Groomed for Murder (Going to the Dogs) (17 page)

BOOK: Groomed for Murder (Going to the Dogs)
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Boxer barked. “Oh, you want some, too?” she said the love spilling out of her voice. She planted a kiss on his head as they went into her apartment together and closed the door.


“I can’t believe you’re making me wear a blindfold.” She heard Callie giggle next to her in the posh interior of Harper’s limo. Drew must be up to something naughty.

“It’s supposed to be a surprise, Brooke. If you see what it is before the unveiling, it’s not a surprise.” Owen said to her left.

“True,” Harper said across from her. “You always were better at giving than receiving.”

Brooke sniffed, but she wasn’t really annoyed. Just impatient. “I can’t wait until we get there.”

“You’ve been so busy handling your franchise business and making Pawlish into more of a success than Ian ever hoped for, you deserve a break.”

“Hey, I eat dinner with my fiancé every night.”

“That’s right,” Drew said next to her. “We don’t miss a meal together. But that’s mostly because the woman cooks like a dream. Especially those apple cinnamon muffins. I can’t get enough.”

She elbowed him in the ribs, and he laughed as he grabbed her around the waist and dragged her close for a kiss.

“And we don’t miss a Saturday together,” Callie said on her right.

Boxer barked from his perch on her lap.

“Are we there yet?” Brooke whined.

It had been six months since she and Drew had gotten engaged and June had descended on the City bringing a scorching heat wave. They were planning to have an autumn wedding since both his sister and Callie would be tying the knot in August. Her life truly was a dream come true. As Harper had just pointed out, both Pawlish and her Bone Appétit franchise were flourishing. Drew was fulfilled in his job, his office full of pictures of his sister, Brooke, Boxer, and…his parents.

The warm breeze from the open window brought with it the smell of the ocean. She could hear gulls calling in the background and the smell of meat sizzling on the grill along with the mouthwatering aroma of hot dogs.

The car came to a stop and many hands helped her out of the vehicle. Boxer barked and she wondered if he was twirling in a circle like he did when he got excited.

“Keep your eyes closed,” Drew said, removing the blindfold.

She went along with it because her friends were so excited about her surprise.

“Okay,” he said against her ear. “Open your eyes.”

Brooke opened them and a big smile spread across her face. In front of her was Coney Island.

“I promised you I’d take you.”

“And you keep your promises.”

“That’s right.” She wrapped her arms around him and indulged herself with the softness of his lips.

Callie pulled at her arm. “Come on! Let’s go on the rides. You can kiss Drew any time.”

“Oh, I don’t know about rides,” Brooke said.

Harper grabbed her other arm. “Oh, you’re going,” she said. “And you’re going to like it.”

Poe grabbed Callie’s arm. “Let’s go, ladies.” They ran forward as Drew grabbed Boxer’s leash out of her hand. They might not have all been born into the same family, but these women, and now the two men, were her family. Through thick and thin they would be there for each other for the rest of their lives.

As she looked back, she saw Drew and Owen clap each other on the back and look lovingly at the women as they converged on the hapless ticket seller.


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Don’t miss the story of Poe Madigan’s romance and the threat to The Terrible Two in the next Going to the Dogs Series –
– Coming in Summer, 2013! To see where it all began, check out Leashed, Book #1



About the Author


Zoe Dawson is the alter ego of multi-published, bestselling author Karen Anders. Karen started her career because her grandmother gave her a book to read. That book made her fall in love with romance and started her on the trek to get published. She achieved that goal in 1996 with the publication of Jennifer's Outlaw for Silhouette. Even with many books under her belt, she can't wait for that next idea, that next exquisite sentence and, of course, the next hero and heroine who fall in love.


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Dear Reader,


Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. It's been fabulous to write this book for your enjoyment.


Please feel free to message me online through Twitter, Facebook, or my website. I would love to hear from you. To find out when the next Going to the Dog book releases, check my website, follow my blog, or sign up for my


Best, Zoe

BOOK: Groomed for Murder (Going to the Dogs)
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