Read Forbidden Hope: A Werewolf Wars Prequel Novella Online

Authors: Bethany Shaw

Tags: #paranormal werewolf romance, #Paranormal Romance, #shifter romance, #werewolves and shifters, #suspenseful romance

Forbidden Hope: A Werewolf Wars Prequel Novella (4 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Hope: A Werewolf Wars Prequel Novella
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A door squeaked and blessed warmth hit her as she stared up at a white ceiling.

“Infirmary’s upstairs, third door on the left,” Devon said, clutching her closer to him.

She rolled her head to the side to see Marcus racing ahead of them. His scent enveloped her and she breathed it in. It was comforting. She closed her eyes.

“Em, stay with me,” Devon called.

She opened her eyes to see his hazel gaze staring down at her. Emily grunted as her bare back met cold metal. She stiffened, groaning as her brother walked away.

“How do you feel? Does anything hurt?” Devon asked, peering down at her.

“Shoulder,” she croaked.

Devon’s calloused fingers probed at her, she growled in pain and anger. Hadn’t she just said it hurt? Her shoulder throbbed as if someone were jabbing her repeatedly with a knife. A scream bubbled up her throat when Devon’s fingers brushed over her clavicle. A sharp pain tore through her shoulder, leaving her breathless.

“Marcus, I need you to hold her down. Talk to her. Do whatever you have to, but don’t let her move. Em, your shoulder is dislocated. I’m going to set it, but it’s going to hurt.”

“Please just do it,” she whimpered.

“Are you able to shift your paw?” Devon asked. “I don’t want any ligaments or muscles to get damaged.”

Emily flexed her paw and winced at the pain shooting through her shoulder. Her arm hadn’t shifted back, she realized.
That’s why it hurts so badly.

“I know it hurts, but can you try?” Devon asked.

Emily gritted her teeth as a stray tear rolled down the side of her face. She focused on her fingers and imagined her paw lengthening. A sob tore free from her throat as a spasm raced through her muscles. Everything went white and then black.


old her tighter, she’s coming to,” Devon’s voice floated above her.

A weight pressed down on top of her and warm breath danced over her lips. Something cool pressed against her skin. The flesh was being pressed on, but there was no pain. Her eyes blinked open.

“It’s okay,” Marcus said, holding her gaze. “He’s got your shoulder set now.”

“Thanks,” she murmured.

“You feeling anything?” Devon questioned.

“Not really,” she groaned.

“Talk to her. Keep her distracted,” Devon instructed. “I’m trying to get her arm to shift back to normal. When it does, it’s going to hurt.”

“How was your run?” Marcus asked.

“Good until the end,” she giggled, not entirely sure why she was laughing.

“I got stuck in a bear trap once. Nearly broke my ankle,” he stated.

“Sounds painful.”

“It was.”

“Stupid humans and their hunting. I hate traps and guns. You have to watch out for them this time of year,” she babbled.

“I was thinking we could rent some more movies. I’ll get whatever you want, even if it’s a chick flick. What do you want to see?” Marcus asked.

Emily stared up into his eyes, sighing contently. His hand lifted from her shoulder and smoothed her hair back from her face.

“I don’t know. What’s out?” she inquired. She hadn’t been to the movie rental store for a few years—let alone a movie theater.

“Anything will do. She likes those girly movies,” Devon spoke up.

“Well, I am a girl,” she snorted.

“I’ll try to find something you’ll enjoy,” Marcus offered.

Emily opened her mouth to respond when pain exploded through her shoulder and down her arm as her bones began to snap and reposition. She gasped, struggling to sit up. Marcus’ warm hands pushed her down, pinning her to the table. His face hovered over hers; his eyes and lips were so close to her own. She stared into his blue-grey eyes finding peace in them. He has really pretty eyes, she thought to herself. He was speaking, but the words were lost to her. His gaze offered her solace, and she was content to get lost in his irises.


arcus forced his eyes to focus on the bright white computer screen. Despite his best efforts, his gaze kept drifting to the brunette laying unconscious on the bed. She’d stared up into his eyes for an eternity before her orbs had glazed over and shut.

Half a day had passed since then. The men who attacked her had been caught and interrogated. It made his stomach turn to think about them. They had come to abduct her so their pack would have a female. Emmett was being even more extra protective over his daughter now—not that he could blame the man. Still, he hoped the alpha would loosen up a little once things calmed down. He wanted Emily to have some freedom. She didn’t even know what movies were out for crying out loud.

Thankfully, Vincent had brought a movie into her room, explaining that it was Em’s favorite, and that she would want to watch it when she woke up.

The bed creaked as Emily rolled over. Her hand flopped down, hanging off the edge of the mattress. She sighed deeply as her eyes blinked open.

Marcus set his laptop down and reached over, taking her hand gingerly in his. As soon as Devon had set her forearm it had completed the transition correctly, which had helped speed up the healing process.

“Hey,” she said groggily.

“Hi,” he smiled, squeezing her hand. “How do you feel?”

She rolled over, keeping her digits entwined with his. “Good.”

Marcus remained quiet, watching as she stared up at the ceiling.

“You didn’t have to sit with me,” she whispered.

“You didn’t have to sit with me either,” he countered.

Emily turned to him.

Marcus drew in a deep breath and leaned forward. “I wanted to be here, Em. At the risk of being turned down again or speaking out of line, there is something between us. My wolf is drawn to you. I need to be near you. I can’t explain it—I wish I could. After what happened earlier, I won’t deny our connection anymore.”

Emily licked her lips. “My father would never approve.”

“Do you have a mate?” Marcus asked.

“No, but-”

“I’m new to the pack. I can prove myself. I’ll show the alpha I’m worthy of you.”

Emily clung to his hand as she met his gaze. Marcus leaned forward, touching her cheek. “I’ve never felt this way before. I can’t ignore it.”

“Me neither. I could have died today—or been abducted. If something happened, I would have regretted not knowing what this was between us,” she breathed. “I tried to avoid you, but it was so hard. I don’t want to fight it anymore—I couldn’t, even if I wanted to.”

Her hand reached up, and threaded through his hair, pulling him to her.

Marcus pressed his lips against hers, lightly at first. But when her tongue darted out to taste his, he pulled her closer. Her breath caught as he swirled his tongue with hers. This was right—he would do whatever he needed to do to make sure Emily was his for as long as she wanted to be.

Chapter Three

Three Years Later

mily leapt over a log, landing on the moist ground on all four paws. She smiled inwardly as she heard Marcus’ footfalls pounding on the ground behind her. The leaves in front of her rustled, and a flock of birds flew over her head seconds before Marcus emerged from the brush.

Unwilling to let him win their impromptu race, she darted ahead, maintaining her lead as she zigzagged through the trees. The clearing where they’d left their clothes was just up ahead. She sprinted down the winding path and soared through the brush, coming to a halt next to a large oak tree.

Marcus caught up a few moments later, his breath coming in quick, uneven pants. She chuffed, attempting to make a chuckling sound. It was no secret that she was the fastest wolf on the property; at least she had one thing going for her. She couldn’t fight to save her life but she could run for it.

Emily flexed her long, brownish-red legs forward, not wanting to think about the depressing state of her life when she was with the one person who made her smile. She shook out her back end and closed her eyes, willing her shift to begin.

A grunt escaped her as her bones began to snap. Her torso elongated and her muscles pulled tightly, sending a sharp pleasure-pain ricocheting through her body. Within seconds, she was crouched in the dirt on her hands and knees. She stood to her feet, and sauntered over to her clothes, knowing that Marcus’ eyes were on her.

She turned back to him as she slowly slid her panties up her long, lean legs. He barked and stretched, triggering his own shift. Emily slipped her lacy black bra, tank top, and jean shorts on while watching his grey-white fur retreat and his olive-toned skin form. He stood up and went to his pile of clothes, slipping on his jeans. Emily bit her lip as Marcus dressed. His bicep muscles were solid and his body, lean.

“I think you’re getting faster,” Marcus commented, buttoning his pants.



Emily shrugged. “Spring quarter is over, I have nothing better to do with my time but run and read.”

“And spend time with me,” Marcus grinned.

“I would love to spend all my time with you,” Emily sighed.

Marcus walked toward her, cupping her chin with his hands. She reached up and placed her hands on his warm, toned chest, relishing in the feel of his skin against hers. “Just say the word and I’ll talk to your dad.”

“I want you to. I want to marry you, Marcus.”


“You know he won’t approve.”

“It’s only a matter of time until he finds you a mate, Em. What then?” Marcus rubbed his thumb across her cheek and she leaned into his touch, placing her lips gently against his.

“Let me talk to him,” she mumbled against his mouth.

Marcus’ tongue darted out, tracing her lips. “Isn’t that supposed to be my job? I’ll be in his office going over the stocks with him this afternoon.”

Emily pulled back, staring into Marcus’ blue-grey eyes. “I’m his only daughter, Marcus. The man I choose for a mate helps to determine the future of our pack. You know there is lots of unrest amongst our neighbors.”

“You know I know that. I lost my entire pack, Em.” Marcus looked away, his jaw set. “Maddie and Amelia are here now too. You’re not the only female in the pack. And Amelia is an alpha female.”

“My dad will use every opportunity he has to advance this pack. I’m sure he is already contemplating all of our futures.”

Marcus gritted his teeth and growled low in his throat.

Emily closed her eyes. “All I’m saying is we need to approach him at the right time. We need to think this through. You’re my mate. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” She reached up and pushed her hands through his thick, dark hair. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He smiled and placed a kiss to her forehead before resting his head against hers.

“Will I see you later tonight?” she questioned, biting her lip.

“Probably not. I’m going out with Dev and Vincent after dinner.”

Emily huffed and pulled away, bending down she tossed his shirt at him. She knew he was faithful to her while out with her brothers—if he did they would tell her—but she resented the freedom they got.

“Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon,” he said, placing his hand on her shoulder. “I have the whole afternoon free.”

Emily shivered as heat flooded her, anticipation rolling in her belly. She bit her lip and met his gaze.

Marcus inhaled, leaning in to kiss her lips again, and mumbled, “I wasn’t thinking that, but...” he deepened their kiss his, tongue gliding against hers. Emily ran her hands up and down his smooth, taut back.

“I wish we had more time today,” she whispered, pulling back.

“If I were meeting anyone else...” he trailed off.

“You can’t be late.” Emily stepped back. Her father, the alpha, couldn’t stand tardiness.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” she said softly, offering him a small smile. Marcus gave her another chaste kiss before tugging his shirt on and hurrying off to his meeting.


mily shot out of bed. A loud wail echoed throughout the house. Her breath quickened as she darted to her window. Men sprinted across the lawn, heading to the south side of the property.

She ran a hand through her hair and surveyed the men. Her heart tightened in her chest as Marcus came into view.
Please don’t let him get hurt—please don’t let anyone get hurt tonight.

Her doorknob jingled and the door swung open. Emily spun on her heel, hand flying to her chest.

“Mom,” she gasped. “You scared me.”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Claire McKinley said, entering the room.

“I’m fine. How are Maddie and Amelia?” Emily asked, referring to the two younger, female wolves.

“Comforting each other for the moment. I wanted to check on you too.”

Emily nodded and sighed as she turned back to the window. “This is the third attack in six months.”

“I know,” Claire breathed. “We have been lucky so far. But luck will only get us so far.”

“What is father going to do?”

“He has been approached by Fernando Juarez of the Gulf Packs.”


“Juarez has been assembling packs for the past few years under his leadership. Together, they are making a stand against the renegade packs and lone wolves in the area,” Claire replied.

“Will we join them?”

Her mother let out a long breath. “I’m not sure they are any better than the wolves attacking us.”


Claire smiled. “It’s nothing.”

A sense of foreboding filled Emily, causing goose bumps to erupt across her arms.
It’s not nothing.

“They want me, Maddie, and Amelia, don’t they?” Emily asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

“Most packs anymore are lucky to have one fertile female, let alone three.”

“Will our pack be able to protect us—can we protect ourselves?” Emily asked quietly. Her stomach churned and she closed her eyes.

“For the moment, I believe so. But we will need allies.”

“Is there anyone else who can help besides this Juarez guy? What about Devon’s Uncle Rick in Texas?” She held her breath.

“No, there is no one else close by. Emmett would never work alongside Rick.”

Emily sighed. Her father hated the Harris’ with a passion. Joseph Harris, her mother’s first husband was the man who had stolen Claire’s heart. Even to this day, Emily suspected her mother still loved Joseph more than she did Emmett. Her father was opportunistic and had pounced on Claire the moment Joseph died. Devon was the bane of Emmett’s existence and he only tolerated him because of Claire. No, her father would never ask Joseph’s twin for help.

BOOK: Forbidden Hope: A Werewolf Wars Prequel Novella
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