Read Force of Love Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sports

Force of Love (15 page)

BOOK: Force of Love
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She ran her hands up and down my chest. “All for me.”

“This is for you, baby.”

I inserted myself inside her, feeling the moisture all the way through. She gripped the back of my neck with one hand then grabbed my ass with the other.

“Slow. I want it slow.”

I did as she commanded, pushing inside her gently. She kept expanding as I moved. She felt so good that I was struggling to please her. I just wanted to come. She squeezed my ass as she pulled me into her, controlling me completely. I was practically a dildo to her. She was totally using me. I thought it was so hot.
When she pulled my forehead against hers she didn’t kiss me, just stared at my lips.

My hips started to move faster because me body couldn’t control itself. Janice was so beautiful and sexy. There was no way I was going to last as long as she wanted me to.

“Don’t come, Ryan.”

I slowed down. “Please.”


I moaned.

“Now make me come.”

I moved inside her harder, concentrating on her breathing as I moved.

Her nails bit into the skin of my neck, possessing me and my body completely. She was a master and I was just the puppet. “Just like that,” she whispered. “Come on.”

I bit my lip.

When she tightened around me I knew she was having her moment. She moved her other hand to my ass and pulled me inside of her hard and fast. She moaned loudly as the pleasure rocked through her. I stared into her face, mesmerized by her beauty. Her lips were slightly open and her eyes fluttered.

When she was finished, she ran her hands up my back then gripped my shoulders. “That felt good.”

“Let me come.”


I continued to move inside her. “Baby, please.”

“I said no.”

“Baby, don’t be like that.”

“You’re sorry?”

I moved inside of her harder. “I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“It better not.”

I felt the orgasm tingle in my skin. It was almost there. I was just waiting for her to let me go. “It won’t. Please.” I continued to move inside her, feeling her everywhere. “Fuck, let me go.”

She ran her fingers through my hair. “Okay. You can come.”

As soon as she said those words I exploded. I pounded into her so hard that the bed slammed into the wall. If Scarlet was home then she knew what we were doing. I didn’t care. I felt myself release inside her. It felt amazing. “Thank you, thank you,” I said through my heavy breathing.

You kissed me gently on the lips. “You’re welcome.”

I pressed my forehead against hers. “That was the worst punishment I’ve ever received.”

“It seemed like you were enjoying it.”

“It was so pleasurable it was painful.”

“Well, I hope that teaches you a lesson.”

“It did, baby. It did.” I pulled out of her then lied beside her. She turned on her side so I spooned her from behind, resting my face in the crook of her neck. I loved feeling her small frame against my chest. Her skin was smooth and warm.

When I started to fall asleep, I heard the front doo
r slam closed. It jolted me awake. Janice woke up too.

“Why is she slamming the door?” she said irritably.

“Because she’s a brat.” I sat up in bed then grabbed my clothes.

“What are you doing?”

“Seeing what her problem is.” I pulled on my basketball shorts and a shirt then left the bedroom. I hated leaving Janice during the night. It was the only time I had with her when Scarlet was around. It didn’t matter if we were sleeping. I still cherished it.

When I walked into the living room, Cortland was holding Scarlet in his arms. She was crying.

“What the hell happened now?” I asked as I ran my fingers through my hair.

“We ran into Sean,” Cortland said.


“It just didn’t—look good.”

Scarlet pulled away from him. “He saw me hugging Cortland while we said good night. I don’t want him to think something is between us. He looked devastated.”

Ryan sighed. “You’ve guys have always been close. Sean knows that.”

“You didn’t see his face,” she whispered.

“Did he end your relationship?”


“He’s probably being sensitive
, then.”

“I only love him.”

“He knows that, Scar,” I said gently.

She pulled away from him then moved into my arms. “I keep screwing this up over and over.”

“Well, Sean screwed it up a few times too. He’ll forgive you.”

“I just feel terrible for hurting him.”

“I know.” I ran my hand down her back while she whimpered in my shoulder. After a few minutes of silence she started to calm down. “It’s alright,” I whispered. “Let’s go to bed.”


Cortland nodded. “You got her?”


“Well, good night.”

“Good night.”

He walked over to Scarlet and placed his hand on her back. “It’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

After Cortland left and I locked the door, I ushered Scarlet into her bedroom and got her inside the covers. I sat at the edge of the bed for a long time, waiting for her to fall asleep. We didn’t say anything. I just sat in the darkness while I waited for her eyes to close and her breathing to become slow and heavy. When we were younger and my mom came after us, I always came in Scarlet’s room and slept on her floor. I felt like I had to protect her. I always waited for her to fall asleep before I let myself fall unconscious. It was a habit.

When she was asleep, I left and returned to Janice. I removed my clothes and crawled under the covers. I pulled her body close to my chest and rested my head against hers. As soon as I fell asleep, my phone went off. I moaned and tried to ignore it. It went off again. I assumed it
was one of my whores calling me but I grabbed it anyway. When I read the message I moaned again. It was Sean. He was clearly drunk off his ass. I couldn’t even make out the message, just the name of the bar.

“Babe, who is that?”

“Sean,” I said with a growl.

“Is everything okay?”

“No.” I stood up and started to get dressed again.

“Where are you going? It’s the middle of the night.”

“I have to pick him up. I’ll be back soon.”

“Can I come?”

“Absolutely not,” I snapped. I leaned over the bed and kissed her forehead. “Just go back to sleep.”


I left the bedroom then walked out the front door. After I left the building and hailed down a cab, I arrived at the bar. It didn’t take long for me to locate Sean. He was sitting right at the front, slumped over the counter. Some girl was talking to him.

I managed to pull him out of there and get him into a cab. He was drunk off his ass. When he started crying I realized how bad everything was between him and Scarlet. It was worse than I thought. He wasn’t just mad that she lied to him. He was heartbroken she slept with someone else. I actually pitied him for a moment. But Scarlet went through the same pain when he went back to Penelope, and in that case it was worse.

“She loves you—only you,” I said.

He stared out the window. “It just hurts. I love her so much.”

I fell silent. I didn’t know what to say. Even though he was distraught over the revelation with Cortland, I knew he wouldn’t end the relationship with her. It was obvious that it wasn’t an option for him. A part of me felt like he was overreacting. Scarlet slept with Cortland but it didn’t mean anything. If it did, then Scarlet would have ended up with him. Sean had slept with tons of girls and knew it was possible to do the deed then move on. Not every fuck had to mean something. How was this any different? Scarlet and Sean weren’t even speaking at the time. But I didn’t argue with him. Now wasn’t a good time.

When the cab stopped I helped him get inside the apartment. He was heavy, weighed just as much as I did, so I was only able to get him to the couch. I grabbed a blanket then placed it over him. I sat on the other couch and watched him. I wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed with my girl, but I couldn’t leave Sean like this. He mumbled something incoherently then told me to leave. Even though he and Scarlet weren’t married yet, he was my brother and I loved him like one. I would wait until I had to work in the morning before I left just in case he
decided to try and leave or choke on his own vomit. I felt uncomfortable knowing Janice and Scarlet were sleeping alone in the apartment but I couldn’t bring Sean there. And I definitely couldn’t bring him to Cortland’s.



When I arrived at the shop the next morning, Janice called me.

“Hey, baby.”

“Where the hell have you been? Are you okay?”

“Calm down. I’m fine.”

“You didn’t come home
last night.”

“I wanted to but I couldn’t.”

“What happened?”

“Is Scarlet around?”


“Sean was a total mess. I got him back to the apartment but I could
n’t leave him there alone.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Waking up without you next to me was hard enough. At least if I knew you weren’t going to be there it wouldn’t have been so devastating.”

“It won’t happen again. I hated not being home with you, knowing you both were alone. I couldn’t sleep at all because I was so worried.”

She sighed. “Well, we’re fine.”

“I know. It still scares me.” I got inside the shop then closed the door behind me. “I need to get to work. I’ll see you when I get home.”

“Okay. Hurry.”

I smiled. She always said that to me. “I always hurry.”

“I love you so much, Ryan. I love you.”

My heart squeezed when she said that. I could hear the sincerity in her voice. “And I you.”



As soon as I hung up, Cortland called me.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey. Have you heard anything about Sean? Did he come back over or call Scarlet?”

“No, he didn’t.”

“That bad?”

“Actually, it’s worse.”

“What’s up?”

“He got wasted last night and I had to pick him and take him home. Long story short, he’s totally devastated she slept with you. It’s not just the lying that bothers him. He’s a mess.”



“So the guy hates me?”

“He didn’t say that but I think it’s implied.”


“Yeah. He even started crying.”

“How drunk was he?”

“I doubt he remembers anything today.”

“Are him and Scarlet done?”

“No, definitely not. He’s just upset. He’ll come around.”

“And this ends my relationship with Scarlet, doesn’t it?”

“No. I don’t think it does. If he didn’t want her to see you anymore he would have already said that. He understands he can’t do that.”


“Because you’re my friend. If Scarlet couldn’t talk to you then she couldn’t talk to me either. Scarlet would never settle for that. She would leave him.”

“That’s a relief. Who knew that your sick relationship would be my savior?”

“Well, you’re welcome.”

“Should I go talk to her?”

“Nah. Stay away for a while just in case Sean drops by. A few days ago he came over, fucked Scarlet, then left.”

“That’s makes sense. I’ll just call her.”

“That’s probably best.”

“Well, I gotta go. Monnique just
woke and she’s giving me the eye. My foxy lady wants to get frisky.”

“Too much info, dude.”

“I’ve heard you fuck so many girls and you think that is too much info?”

I laughed. “Bye.”


I hung up the phone then got the shop ready for the day. A few people came in before lunch and I finished d
rawing the the Last Supper on someone’s back. Another guy said his dog died and he wanted to tattoo a picture of him on his wrist. The only reason why I would get a tattoo is if it had some incredible meaning to me. Otherwise, I couldn’t justify it. I had so many customers that came in and got more tattoos because they became addicted. After a while they did it just for fun. There was no real meaning behind it. And I drew a lot of ugly tattoos on people. I didn’t want to get some ink done then regret it later. Everyone thought it was weird that I didn’t have any tattoos, but I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Perhaps someday I would get one. After my workday was over, I went by the bank and dropped off my checks and cash then headed home.

I was so tired from not sleeping last night. It took a hold on my drawing today because I couldn’t keep my hand steady. I drifted in and out of consciousness throughout the night, but I could never get comfortable enough to sleep then Sean kept mumbling incoherently. I hoped he didn’t act this way every night. I couldn’t imagine how Scarlet got any sleep.

When I walked inside, Janice jumped from her chair then ran to me, wrapping her arms around me.

“I could get used to this,” I said with a smile.

“I’m so glad you’re home.”

“It’s okay, baby,” I said as I kissed her on the forehead. “I’m here now.”

She squeezed me tighter.

“You didn’t tell Scarlet, right?

“No,” she whispered.


“Are you hungry? Can I make you something?”

“I’m exhausted. I just want to get some sleep.”

“Okay,” she said as she pulled away. “Let’s get you in the shower.”



“I like that.”

“Come on.” She guided me into the bedroom. Scarlet’s door was closed when we walked by. I assumed she was moping to herself. Janice started the shower then stripped off her clothes. When she was done, she helped me out of my mine.

When we got inside, she washed my hair and rubbed soap on my body, massaging my tight muscles. I closed my eyes as she attended to me. After I rinsed off, we turned off the water and dried off.

I walked to the bed the collapsed on top of it. “Baby, I’m just too tired to make love.”

“Well, I’m not.” She straddled my hips then leaned over me.
“Just relax. I’ll do all the work.”

“I’m not going to say no to that.”

She kissed my body until my erection sprung forth. Janice kissed my neck as she grabbed my cock then slid it inside of her. I placed my hands behind my head and watched her ride me. It was a beautiful sight. She moved up and down just the right way, sheathing me entirely as she moved against me. Her breasts moved while she rocked me. I stared at them.

When I felt myself start to shake, she kissed my lips. “Not yet, babe. Hold on.”

I moaned.

She rode me
harder until her orgasm was reached. She stayed quiet as her pleasure mounted through her. She fucked me even harder than she was before until she was completely finished. I grabbed her hips and guided myself deeper inside of her. When I felt myself come, I bucked inside her hard until my moment had passed. Now that I was satisfied I was even more tired. Janice kissed my lips gently before she pulled me out of her. I closed my eyes and sighed.

Janice grabbed my shoulders and turned me over. When I felt her hands rub my back I knew she was giving me a massage. I loved it when she did sentimental things like this, always putting my comfort first. I was a complete ass to her yesterday but she let it go because she loved me. I deserved to be slapped. I was glad she was too classy for that. I had been slapped by too many women to count.

The feel of her fingers digging into the muscles of my backs made me moan a few times. My back throbbed with a dull pulse of pleasure, making me sigh repeatedly. Every time she touched me, I felt myself relax further and further. After she rubbed every inch of my skin, she delicately ran her fingers down my back, making me feel sleepy. When I felt the thoughts seize and my mind drift, she kissed me on the head before she left the bedroom. I fell asleep but noticed the absence of her warmth. I wanted her to stay but I was too tired to ask.

BOOK: Force of Love
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