Read Forever Lovers Online

Authors: Suellen Smith

Tags: #romance, #action, #dogs, #country, #military, #western, #cowboy

Forever Lovers (20 page)

BOOK: Forever Lovers
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The next few weeks were a healing time for
both of them thinking of the time that was lost, but grateful that
love had brought them back together again. It was during that time
that Quinn began to make plans for a special engagement for Lily
before they made plans for the twin’s birthday party. After that,
they would begin to make plans for their wedding together.

Quinn told Lily that he needed to go back to
Coronado to sign some papers for the discharge he had asked for a
few months back. He told Lily that she needed to come with him as
she needed to sign some papers as well. Not questioning Quinn in
the least, she got a babysitter for a four-day weekend in

A week later, they landed at LAX without
incident. A taxi took them to the nearest “W” that was near the
water. Their suite overlooked the beautiful rolling Pacific.

Quinn had a plan. First they went to the
ballet of the Nutcracker. It wasn't his favorite, but he knew that
Lily would love it. Besides, it was reminiscent of the times that
his mom and dad would take him and his sisters as they were growing
up. After the performance, they headed for an exclusive restaurant
that had orange and black koi that swam under their feet of heavy
glass. Waterfalls with swans swam in small ponds and under mini
bridges inside. A violin played romantic notes in the background of
the restaurant that was one of two in the world.

After dinner, a waiter appeared at some
signal from Quinn. He was carrying a large oblong package wrapped
in gold paper and ribbon, which he presented to Lily with the drama
of fun and flourish. Quinn watched with amusement as Lily tore into
the package. Inside was a bridal nutcracker handmade from Germany.
On the nutcrackers wrist was a ring that looked like a bracelet on
the doll that was tied with a white satin ribbon. The moment that
Lily spotted it and gasped was the moment Quinn untied the ring and
got down on one knee with colorful koi weaving in and out among his
body and asked for Lily's hand in marriage. The diamond was HUGE
surrounded by sapphires, there was no way she would be turning that
down even if she were so inclined, which she wasn't. They
celebrated with a glass of champagne cocktails on the balcony
watching the California sunset before going back to the “W” for a
private celebration of their own.


Lily and Quinn were at Uncle Dawg's chateau
in Italy. Lily was just helping the party planner put the finishing
touches to the birthday bash for the twins. They were to have a two
tiered pastry cakes covered with the Sesame Moppets from the Cookie
Monster to Big Bird that sat on top of the confection just waiting
for the twins to dive into with the relish of one-year-old
toddlers. Colorful balloons of the Moppets were in bountiful
bunches throughout the large dining room covered with an elegant
round tables that were covered with white table cloths for the
family guests and a few close friends, which made a guest list of
around fifty. The “Uncle” friends and wives were all included. Some
good buddy SEALS were part of the activities as well. The guests
entered the dining room with the twinkling chandeliers overlooking
the Mediterranean thinking it was a little extravagant for a first
birthday, but neither did they know that an announcement of Quinn
being their father would be part of the celebration, nor did they
know that they would all be flown to Dubai on private jet the next
day for Lily and Quinn's wedding.

When the family was seated, two clowns came
in, driving the twins in clown cars as they weaved and honked among
the guests until they came to a screeching halt in front of the
platform where their daddy stood holding a microphone. “Let me
introduce myself,” of course everyone started laughing because they
all knew him. After a pause of laughter, Quinn added, “I recently
found out that I am the proud father of these two twin boys.” A
hush fell over the crowd as he continued, “As some of you know, due
to unfortunate circumstances, I was in no condition to claim my new
family as I lay in a coma for over nine months, fighting for my
life unbeknown to my Lily.”

By the time Quinn finished, there was not a
dry eye in the room, even the waiters were touched. Quinn's Dad,
Troy, had his arm around a teary, Mom, Swan. It was such a relief
that everything was falling into place for their first born,
including children of his own, when only a few months ago they were
sure they were going to lose him to the other side. Lily's Mom,
Platinum grasped Dad Luke's hand and was holding tightly with
emotion. Quinn's twin sisters were holding nothing back as they
sobbed their hearts out.

Suddenly, the band struck up a tune and more
clowns came in playing Sesame Street songs to the delight of
Dominic and Tyrone who were handed off to the new grandparents and
passed around to the siblings like they were a couple of bouncing
balls. Soon, Happy Birthday was sung and it was time for the cake
cutting. Then, the twins were whisked away to bed

As the evening began wending down, the clowns
gave another fanfare indicating another announcement. This time,
Quinn stood at the microphone with his arm around Lily. “I'd like
to propose a toast. It's getting late and I know you have all
traveled a long way to get here. We just think you should all be
getting to bed because you all have a big day tomorrow as well. We
are getting married and all of you are invited to board a private
jet at the local airport early afternoon that will take you to the
island of Dubai. Limousines will be waiting in the circle drive and
will leave precisely at noon. The wedding will take place the day
after tomorrow. So, please join us in toasting this happy
occasion.” The toasting was followed by an uproar of approval and
applause by all family and friends who couldn't have been

Later that night, Lily's mom and dad,
Platinum and Luke, lay in bed thoroughly relaxed after a bout of
lovemaking. As Luke held his wife and rubbed his hand over her back
in thought, he commented, “I guess, if I want any more
grandchildren I should forget about cutting off my future
son-in-law's balls.”

Platinum rolled over on her side and put her
hand on his chest with a pat, “I think that's a very noble idea,

Actually, Luke was very pleased with Lily's
choice of husband and the way things had turned out. He just wasn't
ready to admit it out loud, yet – stubborn man.


The Dubai wedding took place at the Atlantis
underwater hotel named after the lost city that disappeared under
the sea. It was located on “The Palm” which is an artificial sand
island shaped like a palm tree specifically for spectacular
occasions and where cost is nonexistent for the rich and

Lily and Quinn were married in The Lost
Chamber of the hotel amid the flamboyantly carved ornate columns
that would have done the Greeks proud. It was a spectacular
wedding, but what the bride wore was the most memorable. It nearly
made Quinn’s eyes pop out and his libido gallop away to another
time and place. It accomplished its purpose just as it was supposed
to do as Lily walked down the aisle of colorful lilies. The gown
was made of elegant sheer Belgian lace lined in nude silk making it
look as though the bride wore nothing from a small distance even
though she was completely covered. It was the gown that Quinn had
given Lily on Paradise Island two years ago. Now, Quinn knew why
the groom always stood at the front of the aisle with their hands
folded in front of their crotch.

The wedding reception followed in the
underwater restaurant as the fish in the ocean beyond watched the
guests devour their relatives. The wedding lasted a week with
plenty to keep the guests busy including The Aqua Venture Water
Park, entertainment, and food.

Lily and Quinn spent all of their nights in
the Poseidon Suite, which was under the sea. They could lay in bed
in their dome like fish bowl watching the sea life in the lagoon
for hours that was filled with of 65,000 different kinds of marine

On their wedding night Quinn caught sight of
an orange and black stripped, Nemo, a childhood fish in his
father's fish tank at home.“I think that’s my Nemo, I ‘m glad he
made it through the flush down the toilet and out to sea,” he
commented to a laughing Lily.

It was fun laying in their king sized bed
watching the colorful fish, giant manta rays, sharks, and sea
turtles floating lazily above them. It wasn't long, however, before
the fish no longer held Quinn's interest.

By this time, Lily had been stripped of her
wedding gown and only had on a scrape of lace serving as panties
that were so small, they could have been made out of a
handkerchief. Quinn immediately started to divest Lily of her
skimpy piece of lace. It, however, took a little longer than Quinn
had anticipated only because he got this brilliant idea to take
them off with his teeth as he held Lily’s hands high above her
head. His entire purpose was to make Lily squirm with delight as he
nuzzled, tasted, and kissed any place he could reach. Finally, when
Lily screamed, “Enough!!!” he was satisfied that she was in as much
of a frenzy as he. It was only then, that he let go of her

Lily immediately pushed Quinn on his back.
She was delighted that he now lay totally in the buff before her
and it was her turn to touch and tease. Just as Lily's fingers
began to walk their way past Quinn's bare navel, there was a
tapping sound on the outside of the glass above them. Lily

A little concerned that the glass could be
cracking, Quinn flipped on the flood lights. On top of them were
three guys all decked out in their wet suits, waving down at the
newlywed couple.

“Hell,” he muttered. It didn’t take too much
of a stretch to know they were the two best men and Lily’s brother,

Quinn groaned, he should have known better.
Of course his SEAL buddies would feel the need to disrupt the
honeymoon. They probably made this plan and packed their wet suits
along with their equipment in their duffle bags, long before they
ever left home.

The SEAL’s held up signs like “Having fun?
What are you doing? Can we join you?”, while they did water ballet,
stood on their heads, and clowned around in entertainment that was
meant to interrupt. It was only funny for about five minutes. After
that, Quinn decided that they had had their fun and he was finished
being tolerant. He waved goodbye and clicked off the lights.

\ “If we’re lucky, they’ll run out of
oxygen,” he muttered to Lily.

Their friends and brother didn't take the
hint for another thirty minutes. They felt like it was their duty
to continue to disrupt the wedding night. Just what friends are
for, right??


Lily birthed a baby sister, Bella, to add to
the family, the middle of the following summer. They never had any
more children, but they sure had fun trying. Besides, three
children and Gunner were plenty for their household.

Home was made in Malibu, California in a
simple exclusive town by the sea in an old casa that was given to
them by his dad as a wedding present. Lily continued to be a
veterinarian in California still available to help any service dog
that needed stem cell treatment. Quinn worked as a marine biologist
that kept him near and in the ocean on a daily basis.

Every Christmas, Quinn gave Lily a beautiful
hand carved nutcracker from Germany, which she proudly displayed
during the holidays. Not to be out done, Lily made sure that Quinn
got a Christmas stocking filled with Babe Ruth candy bars, which he
always ate with a smile, put there by his Lily.

The End


Other Books by Suellen Smith “
Champagne Romance

“Platinum and


I hope you enjoyed my third book. I’m a new
author and would appreciate if you would take the time to review my
book. It would mean a lot to me. Here’s the link back to Amazon if
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Mahalo for taking time out of your day to help me out.


Preview of Chapters 1-3 from my book
“Platinum and Pearls”

BOOK: Forever Lovers
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