Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Jay looked at her like she had grown two heads. “Baby, we want you to move in with us because we love you. Of course we want to protect you, but if we didn’t want you with us, we would have gotten you better security, not move you in. Mac and I are
in love
with you, Kat.

“I know it seems too fast, but it isn’t. I can’t stand the thought of not having you with us. We want to make this permanent, kitten. You can tell us you’re not ready, or tell us to wait. We will, but we’re not going to stop pursuing you. We want a life with you, a future. When we’re together, I can’t explain it, but I’m finally complete. I don’t feel like I’m searching for that one fundamental missing thing that Mac and I need in life anymore. Can you honestly say you need more time? That you don’t want this so badly you’ll do anything to hold on to it?”

Oh, God. He loved her. He wanted a future with her. Did Mac feel the same way? She wanted this more than anything. Even if it was fast, he was right. She would do anything to keep them.

“What about Mac? I need to know that you both want me, Jay.”

Jay’s whole face lit up. He squeezed her close and nuzzled her hair. “Honey, I’m under strict orders to get your ass home and make sure everyone in the state knows you’re ours. Mac loves you, too. He’s coming home tonight so he can be with us. We need you, Kat. Tell me you need us, too. Tell me you want this.”

How could she not? It was the biggest risk she could take, but her heart knew these men. She’d shared more of her soul with them, more of herself, than she had with anyone. She knew them, maybe not their favorite foods or all the mundane facts of their lives, but she knew them deep down. She was going to take what they offered and give everything in return. She was going to love them and give them all a chance at a future.

“Yes, Jay. I need this. I want this. I love you both.” Kat was smiling through her tears. Yeah, it felt right to say it. Jay grabbed her face and kissed her with all the passion he felt for her. “Oh, baby, I love you so much. Let’s get you home where you belong.”


* * * *


“Get in your carrier, you little shit.” Sampson absolutely hated traveling. She was usually more patient with him, but seriously, this was not the day to give her attitude. Jay strolled over with more boxes.

“I’ve got some guys headed over with a moving van. We can put the furniture in storage for the time being. Anything you want to take to the house will fit in Ryan’s truck. What’s wrong with Sampson? And why are you covered in fur?”

“He hates getting in this damn thing and sheds when he’s pissed. I have had it with this day.” Was it only last night she was so happy and relaxed?

“Sampson…if you want treats when we get home, you will get your furry butt in that box now.” She supposed that was Jay’s imitation of Mac’s Dom voice. Not terribly convincing.

Sampson hissed at Jay and settled into a low rumbling growl. “Gee, thanks, Jay. He’s ever so much happier now,” she said sarcastically.

Jay backed up a step. “You’re on your own, hon. I tried. He’s really mad now. Mad cats are dangerous. And sneaky. They act like they could care less about you, and then one night they scratch your eyes out. No, thanks. I like my eyes just fine. Sampson, you get all the treats you want, little man.”

Well, that was helpful. He’d take down a murderer in court, but not a neurologically impaired cat. Great. “Why don’t you just use those muscles of yours and get the rest of my clothes.” She wanted out of here. She had to admit she’d feel safer when they got home.


* * * *


With everyone’s help, it didn’t take long to get all of Kat’s things over to the house. When they were done, Kat went upstairs to shower while Jay, James, Ryan, and Kelly sat down to talk. He wanted everyone to know that he thought Suzy was behind this and that it might not be the end. After he laid his theory out for them, they all sat back for a moment, fuming.

“That little bitch is messing with the wrong people, Jay.” Kelly was livid. He knew she had some sort of trauma in her background, though she had never confided the details. She absolutely hated seeing anyone victimized. Yeah, he could count on Kelly and her minions to keep an eye out. She never got seriously involved with any of her subs, but they worshipped the ground she walked on. And there were quite a few of them, to boot.

James didn’t look any more pleased. It looked like he’d been up for days. “Shit, man. I don’t know what to do here. There’s no proof Suzy had anything to do with this, but I agree it feels right. Still, you know I can’t just fire her. She’s never done anything wrong at work. She flirts with the line, but she knows I won’t fire her unless I have a valid reason. I can’t afford a lawsuit, and you know it could make things worse for Kat. I’ll make sure they aren’t on the same shifts and I’ll inform Suzy we’ll be keeping an eye on her. Hopefully that will scare her enough to keep her in line at the clinic, but who knows what she’ll do if Kat isn’t arrested.”

“She’s not going to be arrested, James,” Jay said forcefully. “I already talked to my contact at the sheriff’s office. He knows this Ross guy and knows the little prick likes to intimidate people, but facts are facts. With no evidence in the clinic and an alibi, they don’t even have enough for a search warrant. All he’s going on is circumstantial evidence, basically a few coincidences that look bad for Kat, but none of that holds up in court. Even if he manages to pull a warrant out of his ass, he won’t find anything. I’ve been over that place with a fine-tooth comb.

“The pills are probably long gone by now, anyway. Cases like this are unfortunately pretty common for the police. Without anything to go on, they all usually end up dead in the water. You’ll be told to increase your security, keep a better eye on your employees, probably get a new safe for the controlled substances, but it won’t be long before they admit they’ve exhausted their resources.”

“Why does she hate me so much?” They all turned to see Kat had entered the room. Good question. Jay was worried it was because he and Mac wanted Kat, but Jesus, setting her up to go to jail seemed beyond aggressive.

Ry pulled a chair out for Kat and gave her a thoughtful look. “I’ve known Suzy a long time. She’s always been a bit extreme. She likes to be the focus of attention. We lost our last technician because she was sick of dealing with all the drama Suzy caused. Personally, I think she’s jealous of your position at the clinic. I know she wants your men. Even if she wasn’t at the club on Saturday, I’m pretty she got the message at our party that they were interested in you. Maybe the combination pushed her over the edge.”


* * * *


Kat thought about that. Well, she wasn’t leaving her job, and she damn sure wasn’t leaving her men. Psycho Barbie was just going to have to deal, and Kat was going to watch her like a hawk.

“All right. So, Jay’s cop friend thinks this case will go away, and James is going to give her the heads-up that we’re on to her, right?” she asked with resolve.

“Right,” Jay assured.

“Okay. The way I see it, she can’t afford to risk trying something again. Not with everyone watching her. I’m not letting her bully me into a corner. Hopefully she’ll see her plan backfired and move on. I can’t sit around worrying about her. I won’t. There’s nothing more we can do, anyway.”


* * * *


Jay was glad that Kat was dealing with this so well. Unfortunately, he had a bad feeling about it. He’d seen a lot of criminal behavior in his day. People didn’t just do shit like this. And Suzy didn’t act guilty in the slightest when they saw her earlier. Something about that woman was seriously off, and he was terrified Kat had just stepped into her crosshairs.


* * * *


Kat was snuggled with Jay when Mac came home. He ran over to them and wrapped them both in an embrace. “Jesus, kitten. Are you okay? I can’t imagine what a day you’ve had.” He’d pulled back enough to look at her. She was so happy to see him she couldn’t even feel her stress. She cupped his face in her hands and rested her forehead against his.

“I’m okay, Mac. Jay took really good care of me, and everyone was really supportive. I just want to be with my men tonight. I’ll have to think about Suzy again tomorrow. I want to forget tonight. I need you both to help me forget, Sir.”


* * * *


Mac sucked in air. It was the first time kitten had initiated a scene. It was also the first time she had really looked to him for comfort. He felt the tight band that had been squeezing his chest since this morning ease.

“Are you going to stay with us, kitten? We want you forever, baby. I love you. I want you as my partner, lover, friend, and sub. No games. Nothing between us. I love Jay, and I love you. We can have so much together. We will never hurt you, kitten. We’ll do anything to make you happy.”

“I know, Mac. I’m not here for games. I love you, too. I love Jay. I want the three of us to be together. You both give me something different, fulfill different needs, make me feel things I didn’t know were possible. I need you both.”

Mac looked to Jay, who was smiling brilliantly. “Slave, let’s take our kitten upstairs. We’re going to show her our love in our bed, in our home.” Mac needed to feel them both tonight. He had to consummate their union and know they were his.


* * * *


As soon as they entered the master bedroom, Jay started to strip. Kat joined him and got to her knees. She didn’t appear self-conscious about this at all anymore. It was as if she needed to show Mac that he would have her submission as well as her love.

“Kitten, are you on birth control? Jay and I get tested once a year during our physicals, and we’ve always been clean. We haven’t been with anyone but each other for years. Neither of us has ever had unprotected sex with another partner. We will always keep you safe, but if you allow us, I would prefer nothing between us. I want to feel your body clutching mine.” He needed to mark her. He needed to know that Jay would mark her as well. It was primitive, yes, but he didn’t care. He wanted to fall asleep with her in his arms and know that she carried their essence within her body.

“I’m on the pill to keep my periods regular. I was nervous about STDs after Mark cheated on me, so I was tested every six months for two years to be sure. It’s been a long time since then, but I haven’t been with anyone. I don’t want condoms, either, Sir. This body is yours now.”

Jesus, God. This woman was perfection. She knew exactly what to do and say. Only Jay had ever made him feel such devotion. And now they both kneeled at his feet, waiting for him to unite them. He pulled Jay to his feet and buried his tongue in his lover’s mouth. This man would stand by him and be his partner in cherishing this woman. Mac turned his kiss into a gentle exploration. He wanted to master his lover, but he would show him affection and love in equal measure.

As Mac caressed Jay’s back and squeezed his cheeks, he began rubbing his aching erection along the length of his slave. Jay’s breath hitched and Mac pressed harder, loving the feeling of his silky pants sliding along Jay. It would be a long night for Jay, so Mac wouldn’t torture him too much. That was not what tonight was about. He pulled back and gave Jay’s lower lip one last nip before he pointed to the bed.

“I want her to ride you, love. I’m going to take her with you tonight. I want to feel you inside her body.”

“Yes, Master,” Jay said low and quiet. His lids were heavy, and his face was flush. He would not fail Mac tonight. It would be difficult on kitten at first, but they would fill her up so full she would be a part of them.

“Kitten, I want you to lay on the bed with slave. Face me and let him cradle your body. I’m going to get in that hot ass of yours tonight, pet. It will hurt at first, but I will prepare you well. You can take me there. I own that ass, and I’m taking what’s mine.”


* * * *


Jesus. She never thought she’d want that. She was a little afraid it would be too much. Mac was a large man, but she wanted to try. She wanted to give him the one thing she had never given anyone. It was his right. She knew Jay would be there for her, too, helping her to relax, loving her. Jay had been doing this for years. Surely she could as well.

Kat turned to the bed and crawled up to Jay. His arms were open wide, and he was propped against the headboard. When she got settled in between his legs, she lifted her face for his kiss. He whispered, “It’s going to be fine, kitten. You’re going to feel amazing, baby.” When he finally kissed her, she relaxed into his chest. She would be fine. These men would take care of her always.

Mac took off his clothes, and after a quick trip to the bathroom, where he washed his hands, he returned with a bottle of lube and something with straps. What the hell was he going to do with that? It didn’t really look like it would be used to restrain her, but she’d never seen anything like it.

“Butterfly vibrator. Soon this little toy will be your new best friend,” Mac said with a glint in his eye. Okay, still didn’t help much. What the hell did it strap on to? “You’re thinking too much again, kitten. Put your arms around slave’s neck, and keep them there. Show me how much control you have, baby.”

Oh, God. She reached up and laced her fingers together behind Jay’s head. She would not let go. She would show Mac that she could obey him. Trust him to know what would give her pleasure.

“Slave, get those nipples ready. I want to decorate them. Would you like to see her little pink nipples in beautiful jewels? Maybe get them pierced and drape her in diamonds. Perhaps I’ll attach a thin chain to her nipple rings and leash her to your collar. I’d make you hold her up, impaled inside her while I flog you both. How long do you think you’d last?”

Jay was thrusting into her lower back and panting. With Mac’s words, he was becoming more and more fervent in his attention to her breasts. She was losing her mind right along with him. She could see it. Feel it. Every time Jay gripped her nipples and pulled them from her body, she imagined the tug of nipple rings, her body chained to Jay’s. She would try to hold still as Mac whipped her, whipped Jay. His long cock would throb inside her as her legs clenched his waist and ass. When Jay twisted her nipples at the same time, she cried out.

BOOK: Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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