getting cars over for transport and rooms to be made ready for my people.
“And lots of food and let’s get a bunch of alcohol in the dining hall,” she added. “These people will need several stiff drinks after what they’ve been through.”
“I could use one or a dozen,” I agreed, rubbing my tired eyes. “I need to set up a mandatory conference call with all the heads of our packs. They need to know what’s happened and that the old ways won’t keep us safe.”
“Is there someone who can do that for you?” he asked gently.
“Yes, my father’s—” I bit my lip and shook my head, the body of my father’s advisor popping into my head. “No, he was killed.”
“Okay, we’ll figure it out,” he said gently. “Let’s go back and start getting people through the portal.”
“Yeah, good plan.” I thanked Elena and Bas before stepping back through the portal, ignoring the annoying side effects of it. I was just grateful there
such a thing as a portal and the Queen had opened one for us.
I winced as I saw warriors collecting the few dead in the study, picking up body parts because they were ripped to shreds. I turned away and took several deep breaths through my mouth, the stench of death overwhelming. Ferris guided me out into the hall and I saw over a dozen people from the palace ready to go and packed as they had been told to do.
“I found us sanctuary with the Marius family. She is a High Councilwoman for the East Coast coven in America, which is where I met my mates. She has offered us rooms in her home and we will be protected. She has sons who are warriors and the house is guarded. It’s temporary until we get word if they’ll allow us into their coven permanently.”
“You want us to
to America and be part of a vampire coven?” Benjio growled. “Are you mad?”

BOOK: Ferris Braden [Beyond the Marius Brothers 6]
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