Filthy (A Stepbrother Romance) #1 (9 page)

BOOK: Filthy (A Stepbrother Romance) #1
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Talon Was No Saint


              My body ached in the best and worst ways. I had never been so sore down below, nor had I ever fucked someone five times in one day. I felt like I had been beaten and battered and sitting in this chair in the library was not making it any better either.

              “Why are you shifting in your chair every five seconds,” Mallory my lab partner had asked that same question at least five times since we walked into the library. She had that smart, naïve look going on so I knew telling her I had spent the entire weekend fucking my stepbrother probably wouldn’t settle well with her.

              “I’m just uncomfortable okay?” It came out a little bitchy, but what was I supposed to do when I couldn’t explain myself.

              “Mmm. I’m sure.” She pursed her lips, her eyes going all-judgmental on me. I gripped my pen in my hand. I needed something to stop me from stabbing her in the face with it.

              “I told you what would happen if you fucked with her. I even warned you.” I heard Talon’s voice across the room, and my eyes lifted, my body calling to him. I could tell he was pissed, fuming with rage as he spoke.

              “I didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t be mad at me because she didn’t say no. If she had said no then I would’ve stopped.” Donovan’s voice rained down on my body like acid.

              “What are you doing? Were supposed to be gathering research, Mia, not checking out guys.” Mallory adjusted her glasses against the bridge of her nose. I kid you not this woman was on my last nerve.

              “I think there might be a fight going on.” I stood from the chair, relief flooding my lower body. Mallory looked at me like I was dumb, as if I had something better to be doing right now.

              “A fight?” She rolled her eyes.

              “She couldn’t say no, because you…” Talon poked him in the chest, “drugged her drink. I’m not stupid, asshole. Even I know when a woman is incapable of having sex, and I’m a huge fucking douche bag most days.” Donovan smirked at Talon, and it was then that I knew heads were going to roll. I thought we were past this. Yeah I wanted to bury the asshole under six feet of dirt, but I didn’t want Talon to get himself in trouble over some guy like this.

              “You think it’s funny, do ya?” Talon shoved into his chest. They were now nose to nose, toe to toe. I crossed the walkway in ten seconds or less, coming up behind Talon and grabbing his hand, which was in a tightly closed fist.

              “He isn’t even worth it. We both know that, so don’t waste your time on him. You don’t need to be getting kicked out of school.” I tried to be the light at the end of the tunnel. I truthfully did, but I knew if Donovan had started this argument Talon would be the one to finish it.

              “Go on.” Donovan pushed back against Talon. “Listen to her,” he sneered at me, and his friends laughed along as if he had said something funny.

              “We all know you’re a fucking prick and that I wouldn’t have slept with you even if I was sober, so shut the fuck up!” I jumped in without thought, defending Talon. It was as if my body knew just what to say and do to protect him.

              “You’re lucky she is here.” Talon’s eyes were so dark, the muscles in his body tense. My eyes lingered on his tight blue shirt and his low riding blue jeans. My mouth was watering as I thought about all the ways he had taken me this past weekend. He kept his promise of taking me and christening all the different rooms in the house as our own, and now I wanted to fuck him again. I most definitely wasn’t ready for any of that right now.

              “Or what, pretty boy?” Donovan taunted. I was done playing nice. I couldn’t handle the tension in the air. It was consuming, suffocating.

              “Or I will file charges against you. I have witnesses, Donovan. I’m not afraid of you or any of your stupid friends. Let it be, leave Talon and me alone, or I will do it. So help me God,” I threatened. Talon’s fist loosened and slowly it turned into him holding my hand.

              Fear mixed with anger covered Donovan’s face. His mouth opened and then closed as if he wanted to say something. I stood still all but tapping my foot against the ground waiting for him to walk the hell away.

              “I’m out of here.” Donovan’s words were rushed as he scurried from the library, his cronies following right behind him. I could see Talon watching me out of the corner of his eye. He had a couple of friends with him I hadn’t met yet, but he didn’t seem to care about them now that I was here. He waved them on without a comment, his eyes still locked on mine.

              “What are you doing here?” his words were velvety soft. This was the side of Talon no one else got to see. He held my hand and rubbed his thumb across my cheek. I wanted to grab him and take him into the nearest open study room.

              “I’m with my lab partner Mallory. We heard you all the way from over there.” I pointed over his shoulder. There had been a lot of people that got up from there seats to look over here and see what was going on.

              “Do you have maybe five minutes?” He was giving me a lustful look, one that mirrored my own.

              “I have ten if you really need it.” I winked, gripping his hand tightly in my own. I pulled him toward the study rooms, hoping and praying that there was one open. The little rooms were soundproof and used for studying purposes only. Except today: today they would be used for fucking purposes.

              “I think…” Talon went to speak just as I tried one of the handles. The handle jiggled as if it was locked so I went to the next. I crossed my toes when I turned and gripped it and it opened.

              “Huh?” I asked remembering he had said something.

              “Nothing, baby, nothing at all,” he whispered against my lips as he closed the door. Darkness surrounded us, still I felt safe in secure in Talon’s arms.

              “I want you,” I purred, breathing in his scent. His touch against my skin did crazy things to my mind.

              “I know, I can hear it in your heart beat. Feel it your words and the way you react to my touch. You bend into me. When I move, you move. Magnets of emotion and love.” I had never heard him say the word love, and it shocked me. I was an ice block for a moment.

              “I…” I couldn’t get the words out fast enough. Talon was on me like a lion on his prey. His lips crashed into mine devouring me like he hadn’t been able to kiss me for days. I could feel his hands against my skin, skimming over every piece of flesh. My nipples pebbled as soon as he pulled the front of my dress down, the cold air of the room whipping against my skin.

              “I want to fuck you. I truly do, Mia,” he spoke as his lips descended over my neck and down my chest taking one of my nipples into his mouth. “But we can’t. Not because I don’t want to, but because I know for a fact you’re still sore.” His hand ran between my legs and even though I wanted him a whimper left my lips. “See.” I could feel him smile against my breast.

              “I need something though, so do you. I can tell.” I was irritated. If he had let me lead us to this room and he didn’t intend on giving me my release I was going to be a little bit more than pissed.

              “Calm down, dirty girl,” Talon exclaimed, pushing me back against a table. The air seemed to leave my lungs for a second.

              Neither of us could see, but who needed to see when you didn’t plan on speaking with your lips. No, we planned on speaking with our bodies.

              Talon lifted the bottom of dress, pushing my flimsy thong to the side. “You’re practically wearing no fucking undies.” I could hear the anger in his voice, and it turned me on more.

              “Yeah, in case something like this happened,” I teased. I could feel his palm against my pussy. I was more than wet for him.

              “You dirty fucking girl,” he hissed out right before he placed a kiss on the inside of each thigh. Anticipation filled my belly, almost boiling over. Ahh. The things that Talon fuckin’ Reed could do with his tongue, fingers, and cock. I was fucking dead the second I came at his will. Under his control and spell.

              He started slow, a small lick, which turned into full bottom to top licks, his tongue paying extra attention to my entrance.

              “God,” I prayed out loud. I wanted to scream and I very well could, but I did not; at least not yet. One of his hands scaled up my body, finding my breast. He tweaked my nipple between two fingers, a mixture of pleasure and pain forming deep in my belly.

              “You’re mine.” I heard the words, they were faint but they were there. They consumed me adding to the undying pleasure I was already feeling. He growled against my pussy, the vibrations pulsing deep inside of me. My insides curled, my belly flipped, and my heart rate sped up. Each breath I took seemed to add to the pleasure I was feeling.

              Talon’s tongue flicked against my clit. Again. Again. Again.

              “Fuck yes.” The words left my lips in a hoarse scream. The flick was deliberately made to tease me, getting me closer to the cliff but further away at the same time. I wanted to hate him but couldn’t. There wasn’t anything in me to feel that way anymore.

              “Give it up, Mia,” he growled again, the pulsing in my pussy growing stronger. The building in my abdomen going higher. I was so close to coming.

              “I. Can’t,” I cried out holding back my release. It was then that Talon went harder. His licks and flicks becoming merciless. His hands gripped my flesh, and the hold he had on my breast drove me over the edge.

              I came so hard, almost harder than I ever had come, not counting the other five times Talon brought me to ecstasy. He stood from between my legs, fixing my dress, and adjusting my top portion. I stood from the table once all was right, and we headed out the door like nothing even happened.

              I caught out of the corner of my eye a deep-rooted look. In his eyes I saw hunger and fear. They were mixed so well together that I wasn’t sure if I was actually seeing two emotions or not. I was shaking with every step I took, my body still on a high from the pleasure Talon had given me.

              “Are you okay?” my voice was weak. I could barely get the words out.

              “Uh yeah,” his voice was faint as he placed a kiss upon my forehead. I wanted to ask him again, make him tell me what the problem was, but knew I shouldn’t. There was no rushing a man like Talon to speak.

              “Um okay. I have to go to class. I’ll see you tonight?” I asked, pulling away from him. Coldness consumed my body. I craved his touch, like a plant craved light to grow. I didn’t know if he felt the same way, and that was starting to scare me.

              “I’ll see you later, baby.” He smirked at me covering up the lingering look I saw in his eyes before.

What Is Love


              Love. One word. A million emotions. Did I love Mia Weston? I couldn’t answer the question without my heart pounding out of my chest. I knew I wanted her more than just a fuck buddy or a once in a time lay. I knew I liked listening to her laugh and watching her do her homework every night, but was that love? When you enjoyed someone else’s company?

              I thought about it all afternoon and throughout my classes. I could feel butter-fucking-flies in my belly when I saw her during lunch, and I knew I was ready to take this to a whole new level; a level that not even I understood. I was not boyfriend material by any means.

              I didn’t do flowers and chocolates. I didn’t do dances and I most definitely didn’t do any of those mushy holidays. That was until she came along; she had me changing all the rules now.

              I walked into the house we shared together. Our parents would be coming home tomorrow, and I knew a decision needed to be made. Otherwise we would have to pretend like nothing ever happened and there was no fucking way I could handle that. I needed to find a way to do this, to show her that things had changed.

              Dinner? I threw my pack back over in the corner of the foyer and headed toward the kitchen. I scoured the fridge from top to bottom and then the pantry, still drawing a blank on what to make.

              Pulling out my phone, I called Nick and he answered on the first ring. “What do you need, man?”

              “Thank God you answered. If you were doing dinner for a girl, what the hell would you make?” I was outside my element and maybe a little bit scared.

              Nick cleared his throat and asked, “What did you just say? I mean I heard what you said, but are you sick or something?” I knew Nick would question me, I was just past caring about that part of it.

              “I’m making Mia dinner, and I have no idea what to make could you; at least give me an idea?” I was so aggravated, not only that but Nick was wasting my time each tick of the clock pushing Mia closer to coming home.

              “I don’t know, dude. Pinterest. My sister is always talking about it,” Nick groaned into the phone. A light bulb went off in my head. I would check that fucking website. I had heard of it before.

              “Thanks, asshole,” I said, hanging up the phone. I went straight to the app store and downloaded the app to my phone, made an account, and then started my search. I came upon chicken alfredo and knew it was exactly what I needed.

              I hurried through the kitchen getting all the items I needed together: chicken, sauce, and noodles. Then I cooked the food, only managing to burn myself twice. I was totally not fucking cut out for this shit. I plated the food just as Mia came walking in through the door.

              “Hey, babe,” I greeted her setting the two plates on the table. I could tell she was surprised, her eyes lit up, sparkling as she looked at me. The dress she was wearing today made my cock hard, and the skin she was showing had my mind wondering how many other guys tried to come at her today.

              “Talon, this is…” The words seemed lost.

              “Don’t ask questions, just listen to me please,” I spoke softly, handing her a fork. I wanted this to be perfect and that meant I couldn’t let her jump to conclusions.

              “Okay.” She seemed to trusting as she sat down at the table, taking her fork in her hand.

              “I’ve been meaning to tell you this all day, and I just haven’t been able to.” It was time to man the fuck up. To tell her my feelings and leave them where they settled. If she wanted me, she would have me.

              “You really don’t have to say anything…” I interrupted her.

              “I do, because I can’t have you thinking that this is a fuck-buddy relationship when it isn’t.” I ran a hand through my hair. “I’ve realized that when you’re around my heart beats out of my fucking chest. My hands sweat, and my belly start’s to hurt, and I don’t know what it is but I want to be close to you. Holding your hand and claiming you as my own.”

              “Talon…” Her eyes seemed to water.

              “I don’t know what you feel or what happens after I say these next couple of words, but I do know that these feelings are eating away at me. Connecting our bodies only proved how much I truly care about you. It only showed me what I can’t live without. I love you, Mia. I love your laugh, the way your face scrunches when you come, your voice, and how you seem to care with your entire heart. You’re far too fucking innocent and pure for me, and I know I don’t deserve you one bit, but God damnit do I want you,” I confessed.

              Mia was up and across the room before I could blink, her small arms wrapping around my body. I was shocked, causing my reaction to her touch to be slow. I lifted my arms wrapping her in a tight hug, crushing her to my body.

              “I feel the same, Talon. I know that love isn’t something that you’re experienced in, and I know that all the odds are stacked against us, but I do care and I do love you.” I gripped her harder in my embrace, her words washing over me. Relief flooded me as I realized we both felt the same way about each other.

              “I’m fucked up, baby, and I promise you I will screw up about a billion times, but I will always make it up to you. Always.” I placed a kiss on the top of her head, my body melting into hers. I had made a lot of bad choices, screwed a lot of girls, and wondered aimlessly through life without meaning. Finding Mia and our parents getting married was of fate. Mia was meant to be mine. There was not a fucking doubt in my mind.

              “Does this mean Talon fuckin’ Reed is officially off the market?” she asked me, her voice muffled against my chest.

              I smiled to myself. My girl was still using my old name; the name that I was called all around campus, a name that would soon be nothing but a memory.

              “It means that I belong to you and that’s all the matters, baby. You and me. Nothing else.” I couldn’t believe I had spoken those words. Never in my life would I believe that I would be saying such a thing, even more so about one girl.

              “I hated you once Talon. I hated you with a passion. I’ve realized that hate had nothing to do with you but more with me. I didn’t understand you, or the loss that we both shared in life. You have grown on me, and the emotions you bring out in me are some I have never felt until you came along. I love you, Talon.” I couldn’t help myself. I had to seal this happy ending with a kiss. I pulled her face into mine and placed my lips against hers. She was my air, my water, my food, my life now.

BOOK: Filthy (A Stepbrother Romance) #1
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