Read Forever Yours (#2) Online

Authors: Deila Longford

Tags: #Vampires, #blood, #love, #Suspense, #Maine, #desire, #Passion, #Brothers, #lust, #twilight, #Portland

Forever Yours (#2) (3 page)

BOOK: Forever Yours (#2)
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“You drive me crazy, but I like it. I have waited for you for
one hundred and sixty five years. I need you, let me feed.” I can’t
resist smiling at his words –finally he admits that he needs me. My
body pushes forward and I wrap my delicate arms around his neck. He
gently stokes my hair as he moves it away from my neck. His mouth
moves onto my neck, lightly kissing my skin as his fingers tilt my
head to one side. He breathes, slowly, and then he sinks his fangs
into my skin. The sting is powerful, but soon fades when the
pleasure erupts. His warm hands are sliding across my chest and
down onto my back. My eyes are slowly closing and then re-opening
as he drains my blood. He feeds for another few seconds and then he
pulls his daggers out of my skin. He returns his lips to mine and I
can taste the blood as our lips move together. Dalton pulls back
from me and he is gasping for air. His eyes are red, but they
quickly fade back to their cool shade of blue. He tilts my head to
one side –again as he takes in my wounds. He stares at me for a few
moments, until a knock comes to my door. I leap out of my bed and I
race over to the door. I turn back to look at Dalton, but he is
gone, I frown and then I pull my hair over both sides of my neck as
I push open the door. Rachel is standing in the doorway, smiling at
me, wickedly.

“What do you want?” I say in a bitter tone. I instantly regret
my harshness as my eyes lock on hers. “So, what’s up?” I say in an
upbeat voice, trying to make up for my bitterness. Rachel pushes
past me and she flops down onto my bed. Her eyes dart to a little
spot of blood on my pillow and my heart races as she quizzes me
about it.

“Why is there blood on here?” She says as she holds my pillow
into the air. I walk over to her, trying to maintain my

“I’m not sure; I must have popped a zit or something.” I say
as I snatch the pillow out of her hand and throw it onto the other
side of my twin bed. Rachel rolls her eyes and then her ecstatic
smile returns. She reaches out and pulls me onto the bed next to
her. I flop down and my eyes adjust to her smiling face –she must
have a new boyfriend. The only time Rachel really smiles is when
she has met some new guy. The rest of the time, her face is like
thunder. “So who is he?” I ask, as I fold my arms across my chest.
Rachel narrows her eyes at me.

“What makes you think there’s a guy involved?”

“C’mon there has to be, you never smile.” I state. Rachel
gently slaps me on my leg and I can’t help but scan my room to see
if Dalton is anywhere in sight. I press my lips together when I
don’t see him, and Rachel waves her hand in my face.

“Earth to Rose,” she exclaims. I shoot her an apologetic
glance and then I urge her to continue.

“Sorry, you were saying?” Rachel rubs her hands together in
excitement and then she explodes.

“I have met an amazing, gorgeous guy.” I laugh at

“I knew it,” Rachel pouts her lips at me and then she begins
to gush.

“I wanted to talk to you before I said yes to going out with
him,” I frown at Rachel in confusion –why would she need my
permission to date a guy?

“You’ve lost me,” I say. Rachel nervously combs her fingers
through her luscious hair and I am sensing that she is

“The guy is Dalton’s brother, Nicholas.” My eyes jump out of
my head at her words –she can’t be serious?

“I’m sorry what did you say? You’re going out with Dalton’s.
Older. Brother?” I emphasize each word for a dramatic effect, but I
have only angered Rachel.

“I knew that you would ruin this for me. Why can’t you just
let me be happy?” I reach across and grab her hand, but she rudely
pulls away from me. Her blue eyes are raging and I realise that I
sound like a spiteful bitch. But there is no way that I can allow
her to go out with Nicholas, after what Dalton has just told me
about him. He turned his own brother into a vampire and what if he
does the same or worse to Rachel? I could never live with myself if
something happened to her, and I can’t run the risk of losing her.
I need to talk her out of this, somehow.

“I want you to be happy, but Nicholas is … dangerous and he is
far too old for you. Uncle George would never allow you to date

“Why are you allowed to be with Dalton, but I can’t go out
with Nicholas?”

“I’m not with Dalton, we’re just … friends.”

“C’mon how crazy do you think I am? I have seen you two
together, laughing and joking, just stop lying, Rose and tell me
the real reason that you don’t want me to see Nicholas?” My throat
dries at her words –does she know about him? I shake off my anxiety
as I try to bluff my way out of this.

“Dalton told me that he is dangerous. He isn’t a good guy,
Rachel, that’s my reason for asking you to stay away.” Rachel
shakes her head and then she narrows her eyes at me as she leaps
from my bed. I watch as she walks over to the door, she pulls it
open and she pauses as she leaves.

“I’m going out with him and there’s nothing you can do to stop

I leap off my bed and I rush over to the window. I push back
the curtains and I franticly look at the ground below. I frown when
I don’t see Dalton, I turn away and head back over to my bed, and I
jump out of my skin, when Dalton hustles in through my open

“We have a major problem.” I say as I rush over to him. He
places his hand onto my shoulder as he nods.

“I heard,” he says in a smooth tone.

“I can’t let Rachel go out with your brother, what if he hurts
her?” Dalton senses that I am upset, so he pulls me into his chest,
wrapping his arms around me as he kisses the top of my

“I will talk to him, I won’t let him hurt her, I promise.” I
increase my grip on him and I dig my nails into his back as I hold
onto him for my life. He holds me for a few minutes and then he
pulls back from me, heading towards the window.

“I’ll go now, keep your cousin here.” I frown at him as I
don’t want him to leave me. I want to go with him, I want to look
into Nicholas’s eyes and I want to tell him that he is not going
out with Rachel.

“I’m coming with you,” I state. Dalton shakes his head at my

“That’s out the question, now stay here.” He marches over to
the window and I march after him. I grab his shirt and he spins
around to face me. His eyes are raging as he blankly stares at me.
I maintain my grip on him as I fear that if I let go, then he will
jump out the window, before I have the chance to breathe. “Rose,
what are you doing? I told you to stay here,” Dalton

“I need to come with you,” Dalton laughs at me and then he
places his hand onto my cheek.

“Baby, I don’t need you to come with me, I can handle my
brother.” I shake my head at him.

“I want to look into his eyes and tell him to stay away from
Rachel. She’s only sixteen and he’s … old compared to her.” Dalton
laughs again.

“You make me laugh, Miss Rose, now let me go.”

“No, I’m coming with you.” Dalton’s smile quickly fades at my
persistence, and I can tell that he is annoyed with me. But I don’t
care, I need to go with him, I won’t pass Rachel’s life into the
hands of a vampire, who says he doesn’t care about humans. I have
seen glimpses of hope and kindness in Dalton’s eyes, but just in
case he is the monster that he says he is, I am not going to risk
Rachel getting hurt over my feelings for him.

“Why can’t you just do as I say?” I scowl at him –who does he
think he is?

“I’m not some puppet that you can control,” Dalton rolls his
eyes at me and then he clasps the bridge of his nose as he thinks.
His eyes dart form side to side and my heart is racing as I await
his words.

“Get dressed, I will go and get the car.” I smile at his words
and then I stand on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek. I close
my eyes for a split second and he is gone. I watch as my curtains
blow from his departure and then I rush and get changed. I throw on
jeans and a black sweater; I leave my hair loose around my neck and
lightly tie my scarf around my skin. I pull open my drawer and I
take out my contact lenses, I scowl as I realise that I have none
left. I sigh as I lift my black ray bans from my dresser. I place
my glasses onto the bridge of my nose, I frown at myself –I hate my
glasses they make me look like a geek. I grab my phone and I shove
it into the back pocket of my jeans and then I rush out into the
narrow hallway. I run down the stairs and I smile when I hear
Dalton, tooting the horn of his car. My uncle and Jen are sitting
in the kitchen. Eating their breakfast and swapping newspapers. I
pop my head around the doorjamb as I alert them that I am going

“I’m off, see you guys later,” I say as I wave them

“Wait a minute, bugs,” my uncle shouts after me. I sigh and
then I place my head around the doorjamb –again.

“Your truck is ready; maybe that yahoo can drop you off at the
garage on your way home.” I frown at his choice of words and then I
nod as I agree.

“Yeah, thanks,” I smile and then I rush along the hallway
towards the door. I step out into the cold and I shiver from the
icy weather. I run towards Dalton’s car and he pushes the door open
for me. I climb in and when I hit the seat, he reaches out and
places his hand onto my forehead.

“What are you doing?” I say as I move his hand away from me.
He pushes his eyebrows together at my actions and then he places
his hand back onto my forehead.

“You’re freezing, I took too much blood.” I shake my head at
him and then I reassure him that I am fine.

“No, it’s just cold outside, I’m good.” Dalton presses his
lips into a full line and my heart races as I fear his next move. I
don’t want him to think that he has hurt me by feeding on me, I
need the pleasure that his feed brings and I am not going to give
it up.

“I can’t feed on you anymore; it’s not fair on you.” Oh no, he
has just said the very thing that I have been dreading. I have to
make him see that I am okay and that he hasn’t hurt me. If he
doesn’t feed on me anymore, then what will be his reason for
sticking around? He has already said, one million times that he
doesn’t care about me, so if he doesn’t feed, then he will leave.
Dalton will be out of my life and that thought cripples me. I need
him, I want him, and I think that I love him. I have never felt
this way about anyone and my heart aches when I am apart from him.
Everything about him lures me in, his smile, his deep blue eyes,
his scent. I love him, I do and I would rather die than lose

“Don’t be crazy, you’ll starve and anyway, I’m fine.” Dalton
rolls his eyes and then he reaches out and grazes the arm of my

“Those glasses are sexy on you.”



Dalton drives us to an old house, on the outskirts of town.
The house is large and very appealing. It’s white and has large
pillars at the front, an American flag is situated on the porch and
the windows are large, open and antique. Flowers are lined along
the pathway and trees fill the surrounding area. The house has a
long driveway, with automatic gates and a security guard who buzzes
you in. There is a black Audi R8 parked at the front of the house
and when Dalton stops the car, I see the front door of the house
open. Dalton stares out throw the window and my heart is beating
really fast. Dalton looks at me and he places his hand onto my

“Don’t be nervous, he will sense it and you will be vulnerable
to his powers.” I nod at Dalton and then I look at the supercar
that’s parked in the driveway.

“Where do you get money to buy cars like that? Do you work?”
Dalton laughs and then he replies.

“I’m a vampire; do you really think that I have a nine to

“So where do you get your money from?” I insist. His smirk
fades and then I realise why. “You steal it,” Dalton clenches his
jaw under his skin at my words.

“C’mon on Rose, what do you expect me to do? If stealing an
odd car and robbing a bank is the worst thing that I do today, then
that’s fine with me. I could think of a million other ways for me
to blow off steam!” I frown at him and his smug words. Just because
he is a vampire, that doesn’t mean it’s okay for him to break the

“Like feeding on human blood until you kill that person?”
Dalton smirks.

“No, like kissing you until my lips are numb and I can’t see
straight. Feeling your warm body next to mine, watching you breathe
in and out, and hearing your heart pump blood to your veins.
Touching every part of your body and feeling your pleasure, that’s
my ultimate fantasy. ” My lips are trembling at his words and my
vision has become blurry from the image that he has painted for me.
My knees are shaking at the thought of his lips on mine and the
overwhelming desire I have for him, is slowly taking over my body.
I lean back onto the seat as Dalton pushes his door open. In a
flash he is at my door, holding it open, whilst reaching out for my
hand. I bite my lower lip as I place my hand into his and then my
eyes focus on Nicholas as he emerges from the house. Dalton wraps
his arm around my waist and he leads me towards the house. As we
edge closer to the front door, Nicholas becomes clearer in my
vision. He is tall, with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes; he is
smartly dressed in a black suit and tie and I cannot deny that he
is gorgeous. Dalton grips me tightly as we climb the steps of the
front porch. Nicholas smirks at me and he nods at his brother as we
finally reach him.

BOOK: Forever Yours (#2)
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