Read Ground & Pound Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Alexis Noelle

Ground & Pound (6 page)

BOOK: Ground & Pound
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Chapter Eight


Pulling into Emmy’s apartment complex, I laugh into the phone. “You’re not getting anywhere near here until she knows she’s mine.”

Ozzy snorts before replying. “You walked in this house smelling like pussy, covered in glitter, and looking like you’d just been fucked by a pro, so I’m guessing she already knows she’s yours.”

I thought so, too, until I pulled out of her. The minute she came down from her high, she was tossing my clothes at me. She wanted me out of her place as fast as possible. Having the shoe being on the other foot sucked like a motherfucker. Usually, it was me kicking out the girls who wanted to get clingy after one night. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I refused to leave without her promising to go to dinner with me tonight, I’m not sure I’d ever see her again. I want more of her pussy, and she’s just gonna have to get used to it. Until I get my fill, she’s mine. 

“We’ll see,” I say, wondering what she’s wearing tonight. “You’ll get to meet her soon, anyway. Her brother is going to be coming down to the gym, and I figure she’ll trail close behind him.”

I may not know Emmy all that well, but I know enough to realize she’s not letting Trey go anywhere until she knows the gym’s legit. I figure she’ll be there for at least the first few training sessions. Lucky for me, that means I’ll keep after her ass until I’m buried inside her again. 

“Is he wanting to sign up for training?” Ozzy asks, sounding a little annoyed. “You better not have promised him a spot. You know the waiting list is a couple hundred deep.”

I really don’t want to get into this shit now, but it’s probably best to get it out of the way. “Yeah, he’s gonna get trained by me personally. I did more than promise him a spot, though. I hired him on to do the cleaning and other bullshit.”

“Fuck,” Ozzy mumbles. “You must really like this girl’s pussy.”

My brother says shit like this all the time, not meaning a damn thing by it. For some reason, this time, it flies all over me. “Don’t start that shit. This one may be more than just pussy, but it’s gonna take me a little time to figure it out.”

He lets out a low whistle then asks, “So, it’s like that, huh?”

“I’m not sure, but I think it just may be,” I respond honestly. If this was just about sex, last night would have sated me. With Emmy, I wanted more as soon as I pulled my cock out of her.

Before last night, I never thought I’d be chasing a woman. I never even considered I would have to bribe a chick to go out with me. If any other chick had pulled the shit she did last night, I would’ve walked away without looking back. But, with Emmy, I’m sitting in front of her rundown apartment building, hard as hell at the thought of her. 

“I never thought I’d see the day you’d fall for a chick. Just wait ‘til the guys hear about it,” he adds with a laugh.

I didn’t even think about that. I’ve seen the way the guys act when a chick steps foot in the gym, especially a girl who looks like Emmy. The guys at the gym are gonna be sporting hard-ons the minute she walks through the door. Even thinking about it has me wanting to rip something in half.

“You need to spread word to those bastards that she’s mine. I’ll rip their damn eyes out of their skulls if I see them even looking at her too long.”

“Just calm down. I’ll make sure they know the score,” he assures me, finally realizing how serious I am.

“Hey, bro. I gotta go,” I say, not wanting to listen to anymore of his shit. 

Not bothering to wait for his reply, I end the call and slide the phone into my pocket. Finally cutting the engine, I pull out the keys and open the truck door. For the first time in years, I’m actually nervous. That’s how I know something is different about her. She has this feisty personality that makes me want to know more about her. This girl brings out something in me I’ve never felt before. I’m just climbing the steps when she comes walking down. 

Her long blonde hair is slicked back on the sides, hanging low down her back. She has on a blood red dress that cuts off right above the knee and plunges deep at the front, giving me the perfect view of her tits. She’s wearing another pair of high heels, these a shiny gold that shimmer with each step she takes. 

Shaking my head, I wait until she gets close enough to hear me. “I was gonna come up and get you.”

Her green eyes narrow at me. “I’m thinking it’s best if we stay away from my couch or any other flat surfaces in my apartment.”

“It doesn’t have to be a flat surface, babe. I could take you up against the wall. Hell, we could try the hood of my truck if you want to,” I whisper in her ear, trying to soften her hard exterior.

“Well, you taking me to Burger King and Taco Bell got you my body spread out over the couch. Depending on where you take me tonight, I may be able to make your dreams come true,” she replies, giving me a sexy smile.

Grabbing her, I pull her in for a quick kiss. As soon as I get a taste of her lips, it turns into something else. My teeth nip at her bottom lip before my tongue sweeps into her mouth. I swear, each time I touch her is better than the last. She deepens the kiss, leaning against me. Her hands fist in my shirt as a groan leaves her mouth.

Finally pulling back, she looks into my eyes. “Okay, I may be a cheap date but not that cheap. You have to at least get me an order of chicken nuggets before you get in my panties.”

Laughing at her smart ass mouth, I help her in the truck. “Well, I want in your panties, so let’s go grab your nuggets.”

When I move to shut the door, she sticks her hand out to stop me. “That is
I’m wearing panties. I guess you’ll just have to wait until later to find out.” 

I close the door, shaking my head and laughing. Heading to the driver’s side, a vision of her bare pussy is all I can picture, and I have to reach down and adjust my hardening cock. I’m gonna be fighting a hard-on all night. 

As soon as I get inside, my eyes go to the red dress covering her body. “I didn’t think anything could look better on you than my shirt did, but I was wrong. You look sexy as hell.”

“Thank you,” she says, a blush covering her cheeks. 

It’s funny as hell that a woman who takes her clothes off for a living blushes when she gets a compliment. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because she doesn’t think she’s beautiful, or if no one but the pricks at the strip club say it to her. Maybe it’s both.

Deciding I need to change the subject, I say, “I hope you’re hungry, Sunshine. I made reservations at La Castle.”

The blush leaves her face, and she turns in her seat to look at me. “I really wish you would just call me Emmy.” A frown crosses her face, and I can’t help my confusion.


“Just because,” she answers, without explaining.

“I already told you, you seem like a Sunshine to me. It has nothing to do with what they call you at the club,” I explain, wondering why this is such a big deal to her. “If it bothers you that bad, I won’t call you it anymore. I like it, though.”

She draws in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. “I just want to be Emmy, for this one night at least. If you make it past this, you can call me whatever the hell you want. For tonight, though, just let me be Emmy.” 

“Okay, you’re Emmy tonight,” I agree, because I know there is no way this won’t make it past tonight. This girl is going to be mine, and one night isn’t going to be long enough to convince her of that. 

She’s quiet as I pull out of her apartment complex, but it’s not a comfortable silence. Instead, I can tell she is using the time to get lost in her head. Not willing to let that happen, I decide to something about it. 

“How’s Trey doing?” I ask, hoping she’ll at least want to talk about her brother. 

“He’s better, still a little sore. The doctor said the concussion isn’t quite as bad as he first thought. They’re just keeping him tonight to be safe. He gets to come home tomorrow,” she replies, looking out the window. “He isn’t supposed to be alone, though, and I have to work tomorrow night. I’m not sure what we’re going to do.”

Even though I hate the idea of her working at that damn club, I can take care of this problem for her. Later, we can talk about her work. “I can come over and hang out with him.”

Her head turns to me, a look of astonishment on her face. “You’d do that?”

Shrugging, I answer her. “Sure, I haven’t got anything better to do. What time do you have to leave for work?”

“Six thirty,” she whispers, still looking at me. “You don’t really have to do it, if you don’t want. One of his friends offered to come over.”

I can hear the anxiety in her voice, so I dig a little deeper. “You don’t want him alone with another kid.”

She finally relaxes against the back of her seat. “I know they’re technically adults, but sometimes, they act like toddlers when they’re together. I’m worried they may end up doing something that will hurt Trey.”

“Don’t worry about it then. I’ll be there, and I’ll keep them under control.”

A whispered thank you is the only response. After that, the truck goes silent again. This time, I let it go, not wanting to push her away. She’s close to running any second, and I’ve gotta be careful to not give her a reason.

Pulling into the restaurant’s parking lot, I jump out of the truck without saying a word. Making my way to her side, I see her door swing open. “You keep your ass right where it is.”

I hear her let out a little huff but ignore it, continuing to make my way to her. Helping her down from the truck, I say, “I’ll get your door for you from now on.”

“Are you trying to play the gentleman now?” she asks, cocking her brow. “After last night, I didn’t figure you knew how.”

I smile at her, reaching down to run my hand over her ass. “I’m a gentleman now, but when I fuck you, I’m just a man.”

Not giving her time to open her smart mouth, I lead her into the restaurant. While the hostess leads us to a table, all the men’s eyes are glued to Emmy’s ass. 

In a way, it makes me proud that she’s mine, for the night at least. It’ll last longer if I have anything to say about it. I like knowing they want what I have. Every man wants a woman on his arm who he can be proud of. At the same time, it makes me jealous as hell. That’s an emotion I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before. I want to cover her up, so they don’t have the image to beat off to later.

As soon as we sit down, the hostess lays the menus in front of us, just before putting a cloth napkin in Emmy’s lap. “The special tonight is Steak au Poivre. The chef recommends pairing it with red Bordeaux from St-Emilion.”

“That sounds good, but give us a few minutes to look over our menus,” I reply before nodding at her to leave. She pours us both a glass of water, and then follows my direction, leaving us to our menus. 

Before the hostess is even to the other side of the restaurant, Emmy’s eyes are scanning the menu. She looks up at me biting her bottom lip. “What are you getting?”

“Probably the special. I don’t know what half this stuff is, but I figure anything with the word steak in it is safe,” I admit, laying my menu on the table. “What about you?”

She looks up at me, her teeth nipping at her full bottom lip. “I’m not sure. I… um, everything is crazy expensive here.”

Is that what she is worried about? Looking at prices? “Babe, order whatever you want. If I couldn’t afford this, I wouldn’t have brought you here.”

She leans forward, just enough to give me a glimpse of her tits. “Yeah, but I mean, it’s like crazy expensive here. Some of the dishes are over a hundred dollars. When I said I wanted you to take me somewhere nice, I meant to like the Cheesecake Factory or something.”

I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. Most of the women I’ve been with over the last few years liked my bank account more then they liked me. The fact that she’s concerned about how much her meal costs proves she’s worth the trouble I’m sure she will cause me. 

“Next time, I’ll take you to the Cheesecake Factory, so live it up while you can.”

“Are you sure?” she asks, still chewing on her bottom lip.

“If my wallet was hurting, you think I would have ordered so many cinnamon twists last night?”

She laughs, finally relaxing. “I’m just not used to places like this.”

She’s been supporting Trey, so I’m sure the only restaurants they’ve been probably have a drive-thru or an all you can eat buffet. She’s probably not been to a place like this in a long time, if ever. She may not have had this shit in a long time, but she’ll get it when she is with me.  Knowing I have to help her out, I pull the menu away from her.

“I’ll take care of it,” I reply, setting the menus at the edge of the table, letting our waiter know we are ready to order. 

She cocks her head to the side in confusion. “What do you mean?”

With perfect timing, a waitress walks up to take our order. “Do you know what you’d like to order?”

“We’re going to order a few dishes to share. We want the special, but not the wine. We’ll also have the stuffed chicken, the steamed mussels, and grilled sea bass.” Looking over to Emmy, I ask, “What do you want to drink?”

“I’ll take the Pinot Noir,” she answers with a smile on her face.

“And, I’ll take a beer. It doesn’t matter what kind, as long as it’s domestic,” I say, not wanting her to bring me any of that fancy ass shit.

BOOK: Ground & Pound
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