Goldie's Three Werebears (Steamy Werebear Shifter FMMM Menage Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Goldie's Three Werebears (Steamy Werebear Shifter FMMM Menage Romance)
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I took a few deep breaths and stretched my arms over my head.  I filled my lungs and then swooped downward to touch my toes.  Exercise always calmed me in the past, but it seemed I would have to run a marathon before this nervous energy dissipated.  I stood again, reached for the sky and then stretched downward again.


I heard a soft sound.  Through my legs, I spied a gleaming black shoe.


I stood up with a gasp.  Rafe had appeared in the room and I hadn't even noticed.


"Don't let me stop you, Selena." His low voice floated out and around me, covering me like a blanket.  "Your skin gets so nice and pink when you're nervous. I can hear your heartbeat... I can smell your arousal…"


I stood up quickly, my cheeks flaming.


Rafe's eyes darkened.  "I said, don't stop," he snarled.


I took a deep breath and slowly drew my arms upward.  Then I bent nearly double, placing my palms flat on the floor.  I felt my dress hike up and a cool breeze blew across my exposed pussy.  My whole body blushed.


"Very nice," he intoned.  "Now stand up again."


I stood.


"Now over once more, please." I moved to shift my skirt down.  "No, leave it," he barked and I whipped my hands away.  My skirt had bunched high up on my hips, leaving my whole mound visible.  But yet his eyes remained fixed on mine.  "Down you go."


I bent double again, my skirt inching still higher.  I was completely naked from the waist down now.


"Yes, keep doing that.  You do look so lovely when you're exerting yourself."


He spoke like a scientist curious about cause and effect.


I stretched as hard as I could.  I felt my thigh muscles quivering slightly and a soft grunt escaped my lips.  Rafe made a small noise of his own, barely audible, and I felt a small smile spread across my lips. 
I was getting to him.


"Stand up, Selena."


I stood quickly and then yelped as he ripped my dress over my head.  My hair snagged in the slinky fabric and my eyes burned as several strands were pulled from my scalp.


I had to compose myself quickly though.  Rafe placed his hands on my shoulders.  He twirled my fallen hair idly as he spoke.


"It is time to start," he said.  "Lie down on the bed, face up."


I shuddered under his touch and immediately complied.  The white down comforter pooled around me.


"Oh," he remarked, once I was in position.  "You're going to need to take that corset off."


"Don't you want to do that?" I smiled.


His face darkened.  "Did I say you could talk?"


I bit my lip and shook my head no.  Quickly I undid the numerous hooks and eyes, my fingers shaking.  When I had chosen this, my best piece of lingerie, I had imagined his excitement at unfastening it himself.  It was humiliating to be forced to remove it on my own. Angrily, I flung it away.  I was now completely naked while he remained clad in his suit. 


It startled me how much I liked it this way.


I lay back down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.  Rafe turned his broad back to me and rummaged quietly in a drawer.


"Eyes closed now, Selena, until I tell you to open them."


I closed my eyes.  Without sight, my other senses grew terribly acute.  I smelled Rafe's ruggedly sophisticated scent waft towards me and felt the puff of air in his wake.  He was walking around to the other side of the bed; I could hear his tread on the floorboards, the soft squeak of the leather in his designer shoes.


And then I felt his hand close around my wrist and lift it upward.


My eyes almost flew open of their own accord.  It wasn't until the last possible moment that I mastered myself and squeezed them tighter.  I felt something encircle my wrist and then a bite of leather as it was drawn tight.


He moved quickly.  Wrist, ankle, ankle, wrist, and then it was over.  My eyes were still closed, unable to see, and now my body was bound to the bed, unable to move.


My heart thumped wildly.  Whatever came next, there would be nothing I could do about it.  I was completely at his mercy. It occurred to me once more that no matter how gorgeous he looked in a suit, that he was not human.  He was a werebear… Something so much more powerful than any ordinary man…


And I was his prey.


I heard a soft exhalation and then the sigh of fabric on fabric.  A clink of metal and then nothing.


"Open your eyes now, Selena."


I opened them wide and gingerly glanced at my bonds.  I was trussed up, spread-eagled on the bed, each limb held down in supple leather restraints.


Rafe appeared at my side.  He had removed his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his crisp, white dress shirt. 


He raised his hand to cup my exposed breast appraisingly.  I felt like a piece of meat at the butcher shop, but his touch inflamed me in spite of my shame.  "Selena, I know what you're thinking now.  You're wondering what happens next. Before we start, I must tell you that there is a safe word. If at any time you wish me to stop, you must only say the word
… Do you trust me, Selena?"


I nodded my head, not daring to speak without his permission.


"Then we may start...  You are now an object, nothing more.  Do you understand?”


I nodded softly again, my body aching with desire.


“You exist for my pleasure and tonight, I shall use you as I see fit.  Whatever pleasure you get from what happens to you is because of my grace. You do not ask for pleasure and you do not take it without my permission."


I nodded my response, unable to look away from his devastating eyes.


"The only sound out of your mouth from here on in, will be 'yes sir.'"


I nodded.


"Speak, Selena."


"Yes, sir."


"Good girl." He cupped my breast firmly, lifting his hand upward as he tweaked the peak, gently rolling it under his thumb and forefinger until it hardened and puckered under his touch.  It felt so good that I squirmed, but I knew that I couldn't show it.  I bit into my lip harder, unable to hold back the small cry of pleasure.  When it escaped my mouth, I instantly wished I could take it back.


"Ah, see now, already you are breaking the rules," Rafe tutted.  His eyes twinkled with malice as he turned back with a smile. I heard that clink of metal again and this time is sounded ominous.


When he came back to the edge of the bed, he was holding something. In his hands lay a length of glinting silver chain.  I pressed my lips tighter to hold back the gasp. The metal flowed like liquid through his fingers as he held it out for me to see. Four separate chains linked together in the center, each end tipped with a vicious looking clamp. I bit my lip.


Rafe's amber eyes twinkled as he ran the length along his hands.  "Silver," he said, "it's pure silver.  And it does nothing to me… Do you see that? Yet another fairy tale humans still tell themselves to imagine they are safe.  Silver can not hurt me," he grinned, showing me his pearly white teeth, sharp and hungry. "But it will probably hurt you."


Rafe's eyes twinkled gaily like this was nothing more than a delightful game. "So Selena," he breathed softly in that sinuous voice. "Let's see if you can follow directions a little more accurately from now on."


He opened one of the silver clamps, and then let it snap shut, making sure I could see the power of its grip. Then he extended it to my foot.


I couldn't help it, I shuffled and kicked. I pulled my foot as far away from him as the leather strap would allow. "Selena, now, now," he murmured. "You're disappointing me.  I was sure you were made of stronger stuff.  Come now, it's just a little pinch."


The pain shot up my leg as the cold metal bit into my flesh. I shook my foot in a frenzy, trying to shake it off. When that didn't work, I tried to reach it with my other foot. But the leather straps held me firm.  I squeezed my eyes shut against the hot pain.


And that was when the second clamp bit into the big toe of my other foot. I screamed inwardly, taking all of my strength not to open my mouth and betray myself. I looked down and whimpered at the sight. My toes were purple around the clamps but the flesh underneath them was white. I felt the blood pounding back through my body.


"Very good," Rafe mused. He looked up at my body, brushing his hands over my heaving breasts.  "And there's that lovely pink color again.  You do look your best when you're stressed."


I moaned.


"You may speak, Selena."


I wanted to say that it hurt, but I didn't.  I lived for this sort of thing. The pain always came with pleasure. I wanted this…


"Yes, sir," I replied.


My obedience to his orders made him smile.  "Well done!" he crowed.  HIs face broke out into a wide grin so at odds with his cool demeanor.  His eyes glinted at me.  "I knew I could depend on you, Selena.  I knew you were something special."


He smoothed my hair back, his gentle touch at odds with the pain he was causing me.  I whimpered for a moment as he comforted me with his touch.


Then his eyes changed. "Let's continue," he intoned, and I shivered in anticipation.


I could stop this. I knew all I had to do was say the word ‘red’ and it would all be over, but despite my fears, I nodded. Rafe would give me pain, but he would also give me pleasure. I was prepared for this…


He stepped back and took hold of the chain. Clamps still dangled from the two free ends and I could now see that the center ring had a clamp too. I whimpered as he dragged the lengths up my legs. The metal bounced along my stomach, the clamps dancing closer and closer to my face.


"Breathe out," he ordered and, without thinking, I exhaled just as he closed the third clamp on my left nipple.


A shout of pleasure and pain tore free from my throat. I kicked and thrashed but his aim was unerring as he clamped down on my right nipple.  I struggled, but every time I kicked, the chains on my toes yanked painfully on my nipples.  I froze the instant I realized that struggling was only going to cause me more pain.


"That's a smart girl."


He turned his back and I bit my lip, breathing through the fiery anguish.  My nerves screamed and adrenaline flooded my veins. 


Then he turned back.  In his hand was a long shaft that I first mistook for a microphone.  But when he flipped a switch at the bottom, it hummed to life and I realized it was a giant vibrator.  My legs were splayed open in front of him, my sex completely exposed. 


He stepped back and eyed me appraisingly again.  "You're doing very well for your first time with me, Selena.  You deserve a little reward."


I panted, my fear mixing with raw desire.


"I'm going to show you how good it feels to give in." He lowered the vibrator and brushed it lightly across the lips of my vulva.  I tried to squirm away, but the chains reminded me to stay completely still.  I relaxed my body, allowing him to press the buzzing vibrator right down on to my exposed clit.


The vibrations sent my singing nerves into overdrive.  The adrenaline that had sent my pulse racing had made every inch of my body wildly sensitive.  Rafe's eyes widened as he watched me fight the pleasure that threatened to overwhelm me.  His amber eyes betrayed his desire.


He had told me I wasn't allowed take my pleasure unless he gave me permission.  This was a test, a test I didn't want to fail.  Failure would me more pain. I exhaled and rocked my pelvis downward so the vibrations went to a less sensitive area. 


BOOK: Goldie's Three Werebears (Steamy Werebear Shifter FMMM Menage Romance)
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