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Authors: Jocelyn Dex

FinsFantasy (4 page)

BOOK: FinsFantasy
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“Get out,” she said and cringed at the soft, breathy, wanton
tone of her voice.

“I assure you, I’m capable of pleasuring you,” he said. His
husky tone, full of desire, caused her clit to throb erratically. “Males are
my thing.”

He reached a hand out as if to stroke her stomach. She
grabbed it, intending to break his fingers, but her throbbing clit had other
ideas. She hadn’t been touched by a male since the Incubus. She’d love to be
touched pleasurably, wipe the horrible, abusive acts from her mind. Mutant or
not, she’d only seen kindness in Caffin’s eyes and knew he wasn’t capable of
treating her as Debol had.

She closed her eyes and moved his hand to her pussy, now
dripping wet. She needed to come so badly, it consumed her mind, controlled her
body at this moment. Why not use him? She hadn’t spontaneously combusted or
broken out in hives or grown horns after he’d kissed her in the creek. Surely,
his hand on her pussy for a few moments wouldn’t do any of those things either.

She groaned as his fingers dipped into her wet entrance,
then stroked up and across her engorged clit, stoking the fire burning inside
her. Her body writhed at his skilled touch. He seemed in tune with her body,
knowing when to stroke harder, faster, slow down and build the pressure. Six
months without a kind, pleasing touch and every fiber of her being was eating
this up.

Without thought, she grabbed his cock, gripping harder and stroking
faster as her pleasure increased. His surprised gasp and groan of approval sent
shivers down her spine, her nipples hardening as her body climbed the summit,
close to falling over the edge. The scent of his semen increased as he neared
climax, but it still didn’t tempt her, the addiction keeping her from wanting
any other males’ seed. But oddly, it didn’t exactly repulse her either.

“Navine,” he said, sounding like he spoke through gritted
teeth. “If you want to change your mind…” He let the statement hang.

She knew what he meant, could tell he’d find release in a
moment. But no, she wouldn’t change her mind. Allowing him to touch her was not
the same as accepting a part of him inside her.

“Oh yeah,” she breathed as he thrust two fingers inside her,
then resumed stroking her clit faster. “That’s it. Don’t stop.”

Caffin groaned, his cock hardening to steel as she felt warm
gooey liquid flow over her hand. It tingled as it coated and heated her skin to
an almost painful level.

Her muscles contracted, hips lifted off the bed and sank
back down as her body exploded from his expert ministrations. She writhed,
fingers fisting the blanket as the orgasm seemed to split her open, expose her
nerves, suck the air from her lungs.

When she calmed, Caffin slumped beside her on the bed. As
her breathing returned to normal, so did her brain. “You can leave now,” she

His eyes narrowed as he pushed off the bed, glaring down at
her. He bowed mockingly, “Glad I could be of service.”

She grabbed some tissues from her nightstand and wiped her
hand. “It’s not like you didn’t get anything out of it.”

He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, exhaling
forcefully, then sat back down on the bed next to her. She scooted over putting
more distance between them. “Navine, we just brought each other to climax, gave
each other pleasure. Your skin hasn’t melted, you haven’t grown a tail. I’m not

He was right and she couldn’t deny her body enjoyed his
touch, had reveled in it. Would like to enjoy it again. But experiencing that
left her vulnerable, emotionally exposed. The urge to break down in tears
threatened to swamp her and she didn’t want to share that with anyone,
especially not him.

“Don’t you want to live?” he implored.

“I do,” she choked out.

“Then why not try? Even if you think the rumor is bullshit,
isn’t it worth a shot?”

“I can’t. I won’t. Not with you. Please go.”

He scrubbed a hand through his hair and walked to the door. “I’m
going to sleep. You know where I’ll be if you change your mind.”

She punched her pillow when the door closed. Why the fuck
had this happened to her? And who was she? Letting a mutant touch her, bring
her to orgasm and her enjoying it so much, her returning the favor? The
addiction must be affecting her in more ways than one, screwing with her common
sense. Navine pulled the covers over her head, smashed her face in the pillow
and quit fighting the confusing combination of relief and sadness, letting the
tears flow.

Chapter Five


Fin lay in the bed staring at the ceiling. Damn that female.
That beautiful, sensual, captivating, rude female. Why couldn’t she look past
he was and accept
he was?

Maybe he should leave her here alone, see if that made her
change her mind. He couldn’t believe she’d truly rather die than to attempt the
one and only thing they’d found that could save her. He had to believe the
Incubus addiction was at least partially responsible for her aversion to him.
All that repulsion couldn’t be because of what he was. At least, that’s what
his bruised ego insisted.

He had already made progress with her though. A lot
actually, considering she’d let him touch her, let him glide his fingers
through her wetness. Damn, seeing her lying there, robe open, glorious naked
body exposed, pleasuring herself. Had she been thinking about him? About the
heated kiss they’d shared in the creek? Had she been visualizing their naked
bodies melded together? He wished.

No, he wouldn’t leave her here alone, on the off chance she
changed her mind. But hell, she was right, it was just a rumor. What if she
finally decided to accept his semen and it didn’t work? Then she’d feel she’d
tainted herself for nothing and would hate him even more. He didn’t want her to
die. She desired him sexually, of that much, he was certain. But she was a
not to say
would have sex with just anyone, but they did enjoy
and thrive on their sexual encounters.

Fin’s cell phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. Baden’s
name popped up on the screen. “Hey, Baden.”

“Any news? How’re things going?” he asked, a hopeful note in
his voice.

Yeah, she was so consumed with her own pleasure, she
forgot her disgust of me and jerked me off.
“No significant news, but she
hasn’t tried to kill me yet.”

His sigh came through loud and clear. “Well, that’s

* * * * *

Fin awoke early the next morning, made himself some
blueberry pancakes and a spiced cherry and plum smoothie for Navine. After a
couple hours passed and she hadn’t come out of the bedroom, he wondered if
maybe she’d sneaked away in the middle of the night.

He knocked lightly on the door. No answer. He opened the
door and peeked in. She was tossing and turning, eyes closed, a fine sheen of
sweat covering her brow. Concerned, he moved to her side. “Navine, wake up,” he
said and gently touched her shoulder.

Her eyes snapped open and she shot straight up in the bed. “What’s

“I don’t know. Bad dream, maybe? You looked stressed and you’re

She turned to him, her pupils dilating for a second before
returning to normal.
What the hell was that about?

She grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and wiped her brow.
“What’re you doing in my room?”

“Was concerned when you didn’t come out for breakfast. You
always sleep this late?”

She climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom, turning
back to him before closing the door and said, “Please go away.”

Fin tensed but noted that she’d actually said “please” and
there’d been no real malice in her voice. Instead she’d sounded distracted. It
was an improvement. He said, “Let me know if you need anything,” and left the


Navine felt like shit. Hot and sweaty and so very hungry.
She turned the shower on and left it cold. She needed a jolt to cool her down,
to wake her, to clear her head. For a brief second, she’d wanted Caffin’s cock
in her mouth, wanted to drink him dry, his semen smelling like the most delicious
bounty. It made no sense—shouldn’t be possible—but there was no denying the
insane urge that had almost had her doing the unthinkable.

She stepped into the shower, gasping as the cold water
flowed over her skin. God, she was so hot and not just temperature-wise. Trying
to stop the squash the images of Caffin’s chiseled naked form was an effort in
futility. She must’ve been dreaming and hadn’t been fully awake and that’s why
she’d craved him.

But what if… The memories of jerking him off and his semen
flowing over her hand flooded her mind. Could that have enacted a change in
her? Had his seed tainted her in some way as she’d originally feared? Had he
passed on some sort of mutant virus to her?

What had she been thinking? Extreme horniness or not, she
should never have let him touch her, certainly she should never have touched
him. Just what she needed, another male-caused sickness. Resting her forehead
against the tiled shower wall, she shivered as the freezing water finally began
to cool her overheated skin.

What had she done? What foul thing coursed through her body
because of him? Navine could only hope it wouldn’t worsen and make her last
couple of days alive even more unpleasant. And she damn well wouldn’t let anything
like that happen again and would be locking her door from now on.

* * * * *

Fin heard the shower sounds from Navine’s room and decided
to take a stroll in the woods. The trees were thick around the cabin but the
sun blazed through the canopies. It was damn hot. Maybe he’d take a dip in the
creek where he’d first seen Navine’s glorious nakedness. That memory led to the
memory of her stroking him and had him readjusting his dick.

He didn’t know exactly why he was so enamored with her. Yes,
she was a striking female, jet-black hair, plump but taut ass, but she was
downright nasty to him. He should tell her to go fuck herself, have a nice
life, all couple of days that are left of it, but he couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t
do it. The thought of her dying made his heart ache. He’d rather her be alive
and nasty to him than to never see her again.

He felt a connection between them even though that probably
made him delusional. There was something there or could be if she’d simply give
it a chance.

His family expected him to help her, assuming the rumor was
true and he actually could help her, and so did Baden. Fin liked Baden. He
fully intended to stop by Navie’s Pizza for a slice and a beer sometime soon.
Although, if Navine died… Well, it wouldn’t exactly be Fin’s fault, but he’d
feel like a failure anyway and wouldn’t be able to look Baden in the eyes.

Fin wished he knew what had sparked that desire for him in
Navine’s eyes this morning so he could build on it. Maybe she simply hadn’t
been awake fully and had been dreaming of someone else. Rather than the
distress he’d assumed she was in, it could have been intense pleasure.

His cell phone rang as soon as he reached the creek. He

“Hey brother o’ mine. How’s it hangin’?” Valia greeted him

“Not an appropriate question to ask your brother,” he

“Ew. So true. I’ll rephrase. ‘Sup, bro?”

“Was about to take a dip.”

“Ooh. Sounds like things are improving on your end.”

“Uh, not what I meant. Dip as in jump in a creek and cool

“Bummer. Look, I’m not sure if I can even do it but maybe I
could, ya know, try to whip out my
demon abilities and manipulate
her aura. Make her want you.”

What a great idea, but so wrong at the same time. “I’m not
comfortable with that. It’d essentially be forcing her to do something. Plus,
you tend to only be able to do that when highly pissed or scared.”

Valia snorted. “The pissed part shouldn’t be a problem around

“It’s not right. She’d detest me more if I allowed that.”

“Who cares? If it saves—” She sighed. “You like her,
dontcha? Like, really like her. Geez. You could do soooo much better.”

“Valia—” Fin started but she cut him off.

“Whatevs, I get it. My siblings suffer mental issues. My
sister falls for an Incubus, my brother falls for a bitchy xenophobic twat.”

“You fell for a—”

“Hey, leave my
demon outta this,” she laughed. “He’s

“Yeah, abducted you and held you prisoner in the demon realm.
Real awesome.”

“I like ‘em aggressive, whatcha gonna do? Anyhoo, the offer
stands, so gimme a ring if ya change your mind. And hey, I’m missing your smoothies.
Hurry it along already.”

“Appreciate the morally questionable offer, sis.”

She snorted again. “Morals are overrated. Love ya.”

“Love you too.”

It was a good idea and a bad idea at the same time. If he
let Valia manipulate Navine’s aura to
her to accept him, it would
be too much like… He shuddered. She’d suffered enough forcing at the Incubus’s
hands. He couldn’t be a part of that. If it didn’t work, she’d curse him with
her dying breath. If it did work, she’d feel tainted, abused and hate him more
and he’d feel like too much of a piece of shit. Hell, he felt bad enough for simply
forcing his presence on her, but at least she could walk away from him and slam
a door between them. But she’d be alive, he reasoned.

He whipped off his shirt and tugged off his shorts, leaving
them in a pile on the ground, then ran and cannon-balled into the water. Ah,
that felt good. He heard the trill of his cell phone as he surfaced. He
considered ignoring it, loving the cool, calming effect the water had on him
but decided against it and grudgingly left the water to dig his cell out of his
shorts’ pocket.


“Hey, Fin,” Baden’s voice greeted him.

“No news yet.”

“Yeah, I figured but wasn’t calling for that. I was thinking
about stopping by around lunch time with some pizza and beer. You guys up for

“I can’t speak for your sister but sounds good to me.”

“Give me a sec.” There was a thirty second pause. “Yeah, she’s
good with it.”

“That astral projection sure is a handy skill.”

“Yeah, it definitely has its advantages. Any preference on
pizza toppings?”

“Nah, surprise me.”

“Okay, see ya in a couple hours.”

Fin considered jumping back in the water but ended up teleporting
back to the cabin to check on Navine.

She gasped when he appeared. She sat on the porch swing
sipping the smoothie he’d made for her, one knee pulled to her chest, one foot rocking
the swing gently back and forth. Her eyes widened as she took in his
appearance, dripping wet wearing only black boxer briefs. Her gaze lingered at
his crotch, pupils dilating as they had this morning.

She snapped her eyes up to his face. “What the hell are you

“Took a swim. Didn’t think to take a towel.” He knew he
shouldn’t but couldn’t resist saying, “See something you like?”

Navine took a sip of the smoothie, effectively avoiding his
gaze, swallowed and shocked him by answering, “You’re nice to look at,” she
paused, then added, “for a mutant.”

After recovering from the shock of her pseudo-compliment, he
remembered his threat to her. She’d called him a mutant again. He dropped his
clothes to the ground, shook some more of the water from his hair, and walked
up the porch steps, his gaze drilling into her.

Navine hopped off the swing and backed away as he approached
but the porch railing foiled her escape as he closed in on her. He caged her
in, grasping the railing on either side of her. “I warned you.”

He wasn’t really going to do it this time, not unless she
wanted him to. He expected her to fight, to cuss, to stomp her foot, but she
stood there peering up at him, gold eyes glinting with fear, disgust and lust. There
was no missing that lust. Was this it? Was she ready to accept him, to put
aside her repulsion of what he was and use him to cure her addiction?

Lowering his lips to a mere inch from hers, the scent of
spiced cherries rose up to tease him and he couldn’t wait to taste her.

She pressed her lips together defiantly as he held her face,
her gold eyes boring into his for what seemed an eternity. Relief and hunger
consumed him as her lips suddenly parted, inviting him to take her mouth. She
tensed as their lips met but when he teased and traced her lips, she opened to
him, receiving his tongue and meeting it tentatively at first, then surprising
him as her arms wrapped around his neck.

Navine pulled back and said softly, “Take the bracelet off
my wrist.”

Ah, so that was her game. “No,” he said as he took her lips
again. And she didn’t stop him as she fisted his hair, matching his intensity.


Navine’s plan had been to seduce him into removing the
bracelet. Make him think she’d changed her mind, decided to give in. But when
his toned, almost naked body sauntered up to her, the intent smoldering in his
eyes, she’d wavered, a heat rising inside her just like this morning. His scent
invaded her, stormed through her body and mind. She didn’t know how it was
possible but she didn’t care at this moment.

She didn’t want to think, she just wanted to feel, to take,
to receive. The moisture from his swim soaked through her thin robe, tightening
her nipples. Her body arched of its own accord, pressing them tighter against
his muscular chest. Her pussy heated, tingled and she wanted his hand gliding
between her legs again.

As if reading her mind, one of his hands glided down her
side and reached around and cupped her ass, pulling her closer. His erection
pulsed between her legs. His lips broke away to kiss down her neck, lingering
at the sensitive hollow at the base.

He released her ass and slid his hand around to the front,
hesitating a moment, maybe to give her a chance to object. She should but
couldn’t form the words or muster the strength to push him away. This was so
much different than anything she’d experienced in the last six months, other
than the short moment they’d shared last night. She reveled in the tenderness,
the passion, his dedication to saving her.

When his fingers skimmed across her pussy, she shivered and
gasped as fervid sensations rippled through her.

BOOK: FinsFantasy
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