Game For Love: Best Laid Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella) (3 page)

BOOK: Game For Love: Best Laid Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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“I see you won this time.” Maura came to him. “How many is that for each of you?”

“I refuse to say.” Garret rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. “I can’t believe a kid has beaten me so much at hopscotch.”

“Yet you still keep playing.” Maura laughed.

“She’s so convincing.” Garret chuckled. “I promise myself every day I won’t let her suck me in then somehow she does.”

“It’s those eyes,” Maura said smiling. “Her mom has the same power when she decides to use them. Those eyes will make you do things you don’t want too. Even if they claim it’s for your own good, I don’t buy it.”

“That’s it. I get caught up by those eyes.” Garret laughed. “She’s going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up.”

“She is.” Maura shook her head. “She has you wrapped around your finger.” She turned away. “It’s cute.”

“Cute.” Garret frowned. “You don’t call a man cute.”

“Cute.” She headed away laughing.

“And again you are walking away from me,” Garret said following her. “Why are you always walking away from me?”

“Give me a reason not to,” Maura said slowing but not stopping.

He reached for her and grabbed her arm. “Go out with me.”

Maura stopped, going still. Garret turned her to him gently and Maura came unresistingly. He couldn’t read the look in her golden gaze.

“You’re getting ready to leave. Symon will be back next week,” Maura stated.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Garret frowned.

“You’re going back to your life and I have mine here,” Maura said.

Garret pulled her with him back to the side of the building where they were out of sight of everyone else. She rested her shoulder on the wall and he leaned close to her staring into her gaze.

“We all live on the same planet so we all have the same life, technically.” Garret rubbed his finger along her cheek. “And mine is just being retired. So I don’t have much to do.”

“You asked me out because you don’t have much to do.” Maura stared at him in disbelief.

“Maybe,” Garret said dryly then said softly. “You felt it that first day. Our chemistry. And you might not admit it but you want me.”

“You’re so arrogant.”

“Confident.” Garret countered. “I’m confident that you felt it too.”

“Felt what?” Maura asked.

“Uh huh. No trying to deflect.” Garret cupped her cheek. “Be that bold, sassy and blunt woman I met that first day. The one who told me to get lost. Ask me to stay.”

“Of course you can stay to volunteer.” Maura smiled. “Symon, I’m sure, could use your help in the athletics area.”

“Fine, I’ll stay and help him out.”

“Good.” Maura stepped back and turned away took a step then paused. “Pick me up at eight tomorrow night.”

Garret watched her walk away and this time he didn’t even mind. He had a date with the fascinating woman. Whistling he went toward the parking area. Now he had to plan his strategy to ensure this would be the first of many

Chapter 3

Garret pulled in front of the lovely brownstone. Maura had texted him the address earlier. He parked and exited the vehicle then closed the door as he strode around the SUV. He went up the walkway taking in the flowers out front. Going up the steps, he stopped on the landing and pressed the doorbell. Sliding his hands into his slacks Garret glanced around. The door opened and he focused back onto it then lost his breath.

Maura’s hair was upswept with a few wisps framing her face. Her dark orange dress hugged her curves and complemented her skin. The hem fell to just below the knee. Matching open toed sandals completed her outfit. He lifted his head and stared into those compelling eyes.

“Garret,” She said.


She blinked.


“That’s the first time you said my name,” she said. “I like it better than DD.”

“Admit it, DD is growing on you,” Garret said.

“You’re comparing me to your cat,” Maura said.

“In the best of ways.” Garret smiled. “You look…”

“I know.” She stated.

“Confident.” Garret winked. “Love it.”

“Good.” She stepped forward.

He stepped back and she turned to close the door. Garret groaned as he saw her bare back in her halter top dress. Maura glanced at him over her shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Maura asked innocently.

“Minx. You know what you’re doing to me.” Garret smiled.

Maura didn’t deny it as she finished closing the door. After they went down the steps together and he opened her door seating her in his Tribeca. Garret went around the hood and got in. He paused before starting the car.

“You do know this will be only the first of many dates.”

“That didn’t sound like a question.” Maura glanced at him.

“You are hearing me correctly then.” Garret turned on the ignition.

“I have really good hearing.” Maura chuckled.  

“Good.” He pulled out into the road and drove down the street. “How was your day?”

“I did the usual I do on my day off. Chores, errands and so on,” Maura said. “Nothing to exciting. What about you?”

“Hung out with Symon and Zander.” Garret thought of his friends and the ribbing he’d received when he’d told them about his date.

“When will I get to meet this infamous Zander?” Maura rested her hand against her thigh.

“Soon. Once he gets settled and gets what is now his kitchen organized.” Garret turned left.

“Is that cook still being so klutzy?”

“Yes.” Garret chuckled. “Symon said it’s now Zander’s headache.”

“Why didn’t he replace her if she is so accident prone in the kitchen?”

“She is a brilliant chef.” Garret recalled the conversations he’s had with Symon who wasn’t that easy to impress about the chef’s cooking. “A klutz but so good when she isn’t trying to kill him as Symon says. I don’t think she’s been trying too hard. I could give her some pointers because God knows I want to kill him sometimes.”

“The two of you are so bad.” Maura laughed. “Always teasing each other.”

“Just like you and Heather,” Garret said. “That’s what you do with good friends.”

“Yeah.” Maura smiled. “It is.”

“So tell me something I don’t know about Maura.”

“Hmmm…that’s an interesting start to getting to know each other better.”

“I try.” Garret took another turn. “Now stop stalling and tell me.”

“I played the clarinet from junior high to high school.”

“Really.” Garret glanced at her briefly before returning his attention to the road. “I played the drums for a little.”

“Really. Why’d you pick that instrument?”

“For the chicks.”


“When I say chicks that’s how the younger-not-as-mature-me thought of women. Chicks dug the percussionists’. It’s why Symon, Zander and I joined the band.”  Garret smirked. “Then I found football and the other two hockey. We still got chicks but the love of the games we played superseded that.”

“It’s good to do what you love. Do you miss it?”

“Every day. It’s part of me but it was time for me to retire.” Garret shrugged. “I’ll have all those memories and now I’m making new ones. Learning to be more leisurely.”

“Man I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have the center. I’d be bored out of my mind. There is nothing to watch on daytime TV.”

“Yes. It’s so bad. I mostly watch Netflix.” Garret pulled into the parking area of the restaurant. “Even that can get boring after a while.”


“Have you been here?” Garret parked.

“Nope. Always wanted to try it.” Maura stared at the restaurant. “How’d you get reservations? This place is books usually months in advance.” Maura glanced at him. “Did you use your being an ex-NFL player?”

“No.” Garret frowned. “What is your problem with professional athletes?”

“That’s not a story for a first date,”  Maura replied.

“Okay. I can give you that. But you will tell me soon.”

“I’ll tell you.” Maura paused. “When I’m, ready.”

Garret inclined his head. “I’m a silent partner in the restaurant.”


“Yes. I’ve backed a few businesses. And I have others where I actually do stuff.”

“So you’re not really living a life of leisure,” Maura said.

“Leisure by my standards.” Garret got before closing the door then going to her side.

He helped her out before closing the door then they went toward the entrance.

“Let’s discuss what leisure is,” Maura said laughing.

“Okay,” Garret said.

They chatted about leisure and other topics as they went in and had dinner. As they talked, Garret found they had quite a bit in common. And his first impression of her being a savvy, smart businesswoman was very accurate. As the night wore on and he eventually took her home, Garret knew his instincts were correct. He did want to spend more time with this captivating woman. He led her to her door and stopped before it as she opened it. Maura turned to him and pressed her back against the doorjamb. Garret stared at her. Maura rolled her eyes then grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her.

He went willingly. She lifted her head and met his kiss. Maura opened her lips under his and he stroked his tongue inside. Her moan filled his mouth and he sank deeper into the kiss and pressed against her caging her on the doorjamb.

Garret groaned and his erection hardened even more. He’d imagined what she would taste like and he hadn’t even been close. He couldn’t even describe it. He moved his tongue along hers, seeking that taste he knew from this moment would be burned into him. Maura shifted closer to him placing her hands under his open jacket against his waist. Garret wished her touch was against his bare skin. At that thought, he willed himself to calm down. He wasn’t going to rush this. After spending these past weeks with her and tonight their first date, he already figured this wasn’t something fleeting. Garret gentled the kiss then pulled away.

Maura’s moan made him smile. The dazed expression on her face was even more pleasing. She blinked and the look remained.

“Hmmmm.” Maura smiled. “I wondered how you’d taste.”


She pushed his away gently then stepped into her house before turning to face him. “I’ll need to test it a few more times before I can tell you. Goodnight, Mister Reid.”

“Woman, you can’t call me that after our date and my kissing you.” Garret stared at her.

“Really. I just did.” Maura got that mischievous look in her golden gaze. “Maybe I need a few more kisses before I can recall your first name.”

“You know my name, you’re just being stubborn.” Garret snorted.

“You say the nicest things.” Maura winked. “Keep that up and I might just recall your first name sooner.”

“I prefer the kisses to remind you.” Garret lowered his gaze to her lips.

She licked them leaving it glistening. He raised his eyes to meet hers then took a step forward.

“Uh huh.” Maura shook her head then moved back slightly. “My control is shaky and I can’t promise I won’t drag you to bed if you touch me again.”

“I don’t have a problem with that.”
To hell with slow.
His cock twitched in agreement and he braced his hand against the left doorjamb.

“You make me want to give into my baser urges…”Maura blew out a breath. “But I’m not going too.”

Although she was turning him down Garret had to chuckle and the disgruntled way she said it. She didn’t want to but she was for whatever her reasons were. He didn’t know what they were but her hesitating made him know he had made the right decision earlier. Even though he had temporarily wanted to forgo that and have her.


“Don’t use that sexy voice on me.” Maura stared at him narrow-eyed.

He smiled wider. “You think I’m sexy.”

“You need to have your hearing checked. I said your voice is sexy.” Maura smirked. “As for your looks? They’re all right.”

Garret threw his head back and laughed. She wasn’t about to stroke his ego and he could appreciate that about her. He lowered his head, a smile still on his lips. Hell, he liked a whole lot of things about her. Maura was turning out to be a fascinating woman.

“This is turning out to be a long goodbye,” Maura said.

“You’re the one who keeps enticing me with your womanly wiles.”

Maura blinked then laughed. “You’re so full of shit.”

“Maybe.” Garret shrugged. “But yet I’m still here saying goodbye. You’re the one who is keeping me at your door.”

“Fine.” Maura sighed exaggeratingly. “Have a nice night, Mister Reid. You can pick me up at eight am for our next date.”

“Date. I don’t recall asking or being asked on another date.” Garret pointed out.

“I didn’t ask. Wear something comfortable.” Maura reached for her door and started to close it.

Taking the hint he moved back. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” Maura replied as the door closed.

Garret turned and went back down the steps. “God, I love a confident woman.” He went to his vehicle then got in.

He sat behind the wheel of his SUV and glanced toward her house. Symon had been right that Maura was a woman you committed to. Garret knew he wasn’t there…yet. There was a ways to go first before things—if it was to be—went that way. He was going to enjoy getting to know her. There were many depths to her that he couldn’t wait to unveil. He frowned as he thought of her reaction to him when they first met and earlier when he asked about her aversion to athletes. For now, he’d let her tell him when she was ready. He’d wait and see what happened with her. He turned on his car and drove away.



* * * * *


Maura paced in front of her door waiting for him to arrive. She glanced at the clock—7:45. She stopped and rolled her eyes. Her being so anxious over a date was usual for her. Lifting her hand to her lips she thought of last night when he kissed her. Well technically she initiated it but he sure had taken control after she had.

“What are you doing, Maura?” Her voice echoed in her empty hall.

Turning away from the door Maura glanced around but didn’t see any of the things she had put together to create her oasis—her home. Instead all her thoughts were inward. It was foolish…stupid really that she’d let him get under her skin so easily. But there was something about Garret that inspired you to give him a chance.

You’re going to regret it.
Maura crossed her arms over her chest. At that thought she decided to be more cautious. She tensed at the sound of the doorbell then relaxed. Now that she had in her mind what she would do, Maura knew she wouldn’t waver. She smoothed her damp palm down the leg of her dark blue shorts. Maura grabbed her purse off the entryway table then took a step to the door before she opened it.

Damn him for being so damn fine.
Last night when she had teased him about his voice not being sexy instead of how he looked Garret has taken it with his usual affable way. No way would she admit that he wasn’t just sexy but downright gorgeous. She knew it was those shoulders that did her in. She was a sucker for a man with shoulders so broad they made you want to just lay on them and stay a while. Then there were his heavily-lashed, dark blue eyes which again she thought could see deep within her soul.
Stop being fanciful. You deal in reality. And the reality is you want to jump him. Have you way with him. Yet you’re waiting because you want to control things as usual.
Looking at him Maura wondered which of them would lose control first.

He’d done as she asked and dressed casually. His white T-shirt stretched across his broad chest and shoulders showcasing his build while his black jeans hugged his thighs. The sandals he had on his feet completed his look. The front of his hair was pushed up from his face with the sunglasses at the top of his head. He smiled and those blasted dimples that made her want to lick along them appeared. Until Garret she never knew she was also a sucker for dimples.

BOOK: Game For Love: Best Laid Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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