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Authors: Unknown

Gabriel's Rule (6 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Rule
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it feels so good. Please…” She was crying again and still hadn’t opened her
eyes. He stroked her harder with his thumb and plunged his entire middle finger
into her. She bucked against him in her need for more so he added a second
finger and then dropped his mouth and latched on to one of her exposed nipples.
She screamed and he felt her body pull taut. He gave her two hard strokes and
curled his fingers inside of her as he bit down on her nipple and she exploded,
her body arching into him over and over. She moaned as the orgasm flooded her
system and he stroked her through it and nearly bit his tongue in half when he
felt the way her body clamped on his fingers.

moments passed before her body started to relax. He brought her down slowly,
his tongue sending soothing licks over the tiny mark he’d left on her nipple.
Easing off her clit, he carefully pulled his fingers from her body. Her eyes
were open now, watching him. She sucked in a breath when he licked her cream
off his fingers.

still surged through him but he could also feel the telltale coldness seeping
in. No, it hadn’t been about money this time but he was about to walk away from
her the same way he would any of his customers, because if he stayed here on
the couch with her, she’d start to think it had been something other than it
was. She must have felt his withdrawal because she stiffened beneath him and
pulled at the hand still holding hers. Releasing her, he shifted up so she
could sit and watched as she straightened her clothes. He needed her to go, but
he also wanted to drag her to his bed and do it all over again.

he began.

put up a hand and shook her head. “Don’t Gabe. That was…” She took a deep
breath. “That was the most incredible experience of my life. Thank you.”

tensed at her words and she gave him a mocking smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not
hearing wedding bells or anything – I heard what you said before.” She got up
to leave and he stood up to follow her. This wasn’t at all what he’d expected.
She seemed too okay with how this was ending. He didn’t know what to say – he
was always the one to walk away. Irrationally, he wanted her to argue with him,
he wanted her to question him but she didn’t.

the door, he forced himself not to touch her. “Thanks for the pie,” he said
lamely. She chuckled. As he was closing the door behind her he stopped when he
heard her soft voice.

Gabe, I don’t think you’re fucked up.” And with that she was gone.

Chapter 7


seven wants dessert,”
said to Riley as they
passed each other through the double doors leading to the kitchen.

she responded, using her hip to hold open her side of the door as she carried
the steaming plates of food out to the dining area. “Let me know if you need
anything else. Enjoy your lunch,” she said as she put the food down in front of
the customers and hurried off to table seven. Nell hadn’t lied about the place
being busy – there rarely seemed to be any downtime. But today Riley was
especially grateful for the endless stream of customers because it kept her
from dwelling on the events of the night before.

she’d left Gabe’s apartment, she’d dragged her sated body into the shower and
let the water wash over her still tingling skin. She’d been stunned at Gabe’s
reaction to her comment about being friends and when his big body had loomed
over hers she’d been confused and then nervous. But the second he touched her,
all her fear had disintegrated and all she felt was sensation. He’d had
complete control over her body and his dark, coarse language shouldn’t have
sent the thrilling shockwaves throughout her entire body that it had.

hadn’t lied when she told him she’d never had an orgasm; she’d tried touching
herself in the past but it had seemed so forbidden that she couldn’t make her
body respond like she thought it was probably supposed to. Her ex’s
confirmation of her lack of sexual prowess had just cemented the fact that she
wasn’t one of those people that would ever experience the mystery of really
amazing sex.

submitted the dessert order for table seven and then went to clear plates from
another table. Her thoughts drifted back to Gabe and she wondered if last night
would mean they couldn’t be friends. She knew she wanted more than that, but
he’d been clear that even being friends with her going forward might not happen
so she wasn’t foolish enough to think that what happened last night would
suddenly make her the love of his life.

hadn’t even taken his own pleasure from the act and when he had flat out stated
that he wouldn’t kiss her and that she couldn’t touch him, she’d felt a piece
of her heart break. The things he had made her feel had been so beautiful but
she couldn’t share it with him. And that made no sense because he had been
there the whole time…but it was like he wasn’t. She’d wanted him to feel what
she felt, but he’d made it only about her. Was she actually complaining about
that? She’d pretty much lived every girl’s fantasy – gorgeous guy’s only
concern is getting her off – why wasn’t that enough?

sweetie, can you cover the counter for a few minutes?” Nell asked her as she
passed by. “I’ve got to do some quick inventory in back.”

loved when Nell called her sweetie. It felt like a big hug every time she said
it. “Sure.” Riley dropped the plates off in back and then hurried to the
counter and checked with people to see if they needed anything. There was
constant traffic at the door so she didn’t actually notice Gabe until she
reached him near the end of the counter.

can I get-” her voice dropped off and she automatically blushed. “Gabe.”

He gave her a crooked smile as if he’d been waiting to catch her off her guard.
Seeing that smile made her feel like maybe things would be okay between them.

she said back and she took a moment just to take him in. It was like being
warmed from the inside out. “You came,” she finally breathed. When he lifted an
eyebrow at her choice of words she felt more heat flood her cheeks and she
stammered, “I meant for lunch, you came for lunch.”

did.” His voice was smooth, like fine chocolate.

you want to see a menu?”

I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger and fries.” She jotted it down.

are things going for you here?”

good. Busy, but good.” She fidgeted because part of her wanted to run away
while the other part wanted to crawl over the counter into his lap. He suddenly
looked uncomfortable and she realized he had probably figured out her train of

Gabe, what I said last night still stands. We’re good.” It hurt to say that but
she was desperate to get their relationship back on track and if that meant
pretending last night hadn’t happened then she’d figure out how to do that.
“I’m going to go get your order put in,” she said as she started to turn away.
She hesitated and then said, “I’m glad you’re here Gabe.”



fucked up.” Gabe drained the last of his beer and pushed it across the bar.
Shane was sitting next to him and their friend and fellow escort, Logan, was
behind the bar. At twenty-seven, Logan Bradshaw seemed a bit young to own a bar
but he’d put every cent into buying the hole in the wall pub three years ago
and finally getting it fixed up enough to open the doors earlier this year.

could only imagine the work involved in trying to rebuild the place. It was a
decent size and had a dark, almost romantic quality, but the seating areas were
outdated and the bar itself needed some serious refinishing. Logan was smart
though, and had picked a high traffic, touristy area near the water so he was
getting enough business to stay afloat. But Gabe knew the escorting made it
possible for Logan to keep putting money into the place. It also paid the
tuition for the small, private university his younger sister Savannah attended
in another state.

had been just nineteen when his parents died, Savannah only fourteen. Luckily
the small insurance policy his parents had kept had allowed Logan to stay in
school after he moved into his childhood home to care for his sister. He’d
finished school and gotten a degree in business, but all he ever talked about
was owning a bar and with the help of his business partner, Sam, Logan had
bought the place a while back and was trying to make a go of it.

Shane asked. He seemed quieter than normal today and if Gabe hadn’t been in
such a crappy mood, he probably would have drilled his normally happy go lucky
friend about the change.

Riley?” Logan asked as he got another beer for Gabe and then slid a shot across
the bar to Shane.

girl I told you about,” Shane responded as he downed the shot.

right, the girl who told Gabe to fuck off! I was sure you were making that up.”
Logan laughed at the dark look Gabe threw him and Shane flipped Logan the bird.

did you fuck her yet?’ Shane asked as he indicated to Logan to give him
another. Logan gave him an almost imperceptible shake of his head and Gabe
wondered what was going on.

Gabe answered absently. “We messed around though.”

what’s the problem?” Logan asked.

not that kind of girl.” This came from Shane and both men turned to look at
him, Gabe pissed and Logan amused. “I’m just saying, she’s a nice girl – she
doesn’t seem like the type to just mess around.”

relaxed and took a long draw on his beer. “She wants to be friends.”

what’s the problem?” repeated Logan as he dried some glasses.

like her, right Gabe? I mean she’s a sweet girl, right?” Shane said. Gabe only
nodded. “So don’t overthink it. The girl just moved here, just started a new
job. She probably hasn’t had a chance to make any friends yet, so just be that.
You don’t have to be anything but yourself around her.”

studied Shane for a long time after that insightful and passionate little
speech. Something was going on with his friend – he was quiet, withdrawn. Shane
seemed to realize he’d said too much and he fidgeted and jumped off the stool.

gotta get up early for a class tomorrow. I’ll catch you guys later.”

have any idea what’s going on with him?” Gabe asked Logan.

you notice what today’s date is?”

checked his phone and felt his stomach drop. How had he missed that? “Shit,” he
mumbled. “I’ll check on him on my way home.”

doubt that he’ll be there. He’s pretty much moved in with the bitch.”

‘bitch’ was Shane’s on again, off again girlfriend, society page princess Paige
Morgan. Her father was the CEO of the city’s largest bank. Gabe had no idea
what Shane saw in the woman.

call him later. I’m gonna head out – let me know when you’re ready to start on
this,” he said, tapping the bar’s top. “Stripping it’s gonna take a while.”
Logan nodded and reached out to shake Gabe’s hand.

luck with your girl.”

stood and frowned as he pushed away from the bar. “Not my girl,” he muttered
under his breath before leaving the bar.



wanna come bowling with me?”

Gabe asked incredulously. “Bowling?” he said again, just to make sure he’d
heard her right. She was standing like a little kid at his front door, her
hands clasped together like she was about to start begging him.

I’ve never been but I’ve always wanted to. Some kids were talking about it
today in the diner and it just made me realize that I haven’t really done any
of the stuff I promised myself I would do once I left home.”

never been bowling?” He opened the door and allowed her to enter.

My parents wouldn’t let me play sports when I was little-”

not a sport,” Gabe pointed out.

I just want to try it but I don’t want to go by myself. Please Gabe?” She was
practically bouncing. Was he actually considering going bowling at 9 o’ clock
on a Monday night with a girl that only two nights ago he’d watched come apart
in his arms on his living room couch?

was something friends did and he remembered what Shane had pointed out – she
hadn’t had time to make any friends yet. It was a bad idea but there was no way
he could turn her down. She seemed to sense when he’d given in because before
he could even say yes, she threw her arms around him and kissed him soundly on
the cheek.

a quick “I’ll go get my purse” she was out the door and within twenty minutes
he was watching her awkwardly toss the lightest bowling ball the place had down
the lane. For the fourth time in a row it went into the gutter, but she just
turned around and smiled at him. They were surrounded by everything from drunks
to big groups of teens to competitive players just practicing, but all he saw
was her and the big grin she gave him every time she managed to get the ball
down the lane.

warm feeling settled in his stomach – this had been easier then he thought,
being friends with her. And everything about her was so natural. She didn’t
primp and preen after she threw the ball, as if worried that somehow the act of
tossing an eight pound ball down on wood flooring would mess up her makeup or
cause her hair to be out of place. She didn’t complain about a possible chipped
nail on her perfect manicure, which she didn’t actually have, or worry if she
looked silly in the neon green and purple bowling shoes. And her laugh – it was
a big, real laugh that came from inside.

he took his turn, he waited for her to join him and then helped her position
herself. He explained how to keep her wrist straight and to keep her eyes on
the pins and on her next turn she managed to take out three pins total. She may
as well have won the lottery. The rest of the night went that way – they bowled
two more games and shared an order of fries.

was so much fun. Thanks for coming with me Gabe,” she said as he helped her
into the truck two hours later. As he pulled out into traffic, he couldn’t stop
glancing over at her. She hadn’t stopped smiling.

come your parents never let you play sports?”

the mention of her parents, her smile waned a little but he was glad when she answered
him. “I guess I was kind of like window dressing to them. They had an image
they wanted to portray to their followers and I was a part of that.” She leaned
her arm against the door of the truck and propped her head on her hand. “There
were so many things I wanted to try – dancing, horseback riding, soccer. But I
had to be a good little girl and go to bible school and I had to sit in the
front row of the church in my little white dress during every sermon. They even
brought in someone to teach me the right way to sit and smile when the TV
cameras were on me.”

you ever tell them just to go screw themselves?” he asked, angry on her behalf.

laughed. “No, definitely not. I didn’t want to make God mad because then I’d
burn in hell forever. What a messed up thing to tell a little kid, you know?”

told you you’d go to hell if you disobeyed them? How old were you?”

sure – it was just always that way. Most kids get threats of being on Santa’s
naughty list, I got eternal damnation and the fires of hell.”

shook his head in disbelief. “Your parents sound like fanatics.”

BOOK: Gabriel's Rule
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