Read Fosters: Blackhawk Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

Fosters: Blackhawk (5 page)

BOOK: Fosters: Blackhawk
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"I am too.  While I've answered all your
questions you haven't told me much about you."  His smile and
green eyes throw me off for a second.  

"There's not much to tell.  I grew up in
care, went to college, and now I run two group homes."  

"What did you study?"  

"Business admin and psychology.  I knew
what I wanted to do and what it would take.  Because I was
motivated I had an easy time of it."  I think of all my
friends that struggled through.  

"You're not attached or seeing anyone?"  It
feels awkward but I guess he needs to know. 

I snort making him smile.  "I was married
but it ended two years ago.  I haven’t dated anyone
since.  It's not as easy as people and tv make you think."
 I look at his reaction, he's not surprised.

"How about you?"  I ask watching his

"I was close to marriage once but she turned out
to be someone completely different than who she portrayed herself
to be.  I've been a little gun shy since.  I wouldn't be
here now if I was seeing someone else.  I have an ingrained
need to be honorable.  There is no honor in disrespecting
someone."  His eyes go far away for a few seconds.  

"Admirable trait and I agree."  I look away
a little embarrassed.  "It's humiliating to realize you gave
complete trust to a virtual stranger.  My confidence in my
ability to choose a partner was shaken.  Not that anyone since
has asked, until you."  I look back at him then look away.

He puts his hand on my cheek, I look at him.
 "I felt the same way.  I was a SEAL, a member of a huge
security firm and I couldn't see a lie right in front of me. 
It sucked.  I'm glad I didn't put my trust in her alone
though.  She even fooled the Baxter's.  She was Mitch's
assistant.  No one had a clue.  That helps a

I turn my face into his hand.  "My aunt
liked him.  When she found me we started coming for
dinners.  She was so smart and funny.  I got a little
comfort that I wasn't the only one fooled.  I know what you
mean though, it only helps so much.  Christian hated
him.  I should have paid attention to that."  

"Christian doesn't miss much.  My
grandmother would say he has an old soul."  

I smile thinking of the Indigo and Crystal
people conversation my aunt had with me. Joey calls me, he moves
his hand and I go to our room.  When I come out Christian is
sitting with Cloud.  It looks like an intense conversation so
I get the little guys into bed and Brantley and Taylor watching a
movie.  When I get back Christian is hugging Cloud.  I've
never seen him hug anyone but the kids.  He grabs my hand
walking by with a smile. 

I sit and have a war going on in my head. I want
to know but keep myself from asking.  "How is the house coming
along?"  I throw out to keep my friggin mouth from asking
about Christian. 

"You are going to absolutely love it. 
Danny is like an artist with houses.  The show on tv could
have used him."  He says with a smile.  He's excited.

"He did more than just fix the damage that was
done?"  I don't know what to feel here. 

"Yesterday I helped fix damaged beams in the
basement.  Danny isn't a halfway guy.  I think the
foundation damage and beams were done today about lunchtime.
Everything that is done is with respect for you and what you
do.  The Brothers mission is to keep their women and children
safe.  They started at home, then went into their
neighborhoods then the community.  They believe it's the best
way to make a better world for the kids."  He says it so

"Thank you for helping them.  I can't
believe there was damage to the beams.  It sounds scary to
hear.  I'm embarrassed to say I had no idea.  My aunt
left me the house, aside from painting and stripping wallpaper I
haven't done anything to it."  I hope there wasn't too much
structurally to fix.  I'm glad someone caught it before it
fell down with my kids in the house.  "The MC sounds like the
Indigo and Crystal people my aunt talked about."  I watch his
head snap back.  

"Was your aunt Indian?"  He looks

"Not that I know of.  She believed the
Indigo and Crystal people are drawn together to spread goodness and
live lives of service, making the world better for the coming
generations.  Like they're sent here as a gift from the
heavens."  I look to see if he's going to bolt away from my
crazy ass thinking.  

He looks like he's thinking about it.  "My
grandmother told us of the Indigos and Crystals.  She believed
the old souls are visible for those who choose to see them and they
are sent by our ancestor spirits to guide us.  I guess it's
the same thing just in different words."  He smiles.  I
can't friggin believe he's not running out the door.  "I see
what she taught us in people.  Christian is one of those old
souls; he has the warrior in him but needs to be protected.  I
think Jeremy is too.”

I think my mouth fell open, I just look at him.
 "I think so too.  My aunt said ADHD and autism were not
medical issues but spiritual.  I think Jeremy is what most
people call autistic.  My aunt would say he has a need to be
protected because he lives on a higher plain."  

"My cousin, Steve the VP, is like that. 
He's so damn smart but people always underestimate him because he's
not always focused on now.  I think it's like your aunt said,
he's running in a higher plain."  He smiles.

"I can't believe we're sitting here talking
about this.  I've never talked to anyone about all of
this.  I thought they would think I'm crazy."  I smile
because I am a little crazy.

He laughs, "We could go to the sweat lodge smoke
the pipe and talk about it.  No one would think anything of

"What the heck do you put in the pipe."  I
can't help but laugh.  He holds his stomach laughing then he
kisses me.  I put my hand in his hair; it's as soft as it
looks.  Oh my gosh, my whole body responds leaving me
embarrassed.  He pulls away watching me.  "That felt
incredible."  What the hell am I saying that for?  Holy
cow my friggin brain left me.

"I feel drawn to you, something in my warrior
sees what's in you, another warrior but also someone to be
protected.  I hate not understanding what's happening but I've
never felt like this before and I don't want to fuck it up. 
Tell me if I push too far."  He's holding my face looking in
my eyes.  

"Wow, I'm a little freaked out but I understand
all that too, which is friggin weird.  I'll tell you if it's
too far."  I can't believe I said that out loud.  I'm not
sure if he can see it or not.  My aunt said seers and
receivers were common with large groups of Indigo and Crystal
people.  He nods and moves his hands.  Crap, why did he

"I like talking to you.  I like that you
understand what most people don't even see.  My sister and
grandmother would love to talk to you about our people; they see
more than I do.  I'd like for you to meet them."  

Wow, I'm happy he wants me to meet his family.
 "I'd like that conversation.  I don't really know any
more than what my aunt told me."  

He nods.  We sit in quiet for a few
minutes.  It's oddly comforting.  "I better get
going.  I'm keeping you from the kids."  

Damn, the kids, they're awfully quiet.  I
turn and look at them.  Christian looks over and smiles. 
The boys are watching their movie.  I nod.  I could use
some time to take in all he's said. 

Walking him to the door I step out in the hall
with him.  He flips the lock thing to hold the door then bends
down and kisses me.  My friggin word, he has my body ready to
spark into flames.  He lifts his head.  "I'm flying to
New York tomorrow; I'll be home after eight.  Can I come see

I'm still trying to catch my breath.
 "Yes.  Thank you for today.  I never expected all

He smiles.  "Grandmother use to tell us
true warriors are an honest people.  I'm glad you're not
afraid to show that to me.  I hope you see I feel the same."
  He bends again and kisses my cheek then turns and walks to
the elevator.

My jelly knees walk me back in.  I lean on
the door and think about that.  He's honest and quiet but
talked today so we could get to know him.  I smile pushing
away from the door.  Christian is standing by the couch
watching me.  "He's real.  It will happen but you need to
trust in it."  

"Damn you and your cryptic messages."  I
smile at him.  He doesn't let many people in but he's not
afraid of me seeing the real him.  "I'm trying
Christian.  It's not something I would have believed would
happen but I'm trying."  

He nods, "He sees that.  He sees more than
you know.  Trouble is coming; the men and kids will
help.  You have to trust them and Cloud's ability."  He
sits down.

Damn it!  "Am I going to get anything else
out of you?"  

He friggin smiles.  "It will all be
ok.  In the end it will be ok."  

"Not cute my little man.  I wish you'd tell
me what you see."  

His smile vanishes.  "I don't think you
would.  There are people that can help me, guide me but we're
not there yet.  It will happen."  

Sometimes he scares the shit out of me.  He
holds onto my hand.  We sit each lost in our own thoughts.
 "You're going to love the house CJ.  It has so much love
in it; you're going to love it." He says making me smile.

"Stop it.  You can't do that and leave me
with nothing so just don't say anything."  He knows this gets
me pissed.  

He friggin laughs.  "I love to see you
pissed.  Your eyes shine."  

"Get to bed you little punk and stop saying
pissed."  I push him in the direction of off the friggin
couch.  He laughs at me.  I can't help but smile.  I
pull him back down and kiss his cheek.  "Love ya Christian."

"Love you too CJ."  He says wiping my kiss
from his cheek.  I get my boys to bed and spend some time with
Joey.  I listen to Clouds qualities one more time as if I
didn't already list them and have it verified by Christian.  I
kiss my girl and go take a bath.  



Driving home I think about what Christian
said.  He wants me to watch out for CJ. Something will happen
he thinks it's with Mo, her assistant.  He's due back this
week.  Christian says something's changed with him.  He's
nervous about it.  I think he's like Tess, a seer.  It
would explain his staring and intensity.  He has too much
confidence to be hiding it; CJ must know and take him seriously.

I stop and call Danny telling him what Christian
said.  He's going to arrange it so Tess and CJ meet at the
house tomorrow.  With Tess he can guide her visions and get
more information.  He warns me it might not happen, visions
can't be controlled.  I let him know I understand but anything
would be helpful.  He suggests cameras in the common rooms of
the house.  He already has the alarms in.  "I can do the
cameras but I'm in New York tomorrow.  When is she moving back

"The plan was tomorrow after school.  If
you want, I can get the cameras in and we can push it to Tuesday."
 He waits for me to answer.

"I think at the hotel she's safe.  I'd like
to have the cameras in before she moves back." 

"That's what we'll do.  You need to stick
with your instincts.  I'll have Tess meet her tomorrow so she
sees all that's been done and I can explain about the
cameras.  If Christian came to you he's already clued her into
trouble brewing.  It won't be hard for her to see the need."
 He makes sense, Christian loves her too much not to warn her.

"I wish I could be there Brother, thanks for
doing this."  I tell him watching the lights play on the lake.

"I get the feeling she means something to you,
we made her ours when we trashed her house.  Making her yours
will cover her in Brothers protection."  He's so fuckin sure
of what he's saying I smile.  

"Thanks Brother." 

"I'll text you with any information I get. 
I want to call Tess before it gets too late, then I'll call CJ to
set it up."  

"Thanks Danny, have a good night."  I get
dead air and start driving with a smile the rest of the way home.



Chapter Four


I have a full day planned.  We eat
breakfast from the bakery and I get the kids ready.   We meet
Sally, she tells me she's Doc's old lady and helper of all things
needing to be done.  I like her immediately; she tells me
she'll be meeting me at the house with Tess later.  Danny told
me Tess is my age and excited to meet me.  She's good friends
with Cloud and Steve.  I think this is Cloud's cousin but she
didn't say.   

She came early so the boys had a chance to get
to know her before she drove them away.  Christian just smiles
when she says this.  He wouldn't ride with my ex; I know he
wouldn't go with someone he doesn't trust.  She gives me her
card just in case.  I really like her.

Once Sally leaves with the little guys I take
Brantley, Taylor and Joey to school.  I wish they were all in
the same school.  It would make life easy.  

I shoot over to the other house and grab the
month end reports.  I talk with Cindy about how the girls are
doing.  She's had the same group for months now. 
Everyone gets along and life has been good for her.  She's in
her forties but looks and acts much younger.  The girls love
her, she's been a mentor to a few girls that aged out last year and
gets me up to speed on their progress.  I tell her of our
invader and she pales.  I laugh and tell her the whole story
making her laugh with the giants and Cloud throwing me over his
shoulder so I couldn't kick him.  I check Kara, her
assistant's, schedule and paperwork for the skate night she'll be
taking the girls to on Friday.  

Hugging Cindy I rush over to DSS (Department of
Social Service) to pick up paperwork for Jeremy's psych
evaluation.  We need a court order for everything they do
because their mother refuses to consent to any care they may
need.  Why she even has that power is beyond me.  She's
not even working to get them back!  I leave their caseworker
and deep breathe back to the van.  

BOOK: Fosters: Blackhawk
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