Frenemies With Benefits (Geek To Chic Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Frenemies With Benefits (Geek To Chic Book 2)
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Sliding into her, they
both moaned.
She was never going to
last, all her girl parts were still very sensitive from the sex marathon they
had during the night.
By the sounds he
was making, and the quickness of his thrusts, he was not far behind her.
Her inner walls contracted, her nails clawed
his back, as the intensity of the orgasm took hold.

“Izzy, Izzy oh
She vaguely heard in the recess of
her brain as she was coming down from her high.
Seconds later they were both breathing heavy, her on her back, Alex next
to her on his stomach.

Looking over at him as
she caught her breath, she screeched and sat up.
“Shit, Alex! I’m sorry.”

The look on his face
screamed confusion.

“Your back!
Do you have a first aid kit or some Band-Aids?”
He was now starring at her as though she had lost her ever loving mind.
Sighing loudly, she leaned over and pushed on
one of the marks on his back.

What the hell?”
Alex hissed. He reminded her of a dog chasing
its own tail, as he attempted several times to look at his own back.

Holding in her
laughter, “I must have gotten a little too excited, your back has my nail marks
all the way down it.
Again, sorry.”

Shaking his head at
first, he kissed her gently, resting his hand on her cheek.
“I will wear them as a badge of honor.
After all, it means you had a fantastic time.”

Slapping him on the
shoulder, “Only you would consider my physically injuring you in the bedroom a
badge of honor.”
She laughed.

“Nah, most guys
I will have to make sure I am on
skins at the next pickup basketball game so I can show them off.”
He wiggled his eyebrows and kissed her
quickly before rising from the bed to go to the bathroom to dispose of the

“You wouldn’t?”
She called after him.
Hearing him chuckle in response, she rose to
follow him. “You have to hide the marks.”
Izzy ordered as she stood in front of him naked with her hands on her
She was finding it difficult to
pull off the pissed off bitch look when his heated eyes roamed her body.

“Nope, not going to
happen.” He smirked.

“What if they ask who
gave them to you?
We have an agreement,
not to tell anyone!”
She persisted.

Coming to stand in front
of her, he lifted her chin and kissed her again.
She caught a quick look of sadness in his
eyes before he masked it with his usual cocky attitude.
“They won’t ask.
They will make jokes at my expense, out of
jealousy of course.” He winked and strolled passed her to his dresser.
He threw on a pair of low hanging pajama

Grabbing one of his
T-shirts from the next drawer he came over to her, “Lift your arms.”
Shocked by his caring tone she did as he
He quickly dressed her in the
He chuckled a little.
“It looks like a dress on you since you are
so small.”

“I’m not small, you’re
just too big.”
Izzy retorted,
immediately regretting her choice of words.

Winking at her again, “You
seemed to like how
I am last
night and this morning.
I have the marks
to prove it.”
He stepped out of arm
reach before she could hit him.
man. “Now come on I need coffee.
seductress kept waking me up for sex last night, I’m beat.”

“Sure it was all
If I remember correctly, I was the
one who woke up with your head between my legs licking away.”

“Yeah, that was
He smiled, almost to himself
before leaving the room.
She followed
after him.
Coffee was a necessity at
this point.

Two steps out his
bedroom door they both stopped.
was in the kitchen humming away.
He cursed under
his breath.
Turning to her, he leaned
down to whisper in her ear.
might want to go put some clothes on before you meet my mom."

"Your...your mom?
No, no and hell no.
I will just hide in
your room until she leaves."
frantically whispered back.

"Alex, come have
Oh, and bring your little friend
I hear you whispering to."
His mom
lovingly called from his kitchen.

"To late babe,
time to meet my mom.
Go get
He lightly smacked her
ass before turning toward to kitchen.
"Coming mom!"

Izzy stood still for a
moment in complete shock!
There goes her
plan of not telling anyone.


Alex greeted his mother with
a kiss on the cheek as he entered his kitchen.
He had forgotten that she was coming over today so they could go to
their monthly pedicure appointment.
Something he was hoping to keep from Izzy.
After all the woman could be relentless when
it came to making fun of him.

I made coffee.
Who’s your new friend?"
His mother did not sound pleased.
Alice Porter thought it was time her son
settled down, got married and gave her lots of grand babies.
In fact, she had become very vocal on the
subject over the past few months.
that she ever approved of his revolving bedroom door. Little did she know that
Alex was trying really hard, to get the girl of his dreams to fall in love with
him, thus ending his bachelor life.

Sighing, he poured
himself some coffee, taking a sip of the liquid wakeup call before he answered
his mom.
He leaned against the
"It's not what you think

So there is not some
girl you barely know, in your room?"
Alice said, giving him the same look she had
when he had done something incredibly stupid or dangerous as a young boy.

"Yes, there is a
girl in my bedroom, most likely freaking out over meeting you.
However, she is not some
chick I picked up at a bar last
He leaned his hands on the
counter behind him, his head down.
"It's Izzy, ok?" He whispered.

Alice let out a small
He raised his head to look at his
Surprised to see her grinning
from ear to ear.
He walked over to her
and shook his head.
Whispering again,
"Mom, you can't make a big deal about this when she gets out here.
It will freak her out and I will lose any
chance I have."

Resting her hand on his
shoulder in a loving gesture, she whispered back.
"Of course, honey, I promise to not say
a word."
Her face was lit up with
pure parental joy.
She may not say a
word to Izzy, but her facial expressions would give away everything.

Before he could say
another word to his mom, Izzy slowly came into the kitchen.
Dressed in her clothing from yesterday, her
hair still a little wild and her hands wringing together nervously.
Pulling her hand into his he walked her over
to his mom.
"Mom, I would like you
to meet Isabella Newport, Izzy.
this is my mother, Alice."

Izzy immediately
offered her hand to Alice.
nice to meet you ma'am."

"No honey, don't
call me ma'am, call me Mama Porter like the rest of the kids, and I don't do
I do hugs."
Alice pulled Izzy into a death grip of a hug.
"I have heard so much about you,
Alex shot his mom a look and
she corrected herself, "from Roni of course.
It is nice to finally meet you."

A little burst of
nervous laughter escaped Izzy.
noticed she hugged his mother a little tighter.
“Thank you, Mama Porter.”
released his mother from their long hug.
“It was nice to meet you but I better get going.
I have unpacking to do.”

“Alex can drive you
home sweetie, I can meet up with him later.”
Alice smiled brightly.

Izzy glared a little at
Alex before she responded to Alice.
need for him to drive me home.
I live in
this building now.
Have a good

Without a look back,
Izzy was out his door.
He knew that now
that Izzy was gone, it was time to play twenty questions with his mother.

“I will go shower and
we can leave in fifteen minutes.”
said in a preemptive strike to avoid his mother’s questions.
Walking from the kitchen quickly.

“Make sure to wash your
back, dear, you seem to have a few scratches.”
Alice laughed.

Groaning, he locked
himself in his bedroom.
That had to be
one of the more embarrassing moments in his life.
Who wants their mother commenting on the
marks left from sex?
Shaking his head he
went to shower and shave.

Thirty minutes later he
was ready for his day out with his mom.
He loved his mother, but today he didn’t want to endure her
Grabbing his phone from the
night stand he headed out to the kitchen.
“Ok, all ready.
Where do you want
to have lunch?”

Alice was almost
vibrating with the need to dig into his life.
The downfall of being a mama’s boy, meant no subject was off limits to
Sighing, he decided to turn his
attention to his phone.
He unlocked the
device and saw he had a few text messages.
He smiled, knowing the messages where from a freaked out Izzy.


Now your mom thinks I am one of your slut

I knew this was a bad idea!

You have to tell her she can’t tell everyone!

You’re a fucker making me meet your mother like that!

I will find a way to get even!

Laughing he looked up
to see his mom staring at him in a way he never had seen.

Shaking her head, she
closed the distance between them and kissed him on the cheek.
“Nothing, Alex, it is nice to see you happy
and in love.”

“Umm…I’m not in
He stuttered.

“Whatever you say
I give it six months before you
beg that girl to marry you.
And I
believe it will take some begging on your part.
She may love you too, but she still won’t put up with your shit.
Just the type of girl you need.”
Without waiting for a response, she grabbed
her pursed and headed out the door.
“Let’s go to the Rio.
I have a
feeling you could use a drink.”

In shock from his mother’s
take on his odd relationship with Izzy, he didn’t move.
A sudden pain hit his chest.
We won’t
be together in six months.
off the bizarre feeling of loneliness, he moved to follow his mother to the
parking garage.

BOOK: Frenemies With Benefits (Geek To Chic Book 2)
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