Read Goddess in Training Online

Authors: Terry Spear

Tags: #romance, #sexy, #greek mythology, #librarian, #terry spear, #greek gods, #zeus, #sexy books, #sexy love story, #sexy contemporary romance, #spear slayer, #hera

Goddess in Training

BOOK: Goddess in Training
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Goddess in


Terry Spear




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Goddess in Training

Copyright © 2010 by Terry Spear


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To the Greeks and Romans who shared their
wonderful mythologies with the world.


Present Day, Mount
Olympus, Home of the Greek Gods and Goddesses


, my husband, god of all gods and goddesses, ruler of Mount
Olympus and my heart, you are mistaken when you say satisfaction
can be guaranteed when pleasuring a woman—strictly a physical state
of being. That a man and a woman need not share a deeper love for
one another to be totally satisfied, and that a marriage that binds
them forever is unnecessary.” Hera stroked his curly gray hair and
nipped at his ear, her fingers trailing down his naked

Zeus leaned over and kissed his wife’s
cheek, his hands touching her bare shoulder in whisper soft
caresses. “Hera, goddess of marriage and married women, and my
beautiful wife, you are wrong.” He gave her one of his dimpled smug
smiles. “Whether love exists or not between a man and woman, the
sexual act is all that is required between mortal and immortals
alike to fulfill the need connecting them. Take Asarian as a prime
example. As demi-god of pleasure, he imparts sexual gratification
to women who have never before experienced such a wonder. Neither
he nor they fall in love. ‘Tis a lustful joining of the bodies, and
both male and female are totally satiated, blissfully satisfied in
the end. It is an experience they cherish forevermore. What more
could we wish for?”

She nuzzled her face against Zeus’s
broad, bare shoulder. “But ‘tis not a joining of the souls. The act
alone does not complete them. The sexual intrigue does excite the
couple for the moment, true. But the next morning, the woman has
doubts. Regrets. She feels used, degraded. A man mayhap is just as
content, satisfying his sexual urges. But ‘tis the long-term
commitment which makes the couple whole.” Hera wound a golden curl
around her finger, considering her husband’s words, irritated that
he oft had trysts with mortals and immortals alike either through
trickery or by capturing their hearts and had done so only this
morning with some Scottish lass while Hera visited with her maids.
She sighed deeply, revenge sweet whenever she took these women to
task. Walking over to the Pool of Visions, she peered into the
crystal clear water and swept her finger in circles in the warm

Zeus chuckled darkly. “So it will be a
contest of wills again, my love.”

Aye.” She studied the
images of women in various occupations all over the world—soldiers,
doctors, store clerks, teachers, nurses…a librarian.
Too cliché

For three hours, she considered
hundreds of thousands of candidates. In the end, she came back to
the librarian, petite, pretty in a boring way, unwed, and best of

Hera smiled. A twenty-six-year-old
virgin. “The librarian is my choice.” She folded her arms, totally
smug. “Now, my husband, find a man who will give her pleasure, that
will make her complete without either of them falling in

Zeus pulled Hera into his arms and
moved his lips over hers in a searing kiss. “Asarian will do my

Nay, my husband. Her
lover should be a mortal like her.”

You stated a woman would
not be content with a man giving her just sexual fulfillment. What
better choice is there than Asarian, god of pleasure, who can give
a woman an orgasm with merely a smile? If she is happy, then I am


Zeus trailed kisses down Hera’s neck
and slid his fingers underneath her silk gown, criss-crossed over
her breasts. Instantly, her nipples tightened with his touch,
sending a tingling all the way to her toes.

Zeus smiled. “She will be a
demi-goddess then, as Asarian is a demi-god.”

All right. What shall she
be the goddess of?”

He slipped Hera’s gown off her
shoulders, baring her breasts as the shimmering silk caught on her
golden belt. His fingers traced her swollen nipples, sending fiery
liquid shooting through every inch of her. “Your choice, love,” he
whispered against her ear.

Goddess of fertility,”
she mewed, her hands struggling to remove Zeus’s belt.

Goddess of fertility?” He
quirked a silver brow. “A virgin?” He laughed. “As you wish.
Asarian will give the woman pleasure like she has never felt
before, but such as is his nature, he will not fall in love, and he
will enjoy the experience completely. The young woman will feel
likewise, only she will bring fertility to childless couples after
the task is done.”

And if they fall in
love?” Hera tossed his belt to a velvet-covered bench.

Zeus unfastened her belt and her gown
slid to the floor in a puddle of pale blue silk. He shrugged a
shoulder, his gaze taking in her appearance, admiration evident.
“It will not happen.”

But if it does?” She
raised a brow and tugged his toga past his hips. God of gods he was
the perfect male specimen, his shaft rigid with eagerness, his blue
eyes smiling with wickedness.

He lifted her in his arms and stalked
toward the Pool of Pleasure. “Then their lives will be their own.
No interference from either of us, forever more.”

Forever is a very long
time, my husband.”

He stepped into the warm, silky aqua
water with her. “No more words about it, my goddess of the heart.
Time to show me how much you love me.”


The task Asarian, demigod of pleasure,
was an interesting one, and as always, when his king asked it of
him, Asarian had every intention of doing what he bid. In this
case, he stalked into a small town library in south Texas, wearing
denim shorts and nothing else, as Zeus advised him.

Wear as little as you can
to stir up the frigid woman. You can do it with your handsome looks
and just a smile. Melt her to the icy core,” Zeus had recommended.
“Convince her to accept your offer of a night of pleasure as you
have done with countless other women and win my favor.”

Asarian had it in mind to do it, too.
One look at the lady through the Pool of Visions, though plain of
features--dull blond hair, a small pert nose, petite of stature, a
face a bit mousy—large brown eyes and a curvy body well compensated
for her other simple attributes. Still, she did not hold a candle
to Hera’s beauty, yet he would warm the librarian’s frigid body
with his pleasurable touch and teach her the gift a man could
bestow upon her. From then on, she would never again wish to hide
her womanly virtues.

The goddess of marriage had implored
him, “The lady is untried, use finesse and show her you can be more
than just a one-night love affair. Show her what a man has to
offer. Should be a difficult challenge to win, but not impossible
for one as gifted as you.”

Asarian sighed, contemplating the task
before him—though he wished to please Hera—she would always hold
his heart hostage. How could any woman compare? Yet, the notion
Hera wished him to win the challenge, nagged at him. He would do
anything to please her, but the goddess wanted him to ensnare the
woman’s heart, and give his own to her, which he could never do.
Love the ladies, pleasure them, but not with his heart—that was the
only way he could manage to remain devoted to his queen, his heart
intact. Forever pledged to her, his first and only true love.
Though he’d never pleasured her, he’d lusted after her, the woman
charmingly seductive in her own right.

But as soon as Asarian entered the
reading room where Lisandra Atkinson read to a bunch of children,
he knew there’d be trouble. Her brown eyes, already strikingly big,
widened even further. The words she’d read from the book instantly
died on her tongue, and her gaze shifted from his black hair
hanging loose at his shoulders, to his naked chest, down to his
shorts, all the way to his bare feet.

The way she appraised him made his
shaft jump with intrigue. How the mousy woman could do that to him
with just a look was unfathomable.

Twelve children of various ages, all
young, stared at him, too, and for an instant, he felt embarrassed
for the intrusion. Him, the god of pleasure. He couldn’t remember a
time in his life he’d ever felt that way.

Lisandra swallowed hard, then rose
from the tiny chair she was sitting on that looked to be designed
for one of the cross-legged children on the floor. “I’m…I’m afraid
you can’t be in the library without wearing shoes and a

His lips curved up. He’d seen the sign
on the library door. No shirt, no shoes, no service. But he
intended to provide the service. The fewer clothes, the better. “I
had naught else to wear, my lady.” He bowed his head slightly, his
eyes focused on hers. ‘Twas the way to gain a woman’s

She was supposed to look away
demurely, cheeks flushed, but then again look at him, to show how
interested she truly was in him. Or, hold his gaze and bold-faced
ask him to join her at the nearest bar for a drink after work. One
or the other. She did neither.

Instead, her expression turned into a
myriad of emotions ranging from horror and disbelief to compassion.
He read women’s feelings well, ‘twas why he was so attuned to
pleasure them with the proper skill. But he wasn’t sure how to
handle this woman one bit.

I’m…I’m sorry,

He offered his hand. “Asarian. Please,
call me by my given name.” Though he had only the one, but no lady
ever seemed to mind. Most he’d charmed hadn’t even cared he had a

She took his hand to shake, but he
captured her small-boned fingers and raised them to his lips and
kissed. It should have turned her knees to jelly. Instead, he was
the one overpowered by her scent, her sweetness. The smell of
lavender scented her skin, and at once he wished to get on with the
seduction, anywhere but here in front of an audience of young
mortals. However, Zeus had commanded he bring Lisandra to Mount
Olympus, the perfect place for lovers to mix.

Her skin blushed from her upturned
face to her small sandaled feet. She pulled her hand free and
cleared her throat. “I’m Lisandra Atkinson and the head librarian
here. Uhm, we have the Salvation Army next door. Perhaps you could
go there to…” Her eyes glanced down at his shorts and shot back up
to his gaze. Did she see how willing he was to have her?

He tried to remain serious, though he
was certain his eyes sparkled with humor. Ladies oft said that
about him.

Do…do you have any

Money? He had no need of money. Best
to humble himself. He motioned to the children. “I wished to hear
you read to the small ones. Would you mind my listening too
terribly much?”

But…but our policy here
is that everyone must be properly clothed and…”

He folded his arms. “I have no shirt
or shoes.” It wasn’t the first time Zeus had steered him

She bit her lip, like he wished to do
with a gentle nip, then she said to the children, “I’ll be right

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