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Authors: L.A. Corvill

Tags: #Romance

Guarded Hearts (6 page)

BOOK: Guarded Hearts
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am putting my stuff away. I need to leave this fucking party. Since the moment I saw her she stole my breath away. I felt my heart start beating again when I saw her. She is beautiful. Ah, I get hard just thinking about how she looks in that tight ass fucking red dress. It’s pissing me off that the asshole has been all over her all night. I know I just met her, okay, I haven’t actually met her.

“Hey, gorgeous, do you have a name?” I hear someone from behind me. I turn around and standing there is this pretty hot girl. She looks familiar, though I can’t place her yet.

“Yep, DJ Nix,” is my reply. I want to finish packing my shit to go home and forget Olivia and her red dress.

“I just figured that was a stage name or something.” She giggles as she twists one of her red curls with her finger.

“It’s Phoenix.”

“I’m Kylie, by the way. I have never seen you around here before. Did you just move here?” she inquires.

“No, I have lived here all my life, I just don’t do college parties,” I tell her. I have tried to keep myself out of temptation. I have been sober and drug free for two years now and I really want to keep it that way. So college frat parties are out of the question since that is all they do.

“Do you fuck college girls?” She stuns me with her question.

“Not forward ones, sweetheart.” I know she is probably drunk and won’t remember this exchange. Well, I hope she is. I feel the heat going through my body. I know who is looking at me, and from the corner of my eye I see her looking at us with a frown. Did she not want me talking to her sorority sisters? Well, I didn’t either, she came on to me. Just then I see her flying through the air; her fucking boyfriend is sweeping her off her feet and throwing her over his shoulder. I really need to get out of this fucking house.

“Look, Kylie, I am really busy right now. I have to clear out all this shit, so excuse me.”

“Well, Amanda told me you work at Po!son, so you’ll see me there one of these days,” she says with a wink as she turns back around and walks towards a group of frat boys off to the side. And I see her forgetting all about me as she flirts with them.

I am taking my speakers to the car when Mandy stops me on the driveway. Just fucking great, how many more interruptions am I going to get? I just want to get the fuck out of here, because just knowing that in one of those rooms upstairs Olivia is probably getting laid makes me see red. I have no idea where all this jealously is coming from. I don’t do feelings.

“Hey, Nix, you were awesome tonight, but you always are. Are you leaving already? I thought we could share a drink or something, before you go,” she rambles.

I’m really not up to being here any longer. “Sorry, Mandy. Can I take a rain check? I really have to be up early tomorrow and I don’t drink. Maybe coffee sometime after work?”I offer.

She is pretty with that flaming red hair and those cute glasses, but she isn’t my type. If these days indicated that I have a type, it is more for an olive-skinned beauty whose probably reaching her first orgasm of the night upstairs.
Stop it, Nix
, I yell at myself as I feel my blood begin to boil just thinking about it.

“Catch you later, okay?” I tell her as I walk back inside to get my speakers and make sure I don’t leave anything behind. Because I sure as hell don’t want to come back in the morning when I could see Olivia after cuddling with the douche all night.

As I slam the trunk of my car my phone alerts me of an incoming text.


DD Base:
Anyone near the homecoming party? On 9


Not me. I’m still trying to get some girl out of my car at the dorms.


Just left there with a couple of guys, taking them to their apt. give me 45 min or so, ask Nix he was spinning there.


Yeah, I’m here about to leave. What’s the info?


DD Base:
girl, red dress, standing on north side of house.


Um, it’s a homecoming party half the girls are wearing red dresses. Anything else? I’m walking towards the front, how drunk? Cuz man I’m in my car.


DD Base:
She said she is Hispanic and she is alone. Don’t know. Sorry man. Good luck.


I shove my phone back into my pocket.
, I hate to answer the calls like this when I’m in my car. These drunken assholes don’t care if they vomit all over my precious baby. But I am never going to allow anyone to drive drunk or get in a car with a drunk driver when I can stop it. Maybe the old me would, but not after Sky’s death.

As I round the corner, my breath catches. Olivia. What? She doesn’t like to spoon after, just fuck and go?

“Are you the one waiting for the DD?” I ask, my voice sounding breathless. Really? I clear my throat. “So are you?”

“Huh? I mean, yes, I got your flyer from the table where all the drinks were,” she says, shaking her head like she is coming out of a daze. God, I hope she doesn’t vomit in my car.


don’t know whether to feel embarrassed or relieved that he’s taking me home. I stare out the window, playing back tonight’s events, especially what happened in Brett’s room.

“So if you’re not drunk then why the call?” he asks accusingly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t have anyone else to ask. Mandy misplaced my car keys and everyone else is either enjoying the party or drunk,” I tell him as I glance back out of the car window.

I glance back at him from the corner of my eye; I can feel his eyes on me as we drive towards my house. I notice his arms are lean and cut, with those big manly hands and the way he shifts the gears makes him even sexier. Hmm, I wonder what those hands can do. I quickly begin to run my eyes up his arm and notice the tattoos which make me want to stare, but I don’t. I force myself to look away. My heart is suddenly racing and I have a sudden need to feel him, to touch him. I clench my fist to resist the urge. I don’t even know this guy, but oh, how I’d love to know him.

Too busy with my thoughts, I don’t even notice I’m home. I slowly reach to open the car door, wanting him to stop me, but he doesn’t. I lean down into the car to say, “Thank you,” in a low sultry voice, though not meaning to.

“Laters,” he says, sounding a little irritated.

I shut the car door and start walking towards the walkway to the front door when I hear him say harshly, “Olivia, next time you feel the need to get back at your boyfriend by leaving the party with another guy, don’t use the DD service. We save lives, not damsels in distress.”

A little shocked at his boldness, I’m not sure how to respond. The only thing I can manage to get out of my mouth as I stand there is, “Sorry.” I’m feeling hurt although I don’t know why. Walking in the house feeling alone and defeated, the house is eerily quiet, so I head upstairs.

onday. How I wish I didn’t have to go to class. I really didn’t want to see Nix. I feel embarrassed after he called me out on Saturday regarding using the DD service. I just needed to get out of the party, fast. Brett was upset and I didn’t want to stay for his tantrum. Thank God he is out of the picture, because after I told him no last night he got a little rough, and I just walked away, breaking things off. Which we really didn’t have a relationship, so I don’t know why he was blowing up my phone all Sunday, saying sorry and sending me flowers.

“Mandy, let’s skip class today,” I tell her as I see her walking around the room, getting ready to head to school.

“Sorry, Princess, but we have to go,” she tells me as she is shrugging into her jeans. I really want to hide, but I can’t. I need to make sure I don’t miss anything. Midterms are just weeks away and I need to make sure my grade point average doesn’t change.

So I get up to shower, put on a black off the shoulder sweater and skinny jeans and my Uggs, and wrap my hair in a messy bun. I know I am going to get shit from Kylie, but I am hoping to run out of the house before she sees me. She can get a ride from someone else today.

“You’re leaving the house looking like that, oh great one?” Mandy smirks. “You know the evil step ford wife is going to get up in your face about it.”

“Well, hurry so she won’t know,” I say rushing out the door
. La Llorona
has nothing on Kylie.

We are walking towards Pacific Hall to class when I feel an arm wrap around my waist, and I instantly stiffen. Brett.

“Can you please remove your arm from me before I break it off?” I tell him venomously. I am not letting him touch me anymore.

BOOK: Guarded Hearts
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