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Authors: Doris O'Connor

Finally His (6 page)

BOOK: Finally His
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Jolie screamed in pain or pleasure, she wasn’t quite sure which, as the burn started, only to be replaced by an incredible fullness. Her just waning orgasm flared anew, as Sir bottomed out in her ass. One hand on her hips, the other manipulating her clit he started to thrust again, and another series of orgasms rocked Jolie’s system, as Sir stiffened behind her and came with a hoarse shout.

“Fuck, yeah, you’re mine now. So fucking good, little one.”


Chapter Six


Richard slowly came to his senses as his breathing returned to normal, and holding onto the condom with one hand, carefully withdrew from the tight clasp of her body. Jolie winced as he pulled out fully, and he dropped a kiss on her perspiration soaked shoulder as he tied off the protection, and threw it on the floor for now.

“I’m sorry, babe, give me a minute and I’ll get you out of these, and into a bath. We made a bit of a mess.”

A tiny giggle was his only response, and he stepped back to assess the damage. A bit of a mess was the understatement of the year. His housekeeper would read him the riot act for the champagne stain on his carpet. It had been worth it, though, because Jolie looked fucking hot, still all trussed up next to his bed, wearing only her heels. The flame colored mass of her hair hid her facial expression, and when he lifted the strands away, he wasn’t entirely surprised to find her staring into space. He kissed her nose, and she struggled to focus on him.

“There you are. Did you hear anything of what I just said?”

“Mmmm … what?”

Richard cupped her face and smiled.

“I thought as much. Let’s get you out of these, and then I’ll run us a bath. I think we need one.” A sleepy smile was his reward this time, and he made short work of releasing her out of his restraints. She sagged against him and murmured an apology when he picked her up and carried her across to the bathroom.

Richard tightened his hold on her, as he shouldered the door open, and shook his head at her when she protested.

“You’re not too heavy, little one, now stop that nonsense, or I shall be forced to pummel your behind a few more times until you see sense.”

Affection swamped him when she shook her head and bit her lip.

“No, please, I’ll be good, Sir.”

“Glad to hear it,” he said and slowly slid her down his body. Naturally, his cock took the sensuous slide of her soft curves along his body as an invitation and began to harden anew. Her eyes widened when she noticed, and Richard bit back a laugh.

“Ignore him. He seems incapable of behaving himself around you, and I dare say you’re not up for a repeat performance just yet. I was a bit hard on you. Here.” He bent to flip the toilet seat down and threw one of the fluffy bath towels on top of it. “Sit down a sec, while I get these shoes off of you.”

Jolie dutifully complied, and the wince she didn’t even seem aware of making made him feel the worst cad ever.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you. I’m not normally that rough, or full on with my subs.”

Her face fell, and he instantly cursed himself.

“Fuck, that came out wrong. I don’t mean to throw you into the same category as the other subs I’ve been with. You’re certainly not.”

He stopped talking when she put her finger over his mouth and gave him a tired smile.

“It’s okay, Sir. You don’t have to explain yourself. I know what this is, and you weren’t too rough. I loved what we did, Sir.”

That endearing blush stole across her features again, and her inherent shyness made him fall in love with her a little bit more.

That thought hit him in the gut and winded him. He’d been in lust with her forever, that was for damn sure, but love? Still, a sense of calm came over him at the acknowledgement of his true feelings. He had never been in love before, but he was pretty sure the lust coursing through his system, coupled with the need to protect, coddle, and possess her had to be love.

It made her tired resignation hard to take, but now was not the time to press her on what she meant by that statement. His girl was clearly exhausted, and he needed to get her clean and into his bed, so that she could rest. Besides, they both had work in the morning, and he had an appointment with HR first thing, to get a few things straight.

With that in mind he rushed through taking her shoes off, and proceeded to run her a bath. Once the water was warm enough, he picked her up again and sat down with her in his arms. With her settled comfortably against his chest and between his legs, he picked up the sponge and proceeded to wash her down. It was beyond tempting to string this out, as her head fell back on his shoulder and she leaned against him, especially when he ran the sponge over her breasts, and lower toward her pussy.

Beautifully responsive as she was her breathing sped up, and her hips rose into his hand as he washed away the evidence of their coupling with a certain amount of regret.

By the time he was done he was rock hard again, but one look at her face when he got out of the bath first robbed him of any amorous ideas. Eyes closed, head resting on the edge of the bath now, his girl looked utterly done in.

Having dried off and wrapped a towel ‘round his midriff, he gently shook her shoulders, and when her green eyes connected with his, the force of his feelings for this girl took his breath away.

“Hey there, sleepyhead. Let’s get you into bed, shall we?”

With his help she stepped out of the bath and once he’d got her dried off, and under the covers, she fell asleep almost immediately. Richard hummed to himself as he did his best to tidy up a bit and having brushed his teeth, making sure to leave a new toothbrush by the sink for his girl, should she wake up and want to freshen up, he dropped the towel, and joined her in bed.

A small sigh escaped her when he cuddled up against her. He spooned around her, one of his hands draped possessively on her breasts, and he too fell into the deep sleep only fantastic sex could give you.


Jolie woke up with something hard digging into her ass cheeks, and she bit back a giggle when it dawned on her what that was. On the heels of that giggle came the realization that it was morning and she was in her boss’s bed, having spent the night there, no doubt drooling all over the Egyptian cotton pillow case. She blew out a breath, and mortification heated her cheeks. Great, morning breath to boot. Dust motes danced in the patch of sunlight flooding into the room, and they made her feel slightly better. At least the dust didn’t care how expensive the furniture was it settled on.

Richard had a firm grip on her right breast, and a pang went through her at the sight of his large, tanned hand against her pale flesh. The temptation to simply lie back and keep enjoying this moment was strong, but the urgent demands of her bladder were much more paramount.

Somehow she managed to extricate herself out from under him, and her breath caught in her throat when she looked back at him. He looked younger, less forbidden in his sleep, yet somehow even more masculine. His morning scruff made him look even sexier, and she drank her fill of his model like physique. Richard Tomlin clearly worked out, because there wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere on his body. Her pussy clenched in remembered pleasure when her gaze fell on the way he was tenting the sheet. It might only be his morning wood, but it made her want to climb him like a tree and wake him up that way. Not that she had the right to do that, and he would no doubt not appreciate her taking control like that, but lord, it was tempting.

Shaking her head at her preposterous thoughts, she padded across to the bathroom, and having taken care of business, washed her hands. She could have kissed the toothbrush in sheer relief at finding it. Suitably refreshed, she stepped back into the bedroom, and grimaced at the state of her dress. Richard had hung it up for her, but it was beyond creased and the stains on it would need professional cleaning if they were to ever come out.

Now what? She had to get out of here, ‘cause, despite the awesome sex they’d shared there was no future in this, surely? Her heart cramped painfully and the mere act of breathing proved difficult, but Jolie was a realist. Richard moved in very different circles from her. She was a mere office worker, and regardless of what he’d said and how he’d acted last night, that was just the sex talking and the care of a good Dom.

She would be extremely foolish to read more into his actions than that, and yeah, he might want to continue this for a little while, but then he would move on. She was sure of that. So better to be a realist and protect her heart, than…

A soft snore came from the bed, and Jolie froze. Was he waking up? And if so what was the morning after protocol when you’ve had hot sex of the kinky side with your boss?

Oh she was so fucked and not in a good way. Richard turned on his side and settled back down again, and Jolie breathed a sigh of relief. The more she could stave off the inevitable awkwardness of the morning after being polite to each other thing, the better. Ideally, she’d call a cab and just leave, but a) she didn’t have any clothes here, and b) she had no idea where here was. Somehow she didn’t think her local taxi firm would know the address for one Richard Tomlin, hot CEO, and man of her dreams.


Jolie blinked back unexpected tears. Realist or not, she was in far too deep with her feelings. What had been an obsession was fast turning into something much deeper for her. She never had been very good at separating sex from love. One of the many reasons she rarely engaged in sexual play at the club.

A loud bang came from downstairs, followed by a string of inventive curses in a thick Glaswegian accent that made Jolie grin, especially as she only got half it.

“Feckers bluidy neds. Need a glasge kiss tae set ye up.”

Something about criminals, she got that much, but what had that to do with whatever loud bang she’d heard. Surely there weren’t intruders in the house?

Jolie grabbed Richard’s abandoned shirt to have something to cover her nakedness, padded out of the bedroom, and slowly made her way down the stairs. The scent of brewing coffee got stronger the closer she came to the front door, and following her nose she found the kitchen at the back of the house. A rather rotund little lady with a shock of red hair to rival her own was in the process of clearing up a whole lot of broken glass when Jolie entered the kitchen and her lined face broke into a big smile when she spotted Jolie hovering.

“Ach lassie, thon mans given ya a hard time. You’re a wee bitty peely wally. You need yer oats tae set ye up. We, salt mind, non o' thon southern stuff up here. Sugar’s for the rhubarb no’ the porridge.”

Her grin deepened when Jolie just stared at her, and managed to croak, “Excuse me? I’m sorry, I don’t understand…”

“You wouldn’t.” Richard’s deep voice from right behind her, made Jolie spin round and make a hasty grab for the hem of the shirt she was wearing to make sure she was covered. Richard’s grin grew sinful when he noticed, and Jolie wanted the ground to swallow her whole, when he addressed the older lady.

“I know I’m late getting up, Jessie, but do you have to make so much noise? And stop embarrassing my girl, here.”

“Ach. Men. Dinnae knae their arse frae their elbow. Dinna fash yersel. She's naw worrit are ye, lassie?”

“Erm, that is…”

Richard laughed again and shook his head.

“I do believe Jolie here doesn’t understand a word you’re saying to her, Jessie.”

Jessie rolled her eyes, dumped the contents of the dustpan into the bin, turned round and smiled.

“Well, in that case, I like this one, so make sure you keep her. She’s somewhat pale and tired looking. You need to take good care of her. Now, I’ll make myself scarce, and you, boy, are late.”

Jolie’s eyes widened at the posh voice Jessie suddenly adopted, and Richard grabbed Jessie by the shoulder and shoved her out the door.

“Go you, off with you, before you get me in even more trouble.”

“Ach, just saying, lad, hang onto this one.”

Richard walked over to the coffee pot, and having poured two cups, handed her one.

“Black, right, no sugar, little one?”

His grin deepened when she only managed a nod in response, and she swallowed nervously. A jolt of awareness shot through her when their fingers touched, and Richard’s gaze grew intense.

“That impossible woman was my housekeeper. She’s been around forever, and thinks she can boss me about.”

“Right.” Even to her own ears her voice sounded far too wobbly, and Richard stepped closer and cupped her chin.

“She’s right though, you do look pale this morning. Perhaps I ought to let her make you one of her special breakfasts. I can’t stay or I’ll be late for the office, but you can take the day off, if you like?”

Jolie wrenched her chin away, and he frowned. His obvious disapproval made her feel all sorts of wretched inside, but she had to gain back some control here.

“I can’t do that. I have work to do, too, and Stephanie will have a hissy fit if I’m late, let alone not turn up.”

“So what, I’m the boss and I give you the day off.”

His nonchalant shrug annoyed her, and having downed the coffee in one go, she put the cup down and faced him again.

“With all due respect, Sir, you promised me last night that this wouldn’t interfere with my working for you, yet the very next day you’re pulling the boss card on me.” She steeled herself against his sharpening gaze, the subtle way he tensed and the shutters came down on his face. This right now wasn’t the man who had taken care of her so tenderly, nor was he the man who had fucked her brains out. No, this was his professional persona back in place, regardless of the fact that they were standing in his kitchen, and he was wearing nothing but low slung joggers, which looked far too damn good on him. No man had any right to look so bloody sexy first thing in the morning, not when she was standing here in just his shirt, and with her hair no doubt resembling a crows’ nest.

BOOK: Finally His
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