Read Franklin Says I Love You Online

Authors: Brenda Clark,Brenda Clark

Franklin Says I Love You

BOOK: Franklin Says I Love You
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To Bob and Robin, for the love we share — B.C.

Franklin Says I Love You

Written by
Paulette Bourgeois

Illustrated by
Brenda Clark

Kids Can Press

RANKLIN thought he was very lucky. He thought he had the best pet goldfish. He thought he had the best friends and the best stuffed dog. But, most of all, Franklin thought he had the best mother in the whole wide world.

Franklin’s mother baked fly pie, just for him.

Franklin’s mother played catch, even when she was busy.

And Franklin’s mother always read him two stories before bed, even when she was tired.

So when Granny told Franklin that his mother’s birthday was the very next day, he decided to give her the best present ever.

Franklin wanted to show his mother how much he loved her.

Every year, Franklin made a birthday present for his mother.

She had loved her macaroni necklace.

She had hung Franklin’s self-portrait on the wall.

She had even worn her birthday hat shopping.

This year, Franklin decided to buy his mother something fancy.

He emptied his piggy bank and went to town.

Franklin looked in all the stores.

But everything cost too much.

“How can I show my mother I love her,” he wondered, “without a fancy present?”

So Franklin went looking for help.

He walked along the path and over the bridge until he came to Bear’s house.

“Bear,” said Franklin, “how can I show my mother I love her without a fancy present?”

“I always make my mother breakfast in bed,” said Bear.

But Franklin’s mother had told him that she didn’t like crumbs in bed.

BOOK: Franklin Says I Love You
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